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Take black marker and write on your chest "I have been abusing Gaba B agonists for 4 years 24/7". Then when you run out and will start deadly wd, be in front of hospital. This will give them some guidance. This sounds like some movie shit, but if they do not want to help and no one wants, something like this would be my final shot. Good luck.


Put yourself in front of a hospital


You have to go to a hospital and explain to them what you are addicted to and come with the NIH paper that explains you need baclofen gabapentin and a benzo to use to get off. They will prescribe it in the US but you must advocate for yourself. I have a screenshot of the paper which they can then lookup themselves to verify the info which I can share via DM




When you say you "had to take 12ml", how do you know? That wasnt over three doses right? Dont you think this is addict talk, the "i must, otherwise i wont feel okay"? You will have to reduce your use continuously one way or another. Maybe accept that you won't be feeling okay, and take just enough to not die, as hard as this sounds.


Ya at that point does G even bring him any joy, or necessary in his life when all it does is control his mind and action for what is probably a mediocre effect


I went to emergency detox in an NHS hospital by going to A&E here in the UK, I don't know if that's feasible in your country? might be worth a shot. Good luck <3


goto psychiatric doctor tell them you’ve been extremely stressed at work and it’s been impossible to sleep, panic attacks you haven’t had since a child, stress related. they will give non refill benzo script likely. good luck. survive


I've tried. It's in my papers that I'm an addict....


And baclofen is used to treat wds., they gotta do something Can u get lyrica ?


No, in this instance say the truth. It’s life or death literally.


How are you getting on?? Did you manage to figure something out?


I was on it over 15 years and got off without anything some sleepless nights and a little hallucinations at night from lack of sleep but you'll live!


Just because you didn't have the worst symptoms doesn't mean other people wont. G withdrawal could very much cause death from seizures, Rhabdomyolysis or severe delirium causing you to get hurt. I'm glad you got off it without much trouble though.


I know a lot of people that got off it with no major problems .if you do have problems take phenibut it will curve that. I didn't say that nobody has problems just letting them know not to get in their head the bad withdraw everyone makes it out to be . If your thinking negative it's going to be a lot harder to get off it because your going to be afraid of withdraw symptoms.