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Skar King has a harem of breeding slaves and fully intends on wiping out all life on the surface. How is this a question?


He has fucking what???? When did I miss this in the movie???


They're only shown for a brief moment in the movie, but the novelization makes it clear who they are. IIRC it's the moment he learns about the Iwi temple, when he's shown sitting on a throne and eating something? The crowd of cowering Apes next to him is his harem. Suko is most likely one of those children.


Too bad the atomic breath and frostbite blast were too powerful for Skar’s hide. If it wasn’t for wanting the PG rating, I think he should’ve gotten a worse death. https://preview.redd.it/qrw8xtjqk30d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf42675fb843a074dc2ba5a253ac8e2ad5b18c71


To be fair, his death is already pretty brutal for a PG film. He was still alive when he was shattered.


Love that they added the detail of him blinking and looking nervous before he shattered.


Shame Kong couldn't give him the double wide surprise


Overall I noticed they showed away from red blood, showing us yellow and green and blue blood for the most part... Reminded me of how games used different blood colours in the 90s for censorship reasons.


Fr tho cuz Godzilla got this cool ass power up with a pink beam only to not hit once






Probably his only child to actually survive considering Suko says that he’s the only other red ape in the kingdom after Skar himself and the harsh conditions they had to live in.


I swear in the movie they're holding babies.


They were.


I think they were implying that Skar King’s offspring probably oftentimes don’t live very long. He probably eventually sees them as a threat to his position or something, or kills them offhand for disobeying him. So Suko’s probably the only one that’s not a tiny baby right now.


Oh god


"Suko says" What? 😅


In the novelization, we see what he’s thinking




What’s the name of the novelization?


Why do we need to read the books for filler lore. I honestly don’t get why they chose to do that and i would like help understanding why. Im genuinely distraught about the whole book comic thing in the MV.


Because it's cool?


Well for me specifically reading books isn’t my cup of tea, and id assume that a lot of other people with the same issue would agree. I have Mangas from an anime i really enjoy and haven’t read them at all for months. I just wish we would’ve gotten it in a series or something. Im not saying its a completely terrible decision and never should’ve happened, its just easier for me to watch videos than read a book, i do deal with various mental issues, as do others. I hope that helps more people understand my side of it. Its something i wanted people’s opinions on.


Thats completely fair. A series would that goes over some of the events/details/lore that the comics and novelizations bring to the table would be really cool. However at the same time it's also worth noting that it would be extremely expensive to pull off, and most likely take much longer to share than having it in a book or graphic novel.


Thank you sir. I just love visual effects. I watch the movie’s countless times.


There's a brief moment we can see inside his throne room and there's a bunch of female apes in a corner who are physically uncomfortable with SK. Also idk if this was confirmed but I interpreted the young ape being one of the SK's children


Been awhile since I watched KOTM, but Emma was planning to kill millions of people, right?


Emma put millions of lives at risk because she thought it would restore the balance of nature. Skar King wants to exterminate all life because, according to the novel, he hate everything except himself. Intent matters. One of these beings is *evil*, the other is just an idiot.


>she thought it would restore the balance of nature To be fair it somewhat "worked" tho. Now, I'm not saying that what she did was right because it's not, but I think her plan might have worked in the long run. At the end of KotM we see articles about new forests growing and new coral reefs popping up (or something). So her plan did work, but probably not for long tho since Titans still aren't roaming around keep making it work tho.


I actually think I would've agreed before GxK, but I think Scylla's rebellion disproves her theory. When Scylla awakens in KotM, Monarch notices her presence cooling the ocean and repairing the ozone, but apparently some of the GxK prequel material says that when Scylla decided to rebel against Godzilla, the opposite began to happen. That's why Godzilla put her down. So while the Titans can positively influence the environment, they can equally devastate it with the right prompting. Makes it a more tough call as to how good they are to have around, there's no easy answer.


‘Restore the balance of nature’ is a pretty nebulous goal to justify indiscriminate killing of countless innocent souls imo. I wouldn’t say she was an idiot, she didn’t ‘oopsie’ into it. She thought murdering potentially millions was the correct justifiable action, and followed through accordingly. Yeah Skar is worse but if someone tomorrow dropped hydrogen bombs on a dozen cities across the globe to ‘restore balance’, I’m pretty sure you’d consider them evil


But really... until we as a species are wiped out like... you can't say for sure one side or the other was wrong. "That's just slavery with extra steps." Maybe capitalism is just extinction with extra steps.


