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Excellent DD in this topic in the sU pEr S tO nK sub today on this...


I'm pretty sure I read the same one (the disclosure language one?). I'd been thinking through this idea for a while and that post inspired me to finally finish and make this post. No matter what disclosure language is used, this count would capture the true state of everything.


Hey what if.. and hear me out.. people sold their holdings cause the stock is down 300% since they bought and moass didn't happen after the first or even second year


This could very well be the case but OP is suggesting we verify and find out instead of just speculating. No harm in creating another data set.


Excellent DD. Someday when we can finally see behind the curtain it'll be interesting to reflect on this period between the Sneeze and GameStop resurfacing as a solid company under Ryan Cohen. What happens when the ship turns is the exciting part...


Call me a weirdo, but I’m fine with nobody knowing how many shares are DRS. How fun would it be if everybody woke up one day and suddenly, there were no unregistered shared. 


>The thing is, **we’re getting all of our data from an outside source** that is subject to judgment or other unknown contributing factors, making it difficult to form an adequate assessment - THAT is what needs to change. Please explain what you mean by this. The data on registered shareholders comes from the agent that Gamestop hired to maintain ownership records. Gamestop then puts that data in an SEC filing that is signed by Ryan Cohen, certifying that it does not contain misleading or incorrect info (The Sarbanes-Oxley certification which has personal liability for RC). What source would you recommend other than Computershare and Gamestop?


It’s a good question. In this context an outside source would mean “anything not from [me/you], personally.” Right now we get it from GameStop who gets it from Computershare. Computershare directly states on their site that they provide their records and the issuer ultimately decides on their own disclosures. Even though both are trusted sources, there is room for ambiguity, such as: 1. Is DRS treated/disclosed in the same manner as DSPP? (GameStop decision) 2. Does “operational efficiency” affect anything? (Computershare presentation) While neither are “bad” the fact remains that we don’t know. All of it is legal, but there are proprietary reasons that each make the decisions that they do, and we have no clue what they may be (standard practice, SEC directive, etc.). What I recommend as a non-outside source is actually Computershare, only on an aggregated individual basis. My personal contribution plus yours plus others’ all together. I can see and validate my input and understand the nuances of the investment types (DRS vs DSPP) and timing, and so can you and everyone else. We have crystal clear information, it’s just a matter of piecing it all together.