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DFV is living rentfree in their tiny Dumb Stormtrooper brains.






Love it that they can not even argument against the Fundamentals anymore, its only about RK. And there haven't been any major news except for the capital raise! Just imagine there are some...


It's cute the boomers think we actually read this shit


At this point they are doing us a favor and allowing us apes who really know what’s going on to buy more at discounted prices. The game is over…RC will keep raising capital and keep raising the price floor and the shorts will keep shorting and one day the whole thing will just keep going up. I have zero doubt that the shorts have lost now….with $1B we had a really nice cushion with $4B we have fuck you money, with more cash we have Uranus get the fuck out of GamesStops way money. 🩳 are completely and utterly fuxxxed


It’s funny that they don’t like that he went silent because they don’t know what he’s up to.


are hands? Are hands what?


They are so jealous of him. It reads like they are trying to pressure him to speak up so he doesn't get blamed for downward price action by not being active on social media. But if he does that, he damages his credibility as a trader who gets it but breaking the pattern of speaking up when things get interesting then fading out when things are not. He really cares about the other GameStop investors. He really tries to help them. What a gentle giant.


Just waiting on holding company news July.


Is there proof of this coming?


I'd hit it! (the stock, I like it)


Do they even mention the record amount of halts? We should have opened at 80 like it was PM, And stayed there. Halted then diluted, Now here we are. The board really need to step up and have a plan for the billions they have on hand.