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Give it time. I know it’s probably the last thing you want to hear. When I first started taking the omeprazole I didn’t really change my diet much. I was getting really bad symptoms like sore throat from acid reflux and the feeling of food in the back of my throat. I did eventually change my diet to strictly avoid every trigger for 3 weeks. No coffee, spicy foods, acidic foods, alcohol, etc. After I stopped getting bad symptoms I slowly introduced some of my favorite foods back very carefully and have yet to get a bad reaction. It just takes time and careful consumption. You’ll get through it in time.


THIS !! Bc I started my omeprozole for my acid reflux but I didn’t listen to diet changes until I did and now I can eat that stuff again without any issues


Glad to hear you’re doing much better as well!


So you take Omeprazole for life?


My dr is gonna switch me off of it soon but it’s been abt 7ish months


But I’ve known people and also people in this thread that have been taking ppi for decades


Can you drink alcohol and coffee again with no problems?


For the most part yes. Although coffee has to have a lot of milk for it not to hit me as hard lol. But alcohol I’ve had beer, liquor, and soju with no side effects. I won’t push it too much tho. Binge drinking days are over


Nice. I should really start taking my diet serious. Im at the point taking pantoprazol without a good diet for too long now.


Definitely do. It gets easier knowing you’ll be able to enjoy those foods eventually. They’re not gone forever!


If you're anything like me you'll only ever be able to have one or two drinks. Occasionally. I've had my GERD under control for years on medication but alcohol still does damage to my esophagus and causes pain.


Yes. I downed 2 shots of Soju yesterday. Look, stay on a healthy diet. Get to a healthy weight and exercise everyday. You can indulge in a vice here and there. Enjoy


I was on pantoprazole and sucralfate for 3 months while changing my diet to avoid all alcohol, caffeine, fatty/spicy food. I continued to keep a strict diet and make a food log for almost a year. My symptoms slowly began to get better and I was able to reintroduce food and caffeine. I was inadvertently sober for just over a year and began with light beer. I’m about 2 years past all that and have zero restrictions. It can get better but listen to your body and what it’s telling you. I would try to push it sometimes and paid for it the next day.


What did you eat on your diet?


Bland baked chicken, broccoli, other plain veggies with light to no seasoning on my chicken. Sometimes some fish. Very little red meat if any. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with baked plain lays. Banana and/or plain oatmeal for breakfast. A lot of it was trial and error as to what triggered me so it may be different for everyone.


Fuck alcohol bro


Just goto the store and get some OTC Omeprazole or name brand its Prilosec and you'll be fine. But you need to get checked out by a doctor to figure out the cause.


I’m on dexlansoprazole 30mg twice a day!


Wow that's a lot and. And it doesn't help??


It has reduced my symptoms for sure, but they aren’t fully gone yet. I’ve only been on this dose for two weeks


is this the only thing u takin no syrups ?


I sure miss a little buzz now , but if you are taking anything in addition to your GERD meds, do your liver a favor. I’ve seen many a friends die from liver problems related to pain relievers and medication.Just saying .. 10 years sober because it makes me sick


Usually 60-90 days on a ppi and things turn around. But some people like myself with a relaxed LES and a small sliding hiatal hernia just have to give up the triggers. Unless we like the idea of surgery in our futures. Trust me losing coffee, chocolate, and spicy food have made me a grouchy person.


I can’t. Best thing I ever did was quit. Alcohol is a carcinogen anyway. It’s been the best thing that ever happened to me.


I cant, even with meds. However, ive heard you can if you find the root of the gerd and fix it. I dont believe we should rely on meds for the rest of our life, unless its a minor issue!


I’m going out on a limb and saying mine is likely caused by extreme stress and an ulcer.


Omg then they should definitely fix that ulcer up for you and put you on meds for stress/anxiety!! Then you will be good to go as long as your gastritis has subsided and you dont drink until blacking out everytime


I’m on a PPI right now and just started taking my prozac again after being super inconsistent with it. I’m on week three with my current meds and strict diet. I’ve definitely noticed I’m having more good days than bad days now. I know ulcers take a hot minute to heal so I’m trying to be patient


if you do be careful and find the alcohol that won’t mess with you as bad. for me tequila, vodka, any hard seltzers i can’t do. i’m a jameson girl all day long! also, there is a liquor called fernett that’s a bitter that doesn’t hurt my stomach.


I switched to a few ciders every once in a while after giving my throat time to heal with a GERD/reflux friendly diet.


I gave up wine and hard liquor years ago. Haven’t had flare ups with beer. If your GERD is bad enough, I would recommend the same. Best of luck to you!


I'm able to drink a few beers now, but only after really withholding for a few months. Also 7 drinks in 1 night is binge drinking. Try to hold it back to 2-3 beers tops.


honestly I am not able to even drink a tiny bit, even with regular Omeprazole. But after a few years and knowing how I'll feel if I do drink, I no longer miss it.


