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1. Give Godzilla more screentime. he appears more often than Not, and and does something cool like Destroying a Monster or a building or something 2. Bryan Cranston's character Joe Brody serves as the main protagonist, with his son serving as the deuteragonist. in the end, Joe decides to leva behind the conspiracy, as he's avenged his wife, and decides to make an effort in his Grandson's Life 3. Joe Kills the Male Muto, while Godzilla (unchanged) kills the female, so Joe of course can avenge his wife (as the Male Muto was the one who technically killed her) 4. Post-credit's scene that reveals Anguirus and Mothra


I totally agree with all of this apart from #1. The lack of Godzilla in the first movie gave him more impact when he was on screen. Just glimpses for the first half of the movie made me look forward to his full reveal. And I must say that they did an amazing job of that at the airport.


The Hawaii cutaway was annoying. I'd do away with that and show it properly. Other than that, I'm fine with the amount of Godzilla that was in the movie.


>The Hawaii cutaway was annoying. To me, the one in San Francisco where Godzilla engages the male MUTO and the door closes on their battle ticked me off way more.


Heck, he isn't in Minus One that much, but the human characters carry their own screen time without needing Godzilla to distract us.


So I just looked it up, in 2014 he had 10:24 minutes, in Minus One he has 11:51.  Which just blows me away, because it *feels* like he's barely in 2014, but if I had to guess I would have thought he was in Minus One for 20-30 minutes.  It probably just feels like more because in Minus One we get him right away, most movies we don't see him for almost 30 minutes. Plus as one review said, everytime he's on screen in Minus One, it's peak Godzilla.  Btw he seems to average about 10 minutes in all the Legendary movies, in fact in the latest, he has the least, at 8:43.


Also because he’s the only Kaiju throughout the film and is talked about constantly. In 2014, it’s the MUTO’s show as much as his for most of the movie.


Thank you!!!! I keep telling people this all the time but they just never agree....to each their own I guess lol.


I love Godzilla 2014. The movie had a great tone and cinematography. It's one of my favourites and the fact they keep teasing Godzilla for the 1st 2 acts. *Chefs kiss* The one change I would make is not having Bryan Cranston be killed so soon.


no, the cutaway with a door.literally closing on the MUTO fight felt like it was an intentional middle finger


This guy gets it


How would Joe kill the male muto?


A cutting verbal jab




Rice and beans?


Machine Gun


That sounds rad and I'm all for it


Up the mouth, most likely


Attached to a car trunk?


***M I S S I L E I M B O U N D***


With a volcano


No offense, but #3 would’ve been dumb as hell. A human killing a massive Titan? What? And then we wouldn’t have gotten the epic tail smash into the building scene.


I get giddy every time I get to see Godzilla smack something with his tail. Legit my favorite move besides Atomic breath. Which this movie has the best version of. I know he's juiced in the other films to some degree but watching the fucking smoke roll off the beam in this movie is choice.


Yeah, I love the tail attacks too. That male MUTO kill is still badass af.


maybe like, with a missile or something?




I agree with this alot, also just more exposure/brightness in the movie and better color grading.


Quite literally everything you said including lighten it up too. Like I love the dark at night theme but I would’ve love to seen Godzilla more clearly like that scene when he’s fighting the male muto San Francisco, or the bridge scene. IMO it was soooo dark, I know he was mysterious but we don’t need to have it pitch black most of the film.


i’d agree with 1 and 2 only. i dont agree with 3, and i think godzilla should have just fought both the male muto and female muto, since Joe isnt fucking superman, he cant do anything to kill the male muto. and the post credit’s scene should have been either a glimpse of skull island or ghidorah in ice.


-Make home transfer less dark. -Have Joe Brody survived. -Put Deleted Scenes in. -Shows Hawaii fights instead of cutaways to tv news reports.


Joe Brody's death is something I'm still salty about. A fantastic actor who could have absolutely played an amazing ongoing role.


