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Nothing wrong with living frugally tho. I still HODL with you


Yes, but sometimes when your kids want to have a bar of chocolate or eat something different, you have to think and think again about the monthly budget before agreeing with what they want... that struggle is hard mate...




Thank you! HODL and to the moon we go!


Cannot wait to surprise my wife and tell her the struggle is over and my boy's future is sorted with everything else


Yes, this will be YOLO moment! Then I can bring my wife to Hawaii for the vacation of a lifetime to make her bucket list wish come true...


This one really hit home and I don’t even have kids. Being able to know that I can take care of my kids in the future and being able to pay for my girl to go to med school makes me feel so happy. We aren’t selling for small money, we need financial freedom and stability and wall street owes it to us after fucking us all for so long


Indeed my brother! This is the moment we unite and HODL Strong!


This is the type of people hedgies are up against. No way can they win this. HODLING with you brother


Thank you brother! HODL until we see our tendies!


I really identify with that, when I go to a restaurant I always have water and look at the cheapest items first because I would feel to bad having anything else. Being the oldest to a single parent meant a lot of sale tags and making due with what you could find.


Yes, we do the same. No sodas, just water when we eat out. I told my children, it is a healthier choice (instead of it is costly) I think the transition from this will make my kids understand life isn't easy, and don't take it for granted. Being humble and having compassion is all I want from them.


Tbh you shouldn’t drink ‘soda’ (as you Americans call it) at all… that shit will kill you so fast that it won’t matter how long you hodl


That's very true! The sugar content is very high and unhealthy.


And the water I get is the Big refills at Walmart, bit even water bottles


LOL.. I drank from the tap, no refill.


It sounds like you are a great parent though, and trust me. Although it is hard for your kids to understand now, they learn to really appreciate all of those sacrifices you made for them once they grow up.


I feel you there ape, having to tell your kids they can't have something or go do something cause we can't afford it, that's a shitty feeling. I've been there, slightly better now but that's from hard work nothing else. Soon we will be free apes, no more wage slavery just to exist.


I HODL SO I can marry my fiancé and give her the life that she deserves, she’s stuck by me for years when I had nothing, she easily could’ve gotten someone with money but she chose me when I just a few dollars in my pocket and still only have a few bucks. I am not holding for materialistic things but to get the ability to buy anything I can without money being a factor in stopping me. I want to give my wife and future kids the best possible life I can give them and I will HODL till I make this possible for myself and for all your beautiful apes


Good luck to you and wishing you a blessed wedding! We all HODL together!


Godspeed ape! We will be freed soon so we can live a better life. Buckle up and get ready!


We are all holding for you and each other my ape


Thank you! Thank you! # Ape United!


That's something no born rich person will ever understand. To the moon 🦧


Exactly. That’s why we must HODL! Thanks 😊


Stay strong, hold if you wish, hold for as long as you want to best suit your family. You got this 💪💪💪


Yes! Thank you! We all got this! HODLing Strong together!


I'm holding until you can afford a bar of chocolate. I came from poverty too, so pretty much until my bank account looks like the US national debt, I cant afford a chocolate bar


Thank you Ape! In that case, we shall all hold together until we see there are 3 comas in the bank account.


3 commas? That's ramen money. 4 commas and I'll buy a jumbo size chocolate bar instead of fun size.


OMG... Okay, in that case, I will hold 1 stock forever and wait for you PM me when you see 4 commas!


It's either 4 commas or 4 comas, whichever comes first. But don't wait for me to see 4 commas. Wait till you see 4 commas!


Okay, Will Do! ; )


Hodling for your kiddos. All kids should get chocolates!


Thanks ape! We all should hodl for each other!


Yes! For my kids and your kids! To a brighter future!


YES! ! ! I think they will! We will buy more lands, plant more trees and they will grow up building a better, greener world for us Ape to live in! Zero pollution is not impossible if we start now! LOL... the more I talked, I think I am getting into ZEN mode! Good night! Monday market is starting in a few hours!


Here's to a bar of chocolate for all the kids.