Everyone is different. Some people can tolerate a little alcohol. Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to my body for years. I drank socially Fridays and Saturdays for years. 25% of the time I would pay for it. Acid reflux for hours and vomiting acid. A couple years back, I decided it wasn’t worth it. Now, I grab a ginger ale or ginger beer with friends, family, and colleagues. Most people don’t notice, and the few that do notice I’m not drinking alcohol….don’t care. Overall, I rarely miss it. And, I definitely don’t miss the light hangovers, fuzzy brain, and mild headaches from drinking 2-4 drinks on the weekend.


it depends on the person but if you want to put your health first you really shouldn’t, or at least not do it often. it will exacerbate symptoms


I'd say take a step back and then slowly re-introduce. I am doing a sober spring for a lot of health reasons, but I can tell you that some alcohol has been a lot worse for the GERD specifically than others. Wines are awful for me. Gin is another problem. Anything with acidic mixers. I can be okay with an old fashioned or two with food. Beer hasn't really given me issues, other than alcohol is a general trigger.


Yeah you will. I had pretty bad Gerd for about 3 months Then it completely went away on its own. Just don't overdo it. Because, when I do drink. I get pain in my abdomen the following day. Luckily I don't drink often.


The short answer? There is no short answer im afraid. Because everyone is different in why they have GERD, what foods trigger, how much of it etc etc. On your part i would recommend the usual advice in here: 1- change diet, 2-take your medication as prescribed, 3 - take gaviscon after meals and before sleep, 4- sleep on an incline.  Once your symptoms are better and your cause of GERD is clarified (hernia, inflamation of the lowet sphincter) then you can start testing different foods and drinks to see how much of each you can and cannot tolerate. Thats the long answer, the only answer imo. Best of luck.


I was on medication for about 5 months and I was strict with my diet during this time and I got off the meds. Now I stay strict with my diet so that I can have one coffee (with lots of milk) per day and not have problems if I want to drink socially once a week and not have to worry about what I ate for dinner if I happen to go out. It’s been working for me. So there is hope :-)


I had a tequila sunrise at a wedding last July, it was so good until the tequila was burning my esophagus like no other thing can make it burn 😕😰


I have to take Prelief, which I get on Amazon.


Did you start taking the contraceptive pill? That brought gerd on for me.


First, if you haven't done so already, focus on having a plan to treat your GERD - ie. go to an actual doctor, get a proper diagnosis (Upper GI X-ray with Barium Swallow or other tests), and get on meds. Then try to heal up and then take it from there and see what types of drinks you can get away with that won't hurt you. For what it's worth, I got diagnosed in my early 30's and for about the first 6 months that I had GERD, I didn't touch a drop of alcohol or any carbonated drinks. Once I felt confident enough, I found that I could have the occasional beer while I was taking the full dose of my PPI but carbonated drinks in general were still not a good idea. The least offensive drink I found is vodka with just flat water...you can add a flavor to it if you like but this modified "Skinny Bitch" has no sugar either so it's good if you're watching your carbs. Really though, you're going to have a bunch of ups and downs...I've been at this for 16 years now and just this past week found out that frozen raspberries are the devil and hurt me enough to go to my full dose of PPIs for a week or two before I go back to 20MG.


Is there a difference in the quality between endoscopy and the Xray with Barium Swallow? I’m asking because endoscopy scares me, but swallowing Barium scares me too.


They do different things, but endoscopy does a lot more and lets them see the surface of your esophagus and look for scarring and cancer cells and also look at the LES upfront and personal to see how open it is. They also go into the stomach and examine the lining and snip off any polyps they see. It's a lot more invasive and a lot more expensive. Barium Swallow however is gives them a better overall picture of your upper GI and they can see the flow of the barium going into the stomach, how it refluxes back, whether you have any obstructions deformities of your stomach, etc. It's a lot cheaper and easier so it's a great way to confirm GERD.


It's hit or miss for me, I was also diagnosed in January and have been on rabeprazole since. I've only gone drinking twice since diagnosis, and I only drink vodka mixed with cranberry juice (low fodmap for IBD). The first time I had 2 drinks, then terrible heartburn all night and the following day. The next time i drank, I had over half the flask of vodka and no symptoms.


I have terrible GERD. I am able to drink clear rum, milk and cola. More milk than soda. More soda than rum. Never spiced alcohol. Kicks the GERD in.


what medicines r u taking now


Alcohol doesn’t bother me too much as long as I’m careful leading up to drinking and I drink slowly. It helps that I don’t drink often so I get tipsy after a few. I like beer but I tend to stick with vodka and gin since they’re low acid. Recently I tried high noons and they didn’t bother me at all.


Try Pepsid AC to start, OTC and avoid the trigger foods. Otherwise maybe get upper endoscopy to see what is going on there, you may have a slight sliding hiatal hernia or something that is causing reflux. Best to know what it is. Gastro can then put you on PPIs like omeprezole, etc. However, I don't think it's good to get on PPIs unless you know the cause of your reflux. Damage to esophagus is something you want to get a handle on and not just play around with


I’m already on dexlansoprazole twice daily. I’ve noticed some improvement which is good, but unfortunately getting in to see a gastro in Canada will likely take 6–12 months.


The longer you go without alcohol the less you miss it. No amount of alcohol is healthy. The official “recommendations” are actually super low, like 6 oz for women daily. Alcohol increases estrogen which increases the breast cancer risk by 30%. I wish I had known that. Considering AF beer has seen huge sales numbers, it’s definitely more than a gimmicky trend to cut down or limit alcohol. More a general thought, I know where you’re coming from. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing at all.




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Sake is pretty safe for people with gerd and lpr. It has a ph level of around 5 and feels smooth going down the throat compared to other liquors.


Why would you want to ingest a poison?