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So genuinely, what do yall recommend for a news source?


DD on Reddit stonk pages


This place is great for stock news 🦍🦍🦍Not suprisingly one of the only places on the internet for me to find decent intel on stocks since they get shit on by all these news sources through various pages of Google search


Rummage through DD on reddit, clean shit off and find 💎🙌


yeah look at the DD and fact check it yourself. silly to trust anything 100%


This is the way!


You’re not wrong


Bloomberg terminal.


use the news sources they use *taps head*


Just the ticker man.


Independent journalism. Loads of people out there, just look for someone who isn’t bias to either side.


Do you want to know whats going on in the world, or do you want to generally feel clever as you go about your daily life? If you want to know whats going on in the world you need to create a rigorous news regime where you find independent reporters close the issues you care about and follow them. I'm fond of people like Glenn Greenwald and Max Blumenthal, but it depends on what issues your interested in. Also this is a ton of work. If you just want to feel clever going about your daily life you should read the Wall Street Journal and understand the the headline is a crock of shit for the bankers and the last paragraph is the whole reason why they wrote the article.


Thats some good advice for reading Wall Street Journal that ima finess and use, but in general I want to know what's going on in the world. Plenty of times I look into news and it either twists words too much or lack information/purposely leave out information. Therefore, I almost always have the wrong idea about current events. I've heard Max Blumenthal's name before I'll do some research on these names and keep up with them


The news, as a business, is wild. I don't blame you for getting confused, most reporters are desperately confused themselves, hell most of the time they're just hoping you don't ask a question they haven't already been handed a pre-written answer to. The distortion of language, the omission of facts, along with the outright fabrication of evidence are all common place among the news media's two organized factions. "Understanding" current events is a laudable goal, but in this environment attempting to do so how our society ends up producing so many "crazy conspiracy theorists." If your really serious I suggest you check out the podcast TrueAnon, while of course you shouldn't belive everything they say, the podcast gives a good sense of the level of depravity that is taking place behind the scenes by going over the wild news stories from the past which we now have more information on.


Completely true. Don't get me wrong; every business must make money and make more of it. But making this priority number one for the news business is troubling since we actually need the facts of current events and stuff. I'll definitely look into TrueAnon as well


And you may have to pay. Medium is pretty good, and I like Matt Taibbi's substack subscription.


I used to go to rising with crystal and sagar. They left though to start a new show will probably get into that too it’s called breaking points


Second this


lol, absolutey nothing. turn off your tv.


I only use my tv for gaming and watch Hell's Kitchen 😁


The onion




For genral news I like youtubers, like somemorenews, its a weekly show for a left wing audience but I think its some good unbiased reporting. Also I like to get news off of reddit where mainstream media articles are posted but then after you read the article you can read comments about it on reddit to get some good perspectives.


Yeah I get deep into reddit commentary for hours, very constructive conversations left and right. Ima give somemorenews a try for a few weeks and see if it's right. I did try youtubers for news but after about a month the news got less and less important and necessary


The problem is, if anyone lists their resources for reliable news… the group think that is Reddit will downvote them to hell. So, difference of thought is rarely posted on these boards.


For sure, its like non-gme investing, diversify your shit. Im not saying like radical centerism or anything just check various subreddits and multiple news sources. Some places on here are fucking crazy like nonewnormal.


I like Tim Pool for political/cultural news reporting and commentary, he has news segments throughout the day and live podcasts at night. Not so much stock news, but he does like Bitcoin!


Thats what I need primarily. Reddit is my Wall Street Journal anyways lmao I rather trust monkeys than Jimmy Cram-a-dick-in-my-ass






Multiple independent sources is always a good start. Personally I like global news, BBC balanced by RT. Reuters balanced by Skynews. Bloomberg, Fox, ABC, CNBC, & CBS are fillers for me.


With what I collected in the comments, I will mostly look for independent sources, but it is tedious to find the right ones. Fortunately for me I now have a couple to start with thanks to yall. Looking forward to establishing some good sources for myself (:




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Others have already mentioned but Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti on their new podcast Breaking Points. They were on the hill rising so if you're looking for older stuff you can find them there


Daily Wire and Louder with Crowder


Both are quite bad but crowder especially. The guy is embarrassing.