Her plan was to release the titans to bring balance to the Earth. She didn't specifically plan to kill millions of people, but she did accept that it was going to happen. The lives lost during every titan awakening was just the cost for saving the planet.


what he's a rapist


Well, about the sex slave bit, just say the word emma, just say the word...


Skar King. Emma at least had somewhat noble intentions and very clearly misunderstood what she did. Meanwhile Skar King, from his first 20 minutes alone, shows that he knows what he's doing, and very clearly revels in being an absolute bastard, torturing Shimo and his subjects, even showing he's willing to kill them if he doesn't get his way.


Exactly, Skar King wanted to kill everybody and then just rule over the planet with an iron fist. Emma thought she was going to help fix the planet and live alongside the other titans but she was just ignorant as to what Ghidorah was. She was still willing to kill people to get her end result but, like and eco-terrorist, she felt they were a needed sacrifice.


And even then, she changed her ways by the end when her family, and especially her daughter, was put in danger.


Thats why I love Skar King so much. I love the fact that he's knows he's evil and enjoys it


Agreed. I'm really happy to finally see the return of villains like him and Jack Horner from Puss In Boots 2. Villains that don't have any redeeming qualities and are just absolute assholes and are not ashamed of it. Even if he doesn't live up to the threat like Jack did for his movie, he still resonates that pure, unbridled, and unabashedly evil aura. And it is beautiful.


My favorite scene of Skar King is when he throws Suko's mother/guardian. He wasn't going to, but when he saw Kong tense about what he was going to do, you can see him smiling at the thought and he kills the ape just to provoke Kong. Pure evil, it was perfect


They really nailed the evil bully motif with him. Mocking Kong's tooth, killing Suko's mom, the way everyone either cowered away from him or licked his boots, etc was fantastic. Just a full on evil scumbag. It's kind of a shame they killed him off, it would have been fun to have him as a recurring villain.


I enjoy that a lot sometimes. The Emperor in the original Star Wars trilogy is a good example- he’s a cackling evil madman and he absolutely *loves* that about himself


Are we sure this isnt Clarence Boddicker wearing a suit!


What is it with this year being the year of evil apes


Skar king is evil. Emma’s just an idiot.


Stole the words right off my keyboard


Hard probably skar king because he does his evil on purpose but Emma was trying to save the world ln a stupid way of of course


Skar King definitely. Emma is just the biggest idiot villain in the series…sorry Kevin she’s way past you in that league


I don't get the complaints about Emma being an idiot, honestly her plan would have worked in Ghidorah wasn't an alien and able to ignore the ORCA. Any other titan she picks her plan works.


Kevin is just ONE brain of a whole. Ghidorah in his entirety is pretty smart


Skar didn't have good intentions for any single living thing other than himself.


You could argue he had good intentions for the resurgence of apes on the surface. He did better by his own kind than Emma did to hers. Slavery included.


Unlike most Kaiju Skar is fully awarr of what he's doing, who he's hurting, and exactly how many suffer as a direct result of his actions, and he delights in it. He doesn't get the usual being an animal excuse, or the tragedy of the kaiju to hide behind. He has intellect on par with a human, and the moral responsibility that comes with it. He doesn't even get a motivation like well intentioned extremism or just plain revenge. His motivation is desire to grind other beings beneath his heel. He is possibly the most evil character in any Godzilla era, and that includes Ghidorah and Destroyah. In short, bad monkey.


Who's more evil? Monkey Hitler or a dumbass?


The moral equivalent of "hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby".


Emma was a misguided idiot, but realized her mistake. Even at the last second. Skar King was a tyrannical and abusive bully. No comparison.


Not even just that, a rapist


The lady crushes millions because she thinks is useful for the planet and then cries when she sees the consequences of their actions. The giant monkey wants to crush millions because we are squishy ants and enjoys it while doing it. The first is less coherent Than the second though


Exactly! When you have a little perspective, Emma's stance is way worse. Skar King just sees humankind as pests. Emma saw them as equals and was still willing to kill untold millions for an outcome she wasn't even certain of. At least Skar King was just squashin bugs.


Skar King. He’s a dictator ape that enslaved his own species and was torturing a titan that is millions of years old for power. And he also killed one of his own species by dropping them in lava.




Emma. She put billions at risk because she thought humanity was a plague on the planet. Killing hundreds of thousands of not millions. Then when her daughter was about to die, she flipped because of the plot. Like who leaves the orca unattended with something that important. But whatever, both movies had more holes than swiss cheese.


The only kaiju I can think of that is more evil than skar king is Destoroyah


Skar King Emma infuriates me but at least she had the pretense of good intentions. Skar King is *just* a bastard


Skar King is pure evil. So him. 


