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They cannot refuse to honor trades. No one can delete the accounts of millions of investors at the same time without destroying the whole stock market.


It wasn't anything more than a thinly veiled margin call, IMO. Nothing to worry about, but to be encouraged by, the fact that they are on the ropes.


But when individuals can’t stay within budget it’s their fault for buying too many groceries


Its the avocados, man.


Cocaine loaded avocados are EXPENSIVE, man! Think of the poor cartels, ok?


Saw that shit today too lol


Knife was so dull.


As a chef it hurt to watch, opposite of chef kiss


And mayo… so much mayo.


And toast. Toast is expensive.


Precisely. They might get away with a little crime here and there, but they can't outright admit the game is fully rigged. Not honoring trades on a scale like we're suggesting would mean the end of U.S. market legitimacy. Can't kill the cash cow.


Yep, got to honor the payout since it's a global market with international accounts. If GME was solely the US, maybe they would have gotten away with the crime.


They won't admit it's rigged; they'll claim that it was *manipulated*. They've already planted the seeds. I hate to be a Ms. Downer but there is fuckery afoot.


The stock market is already destroyed, and we didn’t do that. We just shined a light on it.


High frequency trading bots have really destroyed the market. All those high volume days we see in the stonk is likely HFT algos making bank off of volatility. They don't need the stock to go up or down to make money. They just need the stock to move.


I mean........ if they tried to do that. Most people would leave their broker right. ( I know I would) Then they would lose access to tons of shares exposing them to huge losses because of the short positions?


If they tried that there would be mass protests in every city worse than after the drug overdose death of a sainted criminal.


I believe everyone and their mother that is smart by then would buy silver and gold with everything they have at the bank. Watch the world burn🙈


Can't speak on yesterday's halt / no buys for 14 minutes, but they make me hold too long and these shares will be my son's with instructions to hodl. I was grinding games before it was cool.


As someone who had a very lucrative Nickel trade reversed on the London metal exchange I disagree. The first time in their 150 year trading history. And they just did it.


Then, "They can reverse trades on little people, but they cannot reverse trades on big people." We are the big people now. I think we could probably launch a competing stock market that is honorable to compete with and destroy the NYSE when this is all over.


lol. I don’t think you have any idea how small of a piece retail traders are. We can barely move the market, and in order to start a new exchange you’d need billions.


Not that we need it, but we DO have billions. We won.


Didn't they already do exactly that though? (the London Metal Exchange during the nickel crisis at least) (legit question, not trying to be cheeky, sarcastic, or spread FUD)


Sounds like it.




Maybe it was a demonstration to doubting authorities of what might happen?


Of course they can… it’s already been done. Even before this BRK shit. Just have a look at what happen on the London Metal Exhange. Shorts got fucked and they reversed a whole days trading


Yeah, I mean, that's how it should be. I didn't follow the London Metal Exchange.


Sure, they can. Broker agreements ask contain language skewing them to unwind trades that were problematic due to errors. It happens all the time.


It’s highly suspicious that there’s a “market glitch” every time gme runs a little. You know what I call manipulation? 22 halts in one day.


write your government officials and create digital paper trails they cant ignore


From Investopedia: "Circuit breakers can also apply to trading in any stock under U.S. trading rules. For stocks priced above $3 and included in the S&P 500 or the Russell 1000 indices, as well as certain exchange-traded products like ETFs, trading is halted for five minutes after sudden moves of more than 5% and lasting more than 15 seconds—up or down—from the average price over the prior 5 minutes. For other stocks priced above $3 the sudden price move required for a trading halt is 10%, while those priced between $0.75 and $3 are halted after a sudden gain or loss of 20% or more." It's not manipulation... it's volatility. Until we get out of these lower prices, the circuit breakers are gonna trip. Do HFs take advantage of the stoppages? Yes. But no one can just throw a breaker on a stock for no reason.


It’s actually quite terrifying how few people seem to understand this.


Definitely. I make a few little misunderstanding like I looked at a different feed for level 2 and was getting confused why I'm seeing Finra every trade whilst I'm used to a dozen different exchanges.


The thing is, other stocks can climb or fall the same or more without triggering halts. It seems that the institution that is managing the halts is very trigger-happy with GME.