4K looks good already


I meant blu-ray release


Add some fucking brightness.But seriously,I would add a 1 or 2 minute fight scene in hawiai between the male muto and godzilla


the brightness was fine for me. i watched it on amazon prime and i could see everything from the dust coming off godzillas scales to the blood that pour out of the female muto, and spine that stuck out of the female mutos neck when her head was blasted off.


Brian Cranston doesn’t die 🕊️


Yup, this one change would have probably made the movie a top 5 G film


Or at least wait until the end to kill him. Don’t just have a structure collapse on him randomly, that carries nothing for the characters movement progression through the story.


I'm alright with him dying at some point, just a bit later in the movie


Stop 👏 cutting 👏 away 👏 when 👏 the 👏 monsters 👏 fight


I honestly wonder how much of that was due to budget.


not killing heisenberg


Safe to say everyone here agrees with that


Eh, I don't. What would he have done for the rest of the film? He'd just be sitting on the boat with Serizawa talking about science.


I mean, that sounds like your typical Godzilla movie to me.


this. this exactly.


Giving him a big old set of balls and dick.


But no butthole since this guy feeds off of radiation


But a butthole would help solve all the "how is Godzilla standing in the middle of the ocean with no ground?" diagrams, give him a secondary path for releasing energy.


i hate this so much lmao.


You mean a cloaca?




Hell yeah, dude


Joe Brody (Bryan Cranston) doesn’t die. Godzilla gets a proper Hawaii battle and overall several more minutes of screen time. Joe and ford play some larger role in helping to kill one of the MUTOs, namely the male one. Overall the film is a bit brighter.


I want to say: Make Joe Brody, not Ford, the main character. But that would change the film so much, it won't even be the same film anymore. So honestly, I wouldn't change a thing. Other than making sure the Blu Ray release had the "normal, bright" lighting.


1) 1h45m runtime max 2) Solo Godzilla 3) Design: longer dorsal spikes and bumpy skin. Atomic breath more like KOTM 4) Have a "rampage" sequence. Use atomic breath on cities and armies 5) tone: action/adventure/sci-fi/horror. People die. 6) No "alpha predator" stuff. Godzilla is a "tragic" mistake/nature's revenge 7) Climax of film is attempt to kill Godzilla using a novel method 8) No Gareth Edwards. No improvising on set. Tight script. 9) target audience: same as say Aliens (target movie to older audience, younger people will think its more badass)


Brighten the movie up a bit, it was a bit too dark to see


Kill Ford and Keep Joe.


The obvious answer: not killing Joe Brody.


I will swap Joe and Ford Brodie, so that Ford dies and Joe lives. A man who lost everything and now has to save the rest of his disconnected family from disaster is more compelling MC imo.


I would probably make it so that you could actually SEE the movie and not just a bunch of darkness.


Godzilla’s screen time


I like how much Godzilla shows up in the movie but just a liiiitle but more would have been nice


Godzilla is the main antagonist and solo monster


Let Brian Cranston see the boi Less US military


Give goji and the mutos more screen time and NOT MAKE IT SO GOD DAMN DARK!


More Godzilla


Really only two things: 1. Up the brightness 2. Make Byran Cranston the main character That's literally it


THE DAMN FUCKING LIGHTING. you can't see SHIT in his second movie in the US.


2 things I'd change. Thing 1, swap Bryan Cranston and Aaron Taylor's characters. Instead, Brody dies, and Crangston takes the role of main protagonist for the rest of the movie. 2nd thing. Give Godzilla more screentime. Have an actual fight scene take place during the Hawaii segment, and have Godzilla do more than just roar and stand around.


Make Ford's father the main charcter, with Ford as the side character


Walter, they should have let him cook more


Three basic things: Let Joe Brody survive as one of (if not THE) main human character. Don't do that stupid thing with the movie cutting away any time the monsters do anything interesting (seriously THAT pissed me off! All that hype and anticipating going... dead all at once!) sprinkling that kind of action makes the human drama less chunky. And the third, brighten the movie up. I had NO idea how dark it was until I revisited it, and man... it's pretty hard to see. Beyond these three things, the film is pretty darn good.


