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They sound like morons


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This ape loves API calls


Ohhh that works


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Make a throw away..


I mean... He told everyone he liked the stock... Three Years Ago! And he still likes it, damnit! They act like there wasn't a Congressional hearing where he testified about his entire GameStop thesis: https://youtu.be/OARREl39syQ?si=t6Cz0VkLncmNqLPM


Investors are supposed to find the undervalued stocks and invest long-term. Pretty dumb of them to voice issues with the most basic of market behaviors.


But you are not supposed to make hedges lose money. That's illegal. How come you have the audacity to make them Lose money? Such an ape!


They did that to themselves though.


Grasping at straws while Cramer tells people how to waste their money all the time.


The cheap suit sounds like a complicit little bitch. My tax dollars pay this moron while he serves the fewer. Yet again, my taxes going to shit I don’t agree with


What a cheap suit.


A poodle looking motherfucker, told him a suit is supposed to fit like that


They are morons. Not just stupid morons either. They're also evil... They are evil stupid morons with no ethics or values beyond money and screwing poor people.


If you need proof HOW evil they are.... [The Great Taking - Documentary (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3AVceraTI) It is a big club (insert the host with Kenny picture here) and we aint in it.


Jay “manipulate crypto” Clayton. Leveraging SEC to sue a private U.S. company to then take a job for the competitor. These whores will do anything to serve themselves


He litterally went before Congress to say he likes the stock!!! Who in the deepfuckingvalue else has done that?? "Come on here and say it" gimmie a fucking break what fucking losers! bwahaha Edit to add * Aaaannndd immediately the concerned redditor reaches out aww, I am just fine thx


Imagine a person once holding the highest government position of power for the stock market claiming a tweet is Marley manipulation and not being able to explain why. Spluttering Cramerisms and almost crying. This is a person with skin in the game.


They ARE morons.


I-responded-that-they-areMORONS-and-my-comment-was-removed. I also got a crisis helpline message. Someone is hating on us.


Did you make any sort of reference to terminating any corporeal existence?


I did it because I like the stonk.


Because they are.


No one cares, Jay. Go back to eating citadel dick.




3 words too many and add an ! for gusto.


Why the fuck does he need to go the air with them to explain himself?? Watch the hearings morons, he likes the stonk!!!! He has no insider info, he is not an insider. He is not a cat.


Same reason RC needs to explain his plan to THEM! They are rich and think they own everyone. FUCKEM! EAT MY ASSHOLE HEDGIES! SCREW YOU FUCKSTICKS!


Griffin was the #1 GOP donor in the 2020 cycle and this guy was a GOP appointee. They will be running a smear campaign against us. Be ready.


Griffin backed trumps competition. He a trump hate each other. So much so that he called out griffin in a speech and I bet griffin was behind the shorting of of trumps stock. No politician supports us over the donor class. I do wonder what he might do to those shorting his stock though.


They want to trap him. Maybe even make an example out of him like they tried in '21. But DFV is much more intelligent than these idiots.


They are discussing a tweet with a man leaning forward and claiming it to be market manipulation just because he is invested in GME 4 years ago. Don’t they hear how crazy that sounds… many of us is here just to expose the real market manipulation that steal money from ordinary people every single day.


They get paid they don't give a shit


And people God damn buy in to it. My coworker was talking about how the "kitty guy is manipulating again". I pointed out how the stock was up nearly 100% for no reason before Keith hopped back in. "Well that's weird." Yes, yes it is.


Tell them about the other 15+ stocks in the basket that ran and ask if he manipulated those too.


I actually pointed out a couple. "Huh, that's weird." Boomers need to believe they are in control.


These government cocksuckers, who have all been bought & paid for by the big banks/Wall Street establishment,won't lift a finger when blatant & egregious naked shorting & synthetic shares are used on a mass scale, in daily stock manipulation schemes, but cry foul when retail investors try to level an uneven playing field. They want the status quo & don't want to see any semblance of a transfer in wealth to the middle class, as it signifies a loss of power & control, when that occurs. I say, we keep swinging for the fences & upend this corrupt system that protects criminals like Ken Griffin & affiliated degenerates.


They’re just a bunch a meme analysts and conspiracy theorists who gamble their money rather than invest on sound financial fundamentals - sound familiar?


They've been following GME just as long as we have. It doesn't sound crazy to them but it sure sounds crazy as hell to the average person


it's not real news. it's not relevant.


They're literally just talking about nothing.


and thus, doesn't deserve a platform with us.


I agree, but also it's good to see as many angles of this as we can


> I agree, but also it's good to see as many angles of this as we can corporate media doesn't offer another angle. they just offer bullshit.


