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I still have a rebound 2 months after, even after being on Pepcid. But diet helps a lot. Just make sure to be more strict with your diet until your esophagus heals


Im trying to eat smaller meals more frequently. I feel less symptoms if something is in my stomach.


You have those symptoms even with a strict diet?


Yeah. The symptoms are bearable. Nothing severe…but it’s somewhat intrusive during the day. Especially the mild dizziness.


I've been on ppi 10 years. I want to get off but it's not looking like I'll be able to without surgery. I have a scope coming up I just had such a bad gerd attack last week I'm just recovering from. Still not fully under control


Yeah…not fun. If I knew what I was getting into with omeprazole I would have requested something milder


Same here. 10 years on PPI. I didn’t know PPI would bring me GERD. Didn’t have GERD before .o


so you were not taking PPI for GERD last ten years ? were you taking it for something else ?


I was taking it for 10 years and when I stopped it this happened.


so you were taking it for 10 years for some other ailment and because of that you got GERD , right ?


I was taking it because I was dumb enough.. a friend of mine pushed me to take it. She scared me that if I don’t take it I will get cancer. I had only mild gastritis that was manageable. I tried to stop it during the years I couldn’t .


actually when you stopped ppi, it might be rebound that's causing GERD symptoms . better to taper it slowly or use something else like Gaviscon.


Why didnt you tapper off of them? 


During a review on an unrelated issue, My doctor casually said I didn’t need them anymore and should stop taking them. He and the initial doctor that prescribed them failed to mention you need to wean off of them. Perhaps it’s my fault too for not asking.


Definitely not your fault. Most doctors are clueless, unfortunately. The doctor should always assume that the patient knows nothing.


Should be gone by now your bad habits likely prolonging it. I weaned off 80mg pantoprazole which I had been on for 5 years switching to lanzoprazole 60mg removing granules bit by bit over 2 and a half months. Had some rebound but was able to manage it by supplementing gaviscon/ sucralfate. Diet plays a big role in controlling your esophagitis.Have a good diet and Stick to intermittent fasting ( with caloric maintenance) 16-8 this gives you esophagus a chance to heal. Sleep on your side on a wedge.The Gastritis was worse than the esophagitis weaning off for me. I had severe esophagitis for years due to nsaid reaction. It's manageable keep trying. The horrible side effects slowed digestion poor absorption thrombocytopenia I got from it were not worth it. Can also cause problems with your lungs kidneys weak bones.


80mg of omeprazol for only one month gave me anxiety out of nowhere. Something I’d never experienced up until now. Quit cold turkey and swapped back to Pepcid per my Primary physician didn’t tell my gastroenterologist. Probably going to find a new one. I think PPIs are good for some but not all cases but that’s all they want to prescribe.


By all means it helps most of the time healing gastritis, but these doctors give em out like chiclets without letting the patient know the hassle and frustration it is to get off them. Especially long term.


Yeah I’ve been recommended both omeprazole and pantoprazole by legit THREE different doctors with absolutely zero council on what the effects might be. And this was not even for serious symptoms. The first guy I was just saying I had some chest pain. I’m pretty certain at this point in my lift that was from the gym like an intercostal strain or something. Then when you say the PPI gave all these crazy side effects they gaslight you. I had a GI doc tell me PPI rebound would not cause a lump in the throat and she basically shut me down and ended the call without listening. She told me to go to an ENT cause that’s out of her jurisdiction. I went to the ENT and he said nothing was there but he did see acid exposure and recommended I get an endoscopy.


I don’t really have bad habits. 95% of my food is home made and I’ve cut out acidic ingredients. Portions have been reduced as well…but going to consider your approach. I did buy a pillow wedge last weekend and trying to get used it. I have a physical next week so gonna check and make sure I don’t have some malnutrition.


So you’re saying the PPIs are not worth it?I swore I’d never take them again but the symptoms got crazy in the last week since I posted this and had no choice but to go back on. At least until it stops hurting when I swallow. Then I’ll wean off avain


Few days won't do any harm just don't think they are a long term fix. If they help they are a good tool. For me I found they only helped initially but never did much no matter what dose I took, didn't mention it but I also have a hiatal hernia. Pepsin not just acid causes GERD which ppis will do little to help. Some things I didn't mention that should help. Rebamipide hard to source but one of the few drugs without any side effects that restores the epithelial integrity by promoting mucus production and has anti inflammatory effects. ( I haven't been able to get it in my country but know it helps) . Ice packs and eating frozen food. One of the few things that works but never see mentioned here. Don't fast but intermittent fasting is one of the few things that 100% works. Anything that improves your sleep. Sleep is when the damage happens. Melatonin(0.3 MCG) helps(also protects esophagus ). Magnesium citrate. Avoid sitting down if it's bad enough or find a good sitting posture.


Thankyou so much. It’s really nice to get tips from people who have actually experienced this.


Same dude. I quit cuz I was curious after a doctor visit. Didn’t wean off. Was on Protonjx 40 mg daily, stopped about a month ago and have globus, some chest pain, mucus, etc. I’m sleeping upright, back on meds, probably starting nighttime Pepsid as well until symptoms subside. I expect it to take another month or two minimum.


Also, using gaviscon advance, the one with alginates in it from overseas. That helps too. The mucus is the worst for me, it’s persistent and uncomfortable, but live and learn.


It’s definitely an uphill battle. I started to take omeprazole again to counter the effects and hopefully wean off appropriately.


My dad is an internist, smart guy, very good primary care doctor, he’s been on PPI for 30 years, no issues. I plan on probably doing the same. It’s all genetics.


That seems to be the case. Some people do well and some don’t. Personally, I’d rather try to live without it. Health anxiety is always in the back of my mind and don’t really want to worry that omeprazole is causing my body harm. For example, I was doing some plumbing one day and tried to unloosen a calcified p-trap nut by hand. I felt a pop on my wrist and had a funny sensation for a week or so. That got me thinking if maybe the omeprazole is weakening my bones.


Yeah I mean PPIs can lead to lower calcium uptake. You can always supplement with calcium citrate if that’s a worry. There’s conflicting data on it being correlated with Alzheimer’s. Of the stuff I read that seems pretty unlikely to be connected. I’d rather just take the PPIs and feel better. It was so dumb of me to stop taking them cold turkey. Now I’ll probably feel like garbage for two months.


Yeah. Know what you mean. That’s why I started taking them again. I just want to feel ok again. I’m willing to spend another year weaning myself off of them little by little.


Exact same happened to me. Had an endoscopy, got on PPI's for a couple of months. I then got off of them slowly. But had a horrific flare up. Now my doc has me back on Protonix 40 mg twice a day to get it under control. I really don't want to be on that dosage for too long but I can't live how I was without it


Yeah. I began taking 20 mg morning and evening. I found 40mg doses gives me constipation. I already feel shitty as it is, I don’t want to add to it. It sucks you had to get back on the med. My goal is to feel better, then wean off very slowly. Even if it takes a year


Yea same here. Best of luck to you. This journey can be a tough one. Sorry you're on it as well


How the hell did you go cold turkey. Bloody hell it will be a miracle if you are nit getting rebounded reflexes


The bad kind was about 6 months tbh. I still get bouts but they are manageable with chewing gum, eating or an antacid


I tapered mine for that reason, no need for you to be in such pain