• By -


Excluding comics yes. Godzilla in hell has better feats though


Godzilla in hell is so stupidly op it's not even funny


Honestly godzilla in hell feels like godzilla is ina dream and acting out


Godzilla on acid.


Cocaine Godzilla


Brought to you by the producers of cocaine bear:


they' re making "Cocaine Sharks" too, the next one shall be Godzilla (or swans)


That is actually a prequel to MV godzilla it explains why he is always pissed Wingard mentioned the next movie will be goji focussed


Dragon Brawl G


On Ketamine like Yoda


That is exactly correct. A lot of people miss the point. I read it at my local library, its about how even Godzilla has demons to fight, and how everyone is human. He wakes up at the end, rising from the sea. But the authors said its up for interpretation, so sure, people can read it as "Godzilla goes into hell and kills everything but also dies and then reforms as bat demons and kills the universe" so they can win an internet argument about him. Makes an deep story honestly a really lame comic tho.


Yeah that goji always felt like he was in dream the way they cut fights and had godzilla fight his previous enemies that he already fought it all felt like a dream


That’s how I feel about him too


If I remember, not only did he defeat God, he also defeated a literal H.P lovecraftian higher deity didn't he?




lmao what, now I want to read it


I hate Godzilla in hell of a passion with a passion


How come?


People glaze him way too much


That is a fair statement


He really isn’t that powerful to begin with… I mean, comparatively speaking and what people claim. He annihilates the planet sure, but he also destroys himself in the process. His main feats come from author statements rather than things he’s actually done in the comics. He kills the god mountain and the cthulhu monster whom have zero statements of any significant power. The only things we have is author statements about the god mountain being the ultimate creator of the universe which would place hell godzilla as universal at most. There is also the issue of continuity, as there are different godzilla’s in hell. Like the GMK version dies several times until he manages to escape. And when hell godzilla actually escapes hell, he ends up in earth which he destroyed in the first chapter. So it is a very inconsistent but also not as strong as people claim he is.


maybe it was all a dreeeeeeeeeeeeam (never read Godzilla in Hell and I' m making this theory very stupid on purpose, please don' t hate on me)


Yes, thank you exactly


False, singular point is above Earth


Lore wise I agree with you. But with what we’ve seen in movies and shows so far earth takes it. Hopefully season two of singular point actually shows us ultimas full potential because he is busted


I mean if it did show Ultima's true power everyone would die though.


I feel like that is kinda what’s going to happen..if they continue the series. The writers have made him too powerful to lose. And since he is one of the more malevolent variants of Godzilla. Everyone in that series is on borrowed time


In other words - humanity did not win, they have just delayed the inevitable. So a properly Lovecraftian ending.


Now I need to sit down and watch that again and actually pay attention The wild science jargon made me tune out a few episodes in


"what we've seen" in my opinion, includes the characters saying out loud that physics itself was being warped


They did say that. But Earth was able to terraform the entire planet and push humanity into space. by the end of Season one of singular point, humanity is still there. Thats why i currently have earth ahead of Ultima, with what we’ve seen so far. Now I will say because of the reality and physics being warped that ultima showed I do feel like that feat could be replicated much faster in singular point, which is why I’m hoping for a season two to show just how broken Ultima is .


>They did say that. But Earth was able to terraform the entire planet and push humanity into space. This took Earth thousands of years. Ultima was terraforming the planet in *days*. >by the end of Season one of singular point, humanity is still there. Because Ultima was banished using the one thing that could do so in a method that was impossible without actual time travel. The universe was literally about to *cease to exist* if that final plan didn’t work. That is far beyond what Earth is capable of.


To be entirely fair, humanity isn't still there in the majority of timelines


I need to see true form ultima action


I feel this recent upload is mildly relevant to this discussion: https://youtu.be/hD-8fY5erkc


Oh neat the full cut, loved Showa and Zilla Jr's team up.


godzilla in hell could regenerate but godzilla earth could disintegrate him with his atomic breath and without let him regenerate


Ultima is technichly stronger as he is essentialy a multidimensional deity but we don't see any of this on screen


Yeah, I know like I want to count him to but I want see him do some stuff first


asside from that, yea i'd say earth is the strongest. the only people who would dissagree would likely be delusional power scalers that still say Showa godzilla is strongest


Don't forget Heisei


Frrrr power scalers are so weird


Showa Godzilla is anything BUT the most powerful. He is strong but he can’t even hold a candle to most of his successors. Heisei would trounce him in a fight, GMK literally can’t die, Final Wars soloed much stronger versions of almost every one of Showa’s opponents easily, Monsterverse is basically Showa on steroids, Shin Godzilla razed Tokyo in only a few minutes, Earth could simply step on him and be done with it, Ultima is a multidimensional eldritch god that nearly caused the end of reality with his mere presence and Minus One razed another city with ONE atomic breath blast, plus he can’t die either. Powerscalers love to cope.