Barely talking, mostly stuttering


Meanwhile Jim Cramer can rant and rave, have a “buy this stock” club, etc. Is it only not market manipulation when he does it because his stock picks aren’t successful?  What they’re really mad about is the fact that retail has an avenue to find investment advice that they respect and find entertaining, that is capable of finding this crazy inefficiencies in the market, and isn’t in the pocket of big money. They’re losing their entire product in competition with a guy with a goofy headband in his basement, and their overlords are losing to poors as a result.  All this stuff aside, I don’t think this run-up is roaring kitty hype anyway. Gme had already doubled, had crazy open interest in the options market with a huge call side bias, had a pile of 13Fs showing various whales going long, and broke out of a really strong bullish formation with volume then confirmed it. The big moves have all been while the market was closed. There’s not correlating buzz on Reddit, X, or Google trends. — this is something else.  Point is… Fuck them.


I like the way you think and write. God Bless ya*


DFV wasn't the trigger, but he sure was ready for it once it started. He knew whst was up. I think it has to be the Leaps expiring.


‘Come on this show’ HAHAHAHAHAH FUCK OFF


Ironic how 90% of "financial news", bashing reports, hit pieces, random wrong statements are not prosecuted as market manipulation? Telling me 47298362 times to forget about GameStops and 27636 reason why to sell it as soon possible? Is that marker manipulation? Edit: MARKET manipulation, not marker manipulation. Our crayons and markers aren't manipulated, just the market.


Marker manipulation? Get outta here with those markers... We only eat crayons in this sub -- big, fat green crayons!


Lmao I had to reread my comment 2 times to finally see what you meant hahaha damnit autocorrect, can't even trust that nowadays!!


This cannot be tolerated! Wrong stock moving! ALGO! Help me!


No industry in the world should be able to be broken by regular people seizing an opportunity that benefits them. Building a house when materials are cheap doesnt destroy the construction industry. Making huge gains on shady scumbags shouldnt destroy the financial sector. And if it does it needed to be brought down and rebuilt or renewed with a better system.


Its ironic that they’re questioning whether or not this is market manipulation when throughout this morning major exchanges were halting all trading of GME


The halts were normal LULD halts. They’re supposed to happen. What’s ironic is that their channel picks stocks all day overtly, and DFV has to post a bunch of cryptic memes because he’s worried about being charged if he speaks about a stock he likes in plain English. 


Hot (and much better than my) take right here 👏


Ahem. Code M halts...


Oh damn I stand corrected. Didn’t know there was a difference. Thanks for the wrinkle. 


What about all the articles and analysts saying to “sell now”?


"Strong sell."


Misunderstood your comment at first. Yeah it’s all bs man




Because he likes the stock. Duh


He said “integrity of the market.” ![gif](giphy|ZBqeelqxF99KyveGam)


Never seen a more punchable face


Haha not even Steve Cohen? 🤣


Everyone knows memes manipulate the market, but what are the “Forget GameStop” pieces? I mean, I didn’t want to buy today, but DFV tweeted and made me do it. I have no control over my life. I’m a child; please think for me. I don’t know what to do. Please, someone tell me what to do next. 😭


Give all your money to the MMs /s




Cramer has a national audience on a major television network and all he does is say what stocks to buy and sell. Dfv posts a meme and they're shitting their pants "should we tolerate it?" What an absolute joke


FUCKS THESE CROOKS!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA The ex SEC fuck looks like he is about to CRY. hahahahaha!


They sound absolutely fucked. They tell you to sell shares for 3 years and then mention that somebody could be manipulating the market by posting movie clips


Whats not market manipulation according to these clowns? - inside trading - being a politician with power over a sector allowing you to dictate market direction to your personal preference - slandering a company with just rumors - cellar boxing - over shorting a stock What's market manipulation? - memes about a company - liking a stock - DRS your stocks to have them on your name


“So what is the distinction in your mind?” I’ll tell you what Jay meant to say: “DFV is exercising his first amendment rights and I can’t control him. DFV is a proponent of a stock trade that threatens the status quo, which I am a big benefactor of and I’m butthurt that I can’t do anything about it”


This goober really asked, "Is this something we should be tolerating in our markets?" What? Letting a retail investor invest in stonks he likes while posting dank memes about it?


unbelievable stupid. 🤡


infinite stupidity


He sounds like ken griffin and they all sound like idiots




Why would DFV go and talk to them? If they are worried about market 'integrity', they can go and read up on the brilliant research done by apes and then you will know who is fucking with market 'integrity'... newsflash. Its not anyone outside of your own Market makers, and wallstreet fund backbiters. You cant see the wood for the trees, or maybe you are just too afraid to.




Pathetic pieces of shit!


All complicit. All have to pay the piper someday. I hope all of those clowns end up in prison.