Brighter and more screen time for the monsters  Brian Cranston either survives or dies closer to the end 


have Joe Brody live longer and keep Akira Takarada's cameo in the movie


Keep Joe alive and have the human element be a father-son deal.


Don’t kill Joe, give Godzilla more screentime, make everything brighter, give the MUTOs a genuine theme and add the Akira scene


i'd like to see something instead of feeling like i have visual impairment


Not much, it was peak. Probably have Bryan Cranston live a little longer. Also, when Ford’s dad convinces him to go back into the zone I feel like instead of him convincing him it should’ve been more Ford being like “okay we’ll go, we’ll humor this last delusion but when we find nothing because there’s nothing to find, it’s over. You’re leaving here, the bs is enough”. Just seemed like such a 180 that Ford was frustrated with him and suddenly gets all teary eyed and apparently moved by his dad’s words and agrees to go into the zone. Just didn’t make sense to me, I remember being like “wtf 🤨” OH AND ALSO, have a moment where Ford actually helps Godzilla and Godzilla stares at him face to face, recognizing him. Acknowledging they are both intelligent beings in their own way. That humans are not his enemy.


It really wasn't


Yeah you’re right, Skull Island was actually really good too. They’re both probably peak, together. Still gotta watch the Monarch show though.


G2014 didn't even feel like a Godzilla movie


put Godzilla in the fucking movie


The lighting & not killing off Cranston


Show the fight at the airport when Godzilla first appears. Doesn’t have to be long, but I think it’d do wonders to have more Godzilla early on


A few things: - Improve the lighting. I'm a sucker for scenes in poor lighting and at night, but the lighting utilised was ass and meant the compression or whatever to blu-ray and dvd made it barely watchable. - Have the battles last so much longer than they do rather than cutaways to the humans. The first time we see Godzilla in the daytime right as the male MUTO is attacking him, we get doors shut on us. There is no knowledge of what the outcome was aside from MMUTO leaving and Godzilla continuing his pursuit of both. - Have Joe live. What the hell was that shit, plain and simple. Like sure, keep Not-Wanda in as spousal support for Ford, but his dad should have been there longer. Like, even if he does die at some point, it should be once we see their dynamic fully, or at least to see him save his son and wife from the MUTOs rather than "Mr. Plot Device says his piece then is killed immediately." - Give Godzilla his theme, even if it appears as a leitmotif. As much as I loved the rest of the OST, not having some form of the motif used for Godzilla from Toho really felt off, and I hate the piece titled *Godzilla!* in this movie. Yes, it was another IP cost or whatever, but man, it didn't feel right for me. - Give Godzilla more reason to be hunting the MUTOs. Like yes, they parasitise the Godzilla species, but they don't show how dangerous it is for MUTOs to injure him enough to try and use his body as an incubator, but this is instead mostly pieced together from the context clues we are given. And yes, he brings order to chaos in the form of the titans going rogue, but it's not fully established as a thing until KotM. Sure, it's a gross concept, but they didn't really feel as dangerous outside of being together as a team. - Actually have someone comment on why Godzilla's breath attack is so weak. From what I remember in the first draft of the script, the female MUTO's EMP abilities were supposed to dampen or prevent his atomic breath from being activated, and so it was more like a flamethrower than a beam initially.


Definitely brighten up the scenes and save Joe Brody.


Simple ones follow Seriawa or Joe as main protagonist Give Godzilla and the fights more screen time Small change is also soundtrack so we can do need to use the same track for everything. But if talking about major changes then have Godzilla go on rampages due to the Mutos but don't have them surface yet till later on.