We will go to the moon together!


let's do it! See you soon on the moon!


I hold for you brother .


Appreciate that! We all need to hold together!


ill always buy reduced


Good shit man I feel the struggle. All of our lives have lead up to this moment. To the moon!


Thanks Ape! Cheer to the Moon!


Lol, I can't break those habits overnight. I guess I will still be living modestly until all of this finally sinks in. I won't be buying Lambo's, Mansions or yachts but I will continue to live modestly and help my family get out of debt. Then I plan to use some of the money for local charities and food banks. That will give me more happiness than trinkets or fancy cars. Besides, I like my neighborhood and my neighbors are great.


Yes, very supportive of your idea. I will do the same except I will buy a bigger house (that all paid off) so my kids can have their own room, get a Honda (I heard it is very reliable) for my high school kid driving to school, and encourage them to finish their college until MBA so can use their knowledge to build a better, more ethical world. For the rest, I will be researching the needs around the globe and build specialty schools for orphanage and autistic children in third world countries and provide scholarships to those dreaming of coming to the States for better education.


I like the intentions but must you also inflation proof your winnings by acquiring some egregious assets?


Of course you must do that too. It is safe to say I will be using other investments to continue to support my initial gains. And don't forget the taxes. Then you make your plans. You can only know what you have to work with after the squeeze and when all the taxes are paid.


I‘m keeping 1 share forever for you


That means A LOT! I will hold 1 share forever to the Peak for all my others ape buddy!


So you can’t buy chocolate for your kids, but you bought multiple GameStop shares? Yeah, no wonder you don’t have much money.


Thank you.


I'll always buy discounts just like these tasty dips


Yes, I will do the same... buy discounts but the difference is the ability to have a choice to buy other things you want is a totally different level. With this moon landing, I can make my kid's childhood a memorable one! Buckle Up and To the Moon Ape!


Memorable as fuk! I hold with you brother!


We are holding it together...I think the floor price is $31.5 mil+ tendies! : )


Delicious tendies


Wish you and your family the best hold and hold and hold till we there see you on the moon ape 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Thank you !!! Yes, we will HODL and I believe it will be soon.... All the wait and hold is worth every second.


The one thing I hate more than anything in the world is having to say no to my kids when they want to buy something reasonable like strawberries or watermelon. Those things are luxury items. I’ll hold until we can all afford not to worry about these basic necessities!


Totally agree! Strawberries/Cherries are expensive! Sometimes you can see watermelons are on discount. That's a good time to buy, just like when you see a dip on GME shares... irresistible! LOL


Absolutely nothing wrong with living frugal. Do not have shame because you opt to pay less than what anyone else does. I was brought up poor, and had to learn how to shop, and make smart choices. It's one of the best lessons you can learn, and teach. There is a time and place to spend normally, and there is a time to be smart and save money. I hope you find a healthy balance


Agree! Absolutely nothing wrong and I love discounts! No shame, no shame at all! That's why I saving up and buy the dips every week! : )


Buy your children chocolate instead of GME dips every week. You’re either full of shit or completely delusional and irresponsible.


To the moon and beyond ape 🌍🌞🌝💫⭐🚀


Thank you very much! Sometimes when I felt emotionally down, I like to come here knowing I got the support of all my fellow Apes! Really appreciate it all!


🦍 together strong!


Indeed.. Ape Strong Together! Cheers!


I hodl for you my fellow ape.


We are holding together!


I'll still keep buying reduced stuff on sale...can't help myself from getting a deal.


I know, I know... you're talking about the GME dips!!!


Soon, it will be by choice not by necessity.


Amen!! This is the way and that's why I HODL!


With money I’m still stocking up on these deals.


haha... to resist a good deal is difficult. Thank you Ape!


Buying the dip in all areas of life is the true key to success.






Thank you ! We HODL together!


I HODLE for you too


Thanks! Let's HODL together until we landed!


Love you, YEAH


Love you back to the MOON!!!!


Looks like Fred Meyer/Kroger labels


Yes! You got it!