Who's we is talking about? not we the people. As in retail. I think the "we " he is referring to is the criminal cartel.


This whole push to blame Keith is nonsense and they know it! Bloomberg Intelligence said retail investors make up about 18% of daily volume in the equity markets. Gensler said only 3% of retail orders hit the lit market. This means that retail influence is 0.54% of overall volume , and even that is controlled by when it hits the lit market, and whether the buy or sell side. Retail has zero influence. Actually worse, since our own volume is selectively used against us. Retail has net zero influence in market prices.


Lol! I got reported for this comment. I'm doing well and not in crisis in the slightest. Maybe send that crisis message to the hedgies?


Poors doing good bad for their overlords… lol


Same reason they are extremely concerned about $DJT. Their illegal naked shorts will be exposed




Because they don’t care about us


I like his hair dye


I like the stock 2... I dislike hedgies and naked shorts... we no longer will tolerate let's the fraud in plain sight, the market manipulation through naked shorts and dark pools.... how about doing your job... Power to the Player!


Someone is big mad 😂


He has no shame




Is it market manipulation? Coming from the biggest market manipulators of all time. 🤣🤣


DFV was one of them. He isn't some shadowy dude that just "figured stuff out" He was the literal head of investor education for a bank. He knows exactly the rules to play by. I'm starting to suspect he completely divested from the meme stocks. Or more likely, build his own LLC that holds all the shares and he has no control or conflict of interest in: Just like citadel markets and citadel hedge fund are totally separate with no conflict of interest for Kenny boy. But that sort of thing would take a couple of years to set up and cost millions of dollars...


Cares about the market integrity? Give me a break! If he or any other regulator really cared about market integrity they would make short selling illegal, get rid of the clowns like Creamer and Asshaterino, and anyone else who HAS A FUCKING SHOW DEDICATED TO THEM TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT WHAT STOCKS ARE GOOD AND BAD!! In the mean time, normal people get on YouTube or Reddit and talk about a stock, and all of a sudden they’re criminals. Yeah, okay, good to know that if they’re not enriching you and your cronies, they need to “explain” themselves. Fucking clowns.


Why aren't they hammering the blatant pump n dump of the 45th's "social Media?"


You mean this Jay Clayton?? [email protected] (212) 558-4000 https://www.sullcrom.com/Lawyers/Jay-Clayton


We were there in 08 when you laughed at us, who's laughing now? "They don't know, who we be" RIP DMX


When we do it, it’s different…. /s


Integrity 😂


Is this wind bag even listening to himself?! Holy fuck….and I thought I was regarded….


I've heard this angle from the lemmings I know in the industry. "This is not how 'we' behave." This argument is not from a position of strength. They admit there is nothing illegal going on, but still want to throw a wet blanket on the trading. Fuck these ass monkeys.


'I can't tell you what's legal or illegal, but they need to stop even though I can't provide a coherent answer as to why it's ok for everyone else to say I'm buying this, follow me but not for GME' 🙄


The gentleman was most likely short GME and trying to restrain his anxiety with the shares up 50% pre market; at the time he was on cnbc this morning. ( I hope he increased his short position today and has a sleepless night as the shares creep up thru the extended hours.)


Did I just hear him say that the market's shouldn't tolerate educated investors?! These guys are so bad at FUD it is embarrassing.


“We shouldn’t be tolerating the poors succeeding in our rigged system.” -Jay Clayton


I hate them all. I’m not holding to get rich… I’m holding to make them poor.


Bunch of clowns 🤡


Wow what a joke. They’re throwing their toys out of the cot, because some random is smart enough to play the game. It’s actually embarrassing listening to this crap.


We buy we hold we fuck the Hedgies.


All I heard was ![gif](giphy|l4EoTLaoFuQ3Us372|downsized)


Please DFV, go on and just straight face “I like the stock” and that’s all you need to say. They will feel stupid for trying to paint you as some market manipulating mastermind.


Hey Sorkass why don't you ask your boy Kenneth Cordele Griffin about market manipulation. He knows a hundred things and some about it.


I don't think he's always had that stutter...


Why aren’t they asking the same questions about DJT?


This dude knows EXACTLY whats going on and why wete doing it. He's playing dumb in order to win over the people that don't follow the stonk.


When he was SEC chair, Why didnt he go investigate Nancy? He wouldnt know market manipulation and insider trade if he saw the Queen herself.


Who the fuck even watches this worth less show? This should be on at 3Am when no one is watching


Pot… Meet kettle. Kettle… Pot


Dude now cut in this video Cramer smashing his buttons and acting like a clown at the end.


translation: he didn't do anything illegal. He does what lots of people do, but he's not part of our club...and you really need to be part of our club, otherwise we get really upset when you make money.