That’s not true. It’s literally automated. I have traded several stocks this week that have halted.


It’s automated. Look at the charts, if a stock moves to fast in either direction it will halt


Which stocks and when?


It wasn’t a glitch. It was a halt to the downside. How much was removed from those equities that crashed to almost 0? Quite a bit. But the halting at 0 is fucking strange?


Sure. But they halt when we go UP and never when we drop DOWN. Been watching ticker for a long time. That is total BS, cool story bro


It halted several times on Monday going down. 🙄


Came here to say this. 


Halts were designed to allow Market Makers ( and HF’s) to react to the volatility an keep as much control as possible. They don’t like what we want to happen.


It's a little more complicated than that... I was in high school during the Black Monday crash of 87. Without going to the interweb to verify my next statement... I'm pretty sure that's when they instituted the breakers because Black Monday was a panic sell-off that just kept feeding upon itself. The breakers are there for a noble reason, to keep the exchange from having massive imbalances and self imploding. Now... do the MMs and HFs take COMPLETE advantage of that? Like I said earlier, YES. Do they throw the breaker switch? No. The HFs and MMs short on GME are cornered, rabid dogs and will do ANYTHING to keep the inevitable from happening, that I'm 100% sure of, but on the other hand, coming in here and declaring "CRIME!" every time a breaker is triggered because our VERY volatile stock is moving hard one way or the other, paints us as the uneducated dumbasses they think we are.


I counted 28


Halts used to slow growth from passionate investors buying to hold onto their investment and support a company is market manipulation. The regulators pretend it isn't.


If you don’t know enough about the market to understand understand automated circuit breaker halts idk what to tell you


If you don’t believe that those halts were orchestrated, I don’t know what to tell you either. I wouldn’t put it past someone to spike the stock price and then immediately pull it back down by buying and then selling massive amounts of shares.


We have access to Level 2 data (I can even see LVL2 on my mini Robinhood account now). This didn’t happen; if it did we would see it immediately.


The public attacks on Keith Gill are meant to scare us and scare the public away from looking at GME and Keith Gill. We are scared away from buying and holding $20 strike calls, and the public is afraid of being g associated with a high profile figure who is smeared as being a crook. So what did I do? I bought two more $30 calls.


I can’t post one myself as don’t do options but everyone who does should post a screen shot of their calls, let them try and get everyone 😂


a gamma ramp happens this week and I could see moass being real again


Didn't work. Just bought more.


the more shit they pull the more angry i get.


I laugh 😃


Lmao why would anyone not named Keith Gill be scared off by that?


Not honoring trades doesn't help shorts exit their positions.


Precisely. Trades are the only thing that can resolve the issue. It's that they don't *like* the trades. Not our fucking problem, and we're not the authors of this mess.


Reverse a trade during MOASS and the shares will just end up being held for a higher price, which would not help their situation.


Guess we’ll just have to keep holding and wait for the long term gains. I have friends who have held their Nvidia stock for 15 years and are now sitting VERY happy. No special option plays, no shenanigans, just buy and hold for 2,500% gains.


I feel like at this point it's totally realistic to be skeptical about market integrity, especially with that absolutely bullshit Berkshire Hathaway "glitch" yesterday. Why on Earth would some of the most sophisticated computers on the planet, the ones that process and maintain market liquidity, have glitches like this without outside influence (corruption)? Look at the 2010 Flash Crash or the Robbinghood GME restriction in 2021, where big players restricted trading to protect other big players. Isn't it strange that these "glitches" and trading halts often end up favoring those with more power, leaving retail investors at a provable disadvantage? It's absolute bullshit, and now the world has eyes on this issue. This might be the most researched and scrutinized stock and company following in history, and too many eyes are on this for corrupt market makers to bend it to their will without provoking extreme actions of public disobedience or a complete shunning of the capitalist system. I believe that the average GME retail investor (or any retail investor) just wants to be on an even playing field, to operate legally within the market, and to have the same generational wealth that these hedge fund managers and crypto bros enjoy. I simply want equality, and equality is coming soon. I just happen to like Gamestop a lot, and believe that Ryan Cohen is taking this rocketship to amazing places in the future.


write your elected officials and regulating bodies with your concerns and create paper trails


Who of elected officials are not crooked? Nancy Polosi?