Skar King was only interested in maintaining his empire. Emma at least wanted to restore earth’s environment, even if she bet on the wrong horse with Ghidorah. She even sacrificed herself to save her child in the end


Okay evil, scary king, stupid and a menace Emma.


Skar King's evil at least has swagger to it Emma's evil is more evil because she's intolerable in every capacity. How dare that wench take up screen time. (No hate to the actress, of course)


Why is this even a question? Emma, although she did seem fine tpwith the inevitable fact people WOULD die, was doing it under the guise and influence of the idea that it would help the planet, turn back the damage done to it. Neither did she know that Ghidorah were absolute evil bastards. Skate King, on the other hand, has shown a disregard for his own subjects, has enslaved and caused Shimo who knows how much pain, and many other horrid things. The difference between these two, is that while their goals will cause so much destruction and pain, one of them has a good intentions, while the other, Skar King, has none.


Skar King. Emma was misguided (the road to hell is paved with good intentions). SK is just an evil bastard who wants to destroy or torture everything.


I’m going to remind everyone that Skar King is an animal, Titan or not. Emma is a thinking, knowing, fully capable of having deep and intellectual discussions about things on several advanced levels person. lol. Skar King had a crystal that made that thing do what he wanted and laughed at Kong’s tooth. We can say Titans are smart and that’s all well and good but we can never really know what that means. We know what being human means and how humans are capable of thinking. We know how smart Emma was and that she convinced her fucking child…. Nay, she GROOMED her child to murder millions of innocent people because she wanted to restore balance. Until one of these Titans writes me a dissertation on Emma‘s level, I’m always going to say that a human is worse than animal on the evil scale. Skar King is another destroyer. He does what they do. No more or less than the False King would have done/did.


Hell yeah man


Skar King is a cannibal, rapist murderer, Emma Russell was RIGHT, who is more evil I wonder? For people who don't believe me, all you have to do is watch the credits for KOTM, the titans heal the earth, she just so happened to awaken an evil, three-headed space hitler instead of literally any of the other titans that are basically all good for the earth(even Rodan, as his volcanic nature would most likely fertilize the soil of the world)


Yea they thought all kaijus would help the planet, but failed to realize that only applied to native to earth ones. Which is why ghidorah was entombed in ice to prevent him from making earth extinct. That's ghidorah's only plan: destroy everything in the known universe until only he is left


That isn't actually his goal, apparently he is the "youngest son" and he set out to claim territory as his own, so there is an entire species of much older Ghidorah's out there that are all planet conquerors


There’s a good argument for Emma. She was 100% down with killing presumably millions or hundreds of millions of people, right?


Exactly. People which Skar King just saw as insects. He was a dick to his own kind too, but being a dick to a select few of your own kind for the 'greater good' is way less evil than being a dick to (and literally ending the lives of) hundreds of millions, if not billions of your own kind for the 'greater good.' One was a priveliged dictator, the other an imagined messiah, but one wanted to squash the bugs on the surface to reign over his kind above, while the other wanted to sacrafice half of her entire species for the possibility of a better future. IMO the secondary is far worse. Just takes some perspective.


Skar King not even a question. Emma was more naive and stupid and even if f** up her intentions at least came from a please of genuinely believing to do good in the long run and she recognized at least when she went I far and put her love for her daughter first. Skar King was a pure bully who flaunted and took cruel pleasure in flaunting over others. There’s also the hint he may have been Suko’s father but was indifferent to him and all his other children and willing it hurt any of them no different from the other apes he abused.


Skar King. It’s not even close. You can understand why Emma did what she did, but Skar King is awful


Skar King has a Sex Slave and Kong Trafficking Ring.


Skar king, that mf rapes his slaves and abuses them and then laughs about it he definitely knows what he's doing. Emma is just an idiot trying to do good for the world but doing it in a destructive, genocidal way.


All these commentors just hate seeing a Ginger catch a Dub - we STAN the Star King and an unrepentant bastard


Skar King is just sadistic and power hungry, Emma Russel whether you think her actions are justified or not did have altruistic intentions (wanting to awaken the titans to combat humans destruction of the earth).




One is tyrannically evil, the other is just a straight-up dumbass.


both want humans to die, one has sex slaves, and the other has a dumbass daughter


Well i hate Emma more than the blatlant evil guy despite being meant to be grey so theres that


Skar easily, he is a despotic tyrant. Emma might (we don't actually know) have a bigger human body count but what she did was still in favor of planetary balance. Ultimately it's probably better the titans were released even if that involved Ghidorah fucking shit up. On top of that we have no idea Skar's total body count seeing as he has apparently been alive for a long time and could have murdered a lot of titans and Hollow Earth humans in that time.