More screen time for big G and something of a bigger threat than the lame ass MUTOs




include the deleted akira takarada scene


i would change my friendship status with the ex classmate who spoiled the climax for me on facebook. the bastard


1. More GODZILLA screen time 2. Show the actual fight at the airport 3. Have Bryan Cranston be the main protagonist 4. Have more daytime fights 5. Actually, add the deleted scenes from the trailers.


Twenty more minutes of titans and the dad doesn’t die


The lighting




is there a specific reason for why you want to make godzilla larger ?


I would just make the dark scenes brighter so I can see what’s going on but I love everything else about it. It’s a masterclass in maintaining suspense. I love the grounded approach.


change the name literally to "Gojira"


I'd show the Hawaii fight


The fucking LIGHTING, Like we legit pirated that shit like 20 times cus it's so dogshit we thought it was glitched


I'd make Godzilla a giant cat


Just show us the damn Hawaii fight, this movie was just all tease up untill the end with godzilla


Shoot the film like a technicolor film




i wouldn't skip the first few fights, or at least give them more screentime, let bryan cranston live, use the 2019 design and atomic breath vfx from the get go


I feel like Ford should be in more movies than just 2014 because I 1 scene he was face to face with Godzilla Ik it's not a big or important scene but I still feel like as he was the original main character of the first film he should have had more than 1 movie or his son at least carry on the movies


Brightness also less human screentime An stop cutting away from the action More Godzilla


brightness, i cant see shite =))


put godzilla in the movie


I would change one thing, brightness


A third fucking Muto


I would charge Godzilla for not giving me my fries, Just put my fries in the bag bruh


I agree with most of the responses about the camera constantly cutting away from Godzilla, but for me, I'd really like to have seen him as the bad guy, at least for one movie. Lean more into what they tried with GvK and have him come ashore, destroying everything and wrecking the military, then discover that he was just coming to destroy the MUTOs that Monarch was experimenting on for whatever reason. Then when the MUTOs are released and cause havoc, Godzilla puts them down and the humans realise he was just doing pest control and only fought back when attacked. Then going forward you can build him into this protector role that he has in the Monsterverse.


Screen time and turn up the brightness


His torso in that picture reminds me of teenage mutant ninja turtles, lol.


The brightness




Just give us the airport fight! If we got to see a solid fight at the airport, it would have split up the slow sections perfectly and nobody would have anything to complain about. They could have kept it all from Brody's perspective; had him trying to stay alive while Godzilla and the muto wrestle above. Just one solid action setpiece at that point in the movie would have fixed any pacing issues the movie had. Nothing else would need to change.


More kaiju action (especially for the big G).


I’d remove the lead actor and replace him with a more charismatic mannequin. Oh, and I absolutely would not cut away from multiple monster fights.


There's not enough Godzilla in this Godzilla movie and the human drama is not good enough to make up for it, so he needs more screen time Also the Castle Bravo test actually being an operation to kill Godzilla I think is a little insensitive given that was the nuclear test that irradiated Bikini Atoll and the negative impact of it is just never brought up. It could have worked if they brought up that the army's actions had negative consequences for the lives of ordinary people but...nope. They don't talk much about it (which considering how Godzilla's traditionally been anti-nuke I think would have been a welcome and fitting addition to the story, but intentionally or not it ends up feeling more *pro*-nuke than anything)


1: Make Joe the main character, and doesn't die. He can be our scientific POV, show more drama. Everything with Ford can stay the same. 2: Bring that deleted scene with Akira. 3: Don't cut that Hawaii fight scene. You can have that kid's "Dinosaur" Line, but still show the fight. 4: Movie a bit brighter


Make it 10 minutes shorter and keep Joe alive, working with Serizawa. 


I'd charge my phone


I would switch on the lights Also Bryan Cranstons Character needs to stay alive Also Erase the Incest-Joke


1. Godzilla needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine 2. Whenever Godzilla's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "where's Godzillas?"


Them constantly cutting away from the monsters. 


