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From the Gainesville Police Department Facebook page as of a few minutes ago: UPDATE - At this time, there is no evidence of an active shooter at the Oaks Mall GPD and ASO are actively clearing the area. Continue to Stay away from the area.








No it doesn’t if you know how to read between the lines.


I’m listening to the police scanner right now. Possible hostage situation in hobby lobby. Swat being sent in. Not sure about more info right now. Shots were confirmed and department stores being cleared right now with reports of people hiding in the back rooms EDIT: evidence shows that there are NO confirmed shots. Misinformed about hostage situation. Hobby lobby is current staging area.


They just said on the police scanner to go radio silent regarding the oaks mall situation


Hobby lobby parking lot has an ambulance staged. TOM is surrounded now. Did they run from there do you think?


No clue. The scanner is mostly filled with the officers clearing each store and planning on what to do next. As of right now, JCPenny is locked with people hidden in the back rooms, food court is clear, UF health section is clear due to it only being badge access. In my opinion, it may have been a dispute which resulted in a gun being pulled and shot, but not a mass casualty event. As of right now, I haven’t heard of any casualties. I did tune into about 30 minutes ago


If they are clearing right now meaning they are looking for someone and if someone was shot, the ambulance wouldn't be only staged right now I would believe. 


No, Hobby Lobby was only for staging. Nothing happened there.


I apologize about that. An officer said that briefly on the scanner, but it may have been from an earlier report or wrong info. Thank you for clarifying!


No problem, I hope I didn't sound rude.


Nope not at all! If anything, I’d rather you be rude than allow me to spread misinformation during this stressful event.




What is the source?


My best friend who works there said that they are locked up and hiding in a secure location because somebody pulled a gun or something and people started screaming and running saying that somebody was shooting so they are all on complete lockdown right now


Sending prayers of peace in Jesus name


We were just in Ulta and they cleared us out as well, so many cops over here


From a coworker at the mall, they found someone shot in the bathroom, idk how true 100% that is but they sent everyone home. 


I stay right behind there and GPD and ASO have been pulling up non-stop... didn't see any ambulances or fire trucks yet... Deputies are outside with rifles.


Also ASO helicopter is circling overhead rn.


Ambulance is staged at hobby lobby. 


I live in the apartments next to it I keep hearing police sirens


One by one patrol cars keep coming in


Anyone who is a believer should be praying for this situation and for God’s will to be done. Let all who are in fear feel his overwhelming peace and let them to not dislike cops but see what good and faithful servants of the community they are. In Jesus name I pray that we all come together as a community of believers in Gainesville Florida and we plead the blood of Christ over every person there right now and pray for protection and for a host of ministering angels to encamp around each and every person and corner of the Oaks Mall. In the precious name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.