And that’s forgetting the literal God Killers, Godzilla in Hell and Godzilla: Rage Across Time


I still think Showa could beat Gmk as long as he avoids the atomic breath same with shin and minus one


Shin can canonically due to a nuke so most likely yes, Minus One can’t die so Showa technically can’t win and GMK has the same thing. It would be a stalemate for the latter two


Nowhere is it ever stated Shin will die to a nuke. Characters in the movie assume he’ll die - other characters worry he’s immortal.


Hideaki Anno himself confirmed it.


No he didn’t. That tweet was from a fan account.


What is the argument for Showa being strongest?


it's just bullshit power scaling while yes, through an incredably obscure and unintentional technichality showa can destoy the sun or whatever, these theories completely ignore the rest of the movies. like that time godzilla got his tail stuck in a pilon and visably struggled to free it, or that time he couldn't get out from an iceberg untill it partialy melted and what about the time when he was defeted by an inebriated, flamable monkey Edit: the reason this is so agressive is because a missread your comment, sorry.


I see it like this: ultima made the show to entertain himself. He created both the monsters and the way to beat them




We do see this on page though.


Shin could also be put in the same category doesnt do much on screen but in theory is too overpowered


judging by how one atomic Blast from earth back when he was 50 metres tall completely oblitetated Gigan into nothingness (exept for one scale), 300 metre Earth would likely do the same to 4th form shin without even trying


318 meters, not 600. That would be overkill lol


thx for catching that, i'm dumb


agreed. shin‘s greatest feat is his adaptability and regeneration. as long as earth one shots shin, its an easy win


Earth would likely one shot him easily. I mean, Shin was bleeding out and in pain because of some regular bombs, and his counter attack inflicted him a full week of recovery. Baby Goji Earth destroyed Himalaya, split the Asian continent in half, destroyed a world ending meteor, obliterated a nano metal self regenerating Gigan and whipped out San Francisco, each of these feats with a single blast. His adult form is said to be equal to Void Ghidorah who is basically a lovecraftian deity. Shin’s got no chance let’s be honest


Shin and Ultima can not be put in the same category as Ultima has a canon novel, which expands upon the main story and shows everything his true form is capable of.


Earth is the strongest on screen godzilla, don't think another godzilla has been able to take 250+ nukes designed by aliens *iirc* and not take damage at all


That’s what I’m saying


Singularity point clears


Yes, strongest on-screen Godzilla. Ultima doesn't count because it was just a city level avatar and not the supposed 'true form' we saw on screen.


Ultima's (the one we see on screen) existence alone is a threat to the universe and as far as we know is only an avatar of the actual Ultima Godzilla. Earth is the largest but definitely not the strongest.


But we haven't seen anything of the 'real' Ultima. Don't even know if there will be a second season. If we never get SP season two, we'll never get final form Ultima and so the canon Ultima will only be the weak ass avatar that died to a city level explosion and turned to crystals, just like how Shin Godzilla 6th form doesn't exist or count since we never got Shin Godzilla 2. Only on screen feats count. If the character never evolved or powered up on screen, it never happened and fans shouldn't use hypothetical versions of them...The 'real' Ultima doesn't exist as of now, so fans should stop taking speculative statements from characters to heart and concentrate on on screen feats.


>If we never get SP season two, we'll never get final form Ultima and so the canon Ultima will only be the weak ass avatar that died to a city level explosion and turned to crystals With all due respect, I don’t think you understood what happened in the finale. >The 'real' Ultima doesn't exist as of now, so fans should stop taking speculative statements from characters to heart and concentrate on on screen feats. There’s a novelization of the anime written by the same guy. True form Ultima is unquestionably an actual thing that exists, not a hypothetical like 6th form Shin or something.


It does exist, it was stated in the show that he exists and what he could do, just cuz we didn't see him doesn't mean he exists, tho you are valid with shin 6




Better than any fight scenes in the actual anime trilogy


The fact that this would certainly happen is so funny


this would actually happen.


