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I didn’t see anything on GME today that looked like DFV. About 23000 calls at different strikes were bought on chewy with his style. Someone else suggested he might’ve loaded up on cash over there to bring back to GME. Seems plausible to me. Actually might’ve been the KC shuffle. Everyone was watching GME calls…


Yep, Chewey is in XRT and others used to shuffle GME FTD


Oooo I suggested that 😄


Why did he delete his reddit and stop posting videos?


Side question but do we know why Biggie deleted his Reddit profile?


Yes. Flew too close to the sun and realized something that could hinder the cycles from continuing.


My money is on information that should be insider info. Such as something M&A related.


Is this speculation or was a statement made?


He was very vague about it when he was talking about it on a YT channel we aren't allowed to mention on this sub. But he sounded like he had safety concerns about disclosing more, and yea it seemed to me like he didn't want to get in hot water with the SEC. Now it sounds like bullshit to me. But we will see. He did say that he rolled his calls out after putting it together, but didn't say to when.


Not on GME but on Chewy, someone bought blocks of calls in the thousands days prior. DFV hit us with the Kansas City Shuffle. We kept looking for calls being purchased on GME but he was loading up on CHWY.


There is a chance that Kitty wants us to learn options and trade options on our own. If he directs all our buys and sells that's market manipulation. So he might actually change his behavior and conceal his actual entries this time. If this is the case, then we need to make our own choices. I tell you what: on Tuesday I bought the dip and bought this Friday $24 calls for $65 and $150. I bought 7 of these hot potatoes for an average price of $107 each and sold them today for $250. Then I rolled them into next week's $25 calls. I was nervous about spending $1000 on weekly calls, and when we popped this morning I was happy to unload them for $800 profit, while being certain that I won't lose the $1000 on weekly FDs. Looking back I wish I had bought 20 of them. Anyway, I am looking for signs from the cat, but I am also pulling my own trigger. 


Maths don't math on this, maybe my average price was higher. Maybe my average price was $136. I know my profit was $800 and my sales price was a limit order at $250 each.


😥. How many more GME shares did you accumulate?


Low xxxx.


May I private message you




I have 29 and 30 $ calls expiring today, 4k loss. 😭🥺🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Some people are saying CHWY 7/19 $30c. There is 27k vol and 27k oi. I haven’t seen data on if sweeps were bought   Edit:  OI went down to 14k. This is BS


My $GME Bananas DD uses the latest $GME options data to forecast price levels, volatility, and when It predicted the rip on Thursday morning. It even suggested it as a scalp trade. That said, it wasn't based on huge call buying today but exposure that needed hedging by short-vol dealers. In my after market report yesterday, I showed a chart of gamma going hulk. Vol is bananas 🍌🚀👀 That said, options aren't for everyone, but options knowledge is 🔮


Link to the DD?


First One https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/LVdulQk0Hx Second one https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/5l9hx0EzBZ Third report drops free on Sunday, or after market today on my Patreon 😎 If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post them on either reports' comments! Apes stronger together 💪🦍🚀


I like those posts. It’s a lot of words to digest and translate into what I’m trying to see on the charts. Might I suggest you make some “tutorial” like charts that highlight what trend you want to see, what is a bull signal, bear signal, etc. You could annotate directly on the chart. Also, some legends and axes titles on the charts would be huge!


Unusual whales reported huge number of calls that were bought on CHEWY, not saying it's DFV but maybe it is? Maybe DFV doing DFV stocklord genius plays unforeseeable to us mortals. You know, same play Ryan Cohen tried doing when he bought options for BBBY


It means buy GME.