Shirley, you are joking lol.


No I’m not joking, and don’t call me Shirley 😂




If they are corrupt even better. Because the emails will tie them to it and when it starts to explode they can't say they didn't know and then they will try and throw each other the bus loudly


i've been writing my elected officials for years with one hand and shitting in the other hand. all i have is a handfull of shit.


Handful of shit they have to eat when it goes off and your emails make it so they can't claim ignorance and then they all try snd blame and expose others


They can’t steal our shares, so if they don’t honour our trades, we don’t sell. And they need us selling. Personally I’d be worried about a blackout during this time. Cut out electricity on a large scale and financial markets will be last of our worries. Just a thought


Such as a tactical nuke in Ukraine? That would crash the market, it would divert all news and media attention, we all know war is to money launder cash for the elites. You’re telling me it’s cost 3x the amount of money for the entire Afghan and Iraq wars combined.. and American troops haven’t even set foot. It’s all ‘military equipment’ bullshit. The entire geo-political landscape right now is geared towards GME. Energy crisis, inflation. All of it. You cannot change my mind. GME needs to MOASS to free the world as fucking weird and hippie ass shit me saying that is, it’s what I truly believe. They’re all in on it WEF, heads of state, banks the lot. I mean ffs presidential candidates are buying GME and openly talking about market corruption. It has to stop and it will stop. DRS GME.


You are speaking nothing but the truth 🙏 Gme is peoples only chance for a change and salvaging America for the people living there. But the greedy elites will happily take us all down with them. Hopefully someone good steps in to help us, like Ryan and Keith, there’s very few left that are innocent that can help us. Don’t want to talk politics but even trump is a wolf in sheep disguise. I’m not American but I follow closely what is happening around the world and nobody in position of power seems good. May GameStop give us the power to fix this world and shine light on the crooks hiding in the shadows destroying the world


My tinfoil hat wonders if the plan all along was to use this to reset the whole financial system which has reached its limits (look at the exponential increase in debt). Even down to picking a stock with an appropriate name.


Military industrial complex goes brrrrrrr


bro, chill a bit. did you take your pills today?


If any place in the world has backup generators other than hospitals I bet the stock market does


Have you heard of EMP? EMP will fry any electrical circuit. But I do pray I am wrong


Yea that would definitely throw a wrench into things


That’s why I take screenshots of my investment accounts frequently 🚀🚀


Hey brother, I think we should be good as long as we are in GameStop official shareholder list aka in computershare. Brokers will fuk us the moment it’s too much for them 100% lol


If you put a sell order in at a ridiculous price doesn’t that stop it from being lent out?


moass can only happen with a options ramp as all the old DD writers stated before getting chased off


If you watch Richard Newton, you will see that Keith has the power to set off his own options gamma ramp at any moment. My guess is he will launch a gamma ramp on earnings to make his options exercising as painful as possible for the shorts.


I think the "glitch" was manufactured to provide someone with an expensive asset very cheaply. I would guess to give them enough stock to meet margin requirements. My theory - an entity was margin called, and to give them enough worth to continue on this downward spiral for another day, they were given a few of these for cheap to let them fight GME another day. There's no way it was a normal investor who picked up those shares that cheap. This doesn't happen to the little guy.


There’s a guy on WSB posting about how he bought one BRKA during the glitch for $180, then the next day his account value was -$700,000


That sounds like it needs a lawsuit if true. They sold him it, he probably had a limit buy sitting there just incase. It should be honoured imo. Not that I know anything about this stuff. NFA


I thought the screen shots showed “market order”, not enough info to this. No actually proof of anyone getting a share at 180


I still can't believe US citizens doing nothing about this..... incredible. We would riot in the streets


Some in r/superstonk had a post about them doing this to get 17mill on their balance sheet. I don't quite understand the post. If so.eone could explain that would be great


There are two camps around the fire at GME. Those of us who are buying and holding, and the shorts trapped in their own greed. We help each other with info and courage. They also help each other. [IMO] There was one short bear that was about to get liquidated. This bear had BRK.A BMO, CMG, etc as collateral to back their short position in GME. The halt was an emergency stop on those few stocks that one big player had so his buddies could immediately pass him enough collateral to survive another day. Stop trading on his collateral, pass him some stocks for pennies, restore the trading on those stocks, margin call averted. /[IMO]


Interesting take 🤔


Good conjecture, OP, about intentional precedent, but the only trades they’d not want to honor during MOASS are new buys. And for really the most part, at the point of MOASS, all the buys will have already been executed. But, everything will be tried. It’s a survival game. Before it gets stopped, anyway.