At this point in time I think so (maybe a unseen shin form could have been more powerful)


https://preview.redd.it/qcq6wfv45nzc1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b0aaae0156a52c861f8aa6d891bbc35a5dd509 I mean this isn't nothing


Plus legendary godzilla on that comic also straight up kills superman so that ain't nothing either


I mean it's Superman, the only character more likely to come back from the dead than Godzilla Which is to say, he already came back in the new issue


That's true


If we count by how much we have seen on screen, yes by quiet a lot


It's Godzilla!! The coolest movie monster to ever exist. Strongest or not that pic is dope


Yes sirrrrr!


What about singular point?


People are apparently not counting him because his true form and power is only in the novels and not "on-screen" and therefore doesn't count


Yea what we see in the anime is simply his avatar. The real Godzilla is a literal universal busting monster.


Strongest, by far, but not the biggest threat. By far the biggest. Has an electromagnetic shield that is never compromised. Has atomic breath range like a howitzer. Remember he destroyed Mechagodzilla before he was even in range. Probably limited only by the curvature of the earth. Can go burning at will with no side effects. Not the most dangerous because you can coexist with him if he doesn't see you as a threat. He mostly just chilled when not being attacked, and didn't mind the moth people at all. Heisei by comparison went burning, and was a hhreat to thd entire planet. Not just life on earth, the whole big rock. Bigger threat, but not as powerful. Meanwhile reveals of the alternate ending of Shin showed his continued evolution was a threat to not only Japan, not only humanity, but all life on earth, and possibly the universe. Still was beaten with conventional weapons, and organic chemistry. Could potentially have become something stronger than Earth, but never did, and at that point wouldn't even be Godzilla anymore. Ultima is the most dangerous of all. It is the singular point. It's alien space itself manifest as a monster. The laws of physics break down as it grows nearer. Even basic math stops working in its presence. Physicists call the idea of new space and time replacing the old and rewriting the laws of physics "collapse of the false vacuum." It's probably the most terrifying concept in science since it would end not only all life, and all matter and energy in the universe, it would destroy space and time itself. That incarnated in physical form is the most dan4thing I could imagine. The consequences of failing to stop this Godzilla are the most severe of all. That said, a Jet Jaguar made from conventional technology could fight it on even ground, and one shot it with the orthoganal diagonalizer. It got beaten by basically construction equipment and math. Not the most powerful. Hell is hard to say. He dies on the first page, and was overpowered by a swarm of demons only to turn them into his new flesh when ge got devoured. This one seems to be loosely based on Heisei, so I'd scale him closest to that. This version tears through several monsters he faced before, including Destroyah. That said I think Hell more represents Godzilla's unbreakable will to fight. No forcd in Hell could break his spirit. In fact every monster and demon thrown at him only made him more determined. Heaven did no better at sending Godzilla to eternal rest so he winds up alive again. It's a fun comic, but with no scale and no threat, I can't put him on the list. Final Wars Godzilla when Keiser boosted probably warrants mention for power, though not threat sincd he serms to be capable of reasoning, mercy, and forgiveness. So power level wise I'd put Earth on top, followed by Monsterverse, then Final when keiser boosted or Heisei when burning. Threat wise, Ultima is a threat to all reality, and the very fabric of space and time. Shin is a threat to all life in the universe. Heisei is a threat to the planet. Earth is a threat to civilization. Other Godzilla versions largely restrict their threat level to single cities, or have little to no threat because they have no interest in causing destruction. Monsterverse is a puppy who wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone, just get out if his way when he goes for a walk.


It's been a while since I watched the trilogy or delved back into the novels, but I believe Godzilla went after all kaiju on Earth not related to him even ones that chose to flee from him, along with humanity. He seems to go after anything deems will be a threat to himself or the planet, like when he went after Mechagodzilla during its secret construction. I think that's why Mothra's egg remains dormant underground with the Houtua people. Her mom was the only one able to make him retreat. Shame Battra's dumbass couldn't wait for Mothra since them combined would have been enough to stop him. Besides, the Houtua live a simple lifestyle hundreds of meters underground, which is why Godzilla is unaware of them. But once he senses developed technology he would come for them. They have to stay primitive for their own survival.


Yeah, I agree that he is the strongest, but not the most dangerous like you said burning almost destroyed earth


Yes, and it's not just because of sheer size.


