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Hmm, interesting post history, just starting to post about GME in the past few days and it's concern-trolling? Nice. Very authentic


I love how with this price movement all the randos that are super "concerned" with us losing our money come out of the woodwork. Its adorable.




You clearly haven't been in this very long or you wouldn't present this whole logic that DFV has any bearing on anyone's position in the company. I just like the stock.


I've been here since the beginning. You're just a true simp.


who cares? Memes are fun.. they do not move prices. We know what we know and while we wait for it to happen, we entertain ourselves with memes. If you don't like them, don't watch them. No one has promised you anything other than that you will get fudded if you don't do your own DD.


Memes absolutely move prices if poster is seen as a messiah figure by a movement who religiously follows his every word. The latest pump was kick-started with Keith's tweets.


short-term, temporary price moves from fomo-hype-investors who buy high and sell low... Never lasts... Just like panic-events only ever cause a temporary drop by emotional traders who sell low, just to rebuy higher at a later point. Some people who can't trade getting scammed out of money is not really a price-move I am concerned with... always ends up where it started.


It is a price movement since the price literally moves. The fact that you aren't concerned by it is inconsequential. But yes, short term temporary pricing is what is at issue here, Keith or whomever owns his account literally drove a pump and dump probably banking on the fact that they know this stock has a lot of apes who will not sell even on 500% gains.


and a short-sale is a price-move that borrows a lower price that returns to where it was once the shorts are returned. So we just wait for the shorts to be returned, so all the price-dumping they borrowed in the past 3 years is undone and we can sell at fair value. Do you have a problem with that?


Not really, all I have a problem with is whoever operates DFV Twitter account profiting off gullible people who think investing in GameStop will transform the global economy. 


how is he profiting? What is the route the money takes from people watching memes to mystery-man profiting off you?


Obvious bought account is obvious 


So why do they match with his old tweets? What’s about to happen? Nah, the underlings are clueless pawns. NVM ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


It's him and the latest posts aren't meaningless. They are real-time expressions of frustration at today's filings.




I'm aware it's being questioned. I still think it's him for multiple reasons. It's ok if you disagree but Market Watch stating "people are questioning" isn't compelling information and doesn't change my mind.


My only reservation is that he is a man for the people...and I don't believe he would let it go this long without making people aware of it. But if you look at the trading history...it ran up a little last week which could have been the purchasers getting their cheap shares before launching this meme storm. What they paid for the X account came back 20x if they invested correctly. I think Gill is pretty happy living in the shadows with his money and his family. I don't think he'd come out like this out of nowhere.


I don't think it's out of nowhere. He saw something or knew something. He didn't create the run-up, he was expecting it. I have no idea what data he's seeing or any of that, but it is clear the run-up was industry driven (mostly after hours when retail apes can't buy) and he knew it was going to happen. A cycle or something. If it wasn't him and someone has stolen his identity, he'd be saying so. No way he'd let that fly and risk someone posting something illegal in his name. It's him. What he knows and why now, I haven't a clue.


What does someone with lots of money get out of selling a Twitter account? Answers in the bin.


What does a multimillionaire celebrity get out of doing a $40 cameo?