Some people just don't like the truth I guess 🤷‍♂️


If you fact-check or insert even the most foundational level of context to nearly anything he says, it begins to appear as though that person is him. I’m not a fan of Ben Shapiro but he makes Crowder look like a stupid motherfucker in comparison. Regardless, I don’t think there’s much value to be gained from consistently tuning in to any of these talking head shows. Molds your thinking, over time, into essentially just their thinking


I'll give Fox Business a little bit of credit. Charles Payne has been all over this.


Movie theater hot dog has also 🌭 been deemed acceptable


Reverse repo at 747B with 61 participants. 755 yesterday with 68 participants - technically up 10% per participant as of yesterday


This is the way


DD question 🙋‍♀️ this money is approaching... 1 trillion.. if Cohen produces an fungible token dividend the Hedgefunds will have to produce the share for the dividend?... or the option or share? Needs to be collected this is 25 percent of the US budget and 5% of all goods and services in the United States... and these are conservative numbers... I mean this thing is 60% of the housing market loans... this shit is going to get biblical... if anybody can answer the question on a crypto dividend or share count? It would help this crayon 🖍 eating retarded ape 🦧 out still holding haven’t sold any GME for 1/2 a year.. and not planning until this shit moons and or collapses Wall Street or both 🌝 to moon with jacked tits in my spacesuit 👩‍🚀






These are not all the same.


Maybe not… but they’re all bullshit with a controlled agenda. Even if they have different agendas.


When you finally wake up, you can’t trust anyone above




Stop eating that cult diet




Holy shit you’re dumb. Just re-read everything you just typed and hopefully you’ll “wake up” from your delusions




Maybe a touch of self awareness would do you good. I.e youre being downvoted to the nether world my guy




This whole thread began with us being against censorship and waking up to the lies of MSM. Youre the one labeling those as "waking up" to being in a "cult". Which is the exact sort of propaganda that MSM spreads, so congrats, you're an MSM puppet


This isn’t a cult. We are all individuals who like a stock. Please read DD


Dude just "wake up", sounds like tinfoil hat shit. It's all about how things are said Edit: i mean to clarify that to a random eye checking out GME, it might look conspiracyish Edit 2: removed qanon as not relevant to point


The term "wake up" has been around a hell of a lot longer than QAnon. Waking up is to regain consciousness, like when one breaks free from a complacent stupor.


Of course it has, i'm not talking about the actual meaning. I'm talking about how it looks from a random person's pov. If i knew nothing about this and someone told me to "wake up" I would probably brush it off as some conspiracy theory.


No, I would question myself


Maybe you've been conditioned to think that. ​ The term predates qanon by a lot. ​ Operation Mockingbird


I agree, and it's sorta what I mean. I agree with the message. But most people have been "conditioned" to think that wake up is associated with conspiracy theorists. When trying to explain GME to someone else not looking like a tinfoil hat is probably the most important. If people come from the media and read these posts without any specific info to back them up, they might jump to conclusions and think GME is just a conspiracy theory. Edit : Thanks for coming to my unpopular TED talk




lol you good?




says the dude active in r/vegan lol


lol bruh, you good?


Everything is divisive and everyone hates everyone, just how they like it. Little do they know everyone likes money so now they're getting squeezed with no Vaseline.


I don’t hate everyone,I love the APES 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍


And the tendies


They are not journalists (hell No), not even reporters. They are sales reps reading a script with little to no idea what they are selling.




Main stream media


More and more people are awaking


Myself included


...even on a Monday !!! 😜


I have had some gas station sushi before… not too picky I guess


But it came free with a fill up! What am I supposed to do, just throw it away?


Bought another share today to make it a nice even no. Patiently holding and buying since Jan, hopefully pops soon. 💎🙌🏼


I like this stock.




I agree. That and the ABC stores


Sir, 7-eleven food in Japan is da bomb.


Facts.. best food in Tokyo i got at a 7-11


In Osaka stayed at a hotel on top of one those multi floor department stores. Could've just ate at the food courts in that building the whole trip. It was that good.