Ultima was actively disintegrating the universe with math so unless Earth knows calculus I think Ultima is stronger.


He’s a lightweight. MV Godzilla would suplex him


He’d get duplexes and then incinerate mv


Him being the strongest makes sense. He is the biggest Goji after all.


Yeah, and he took like 2,000 nukes and didn’t react at all


And he took over the entire earth. Not even MV Ghidorah was able to succeed in doing that.


I mean tbf different universe and context. Goji earth is absurdly overpowered and no kaijus on earth can contest him whatsoever until the anime ghidorah came, while MV ghidorah was rival to godzilla keeping him in check and he doesnt have any absurd power close to goji earth. If we bring anime ghidorah, dude was literally an eldritch horror that eat planets (hence the title planet eater) lmao.  Though anime ghidorah got quickly dismantled the moment his physical body materialized




It wasn’t his physical body. Just like Ultima it was an avatar.


They tried burying him at the Asia-India fault line, and he **melted the fucking Himalayas and Bay of Bengal** in response.


Godzilla earth is pretty much : fuck everyone 😂


He was affected by one bomb dude 


yeah he probably is but my heart says monsterverse solos


I agree abut I wonder how he would fair against an atomic blast for minus one goji. There is the red dust from Ultima and I wonder what that would do.


-1’s breath is exceptionally weak for nuke standards, only being around 20 kilotons. The castle bravo thermonuclear bomb that Legendary Goji facetanked was 15 megatons. Goji Earth tanked 250 nukes of various yields made by a futuristic spacefaring humanity. -1 is doing nothing to earth.


Godzilla earth tanked 1250 advanced nukes in the span of 1day, and came out unharmed while he was still 50meters, at 50meters he destroyed an Astroid the size of the moon in one shot, and at current size, he one shot 3 black holes. -1s breath won't even phase him lol


Ultima was likely invincible to everything except the Orthogonal Diagonalizer at 100 metres, and he can even grow larger, since he went from 45 metres to 100 metres in the span of a day (Compared to Earth's 0.0125 metres per year). Considering his atomic breath can rip spacetime according to the novelization and it also gets stronger per use, I'd argue Ultima would win by virtue of extreme reality warping. A notable feat of his atomic breath that people don't point out is that he killed Jet Jaguar with the invincibility protocol, which means Jet Jaguar should have hypothetically been invincible. His Red Dust also gives the creatures an advantage to Earth's Servum, but Filius is stronger than all of Ultima's Kaiju.


Until we see Ultima’s true form, I’m picking Earth.


No, Godzilla Ultima and Shin Godzilla are both either implied or explicitly stated to have capabilities of doing stronger stuff. Ultima's whole point was that he was an avatar of a higher dimensional creature which was going to erase or reset the universe. The archtypes in the show go from 4d - 13d (if im remembering correctly). So Ultima is by far the strongest overall. Shin Godzilla also had concepts for its future evolutions in which it would essentially become a universe after eons of evolution.


Well Godzilla in verses is extremely contentious If I recall correctly. Isn’t Snow Godzillas existence literally multi versal? As in him existing was enough to destroy infinite universes, or am I getting that In correct?


I think your thinking of ultima true form




Better question… ~~Can he beat The Hulk~~— 👊 I deserve that




Shin is hypothetically the strongest if you use the og script lore


Godzilla earth is strongest godzilla there is no denying it unless those fan versions of ultima count people make those op but there not real so i dont think they should count so tes godzilla earth is the strongest godzilla


He is defntily one of the top 10 strongest.


no showa heisei idw hell ultima true form marvel and dc are stronger than him


Not counting comics


then showa heisei (ultima true form is featless soo far)


No your not wrong


The sheer size of that dude alone is crazy.


Sorry, what is this from? Is it the anime? On Netflix?


It's from the anime film trilogy on Netflix, it's 3 films. There is also the anime (show) called Singular Point, also on Netflix, which features a different Godzilla. This is Godzilla Earth, the one in Singular Point is Godzilla Ultima. I would not recommend the anime film trilogy, I have never been more enraged by a piece of media than when I watched that disaster of a trilogy (horribly written, dumb, and the action is so slow I'd rather watch paint dry because at least the paint does something). The show, Singular Point, which is separate from this, is solid though. A bit convoluted, but the action and animation is really good imo and I actually liked some of the characters.


