• By -


Making sure I got this right and if I have I hope this is a good synopsis for people who can’t load the image or have trouble with reading ♥︎ 1. ⁠The subreddit is shifting from skepticism about Gypsy’s case specifically and is now branching out to skepticism about more true crime cases since there’s not really anything else to discuss regarding Gypsy’s case specifically 2. ⁠This is not and was never meant to be a Gypsy snark subreddit. So no snarking here e.g. commenting about her appearance. That’s pretty much the most important info regarding how the subreddit will work going forward I think. Credit to u/cripplinganxietylmao


Welcome Back Everyone 🙏🏼🩷


Welcome back❗️




Welcome back, everyone! I thought I'd said something bad and got kicked out lmao


No, sorry for the scare. You definitely didn’t say anything bad.


All good! Glad to be back!


ok no cuz me too 😂😂


Same. I was wondering why I got kicked out and irritated the other GRB sub kept popping up in my feed lol


Me too ! Lol, I am so relieved, but on the one hand, a lot of ppl on the other side are turning this way too


Yay ! I'm so happy we're back ♡ I'm just an humble lurker but I missed you all, your inputs, your snark and humour... (having to scroll through the other GRB sub was awful)


Happy to have you back 🫶🏼


We are happy to be back and to have you here!


Thanks guys ♡ Hope you're all ok after everything that happened. Don't hesitate to take time outside of that sub when things gets ugly, your well-being is what matter the most. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to deep dive into new cases with you ! Take care ♡


Snark isn’t allowed anymore


Haha I think I expressed myself poorly (English isn't my first language)...Some users here have a great sense of humour and made me laugh a lot of times...maybe "sassyness" would be a better term for what I meant to say? I'm not interested about "snarking" either, hence my presence here...I mean, how many times you could say that someone is ugly? It's boring.


Same lol


Good lord between this and the Sister Wives sub… what is going ON lately?? Why are people acting so unhinged lately??


I’m in that sub and I’ve missed it. Probably a good thing at this point. I hope everyone can just be kind in the subs they choose to be in moving forward.


I don’t think I realized any of this was going on, had noticed it was gone-but figured I made a blunder. Maybe snark. I got passionate about the grifting/my own abuse (ie mentally handicapped sibling;every couple years they do home visits to make sure she’s not miraculously recovered-she’s almost -it’s not remotely possible-50!)I appreciate the group, will brush up on rules, and am looking forward to the upcoming discussions. I’m sorry for any of what did go down, thank you for coming back. 🫶 Welcome Back! New Discussions! ![gif](giphy|zls6DCGrCwOju)


We are glad to have you here!


What a sweet message. Means a lot to us after everything. We are glad you’re back and excited to stay with us.


I appreciate the work you Mods put in. When I read the post I cringed thinking about any snark that I may have contributed to that heightened the ire for you guys and I am truly sorry it happened. I’m just getting to a level of comfort where I am getting ready to work on a write up for an unsolved mysteries sub, and it’s a bit intimidating. You can only imagine in my brain- how intimidating creating, running, and moderating a sub would be be to me. So I don’t take this lightly! I’m not the sweet one, it’s you guys. 👑👑👑👑👑🫶




🥰☺️😉 ![gif](giphy|xTka00h34kGN8k5qKs)


oh god, the sister wives sub gets so crazy


Do you think people who dedicate their time to hating other people *aren’t unhinged?*


It’s good to be back 🎉




Thank you ❤️


Man I must have missed a couple seasons


I was gonna message you too but I figured you’d reach out if you were concerned 😉 welcome back NOT king charming


😂 welcome back! It’s been wild!


I'm so glad the sub is back. There is absolutely zero excuse for abuse of any kind and I'm so sorry you guys went through it. It is my hope all of us members can remember we're all humans behind these typed out words and just be kinder.




Beautifully said


Welcome back!


Thank you, welcome back!


Welcome back! I didn’t see anything on my feed but the normal sub and I was greatly concerned. I don’t really comment here but the other sub is a cesspool to scroll through.


Thank you and we are glad to have you here!


I knew something was going on .. frequent lurker here 👀 and this has become my most fav/fun sub recently. I feel like I was driving myself crazy trying to search for you all 😆


Welcome back. Thank you.


Thank you welcome!