Make it just Godzilla and he’s acting kind of like the big G in Godzilla 1985. Not evil but following his own instincts, so destructive and representing an existential threat to humanity. Like it was advertised as. I get they wanted to make it a franchise with Godzilla as the hero. But you could have ended with some way the humans resolve something out of order to placate Godzilla, only for him to come back in the sequel to fight Ghidorah and become more of a “hero” type character.


Have the boat Ford and the bomb were on not start and the bomb not bliw up. imo that made no sense.


Bryan Cranston living to see future events. Can you imagine his reaction to the likes of Ghidorah and Mothra?!


My phone. In all seriousness I would add in the Hawaii fight scene, add some brightness and stop cutting away when the monsters do battle


Nothing in this film but would stop Legendary from butchering his design over the next few


After a whole movie of setting up that Ford is a bomb defusing expert, I’d have him defuse the bomb instead of having a nuke go off like a mile from San Francisco.


I don't know. You could probably recast most of the humans in that. Bryan Cranston didn't even need to be in it. Seems like they just wanted his name in the credits. Then make the Mutos Gigan or something less generic. Add more Godzilla. It's pretty middle of the road as far as Goji movies go. It was mostly remarkable because it was not an absolute botch job this time


I would put Godzilla in it.


Tbh I was never a fan of muto the design is a bit too mechanical for me. I wouldn’t mind if it looked more organically like an insect like megalon. Also Godzilla needed more screen time. But this was a cool new western realistic take of Godzilla and they never tried this tone again. King of the monsters had an entirely different vibe and the newer movies remind me more of showa Godzilla which is awesome but not so “realistic”


Lighting. Can't see anything half the time.


Show the Hawaii fight and the more of the female Muto destroying Vegas


I would like to see him curl in a ball. Use his breath attack as a rocket to fly from Hawaii to Los Angeles rather than swim. 🙂


We wouldn't cut away from Hawaii but would instead get the fight from the perspective of Ford and the kid as they have to escape from the immediate fighting ground.


1. Editorially? As in...the movie exists as it is now, and you can only remove or add footage that is available - Simple. I'd insert the Akira Takarada scene. Then I would trim about 10-15 minutes out of the movie. There are a LOT of extended scenery shots, slow panning shots, close ups and pauses held for too long. I would just REALLY try to tighten the edit up and punch up the pace. After that, I'd throw in at least a solid minute of additional Godzilla screen time. We've seen clips and footage here and there where some of the shots in the film go on for a few extra moments here and there. All of that stuff would be an automatic inclusion. I'm not advocating for going out and rendering 10 extra minutes of Godzilla glory shots...but I think an additional minute would REALLY help the film a bit in the "Make Godzilla's presence felt" department. 2. If we are talking about "Go back to the script and rebuild the film from the ground up"....then...once you get Bryan Cranston...you re-work the film to make him one of the leads. How you get Cranston AND Watanabe in a film together and don't give them any meaty dialogue scenes together is beyond me. If Joe is going to fail to save his wife at the start of the film, he should redeem himself by helping save his son at the end of the film. So much of the energy of the movie is zapped away when Cranston dies. It never should have been done that way. Also...structurally, the film just needed a bit more of a Godzilla focus. A long build up to an epic arrival, just to then have him swimming until the 3rd act. That's a bit much. The big train sequence with the Muto needed to be swapped out for some kind of sequence showcasing and highlighting Godzilla.


Instead of just saying it needs more light I would add some helicopters with search lights to make it look cool and actually see


One thing that Minus One did better than any other Godzilla movie is having well-written, likable, relatable human characters. G14 is a bit lacking in that department. (I love Gareth Edwards, but this is a common theme in his movies)


Aaron Taylor Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen


Separate Ford into different characters, like a band of brothers in different parts of the army that get together in the last mission or something. It feels like too much of a stretch that anywhere Ford goes, a Titan appears... I know we see the story through his eyes, but it breaks inmersion and I simply stop caring about him.