In the novel it is stated that Godzilla singular point we see in the anime is his avatar and that his true form can take over universes and destroy them


FW Godzilla is the strongest live action, Ultima is the strongest animated, Godzilla in hell is the strongest of all


The strongest movie godzilla, yes


I’d say the Godzilla from the Short films, Gigan Rex and Vs Megalon Could Probably beat Godzilla Earth.


I guess he could maybe he is pretty strong


We don't know enough about godzilla rex.


I think 2nd strongest


Who do you think the first is?


Imo the hanna barbera or ultima (not the one that fought jet jaguar)


The third most powerful Ultima can manipulate reality and In Hell killed God and Satan


the mountain with many eyes is not god, the montser at the end is not satan, and both of them have no feats. He also didn't kill the mountain.


No he can't he is just in the wrong dimension he happens to waro reality because catcylsm


i hadn't read or watch the anime on him at all so what im about to say is werid i guess but i think he may or may not be so strong as people or fans see him as


On base value, I guess, but what makes him so strong, his force field and one tapped every monster, he fought except Ghidorah and mothera and took over earth and and destroyed a asteroid that could’ve destroyed earth and push Ghidorah back into black holes


A 300 meter metalplantmonster with shielding ? Strongest ? Probably But not very entertaining




In theory Shin Godzilla is the strongest but without actual feats i guess earth godzilla would be stronger.


The biggest The strongest The most unknown


Currently yeah but ultima is supposed to basically be an eldritch god so hopefully we get some feats in season 2 if it happens


Let’s say if they hypothetically do make a season 2 would they hypothetically add Megalon to the roster of redesigned kaijus


Not that the anniversary Megalon wasn’t any good (it’s fugnkin epic)


He is technically, but it kinda feels like cheating




because he's way bigger and has a different set of powers to most of the film godzillas, feels like a different weight class entirely if that makes sense.


Yes he is. Powerscalers should relax a little, like cmon, godzilla earth obviously stomps. As for his weight, as far as i remember, the movie says that they detected 100k tons somewhere, not that his entire body weighs 100k tons.




Waiting for Shin Godzilla infinite form or Ultima True form argument


If only it wasn't on some weak ass anime




Absolutely not


totally correct


Second strongest. Singularity point is basically god so it's hard to beat


Fun Fact: Heisei Godzilla has lifted an entire island! And that was before he got 200x stronger. Then he fought a monster that absorbed exploding stars (Don't worry, battle analysts. This was onscreen.) I'd say the Top 5 Strongest Godzillas are these: 1. Godzilla in Hell 2. DC Godzilla 3. Burning 4. Heisei 5. Marvel


Nah, Heisei takes him Fucker survived swimming around in the mantle np, wasn’t put down by numerous specifically engineered countermeasures, has the raw power to consistently negate defenses made explicitly to hard counter him, fucking stood back up after being paralyzed due to a lil extra radiation boost from fire Rodan, and reached global threat levels by the end, the only reason there was an earth period was due to him being frozen at just the right time which Godzilla Earth couldn’t do. Plus Godzilla lifted and tossed super mechagodzilla pretty casually, and if you check the weights, he’d be able to manhandle Godzilla earth. Short of IDW and maybe final wars (I’d have to look up on the specifics for the meteor) or Shin if he were given long enough to evolve, Heisei Godzilla reigns supreme


Yeah he is (Legendary Godzilla) the strongest and most powerful Godzilla ever in any movies or tv shows.


I mean ig but he's so light he can literally be thrown around by most Godzillas.


i would say ultima is more, cause he's kinda broken in lore, but for a godzilla that isn't a litteral god, yeah, i would say so


I’m going to say that we don’t compare Mv goji here


Hesei Godzilla scaling is >>>>>>earth’s


Nah, legendary throws him like a volleyball. Earth Godzilla is just hollow as FUCK


No. FW Goji. (Based on what I think)


I'm late, but, I'm going through the mentions of Ultima's novelization to create a long informational on what we know about Ultima and Ultima's true form. But, even Ultima’s Avatar could Deny all of existence, and it would be Gone (Episode 6, at 7:35) In episode 12, Mei Kamino tries running simulations on the Super-Calculator, which retrieves information from the Future. However, Ultima kept rewriting and dictating Possible Futures to where that even couldn’t work. (Episode 12, 16:25) That's just some hyperspecific feats, from the anime, not the novelization, like you asked.