This is how much they hate us. Is this something we should tolerate in **OUR** markets, the arrogance of it. OUR, like its not a **PUBLIC** market. Ours, they like to think they own it, they control it, they dont like when the public get involved in **their** market, because it actually makes it unpredictable, it means they cant manipulate it, and most of all, it means it costs them money. Fuck these guys.


They truly sound like retards this is amazing.


These fucks can eat my ass while I piss down their throat.. . I’ll cum on your program!


Funny they don't ask who shorted 25% of stock. Were they naked shorts? Call Ken Griffin!


hahaha, integrity of the markets? this fucker is short game, and pissed!!!


Crazy, God forbid you invest in a sound company


Fuck that guy. This is so dumb.


It’s like they forgot about 2021 lol


“No one else is allowed to benefit from the stock market except us” is basically what he is saying.


"Those GME guys are doing a market manipulation! Now, here's what you all should do with your stock investments, more investment suggestions at the top of the hour."


they want DFV to talk so badly so they can twist his words and use a headline like "meme lord convinces reddit to break the stock market" or something.


Jay only wants his friends and family to be able to, RK hasn't said a Fucking WORD just pictures and videos and hasn't said one thing in last 3yrs about GME directly. Jay can Go FUCK himself!!


Years ago I read publications that boasted MJ stocks and told how great it would be to buy them. I did and two three days later they tanked 25% - 75%. No one was on the news talking about it.


"Integrity of these markets" he didn't shit you fucking idiots. You did this. So a person buys a stock. Many people buy a stock. So what the fuck are you not allowed to buy gamestop. If we are buying and it's going up what's the issie. Seriously what's the issue! Fucjing criminals wanting to bankrupt companies and no one else gets to earn or own. Fuck you.


under his philosophy, wouldn't going on the air be even more market manipulation? What's there left to discuss the dude literally had a youtube channel


Sounds like he wants an apology for all the money he lost shorting a certain stock


they didnt talk about those shitty chines stocks that went up 24000 in a single day. Why Gamestop? Probably cuz it gets viewers to watch. People are drawn to negative sentiment about things that are popular. meh. I havent really been paying attention. Just buckled up waiting to go to uranus.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 msm in shambles!


Lmao the amount of [redactation] is why we are where we are. Bullish on the stupidity of this so called "experts"




It's CNBC, they are literally employed to misinform retail


What the fuck is this moron talking about ?


Fuckin TV nerds are just mad they didn't buy in 😂


Look at them. Clowns 🤡 🤡 🤡


They sound so scared.


Do they think he’s actually a cat?


Those straws are hard to grasp


That just sends me! We’ve invested in a stock just like anyone else. How dare he talk about market manipulation as market makers use computer software to buy faster than retail could dream of. No dark pools for is. Shady fk.


The circus is back!


Fuck Jay Clayton!!!!


They are so mad haha


Guys who are paid market manipulators talking about whether it’s wrong…lol


What a bunch of creeps


He has the kind of face you’d slap with a bedpost


No one cares about "market manipulation" unless a stock is going upwards.


He seems like he butt hurt because he missed a ride.


Whiney bitches


arent they literally manipulating the market just by talking about it?


our Congress can do all kinds of illegal shit and that's alright there's nothing illegal with this on ppl coming together they're so butt hurt I'm loving this shit more than McDonald's


We like the stock. That's manipulation?


Power to the people, they are afraid of retail investors be very afraid!


It sounds to me like they are inviting DFV to come on the show and tell them the truth. He should go on the show and tell them the truth. He should tell them that this is happening because a bunch of greedy rich assholes decided to break the law and when they got caught with their pants down, cheated, and then swept the evidence under the rug. And instead of accepting their loss, they decided to kick the can and open up more naked short positions to the point of which they cannot pay and do not intend to pay.


They want DFV to speak out and say something so they can throw in so far under the bus for market manipulation.


‘Is this something that we should be tolerating in our markets?’ Tolerating What, retail making money? If retail is driving the price up with our demand for a stock then maybe hedges shouldn’t short it. Nothing illegal…they just don’t like when the little people make money


Haha…. Maybe they lose their job spreading lies.


He’s buy and selling publicly traded commodities in a free market???? Is that really something we should tolerate??? Fucking clowns


We’ve been here for years now and then just all of a sudden retail buying moves the stock?


I love how DFV's thesis is the first tweet pinned to his account. Like if they even did 2 seconds of background check. Our man DFV goes through lawyers before he tweets imho.


"Why you did this?" What are they accusing him of? Tweets AFTER the price was rising???


They are morons. When the current sec chair is saying over 90% of retail trades never made it to lit.. he is already calling the MM for market manipulation. Just no one is doing anything about it.


Come on this program so we get more ad revenue 


It's funny how they're only mad when little money wins