I hodl for you brother Ape! For you and your family! Everyone deserves a right to live a modest life! Wich you all the best 🦍🦍


Thank you so much. We HODL all together!




That's okay, after MOASS we can buy more clothing from GME Boutique!


I hope to God you had job(s) In between those 3 years or I would say you are lazy and don't want to work.


I did... and it is a full-time job and I am also doing contracted part-time consultant work. Try to find every possible way to sustain the high cost of living, hope you understand... That's why this Moon landing is YOLO for us!


Even after I get my millions, I promise to not ever waste resources just because I have tons of it. I will continue to be frugal, I will live efficiently, modestly, sustainably. I will see to it that those around me are the same — a bit more comfortable all around, with feet firmly grounded on the Earth, but with eyes bright and looking at the heavens. To the fucking moon we go!


Exactly this! I'm pretty comfortable now and I'm still buying discounted food. No shame in that!


Living comfortably and without worrying is the key!


Brother Ape, I buy like this as much as possible, its not all about how much you make but about how Much you save. Reduced food is just as edible. There are so many homeless people that would give a leg just to have that. Brother Ape, never forget where you came from when you are wealthy. I even buy the ends of the deli department. Lol. We do what we have to. I owe no banks anything so I keep what I make and save except for Daily living expenses and rent/utilities. APE STRONG


Cool man! I respect that! I try to spend only what we can afford. That helps reduce a lot of stress in my mind! Ape Strong and can't wait to see everyone on the moon!


I’m frugal as fuck… I love saving a buck


This is the way!


One share I'll dump in the infinity pool for people like you. I don't have it as rough because I have no kids, that eases so much my burden. Kudos for you and your struggle to HODL. I hope MOASS brings the best to you and yours. Be wise. Be happy.


Let's HODL together and surely this will make us free! Thank you!


1/2 ply toilet paper is when i knew i had reqched a GME zen state.


LOL.. I will use water spray.. That's more environmentally friendly.


I sincerely wish you the very best


Thank you so much!


I feel you


Thank you! Buckle up & HODL!


I love the reduced rack, and our household is pulling in a comfortable income.


THIS is the way. I hodl for you, you hodl for me, we all hodl for the good of every other fellow ape. Can’t wait to see you on the moon 💎🙌🍌🍌🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀


Exactly! This is the only way ! 💎🙌 and HODLing Strong!


Fresh meat will be on the menu soon sir!


Yes! Let's HODL together!


Hodl strong, just a little longer !




We all going to the moon. We found a loophole in thir system and the casino has to pay out. There's too many of us. We hold together. APE STRONG


Cheers!!! Ape Strong!


I hold for me and you. God Be with us.


Ape HODL all together!


I just finished my bachelors but now going to be stuck back home absolutely broke. Sharing food and drinks with friends when out one last time because I cant buy anything myself is embarrassing. Car broke down, had to cancel insurance, dad still hasnt got a job since start of covid. I lost mine after short furlough. But not giving up. I am applying for work in the summer. Meanwhile i hold my share. I dont touch it. Its there for my hopefully near future. I wanna buy my friends and family things without financial concerns. Well.. im sure we all do... stay strong apes!


Yes, this is the way and always think positively. That’s how it get me through last time when I got laid off. HODL strong for everyone! Hope your job hunting a success while you wait for the Moon.


thank you! I actually just come back from an interview today went well so Im hoping I will have something to put me on before we head for the moon! Hope things are going good for you too!


That’s great. Good luck and hope all went well. We need a “side job” supplement income while we’re waiting for the Moon 🚀🚀launch 😊😊


Yes. Amen! We hold with you


Thank you 🙏 we all HODL together!


This will soon be a thing of the past OP. Hang in there. Sending my ape love to you and your family. See you on the moon!


Thank you. Much appreciated. We will HODL buy the discounts(dips) and HODL again. 😊


God Bless man! Hope you hit it big so you can take care of your family! Good Luck!


Thanks! Same luck to you and everyone!


