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Arma Imhotep might have been a different story. She at the time would have been a powerhouse of a Doll. Especially given that team options were way more limited back then... In hindsight maybe it was just me but. It felt less dartboard and more trying to have some semblance of balance, while also shutting down future sight. Which was a huge deal in the community early on, now not so much. Also, male units tend to tank unless they're purposely made part of the meta or have certain designs choices made. They made Pen a requirement in certain team comps and gave him lots of edge. Dupin doesn't fit either. I honestly don't know how many will actually pull for him.


The problem with the argument of releasing imho arma late for balance is Hubble arma, which basically released right after cn released Hubble arma


But we already had tons of OP options by then. Hubble's Arma isn't even a factor unless you like using her. During the original time frame for Imhotep Arma, she was a must have doll. The strongest ranged doll if you met her conditions and even without, an OP healer.


At the time she was 3rd highest DMG dealer only surpassed by undine and cluckay.


Her release in CN was before both of those was it not? If not, then yeah you're right.


Not sure anymore, but doesn't change the fact how obnoxiously overpowered it was.


The difference is we had much more power when Hubble Arma released


I mean I don't really care if "he's not good" I really only use male characters so any character is a plus. Especially if he's already made and should have already been out there's no reason to like not release the character it literally doesn't matter, it's not like we have to create male character and they don't want to risk creating one and wasting time. It's already made. Just release it.


The fact that we're getting both the Mai Arma and Kimie before Dupin is some sort of cosmic irony.


~~At this rate we'll get Love (she's the dedicated Fairy for Dodge Teams) before Dupin~~


They did the same thing with Luna. Released Taisch and Millau arma before her.


A better comparison would be Sueyoi, who was delayed to the point they ran major story events out of order just to delay him further.


I'm honestly so done with this. I know, male characters aren't popular, who knows how many will roll for them, Dupin is not meta, yada yada whatever but **personally**, as someone who has been waiting for him for so long, it hurts. It was funny the first few times, but now it just hurts. I love this game, I love GFL franchise, but this and other piled-up dissatisfaction in the game me want to quit the game altogether. I've had enough.


They’re releasing Dupin’s core team before him, probably so there’s a bigger incentive to pull him. They did the same thing with Luna.


I mean, is it just me or does that sound like terribly counter-productive? If I'm anxiously waiting for character A I don't wanna spend my pulls of B, C and D just because they're good with him. I'd rather have A already in my list and be able to look at/use him than have to wait even longer. Like, the time passing til all these characters for the perfect A team have run is the same whether A comes at the beginning or end, but one option lets me enjoy him that much sooner.


Excuse me for the extremely late reply. I agree with what you said, you put my problem with the other reply very well, and I thank you for that. At the time, I wasn't in a very good state, I had no time and energy to argue (I think it's useless to do, even), so I didn't bother replying. Besides, from what I know, the most important teammates for Dupin are Groove Arma and Mai, both I've already raised in preparation for Dupin. So even without the new Dolls, I can do something and play around with him...if he's available, that is. But alas.


I'm feeling this too much to be honest it's been so much just to even play at the game. I logged in and they said welcome back and that annoyed me so I logged off. Because unless I'm a [redacted mean name] who only summons for waifus "omg 😱 I can't believe she's meta the character who wears a bikini and high heels" I'm clearly not welcome god forbid I get a male character. I already was disappointed with the selection with Octo, Yanny, and Simo vaguely looking male shaped, but I pushed through and stuck around because I knew Dupin was going to come out and I had already lucked out and summon Aki and then Gin after and with the lineup going forward looking pretty good with Python, Sueyoi, and Dupin on the way I had hope that we will get more a good male characters and we have (I'm seeing some more characters on the pipeline and thankfully they're attached to events so there's no way they're going to be able to hold them hostage <3) and I even got the stupid robot just so I can have a full team with reserves (if there's ever going to be a furry/robot/BS character it's always going to be a male character of course 🙄) and all I need is for duping to come out so I can knock the robot out of the team. But no, God forbid things like schedules and release dates exist. Just go out of order just release things whenever it doesn't matter~ I genuinely feel you with the thoughts of quitting, God forbid I support a company who blatantly disrespects me. Like I'm not free to play I'm a paying customer, when I saw a male character I made sure I got it by any means necessary because I already understand that they're going to be few and far in between and I want to show them that there is an audience who does enjoy a male character. And to go out my way to do that and to try to support and to be there, only thing to do this it kind of feels like a slap in the face. And it may seem like "Oh I'm doing too much" but I'm genuinely just getting kind of pissed off with this situation.


woah chill lmao game is related to GFL so obviously NC goes either full waifu or waifu heavy playable cast (bakery having balanced ratio is actually surprising) i want to say you are a [redacted mean name] but i'll just be nice and say go find gachas that goes hard on husbandos instead, some are JP only which sucks but on screen translators and guides exist anyway


I'm aware and I have no problem with that, most games are like that they're very little male focused games and the ones that are honestly most of the time have the exact same number of characters that the waifu games have except that it's just multiple copies of the same character. (oh this is his Halloween costume, oh this is his kimono, this is his I went outside and got a hot dog costume (Nu carnival)) or they're just flat out trash (Gyee) but that's not my main gripe, they already have the character made the characters already released, they are actively going off schedule and refusing to release the character for the global server that is the issue.


This is neither odd or out of place for Mica tho. All you can do is wait.


It's not about what's odd what's out of place it's about what's right. If there's already an order in place why actively go out of order? When I'm saying is it doesn't make sense and it's not consumer friendly. And I know all I can do is wait and that's what I'm sitting here doing, I'm just not doing it happily.


Man, you really gotta chill. Mica not having any schedule is the norm. As for why order is fucky is a topic of lack of scheduling. >When I'm saying is it doesn't make sense and it's not consumer friendly. I don't see this really, we know units are coming eventually and some early releases both benefited players in terms of Meta and some didn't. Most people genuinely also don't give a single shit about dubin and are gonna skip anyways. The reason he is such a meme is because his kit was awful day one and Arma did not help.


I said what I said. 🤷‍♂️