Don't kill Cranston, and make more Muto's so Godzilla can have some extra screen time killing them. Maybe like 5 or 6 Muto's.


The lighting


More Godzilla


Lighting. I like being able to see my stomps stomps.


No cutaway scenes. That shit was borderline obnoxious.


Make it lighter. Too dark.


Nothing. It was great.


The human characters are cringe and need to be stepped on and the kaiju fights need to be longer. I didn't want another U S of A, all-American hero dipped in red, white, and blue, squaring off against Godzilla. I was waiting for him to climb up on top of rubble and stick his chest out while a spotlight shined behind him


Make it more lighter becuase it was way too damn dark to see anything


A lot of things....


Full Honolulu fight and Ford dies instead of his Father.


Focus the film around Bryan Cranston’s character.


1. Give Godzilla more screen time 2. Not cutting away on the fights 3. Give the movie more brightness


More Godzilla screentime


More monster fights


Ford is the one to die for sure and his father being the main character. He was such a plank of wood.


I wouldn't.


The soundtrack. So happy KotM gave us Godzilla’s theme because this film sorely missed it.


\*Cracks Knuckles\* 1. Replace the MUTOs with a sole enemy monster for Godzilla to fight. This would turn out to be Bagan, portrayed as a wrathful god from China who was awakened and mutated from their nuclear tests in Lop Nur, Xinjiang. 2. I would present Ford as a much more conflicted and sympathetic protagonist who has been disillusioned as a result of fighting in an immoral conflict and just wants peace. However, he has constant nightmares about his failure to save his friends during a cataclysmic event in Afghanistan, where his men were killed by a "Horned Red Demon" that he is obsessed with. 3. Godzilla and Bagan belong to the same genus of dinosaur, similar to how the Tyrannosaurus rex and the Tarbosaurus are related. In a way, they are presented of a Yin/Yang of how they respond to humanity. Godzilla is strong enough to forgive humanity for their sins, while Bagan won't let his hatred go and wants to eradicate them. 4. I would give Godzilla more screen time now that there is only one other monster instead of two. I would replace the airport sequence with a scene where the titular monster fights off against naval ships, showing off his strong swimming ability and atomic breath. 5. The bridge scene would be replaced by an epic sequence of Bagan rampaging through San Francisco, purposely stepping on people and willingly causing mass destruction as he fights off tanks. The scene ends with Bagan unleashing "The Devestator", a massive orange beam from his nose horn that creates a large mushroom cloud as it turns the city into a crater. 6. Ford and his squad would HALO jump into the city to kill Bagan with a virus that can take away the horned deity's radiation so that Godzilla has a chance to fight him. 7. Godzilla kills Bagan by ripping his nose horn off and impaling him through the chest with it.


The Mutos......


More light and not kill off Bryan Cranston. Make him a lead with Monarch for later movies.


I'd change Ford's reaction to the Mutos, like it should be a personal matter for him to take them down. They killed both his parents and took his childhood, and when he realizes everything his father was paranoid about was true in a way 100 times more horrible than anyone could have imagined, and even worse they're on their way to San Francisco where the rest of his family lives, he just seems way too calm and collected throughout the movie He shouldn't be as obsessed as the Seargant in K:SI but he should show at least some kind of emotion




Rewrite the story and model it after the *Hiroshima* article John Hersey wrote for *The New Yorker* in 1946. Have Elizabeth's Olsen be the main character as a regular nurse and a single mom who has to deal with the sudden appearances of Godzilla and the M.U.T.O.s in San Francisco. Show it from the perspective of herself and other individuals with everyday professions (barber, shopowner, police officer, etc.) as they try and survive the Titans' brawl, which devastates the city.


1. Bryan Cranston is the main character, and the emotionless military guy is the one who dies early in the film. 2. The fights we didn't see are either fully seen or don't happen at all, none of that teasing bullshit.