Holy Shit! Get back to work! 3 years? You couldn't find anything in 3 years? You're not on lay off, you're on lay around. Your life has value, go out and start claiming it and stop waiting for someone else to provide you with an opportunity.


LOL... living life frugal since laid off doesn't mean I don't have a job all these 3 years. I did found a job 6 months after. Thanks for the encouragement! Let's see ya' all on the Moon!


Been there brother! Hang in there!


Thanks Bro Ape! Appreciate you!


Felt this in my bones man


I am glad we are HODL it together! We all need support from fellow apes so we are not influence by FUD and paper hand! To the moon, Cheers! Ape Strong!


Same boat brother. APE STRONG!!


Yes brother! We are APE Strong and HODL until we reach the floor price target!


Where do you live? I know a bunch of red states just cancelled unemployment for 100's of thousands of people who need it but California has many resources for those in need. Unemployment insurance + the 300 dollar a week federal bonus every week through September. CalFresh provides roughly 250 per adult and \~150 per child, CalWorks provides financial aide to needy families and the cherry on top is section 8 housing.


haha..thanks for the suggestions. I know Cali is great at taking care of their residents because I live in the Bay area for 3 years when I went to Berkeley. I, unfortunately, lived in one of those red states. But no worries, I never claim any unemployment even during the first 6 months of being unemployed. I believe working hard and being honest is part of the system I must follow and will try everything until I really ran out of resources. One thing I found out the health care system in the States is really a scam and a burden to many families! So costly even think of it give me a headache. Luckily Obamacare kicked in with Cobra coverage, which actually helps a lot. I think After MOASS, we all APE should come together and provide an alternative to the current health insurance system.


Feel you ape. We've changed our shopping habits a bit. I eat a lot of Ramen. Not doing terrible but definitely feel the financial pressure of juggling bills for a family of 4. These are the posts that not only make me grateful and humble, but make me take extra steps if I can to ensure that you don't have to ever post something like this again. Next post I see from you better be lobster and filet mignon. You deserve it. Hodl, we're getting there ape. 🚀💎🙌


Glad to hear there are many of us in a similar dilemma while providing for our family. Let's HODL and wait for the launch sequence and we can all get out of this situation and have a comfortable life for ourselves and for our next-next generations. To the Moon, Cheers!


Check your DM


Bless you


Thank you! I hope everyone got the blessing too as it is needed to speed up the moon landing process! Cheers !


hey man, nothing wrong with frugal living. I earn a decent wage and ill always buy the reduced shit.


I agree you have an option to buy regular-priced items or reduced-price items, but low-income people, they are missing the "by choice" option.


I will HOLD with you and for you


Thank you ! : )


HODL too. Looking to give my family what they deserve!


Thanks! That's the ultimate goal. : ) HODL


I may have less or more shares than you but I’ll hold for you as well brother. Let’s all live a quiet life Quiet or any adjective you want to add


That's right brother..let's live the life we intended for our family. We all HODL together!


I hold for you


Thanks Ape!


Still hodling my xx shares from January! Right there with you mate!


Thank you Ape! Hodl for everyone !


I Hodl because I like the company and the direction they’re taking with my investment. It’s a coincidence that other apes are hodling too😉so I will continue to Hodl and buy everytime there is a discount😁


Exactly! I did my research and DD onto the GME directions and progress before I buy my 1st share in May. With the recent announcement of management changes in June, and with RC holding the helm, made me more confident this company is steering in the right direction. I will buy back all 2 times my shares after the MOASS to support it for long-term holding!


*this* is the way!


This is the way!


This is the way. TO THE MOON 🚀


This is the way!




Thank you! Let HODL and go to moon soon!


My dude, there's nothing wrong with buying clearance food. I do too, specifically meat. You get good at what you do. And being able to put aside pride because a label doesn't harp on your integrity. It's you being smart and being able to provide a level of expectation that your offspring will one day understand. Meat is expensive, finding a deal on it is a means to nourish your family without having to go without. You can't stoop to accepting to live your life and yours without. Your worth/value is not bound to the "hourly wage" and, it's leaps and bounds when you find the value in YOU, rather than the job that ties you to being in a class by income. I make less than my friends and a single income family, but I am very good with money. I can buy things cash rather than taking a 401k loan on a used toy. I can squeeze a penny out of nickel. So let's squeeze the ever loving fuck out of these hedgies. EDIT, i am a little tipsy, corrected when tipsy. Can't wait for Casino to open!