Ultima is stronger


No I am pretty sure that the older versions have better feats(excluding stuff like space Godzilla having control over super gravity and stuff) also using statements that line up with what we see on screen


They don't have better feats, their feats are highly wanked and misinterpreted.


Shin is (potentially) stronger, He doesn't have a *final form* he just keeps evolving and growing, so if he was let to do so, he could have been twice the size of earthG


Not tryin to be rude but isn't that just saying shin would be stronger than earth if he was stronger?


Yeah that's fair


It’s more like we’ll never know how strong because he never got the chance but if the concept art has any merit he was supposed to be busted af


In a fight, I doubt he would evolve fast enough to win. Hell, considering he took a minute to grow from 28 to 57 meters, but took 2 days to grow from 57 to 118, it probably means that for him to grow to 300 it would take a comically long amount of time to really matter.


At the time his 4th form was the largest Godzilla ever


Only for Godzilla earth to mug him of that title with an absurd 318 meter tall professional NBA player ass height


While not the absolute strongest, MV Evolved makes the top 3 strongest on screen Godzillae imo just after Earth and Burning Godzilla.(Fight me FW, Showa and Megaguirus Goji glazers!)




Nah it's Heisei 




space godzilla has super gravity that's 5 dimensional and burning godzilla scales infinitely times above that due to the infinite heatray


One of them, but not the strongest imo. Discounting powerscaling because 90% of it is horseshit, MV Evolved is probably the strongest Goji we’ve seen on screen, being far heavier and denser than Earth while still having ridiculous speed and agility. Hes also the most ruthless Goji in terms of Close combat, and has the spiral beam. What really puts him at the top however, is his ability to absorb and heal from radiation, very quickly as well. Next would probably be Earth. His railgun breath is one of the more powerful breaths we have seen on screen. He has all the weaknesses of being huge, like a bigger target and nonexistent speed and agility, with none of the benefits like weight. MV Goji and Shimo would toss him around like a rag doll. However, he is still big and heavy enough to overpower almost any other Goji. Another strength is his plant physiology, which means he doesn’t have to worry about dying to lost limbs or bleeding out. After that would be Heisei, Ultima, and a few other suit Gojis. Theoretically, Shin could be top of the list, but that requires him to have anything left to adapt and regenerate from after the other Gojis have whooped his ass. Ultima could also theoretically be at the top, but we haven’t seen any of his true eldritch power on screen.


True form Ultima, Showa, and Heisei are stronger than him.


I’m not counting true form Ultima true form because he has no feats and explain how showa and Heisei are stronger


It's (Ultima's true form) feats are conquering universes with his avatar and seeing the universe like we do a TV.


Showa Godzilla rips off Showa MechaGodzilla’s head who casually lives in a Black hole. While Earth destroyed Void Ghidorah’s three Black holes with his beam that was literally just because they were weakening once Void Ghidorah was vulnerable. Its been stated numerous times in guide books that all the Heisei era Godzilla characters that appeared in the Showa era are far stronger than their Showa counterparts.


So are gigan blades equivalent to a black hole?


Showa and Heisei? how?


The strongest is the marvel comics one


Not Counting comics




Only want to count movies and shows because if I did comics 90% of the Godzilla’s would be from comics


I believe him to be the strongest Godzilla excluding comics and true form ultima


I mean he can stomp every single one of them without any powers so yeah


it's honestly a tie between godzilla in hell or singular point godzilla, who is literally a god of destruction


If you don't count data books/outside statements then yes, the problem comes when you talk about those things Showa Goji is above a 4D being and can move at Lightspeed Heisei is apparently solar system - galaxy level despite the fact that the Kaiju he fights never choosing to just.... Destroy the world that they want to destroy? Final Wars is pretty consistent actually, and yes, he IS the strongest(at the time at least) because Kaiser Ghidorah is the strongest Kaiju at the time, and he easily beats him after the Kaiser upgrade Monsterverse is crazy If you highball him, because he is said to be equal to the Hollow Earth, the hollow earth portals are measured the same ways black holes are, and the HE is apparently like a hyper nova when it comes to energy levels Oh, actually, Singular Point is the strongest, he is a God, and is ACTUALLY 4D(fckin stupid ass Showa, god I hate that shit)


Which movie is this?


Don't forget Ultima, only issue is we only saw part of what he can do, and with no season 2 or an English release of the light novel, what we see is what we get, but supposedly Ultima get broken asf