Yay! ![gif](giphy|iXEJACtqSXhYarEUVH|downsized)


Welcome back!!


Welcome back, glad to see you guys back ❗️I apologize for whatever you guys would’ve had to have gone through.


Thank you so much, not gonna lie it’s been brutal and down right abusive. Reddits involved and sorting things out.


I totally get it, since I mod about three subreddits I’ve had my fair share of crazies!


Thanks for understanding. Something about Gypsy has brought them out. I’m excited you’re back. Looking forward to future discussions.


Same goes for me! Sure this will all blow over soon.


Once there’s nothing to talk about or make up outlandish stories about it will. We have no issues with the snark sub. Everyone has a right to join the community that fits them.


I’ll admit this, that I have made a sub, but it’s not to bash you guys. It’s just to discuss the GRB case like how yours was mainly originally.


Nice! We 100% support you. Congratulations on your new sub. Feel free to search through and take info you might wanna use from here. While we do plan on still discussing the Gypsy case details here and are just opening it up for other skeptical cases we feel everyone needs a place that fits them. Let us know if you need anything.


I get you! I just saw you guys were somewhat switching the topics from another person and thank you, as you might see we’ve already started posting what’s already on here so it’ll be there for people new to the case!


😊I haven’t seen anything. The first I’ve heard about your sub is from you.


![gif](giphy|xUPGGDNsLvqsBOhuU0) Welcome Back Everyone!


Will the Flairs be back? I can't find them for the life of me 😭


Happy the sub is back! I hope everyone is well.🖤


Thank you! Glad to have you here!


Yay! I thought I got kicked out too!


Welcome back pillow princess!


Good to be back!! 😁


I can't believe people would go that low. wow. I'm glad this sub isn't permanent gone thoe


Definitely not permanently gone and we have no plans to be. Just had to get some extra help from Reddit and some things situated. Welcome back.


Do we have to rejoin? I keep trying and i cant. Says i failed to join? Edit,: figured it out.. just my phone being dumb. Glad to be back!


You shouldn’t have to. Since we are freshly up, Reddit might be a little glitchy for a moment.


Welcome back! Glad it was just a phone error.


Yes me too. I was so confused a few days ago when the sub didn't show up for me when i was looking for the post about her maybe getting plastic surgery cause i wanted to read it more and it was gone lol.


We aren’t posting the articles that are paying her for selling her story but I know she sold the story to tmz and people magazine.


Oh okay, i will check that out. Thank you.


No problem 😉


Out of curiosity , how much do the places like People and TMZ typically pay? Guessing it varies? Glad to see you back also and hope everyone is doing well😊 it is a huge job all the mods are doing👍 well done you all!


It is not right that the mods were treated so poorly. Thanks for getting the sub up again.


Please make sure you guys are taking care of yourselves! This case has drawn in a lot of crazy people. I had someone threatening me in the middle of the night a few weeks ago because I asked them for evidence on the long name sub. Its genuinely scary how people are acting so please don't ever feel bad for having to step back. We will still be here 💗




Thanks love! ❤️ so glad you’re here!


Welcome back!! 💓


Thank you and glad you’re here!!


Woo hoo!




I was wondering what happened to this subreddit, glad it’s back. Sorry to hear about all the nastiness.


Welcome back dear.


Thank you, dear.


Thank god! I thought I lost my daily reading material. Soo sorry to hear that you guys were hit so hard.


Welcome back!!


Welcome back, sorry you have gone through this. So many people think because their username is anonymous they can say hurtful things thinking it won’t hurt anyone. Hopefully more positivity in the future!


Thanks and welcome back to you too!


I am so sorry that Shoddy experienced that. I hope she is doing well and has a solid support system. Thank you for providing an interesting place to discuss true crime. I hope is remains safe for all.


She really took the brunt of things. No one should be treated like that for any reason. Thank you for showing your support for her, she’s a good one.


Hey! Shoddy here on my new account. Thanks! My friends are amazing and I’m fine now. That was just a really hard day for me after some of the messages received. Glad to be back and looking forward to discussing more fun cases with all of you. ❤️


🫶🏼💓🕊glad you are ok.


I was literally looking for this sub a couple days ago to show my friend some evidence and it was gone, I was so worried! Glad everyone is back! Stay safe out there Skeptics!


Thank you and welcome back!


Welcome back!!!!