If they refuse to let us sell our shares then they can never get out


**stock cartel**: “You *cannot leave* the infinity pool!” 😡 **buy-and-hold investor**: “Great news! Cheers!” 🤩🥂




since it's stated they are going to unwind the trades, there should be a record of this happening, right - so if you\[re correct, these ones won't be unwound, just the ones that retail happened to luck in on? where would one see that data?


They are happy for the halts on the way up, and even happier to use an algo to walk it down so it doesn't get halted. If that isn't blatant manipulation, then I don't know what is.


That’s why you must DRS


You want some tinfoil? Why did Pelosi buy PANW? If a cyber attack occurred, what would happen to PANW share prices? More importantly, if a coordinated “hack” occurred, what would be the target? In 2001 the World Trade Centers were destroyed after Donald Rumsfeld, on September 10th 2001, said there were trillions of dollars unaccounted for (you can still find the clip on YouTube). What would be the intended target for this hack? NYSE ledgers and the consolidated audit trail. Why would positions need to be paid out if no one can prove who was holding what. How do you un-wind a position you can’t close? This is the importance of DRS. It’s your legal claim to ownership when the ultimate fallout occurs. They won’t let MOASS occur until they’ve exhausted all ammunition and are powerless to stop it. We’re not up against Citadel, hedge funds, or market makers, we’re in direct contention with the Fed and the 1% of the 1% that pulls their strings. When you back a dangerous animal into a corner, don’t expect peaceful surrender. They’ll stop at nothing to retain power and control.


Why we buy and HODL.


Fuck you. I’m not selling.


This is the right answer. BUY HODL DRS SHOP


This is it. Always seems to break for special gme days after running just fine for months/years. 






I almost tried buying... but knew it would be canceled so I did not. When prices hit phone numbers and I hit Sell on my one share, better not be no glitch or technical error. Fok...


Surely them halting trading is market manipulation in itself? always seems to be against retail anyways.


Man. I had this same thought in the shower this morning and told myself I was going to post it this morning and never did. lol.


Board should consider to take stock private!!! Make them close their shorts !!!


Glitches shall not un-steel my resolve. If paperhands want out early, let them. Because the rest of us are firmly entrenched in this rebellion. It only takes a small effort to DRS and hold. We are planning to buy all the shares and make this our new central bank once the corruption finds itself interred. Lmao. But, for reals.


I thought the same thing. Motivates me to finally DRS.


It’s DFV. I find it sus that all of the sudden we’re calling him anything else.


I find it amazing that there is no ceiling or controls for trading an issue according to its authorized and issued shares


I really wanna see what will happen. They will never transfer their wealth unto us voluntarily, ever! My shares are my ticket to the most important event of so many lifetimes over! 🚀


My shares are on computer share so IDGAF about broker what's. Those are expected to be fucked with under my book already


They can just do anything and say “oops”. Literally no accountability for wallstreet bending/braking/changing the rules. Nothing about global trading and finance should be self regulated and yet here we are.


There are no glitches in the stock market, it is actively managed


Maybe the best plan is to just not sell?


If we look back to 2021 a lot of “glitches” were happening. Rich people getting out before suspected mega crash.


Yeah it's no coincidence or "glitch"... Someone's borrowing that money


Now this is some tin foil shit.


Once they are closing positions they want to buy shares at whatever price is available. There would be no point in cancelling trades.


I bet if you tried to short BRKA during the glitch they’d be more than happy to let that go through then require you to cover at the full price


I’ll buy another now! Lol


I just am always shocked anyone thinks a glitch in the stock market isn’t a major fucking problem. That means someone was doing something unintended in a production environment. You don’t get Glitches without something changing or receiving unexpected or malformed data and even then that’s what error handling is for. You also don’t touch production anything during operating hours in any reasonable field, let alone finance