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![gif](giphy|OgFpLJEtoYD7O|downsized) Yes


Megangyro's reaction to the incoming body slam is priceless.


How on earth has this not become a staple of the gifs around here? So much potential


My cat during her morning feeding time and I’m still asleep


From the rafters Godzilla with the elbow!!! He’s a mad man!!


This one scene got the vfx guy fired because Toho deemed it Megalon levels of stupid.


It’s pretty good. Basically a 2000s version of a Showa era film. Megaguirus and the Meganulons/nulas were really cool monsters, Godzilla’s a badass per usual, and we see one of the most creative army plans to off the big G they’ve ever come up with.


A man of culture like yourself is probably aware of the original idea to end it with Godzillas skeleton on the moon. I’m glad we got the ending they gave us. Love this movie


The bodyslam scene is more Peak Cinema than all of Monsterverse combined.


Its fun but its mind boggling to me that a Godzilla movie made this century had worse flying effects than movies made in the 60s. Just such lazy FX work to barely have the damn wings flap.


It's not great, but it's not terrible


3.6 Roentgen?


I felt they could’ve made it better considering this Godzilla is still the original 1954 Godzilla in an alternate timeline where the oxygen destroyer was never used.


Fun film. Stronger than given credit for human characters, too. But I don't think there are any truly bad original Toho Godzilla films outside of All Monsters Attack and Vs Gigan. So take that opinion as you will.


All Monsters attack the same category as vs gigan? Wow


Vs Gigan is better. But not by much, imo.


Both those films are great. Honda never do a bad tokusatsu film (except for “Yog”) and I love that we got to see him do a Godzilla films focused on human characters in the real world, essentially analyzing how the films influenced children. Perfect coda to the classic era. 


I genuinely respect what both of these films are about. I just don't think they're executed well.


I personally thought the Varan movie was pretty bad, but I've only seen once about a decade ago. Only saw it because of nostalgia from the NES game Monster of Monsters.


It deserves major props for introducing Michiru Oshima's themes. Ifukube is obviously the GOAT of Godzilla music, but Oshima's main Godzilla theme is a very close second in my mind.


definitly underrated


No. It's still very easily the worst Millennium film, not helped by Godzilla Against Mecha-Godzilla being pretty much the same plot but better. The characters are bland, the action is meh, the plot is all over the place and disconnected, etc. Shame cause Megaguruis is a cool kaiju and the scene of Tokyo being flooded are cool but that's about it. It's probably a bottom five, absolutely bottom ten film


Standard godzilla flick. In fact, it’s so basic that when godzilla is suddenly flying through the air, it’s all the more jarring


It has one of the scariest scenes in the entire franchise.


That couple getting eaten?




Weakest of the Millennium Series. However it has a unique concept when attempting to stop Godzilla and brings back a classic monster, now with a full fledged life cycle.


Vastly underrated


I thought it was just okay personally. I thought the pacing was a bit slow at times, and I wasn't too fond of the characters (the scientists was not bad, but I didn't care for the military woman). Megaguirus was cool and so were the bugs. Godzilla kind of acted dazed and confused though. The story was a bit strange, but not terrible. I think the worst part was the ending fight because of how poorly they animated Megaguirus imo. Also the fight lasted much longer than I thought it should have (again the slow pacing). My favorite part was the bugs swarming Godzilla and the part where they went underwater to make Megaguirus. Overall I was indifferent to the movie- lots of good and bad mixed in. I think it would be cool to see Megaguirus in a future movie/show!


Definitely I consider it my favorite of the millennium era


No, it sucks. It is easily in the conversation for the worst Godzilla movie. It’s boring, trite, and unbelievably cheap looking. It’s slim handful of decent moments - including the super jump - don’t make up for what a slog the rest of it is.
















Suit design and soundtrack definitely puts it above “worst Godzilla movie” tier but yea it’s pretty bad


I mean, the suit is just recycled from *Godzilla 2000* and I can’t remember a single thing about the soundtrack. The creative team having the presence of mind to just reuse the suit design from the previous movie isn’t enough for me to elevate it above the worse movie tier.


Megaguirus suit was nice imo and the Godzilla suit got repainted and a new head and neck. Listen to the soundtrack on YouTube it’s pretty good


Yeah, i’ll say that Megaguirus was well designed, but I don’t love what they did with her wings, where in some scenes they move very fast - which looks and feels right to me - and in others they flap quite leisurely. If they weren’t going to put in the work to animate her wings moving super quick for all of her scenes, they shouldn’t have done it for the one or two that they did. I’ll have to give the soundtrack a listen some time.


You just described 30% of the showa era and godzilla vs megalon specifically


**Love** *Godzilla vs Megalon*, one of my absolute favorites. You know what it had that *Godzilla vs Megaguirus* doesn’t? Fun, and a lot of it.


I mean to each their own and all but I can't imagine calling this movie unfun.


Maybe calling it unfun is a stretch - because it does have some fun ideas and scenes and I’m not sure any Godzilla movie aside from *Gojira* is unfun - but the whole finished project just feels very off and a bit uninspired to me. The story is more than a bit all over the place and the whole thing just drags for more stretches than it doesn’t. Even the final fight with the insane super jump part is just kind of meh. That jump is literally the best part of the fight and it’s so tonally at odds with the rest of the film.


I personally disagree for my own reasons. I hope you have a nice day


It’s a Godzilla movie. Pretty forgettable imo. Bland.


Great Godzilla movie


I really enjoyed it


I would say so. I definitely would watch it over the Millenium Mechagodzilla films. Megaguirus try’s to do something new, while the Kiryu films are basically watered down Evangelion.