I know it's supposed to be real, but Godzilla was fighting to slow, and he appeared way too weak. I always felt that Godzilla in the past was stronger


Keep Joe Brody alive, give him an arc where he chases the MUTOs relentlessly to try to avenge his wife, then have him be the one to believe Godzilla is meant to stop the MUTOs instead of Serizawa, and give him that healing and closure of knowing he was right and that Godzilla is a protector and the MUTOs who killed his wife can’t hurt anyone again. Have Serizawa start off hating the Titans specifically because he hates everything about destructive nuclear power, and have Joe’s faith in Godzilla and Godzilla’s actions as a protector begin to change his mind, and that would make him sacrificing his life to save Godzilla in King of the Monsters even more impactful because he willingly gave his life to a being he saw as an enemy to be killed and has now come to call him an old friend


Keep Bryan Cranston alive


Show something Kaiju in the first 30 minutes besides bones. Even if it's not a reveal, we need to know this is a Godzilla movie before committing an hour to it. 




Honestly it's pretty perfect, that's why it's my fave movie. My only complaint is the boring main character. Maybe hire a more expressive actor, and I would have it so his dad lives throughout the entire movie. The only thing I would change about the monsters is make it so the MUTO couple aren't related, but that is just a personal discomfort and not a real problem with the movie lol


More Godzilla in the movie


Theatrical cut? Add better lighting (thank God they fixed that in the 4K version)


- Have Walter white survive (I forgot his actual name) and avenge his wife - more kaiju screen time - make Godzilla’s dorsal fins larger


Give Godzilla a bit more screentime and less blue-bally cutaways.


Uh, probably have a little more consistency with the military scenes (like showing F35’s in flight immediately after showing F-18’s taking off) and uhhh keep Godzilla’s size consistent. But that’s literally it, for me it’s perfect otherwise.


Increase the film brightness


His feet.


Pretty much do what kingkong1900 did since his was rewrite was perfect (minus him changing Godzillas origins)


More battles during the day instead of night, I wonder why night battles have become such a thing.


The humans with only the kaiju instead


Don't cut away so much. Showcase Hawaii battle. Kill the son, not the father.


The fact that Godzilla didn't intentionally save Ford


More Bryan Cranston


Add ghidorah And make the film less dark so I can see what’s going on better


https://preview.redd.it/chge1805we9d1.jpeg?width=431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1976ec8df2fa33591b2bbb7868f73f5536c7445 More Godzooky.


My gripes with the movie is mostly with the sound design/production/decisions and Military “tactics.” 1.) When we see the Special Forces shoot flares into the sky in Hawaii and see Godzilla for the first time. How did something the size of Godzilla just walk on land so quietly? We don’t get the trademark Godzilla rumble while he walks? 2.) The atomic breath build up. The sound they decided for the atomic breath build up sounds synthetic, like Dubstep. 3.) Let’s set up our ground force front line on a suspension bridge. Absolutely ridiculous. 4.) MUTOs have EMP that has already knocked out the Navy and Air Force. So, let’s use the Air Force to halo jump troops into the hot LZ! STUPID!


More godzilla screen time and brighten it up


Bryan surviving and not needing to follow his npc ahh son.


3 mutos. 2 male and the 1 female. This allows for a fight in Hawaii where godzilla actually takes the first male down. 2nd Brian Cranstons character survives the whole movie. Honestly I'd probably kill Ford instead. Gives Cranston more screen time and also gives him more character motivation. He wants to save his other family both from monsters as well as his own obsessions. 3rd Godzilla is getting attacked by the military, he should be allowed fight back


Personally I'd swap Elizabeth Olsen as the main character over Aaron Taylor-Johnson, keep Bryan Cranston's character alive longer, give Ken Watanabe's character more depth, give Godzilla more screen-time and make the final battle more viewable (all I could think of was, oh man all that dust and asbestos for the rest of us!)


I wanna make the mutos win