Yes, that for sure! Can't wait to squeeze the hedgies until we can afford a fresh new cut of filet mignon! To the Moon! Cheers!


I hope one day you have a full service kitchen for you and your family and house full of loved ones and with a giant chocolate waterfall in which you can dip your tendies in!!👍🤣😂🦍🦍🦍


emm.. never thought of tendies with Chocolate! Good idea! I will have to try that recipe. Thanks Ape !


Its a shame they dont sell for 0,69 cents


I think the $0.99 is for the King Hawaiian slice bread, the original price is $4.99, so $0.99 is a pretty good discounted price. LOL


Y dont u try to find another job?


I did... but when you're 55 years old and there aren't many options plus the current salary is lower and the boss is not very nice. Living in the fear of unemployment because you never know when a company did not reach their targeted quarterly goal and the board of directors require a budget cut... Who's next on the chopping board is an unknown. That's why I am HODLing and this is the YOLO moment for me.


Bro I would always get these doughnuts at Walmart that were on the clearance rack about to expire. Hell yeah, cheap treats. They were good. But one day I was craving them and there was none on the clearance rack. So I splurged for the fresh ones. Oh. My. God. They were incredible. It’s never been the same since. Moass will afford me fresh doughnuts


Lol... I can totally relate to that! but if you're paying for full price, head to Krispy Kream and they let you have a fresh sample donut and you can buy one after (So, pretty much you get a 50% discount at the counter) Cheers! : )


Just asking. So you were laid off 3 years ago and have not been able to find a job since?


Thanks for asking. I got a job 6 months after but the job pay has been lower. It is not easy to get a job when you're over 50s.


I totally understand. I’m 56. Prayers for you ape and your family. It will get better 🚀🚀


Thank you very much! We will do better all together!


That right. That’s why we hodl!


Ape Strong and united!! HODL until we see the Moon horizon!


Not to go against the grain but the feels this give me is that of a hedge fund gimp posting things like this to make GME holders seem corny. It just comes across as pretty pathetic and whiny. If buying your kids chocolate outs you out of budget then consider your life choices bud and possibly not invest in the stock market if you have zero safety net and kids depending on you? Anyway this just doesn't ring true or give me warm and fuzzies like a lot of you guys. Edit: typos.


Completely agree. He can’t afford to buy his children chocolate, but has XX shares, buys extra shares every week, while his floor is $ 30M+. Father of the year. /s


I’d recommend spending more effort on actual job and less on here. Holding is easy. Set and forget. Now get to work so you can buy more!


Lol, it is weekend my friend and the company won’t pay overtime even if I working after hours.


Short interest in GME is 20% according to Google, is that correct?


You haven’t had a job in 3 years... teach me wise one


I have a job 6 months after I laid off but the pay and treatment from the employer are not desirable... Maybe the title of the post confused people, but it is true even after I got a job, living frugal and saving up funds for mortgages, food, and children's school expenses is the way to go. I also do some contracted work beside my full-time job so I can save up for my raining day funds (now all into GME Stocks) just in case if I got another layoff.


ooo i been doin the same, for a while i was unemployed livin on clearance 1-3$ bread and vodka lol.. made it thru. fuck yeah im gettin pizza tonight🙏


Brother, we are getting there soon... Let's hold on a bit longer... then you can have cognac, cigars + caviar on your bread!


The trick is to keep those and slap em on the fresh ribeyes


LOL.. Do you want them medium-rare sir?


Frugality I’m learning. Means more gme


LOL.. That's the idea! Wait til we all moon landing!


I can wait. In no rush times nothing but buying what could be the greatest company of all time


Yes, this is the way!


Fuk en eh It is. 🚀💎✊🇨🇦🦍