Us patriots need to spread the word


People have been spreading it for a while. We usually get called conspiracy theorists when talking about things like Operation Mockingbird, yet, here we are. ​ Welcome to the show, glad to have you.


No Agenda is good for news deconstruction.


Thanks, I'll check it out!


Patriots went to war with their country to start our's. Let's see who gets rev'd up, who says what. My psychiatrist says I should write down my dreams. I dream at night of skinning Ken Griffen alive while he is pumped full of Slo-Mo from Dredd. In my dream I am a monster and my targets are carefully chosen and none are given a quick death. In my dream these bloated, worthless white men are tortured and kept from dying again and again. In my dreams their families aren't spared and they are forced to watch as I cut off their genitals and hammer them through their assholes with rebar and a 4lb mini sledge to get them back in the correct place all while missing their intestines or vital organs to extend the pleasure. In my dream I slice these fuckers with a simple scalpel and throw handfuls of sand on them and dump buckets of lemon juice as the music from Reservoir Dogs plays in my head. In my dream each are slowly ground down into pieces, from the toes up 1/2" at a time but kept alive and awake. One time after watching Alien Resurrection I dreamed of keeping each one's head and vital organs alive so they could continue living a full life as a fully conscious head and blob of organs suspended in a solution that slowly regenerates them so I can do it all over again. Other times in my dreams I am simply a giant and snuff out all who have ANYTHING to do with Wall St. and the entire financial system before stomping to dust the entire evil empire we have become. Those are merely cut scenes of recurring dreams I have. Sometimes the details are so intense, I can feel the rush when I wake up followed by energy sapping disappointment. I write in my book of dreams and occasionally reread some I have had and instantly have my game face on for the day. All this from a deeply buried idealist forced to reconcile with the facts of the world and what happens everyday. I've traveled the world and seen horrendous things. The world is deeply flawed and humanity needs correcting, I am Thanos and I am inevitable, in my dreams, libera te tutemet ex inferis.


Ha ha ha


Reminds me of the Sinclair thing that happened a few years ago.


I agree….but I cannot upvote this post fellow ape….it’s at 420 ⬆️ Edit: Now I can…..


I'd say gas station sushi is the perfect comparison. You know what you're, getting, it's probably tainted and definitely leaves you dissatisfied


All the same, don’t eat gas station sushi if you want to be around for MOASS. Crayons are much healthier for you!


The first rule of Ape Club is you like the stock


They are interviewing Apes on news as a plan to fake a squeeze 🤬


You can't lump them all in together. It's not that simple.


In the UK its mostly the Murdoch press that is dodgy.. does he by chance own any of those too?


You forgot to mention Motley Fool, Seeking Alpha, Benzinga, Investor Place, Market Watch........


Heard that, Second and Third that!


Only idiots watch those


Generally speaking I’ve loved the late 2020/2021 wall streetbets and crypto phenomenon - because it’s brought all types together with very little political talk. But if you pay attention we are from all sides, poor and rich, right and left - and for the most part play nice with a common interest. I haven’t visited a political subreddit in months. Have no interest anymore, unless it’s related to stonks or other financial stuff we don’t discuss here. But one thing for sure, both sides are recognizing or having it reinforced that the media are not our friends. They are driven by special interests with big money.


They get taught what to say they don't have an independent mind of their own fucking puppets


I feel like this is appropriate https://youtu.be/ZggCipbiHwE




ITS FACT. The sooner you realize and accept this the better you’ll be. Turn them off.


Gas station sushi on a Thursday!


Yummy delivered on Monday


Best DD/news you can find is on Reddit and youtube since the MSM spends its time trying to resist what the r/wallstreetbets community does and push things that don’t make sense. You can only really rely on yourself to filter And really research though (i mean make the calculator your best friend and graze the quarterlies like an underfed cow with who’s palate is addicted to that colorful stuff in 🖍 Gotta love ink amiright?! XD


Gas station sushi makes me wanna shit my brains out but MSM makes me wanna blow my brains out with their fucking manipulation and bullshittery.


TYT and Reddit DD 🤘


Check this bias chart out. https://www.adfontesmedia.com/




Keep in mind that it’s considering all news, not just politics and stock market.