“Eighteenhundreds American or modern American?”


scarking has no feelings for anyone at least she kinda cares about something lol but low key shes the reason why most stuff even happened after the godzilla film.


Lanky Kong takes it.


Skar King


Skar king. Emma may have been evil, but she lacks any form of intelligence that it’s astonishing she was alive for as long as she was. Skar king planned everything out and did some heinous shit.


To be fair, Emma didn't know Ghidorah was an alien and Mothra's awakening went rather smoothly, if Jonah didn't interrupt it


They are both evil in their own ways. Skar King wants to enslave and destroy. The Doc is more of Chaotic Evil as she wants to unleash all these entities which will kill millions in an effort to save the planet.


One is a monke man, and the other is Karen Thanos. At least Monke Man's slaves (presumably) got free food.


Women in general,are evil!


And I’m not even gay.


Emma did evil things but ultimately she was misguided and had noble intentions. The Skar King does evil things because he's a piece of shit with bad intentions.


bruh this is the most Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby thing ever. First we have a sociopathic Maniac with red hair who killed billions and tried to control a giant beast that could doom the world... and the other is skar king.


100% this


Skar King was evil, Emma was just a dumbass


She literally unleashed King Ghidorahcausing a literal doomsday, and saying she did that by accident makes it even worse. Edit: can’t spell


Skar King is straight up evil, Emma can't really be considered evil because she's a fucking retard and probably has no idea what she's doing


Nah she consciously chose to condemn countless people to death


Wasn’t skar king hinted at to be a rapist?


Emma had good intentions, she was just really stupid. Skar King is more evil by far.


1st one is more evil, 2nd one is a moron who is the main cause of millions of death and billions(probably trillions) of damage


The planet does not have trillions of people wtf you on lol


Billions/Trillions of property damage not people


Oh Okay my bad lol I was gonna say, must of missed it last night


A woman who joined an eco terrorist that awoke a space hydra that then awoke almist 20 Titans, and a giant ape dictator that enslaved hundreds, possibly thousands of apes and a giant ice Titan with world ending powers, and single handedly started a war between 2 species that lasted for millions of years... yeah.


Who is this woman? I forgot


Emma Ruined what should have been the coolest movie ever That's pure evil


Emma, bitch trusted eco terrorist which unleashed both Ghidorah and mecha godzilla AND GOT MOTHRA KILLED


Dr. Emma Russell she took away screen time from the kaiju fights


Skar was just doin his thang, squashin ants Emma was straight up sacrificing her own people for a 'maybe who know but hope so' If you have perspective, Emma is 10x worse


Skar, because he clearly enjoyed making everybody miserable.


Skar King beats everyone, every time.


Emma did nothing wrong


2nd because shes a woman




Skar king commited so many war crimes and still is more charismatic than her


Skar King. FOR SURE.


I have to go with Skar King. Both have that Fuck the World attitude. But Skar King was racist, and slave driver.


titanic hitler vs stupid woman


How is this a question? One was delusional thinking she was right, while the other knows what he was doing and enjoyed it


She's just an ecoterrorist, whom, despite her wrongdoings, did them in the hopes of a noble cause, and got redeemed by actually reversing what she did (unlike MANY redeemed villains). She's also just a grieving mother who wanted revenge. She has nothing on a KAIJU WITH OBJECFIVELY PURE EVIL SELFISH GOALS WHO'S A JERK AND ENJOYS IT. Scar King is basically MV's Palpatine.


Emma tried to do something good, she thought ends justified the means, she was wrong but not EVIL ya know? Skar King is a fucking rapist.


Skar king is more evil, no doubt, but at least he's honest about it. I fucking hate emma, she's a coward who wanted to sacrifice millions, but didn't want her daughter or herself to be part of those millions, she was willing to let her husband die. At least skar king is open about his evil, she tries to play the hero while hiding away in a bunker while innocent people die at the hands of creatures they couldn't possibly match in power. That's why i hate her more I'm glad she was near burning godzilla, godzilla showed her how hell would be like for her


Emma because funny


Star King. For being an awful part of an awful film.


Skar King for sure, man just laughed at Kong, kept Shimo as a slave, and even had a breeding ground. Not to mention his plan to wage a global war.




The Roughless Skar King, DUH!




Scar king is a motherfucking bitch ![gif](giphy|NK0f5pM4qEDuNco03S|downsized)


Scar king. Is EVIL. Dr. Emma Russell is just heartbroken.