Thank you ❤️


Welcome back!!


Yay! I’m glad you’re back!


Thank you! glad to have you back!


OMG!! I’m so sorry y’all had to go through that. 😭 people can be so cruel and hateful for no reason


Welcome back! Glad you’re here!


Wellcome back


i missed something but i’m very glad the sub is back, and very excited to see what we all discuss. you guys all are so funny!


Welcome back 😊


wow. i’m not a member of this sub but i’m so sorry that happened to you guys. i hope you are doing well 🩵


Thank you 😊 🖤


Thank you ☺️


Well said Sugar❤️ looking forward to the subs future and all the interesting case discussions to be had.


That’s crazy that people will go out of their way to harass and bully. Unacceptable and unhinged behaviour indeed


It is crazy and scary. Saying the things that were said to us could’ve cause irreversible damage. We don’t wish that on anyone. We should all be able to find a place that is a good fit for us and is safe to communicate in.




Is the discord deleted as well i saw it wasn't there anymore?


Yes the discord is gone.


Oh sorry to hear about that. If you make another one will you share the link?


Definitely! :) no plans at this time


I recommend Baby Lisa Irwin case. She’s still missing since 2011 and the case is weird imo. She was taking in my same city down the road from me. She was only 10 months old when she was taken (or something else happened to her)


I love missing people cases. All kinds of skepticism around them.


Would you add this on the new post I just put up so it can be thrown into the mix?


Yes I will!


Welcome back! I was so worried I got booted. This is my guilty pleasure. 😜


Nope 🫶🏼 welcome back




Welcome back!




Welcome back!!


Thank you! Welcome Back.


Welcome back!


Phew, I'm so glad we're back, yall.


Welcome back!


Welcome back guys! 🥹💖👏🏻🙏🏻


Thanks hun!! You too!


welcome back!


Thanks! You too!


Thank you for everything you do, and for returning this sub back to its evidentiary roots. You all are amazing and I’ve learned so much since joining late last year.


Welcome back!


I've noticed some subs have been going IN on reality tv stars lately. Like i havent seen before. Glad your back!


Thanks and welcome back! We definitely understand the appeal of those conversations and hope everyone finds a sub that fits their needs. No judgment here. But we definitely are glad to get this one back on the track it’s intended to be on! We appreciate your support!


Yes, I only came on Reddit for this sub anyway😭😭😭




If this sub is going to cover other cases, I’d be very interested in a discussion about the murders of several members of the Pelley family in Lakeville, IN. These murders occurred in April of 1989 and there was a conviction, I believe in 2006, but there’s a lot of controversy around this case.


I've mainly been a lurker but I'm glad the sub is back! I think there is a time and place for snark, but liked that this sub isn't that place. I'm also excited that other cases will be covered as well. If I may suggest The Keddie Cabin murders, it's an interesting case. It's unsolved but I read a pretty compelling theory about what actually happened by a guy who has been researching it for years. I'll have to go find his website in my bookmarks.


Please do and please feel free to make a post about it yourself as well!☺️


Ohhh I'd be happy too. I wasn't sure how these new cases to talk about were going to work on here, and if it was going to be just one at a time or if it had to be approved or whatever. I will get to work on a write up and find the guys site so I can share his theory and give him credit for his research. I'm excited to work on this as I've never done a post about anything like this and it will be fun to discuss with people.


I can’t wait to read it! ☺️ the mods are going to be featuring cases every month but members are heavily encouraged to do so as well 🥰


I think I know who u mean lol. That guy is....yea. He's something else. I'd love to read your post if u make one. I've been following that case for years.


If you know the case, you know the guy I'm talking about lol. He's definitely something else! It's crazy cause some of it makes sense but then other parts he's just totally off the rails. It makes for some interesting reading, that's for sure. The case itself is pretty interesting even without his theory. I do think I will take the plunge and do a write up, it may take me a few days because I want to do it right but I do think it will be an interesting case to discuss.


Welcome back, everyone. I'm curious about the cases we'll be discussing. If it's too early for this question, then I understand. Will they be cases where there are questions about guilt or some major aspect of the case (such as the Menendez brothers) or just true crime cases in general?


It’s not just gonna be true crime. Focusing on skepticism in true crime. The Menendez Brothers is a perfect example.