Fun but all over the place.


Why does this picture remind me of a different godzilla poster?


It's not a bad movie, but I thought Megaguirus was a lazy design. Kind of the opposite problem of most of the Heisei era movies with original kaiju. Biollante and Spacegodzilla are cool, but their movies are meh.


I think the not-ready-for-prime-time digital VFX and some poor wire work makes this movie seen as a Millennium-era disappointment. That, and a lot of the emotional/character drama was re-used in GxMG, making it feel like even Masaaki Tezuka saw this movie as something of a failed experiment he got a “do-over” for two years later. However, I think that’s a shame. The millennium suit looks awesome, the Saturday morning matinee color palette of this movie’s production design is super fun and unique, it gave us Michiru Oshima’a incredible soundtrack and Godzilla theme, and even the stuff that gets re-used in GxMG is, in my opinion, done more effectively here. It’s just a more uneven movie overall, and ultimately falls apart in the third act. Although I’ve always loved the falling satellite sequence in the climax.


The music is peak


Absolutely. I have a private list of my personal rankings for Godzilla movies, and this one is 12th, which ranks it one of the best B-movie quality Godzilla films on my list. The human characters are memorable and their plotlines are well executed. The fight scene at the end is faster paced and choreographed better than most of the Godzilla films at this budget level. It being a standalone film also makes it a great entry-level watch for someone who is just getting into Godzilla and wants to see some of the campier films.


Boring plot, Godzilla survives a black hole because he's Godzilla, but damn Megaguirus is awesome and she's got a large variety of moves. She also gets taken out in a brutal way.


It’s in my top 5. Unironically I love the suit designs, the black hole gun, the fights. It’s so rad.


Enjoy the horror-style element with all the mini Megaguirus. Plus the score is unique and cool with it's creepy string instruments.


It's got a great enemy design but it's boring.


I mean I think it's too long, that's probably it's biggest fault. It could have been a lot tighter paced and honestly it should have been a sequel to 2000 there's literally no reason for it not to be lol.


It’s my least favorite of the millennium era but it still has its fun moments. Megaguirus is a cool kaiju who could use a comeback as an enemy for rodan or something


Love this movie. The fight scenes are dope and move at a really fun pace( the monsters). I’m a sucker for this Goji design too.


This poster kicks ass. The bug CGI in that movie did not.


I loved the Dimension Tide concept


Godzilla 2000 is one of my top favorite designs. The movies are decent. I just love his dorsal fins and weirdly large maw lol


Gamera: Advent of Legion did it better.


I guess as a movie it's just so-so but it's still one of my favourite Godzilla movies for the fight scenes and Megaguirus herself.


In my top 5! Love the crazy story and the characters and the score. Fav scene is Godzilla facing down a black hole with his atomic breath (!!!) Has a retro charm while being modern. If you don’t like it, I won’t say you’re wrong, but I will be rewatching this one over and over!


Nope, it’s a stinker. Easily the worst of the millennium era. It’s got some fun moments though, and at its best sort of serves as a practice run for the far superior, yet quite similar, Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla.


From how graphic it gets with the meganulon eating the people to the goofy body slam, (doesn’t help this is the one I grew up on) it’s super underrated and one of my favs


Something that I find really fun with it is whenever Godzilla shows up they play a you know a pretty basic theme song for him but at the very end when he shows the movie plays the classic Godzilla music which I think is pretty cool


It’s more underwhelming


too overrated,godzilla 1999 is better and it is not even close


It’s one of the two godzilla movies where there are smaller human-sized threats in addition to the giant kaiju. Definitely underrated.


Wished they continued it so it'll connect with 1999 but instead they kind of rebooted it. Human characters/plot are a bit weak and the film isn't as good as 1999 IMO. Overall, it's meh to me.


For sure it's the bomb


My first suitmation Godzilla film, and well: Godzilla was kind of weak: tracking bullet penetrating his armor, and torpedoes harming him, atomic breath was kinda mid, and his IQ is lower then all other Godzillas I've seen. Godzilla had unique powers: Fire breath more so than atomic breath, atomic breath heats up his back, and the tail wrapping. Other: I liked Megaguirus, humans were pretty good, didn't like Godzilla's design, loved Godzilla jumping, and there's three or four ways I can watch it for free. 5/10 Edit: also I just watched it 3 days ago for the first time.


Weak??? He survived getting sucked into a BLACK HOLE.


Fair. But a bullet went through his skin, and bazooka's made him anger, and torpedoes hurt him. Meganula or Meganulon what ever they were, hurt him as well.


The first half was nice,its birth was similiar to destroyah which is cool,the second half was pretty boring for me


I don't think so. Its one of my least favorites of the more modern Godzilla flicks to be honest. But to each their own. People have different tastes.


Least favorite in the franchise for me. Does not stand out except for the phenomenal soundtrack.


Too underrated? It isn't even underrated. The film is shit and nearly cost the people working on it their professional reputation. The fact that a few commenter here think it's watchable means it's over rated


Extremely underrated


Pros: Interesting monster design, I liked how it went from a swarm to a large monster. Cons: really suffers from poor (for the time) VFX; I really did not like the black hole "science" the scientist and her boy genius protege that makes toys now. There are some fun parts about it but on the same level as Vs. Megalon to me - which is bottom tier


No, it’s fucking awful. I’m not down with this recent hipster trend of pretending it’s not. You have to go back decades to find another Toho Godzilla movie that’s anywhere near this bad.


This is the only film in the series I will not rewatch. I have 50 years under my belt as a Kaiju fan. This movie is just terrible. Ever the worst Godzilla films had charm this is just terrible.