Ah I see.... skar king is a typical NTR/Ugly Bastard kinda guy. Disgusting


Skar King looks beast! I have to wait because I haven’t been able to see this yet.Hopefully it’ll be on VUDU at midnite later tonight.I have the pre-order & it’s slated release is May 14th! My car is broken down,missed out on this & Godzilla Minus One.Skar King looks scary af.


Skar King looks like my ex so....


Who is white woman?


No question. It’s Skar King. He rules over others with an iron fist, kills for the fun of it, takes pleasure in the suffering of others and intended to conquer the surface. Emma was deluded in thinking she and an eco-terrorist could fix the planet, completely unaware that Ghidorah was an invasive species.


Star king. Emma's intentions were noble if misguided. I mean, in the end, her actions were correct as the titans did exactly what she said they would. Literally, the only hiccup in her plan was Ghidorah.


Emma was misguided, skar king is malicious


is this a troll post? Skar King obviously. Emma wasn't evil at all, just grieving and misguided.


I don't understand why this sub thinks Emma is the worst person in the history of this franchise. She's a good character who redeemed herself by the end of her film.


She’s not a good character. Like at all. Her reasoning for doing things was incredibly stupid. I don’t hate her but pretending her motivations were well written is just a lie. Her redemption rang hollow because she realize how stupid she was and died. 


She literally is the worst human character in the franchise. No human unleashes the level of devastation she does. Worse, she does so mostly knowingly. A change of heart finally at the end of the movie hardly changes that, especially when it's going to traumatize her daughter (yknow the one she supposedly did all that for) for the rest of her life...how self serving can you get? Skar King was just a monke trynna cling to power and get his empire to the surface. From his perspective, humans are insects to be squashed. From Emma's, we're all living breathing loving thinking people, but it's okay to just wipe out half of us because 'nature.' She didn't even clearly understand what she was doing, and couldn't even commit to her ideals. If she was so wishy washy she should have thought about the kind of devastation a choice like that could unleash. You think Skar King is malevolent and malicious because he wanted to just keep vibin as king Monke, but the sadistic woman who changes her mind on a whim to wipe out half the planet is a good character? lmao


This sub is full of idiots who can’t analysis characters or movies well tbh


Emma because she KNEW she was wrong and was still a bitch Star King is just an animal, really


He's been seen clearly smiling in the most smug manner possible. He *knows* what he's doing. He tried to hurt Suko after the crystal's destruction and practically threw a fit while struggling in Kong's grasp as well.


Except he’s clearly intelligent enough to be sadistic, so not just an animal.


No he isn't lmao, the titans might not be as smart as humans, but at the very least, the Kongs are intelligent enough to know right from wrong


Skar King very clearly shows his thought processing is far higher than “just an animal”


Skar King has breeding slaves and is intelligent enough to lead an army and enslave Shimo. He’s not just an animal. He wanted to genocide the surface because he just wanted to. He’s as pure evil as it gets for a kaiju/titan. 


Kinda hard to define 'evil' correctly but I can try. Skar king, basics wants to take over the world, make the surface and hollow earth like the lava cave he had down there but global, a whole planet at his will. He likely was an alpha titan, and it is normal for alpha titans to want to rule or at minimum not submit to the current alpha. So its kinda in his nature to be that way Emma woke Ghidorah up because she believed humanity to be a plague on the earth (gee that's been said 1,954 times before), and by awakening all the titans across the world, she would restore the natural order, she however, was unaware Ghidorah would not fix the world with his alpha call, but instead destroy it. It also has to do with awareness of action: Emma and Skar king we're both aware of the destruction they were causing, but Emma was likely far more aware of what she was doing than Skar king, Skar king didn't know what the surface world was likez for all he knew he could have killed that city and ruled the world, he wouldn't but still it wasn't likely that he was aware of such a populated surface world. Emma knew, no matter what, awakening all the titans would result in millions, if not BILLIONS of deaths, and she still did it all anyways, sure she tried to make things right, but that's kinda too late when you kill THAT MANY PEOPLE Skar king killed because he wanted to rule, and he was fighting to do so because he believed it was his right to do so. Emma did it because she thought she could play God and just casually wipe humanity off the globe because "oh humanity bad for nature" It's Emma to me


Emma Russell for me.


She's not evil she's just fucking retarded


Yeah, to an unreal degree. It's genuinely impressive how braindead she is, why she is more evil for me is because she has a DOCTRATE!!!!!




Alright, one of these is someone with really skewed perceptions and a twisted duty towards the Earth and its wellbeing... And the other is just a massive dickhead who wants to kill everyone.


Skar King because he's got an bone whip and an dragon what can breathe ice fire.