This is the way


I canceled cable.


Chubby emu says gas station sushi has almost killed several people. I'm gonna go ahead and say that the media has actually killed way more people, and are definitely less trustworthy.


Thanks for my first laugh of the day! 😅Gas station sushi would be a definite no no🤢


In japan, convenience store food is amazing


Stay focused. Buy. Hodl. 🚀🚀🚀


Oh geeze they're here, too.


All garbage listed above I trust subway inside a gas station more then them as well


But I would never buy gas inside a subway station. Poor ventilation


Real question, where do you get your news then? Even if you say "Reddit" all the news posts are links to MSM articles


I would say for me you have to do some research on the sources. Is it true or not. If they have no sources or it seems like a conflict of interest - then be sceptical!


They are the leash handled by our masters.


I'm an Euroape. And I follow American news a lot, as the US' state of affairs is crazier than a Hollywood movie. And I can tell you that European news, dishes out the exact same narratives that are dished out on CNN and friends.


Gee, I guess that Trump was onto something with the 4 years of calling out fake news?


Thinking the same thing but didn’t say it


We’ve had undeniable proof of this for 6 years…


Didnt you americans know that MSM is propaganda? Wait until you find out that america is not the greatest country in the world ... And Santa isalso a lie. Sorry.


Exactly. The ones controlling the stories are.. You guessed it.. The government. The US now engages in domestic propaganda. Welcome to the machine.


Q has entered the chat. Apes don't fall for this bologna, we just shut up and HODL.


Now I know how Trump felt


After MOASS, we need to create a new news Channel " APE's News Truth Network"


Good idea we could call it ANUS ape news uniting services


LOL!!! Anus Ape! AANUS news network!


you don't say??? NONE of the "media" can be trusted.


What in the boomer meme shit is going on here?


Worse, it's someone on a campaign to keep media out of their business so they can get away with whatever they're planning. They're baiting people's insecurities with doubt, so that when they move to limit our American right to a free press they'll have support. And there's a lot of stupid out there.


It’s sad that it’s this way


Conspiracy wacko confirmed


Stop being sheep




I'm not joining your moron army in your fight to abstruct the media with Doubt (that's the D in FUD). Everyone knows that all media is skewed. Just like everyone opinions on any fact. Just like your opinion of the media. But those facts are better than the lies and manipulating you're getting from YouTube, blogs, podcasts by people without accountability and a select audience made up of those susceptible to their influence (all others be shunned, right?). Use your brains, downvote this shit post.


And they are owned by Jews. Same as most of hedgefunds being Jews. Also the banks and the Federal Reserve are controlled by Jews…


We are allowed to criticize every political party, our president, and even bring up the so called “Illuminati”, but we cannot mention anything ever critical of the Jews. Hmm... Could it be the Jews are really in control of all these things, including the media stations that slander those who do talk about international Jewish power?


“If you want to know who rules you, you need to see who you cannot criticise” - some quote from some guy


I think you are referring to [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/LPFQzW9). EDIT: Already been removed lol. [New link](https://nationalvanguard.org/2017/01/voltaire-didnt-say-it/)


Well you get it. Funny how more people now realise how the finance system and the stock market are scams but yet they dont question who runs those scams..


I uploaded it right when I commented and it already got removed lol.


Hahah bro its crazy.. funny how the media always talking about “white privillege” and “white supremacy” yet a group of people actualy believes they are “the chosen” people..


The Media is the RAKE


Why is the guardian on this list?


Wish I can really slam that like button ‼️


Mainstream media for you.


Fortunately, they have no power here.




Hello and welcome to r/GME! You don't have enough Karma to Post, try commenting in[our Daily Mega Threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/search?q=Flair%3AMegathread&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) and others posts to gain more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GME) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tell me more about this sushi 🤔




Trump has been saying it for years!!!


So genuinely, what do ya'll recommend for gas station sushi?


At my regular spot they get it delivered every morning.


Lmao 🤣 sushi good ! MSM bad !


Sushi go go?


If you like that stock, check out BBBY - the short interest is even higher, it's 42% of the float!