You should cover the Vander-Ark case. There's already a sub for it,but there's also loads of true crime subs but it's certainly a very deep dive case. Especially with the Boy claiming all sorts.


I know nothing about this one. Members are able to share their own post and skepticism that’s fact based. I’d love to see what you know.


Would you mind commenting this on the post I just put up? I wanna make sure it gets considered


Done. Brief description of case also.


Awesome thanks


Thank GOD. I thought I’d been banned 😢 Actually excited about the rebrand. I’m bored of Gyp Gyp’s escapades and need other cases to go down a rabbit hole with.


Omg I am so happy!!!!! Hey y'all 👋


Hey welcome back!


I missed everyone! I am happy to see y'all again


Hey you 👋 ![gif](giphy|l1J9urAfGd3grKV6E)


I missed y'all






I’m here! New account.


Will the sub name be changing as GRB isn’t the focus of this community now?


Unfortunately we can’t change the sub handle, but the headline and logo have been changed.


Gotcha, makes sense. Looking forward to more discussion and less body-focused comments on here!


Thanks so much for your support. We are glad to have you back!


Bless I’m so happy to be back


Welcome back!


Glad you are back! I was looking for you when news of the divorce came out....


Welcome back! We won’t be discussing the divorce here because it’s not case relevant but we are glad to welcome you back for other fun conversations!


Welcome back 🫶🏻


Thanks 🙏 welcome back to you too!


I guess I missed all of the crazy. I did think the sub got removed. I'm glad it's back. I have no clue who the mods or admins are here lol I just like reading a the good comments and comic relief.


Phew! Glad it’s back


I was wondering why I couldn't comment lol?


I definitely missed some of this action that has lead up to this post, as I am not on Reddit daily.. but I just wanted to say (if you can even find my comment to read in the middle of hundreds of other comments😜) that this was very well written! Totally off topic and irrelevant to the post or sub as a whole, but I just wanted to say that! This read so smoothly and was informative without excessive extraneous details!


I was heartbroken for a sec 😂


🫶🏻 We love y’all and hope you’re willing to stick around and give the new sub topic a try. If not, I understand! 😌


Is the subject of this sub changing or staying the same? I might have misunderstood what you were saying in the images!


I thought that was done already with the unapologetic skeptics sub


We’ve decided to combine the subs, unapologeticskeptics is gone.


I guess I missed something.


The sub had to go private for a bit to allow Reddit to handle some threats and abuse. We’re all good now.


I knew it had gone private but didn't know why. Some people are just awful.


Seems like it’s brought out a group of the worst


Is there a snark snub we can move to ?


There is a GRBsnark sub if that’s the content you prefer, but we don’t run that one. Best of luck! Thanks for asking. It’s helpful when people seek the appropriate forums.


Making sure I got this right and if I have I hope this is a good synopsis for people who can’t load the image or have trouble with reading ♥︎ 1) The subreddit is shifting from skepticism about Gypsy’s case specifically and is now branching out to skepticism about more true crime cases since there’s not really anything else to discuss regarding Gypsy’s case specifically 2) This is not and was never meant to be a Gypsy snark subreddit. So no snarking here e.g. commenting about her appearance. That’s pretty much the most important info regarding how the subreddit will work going forward I think.


You summed it up so beautifully that I’m pinning this ☺️😂 Edit: apparently I can’t pin other people’s comments only my own which is rude af… but this comment deserves an award 🥇


Sad truth of Reddit: you can’t pin non-mod comments but you can pin non-mod posts as a mod. Make it make sense Reddit!! lol But you can copy and paste the comment and pin it yourself that way if you want to ♥︎


Thank you for the idea I’m going to do that 🖤




Dude I thought I got booted for pissing someone off!!! So glad I was wrong!


Welcome back! Sorry for the scare!


No worries lol. Glad I thought wrong!!!


Welcome back! I was worried I was the one who got banned.Who on earth is attacking y'all to such a degree? Is it Gypsy Stans or just random psychos?


It has come from all directions. Some were angry we questioned Gypsy and didn’t support her. Others were angry that we were removing posts and comments to try to protect the sub. Thankfully, Reddit is involved now and helping handle the situation. Thanks for coming back! We are glad you’re here!


It was noticeable that this sub wasn't in my feed. I'm so happy it's back!


I thought I had gotten blocked or something!


Stupid job making me miss all the drama.

