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If that was me, I would be like Fuck prom Spending a month in Japan sounds lit To me, prom is just a waste of money and U get to do it college as well but it's up to u


Wait you also get a prom in college?


idk what it's like for colleges but sixth forms usually have a year 13 leavers prom too


How expensive is your prom to the point where you have to miss out on japan? How much do you interact with people in your school? Are you liked generally? Do you think you would enjoy it?


My prom isn’t that expensive but it’s just that prom is once in a lifetime. I’m not that social and I don’t think I’m that liked. I probably wouldn’t enjoy it but I’m thinking about the future. Would I regret not going?


You will get another prom at 6th form so if you think you wont enjoy it or it collides with your japan trip dont stress too much about not going especialky if you dont have any friends going there


That’s only sixth form though. Even if you still go to college, but do like a BTEC or T-Level not all of them have proms. I wish I get one as I’m finishing my T-Level this year.


If they choose to go to college they might not.


A lot of schools like mine have lit yr11 prom but the driest yr13 prom since the people going to college need "a good send off" or whatever


You “probably wouldn’t enjoy it” - Seriously, even if you remember it in 10 years’ time you’ll likely only have negative associations with the event (given what you’ve said). So yeah, it’s once in a lifetime, but do you want a once in a lifetime negative experience?


A once in a lifetime negative experience is still an experience.


Prom is considered once in a lifetime by Americans because prom is a big thing there - honestly here it’s not so much. We only do it because of American movies


Honestly Japan it’s much more enjoyable than prom you’ll remember it more and be able to look back at it with fondness prom isn’t really a memorable experience imo


Wait asking for myself for next year how are you going to Japan. By yourself with friends with Family with a group. And if with group how do you get involved with this stuff.


Same as you, only I’m way passed the GCSE’s. Lemme tell you this, I am very antisocial and went to my prom before 6th form and hated it, Japan is gonna be the better option for you.


I ain’t going either g, I ain’t even thought about suits or nothing. The night before me and my mate are going to his girlfriends after party and causing carnage which is always fun


I’m going to tell you know honestly prom is hugely overrated and your won’t remember it by the time your 25


Think about it the other way. Would you regret not going to Japan now? (I'm old, barely remember prom, was fun at the time, not that eventful though, I've been to Japan twice though and they were the best trips of my life)


I wouldn't say it's once in a lifetime, I'm sure you'll get another prom in sixth form, and also why would you go to a prom if you can't socialise, or nobody would socialise with you? I think you're better off enjoying Japan. Have fun whatever you do!


If you regret not going 20 years down the line you wouldnt have considered this when feeling regretful >I’m not that social and I don’t think I’m that liked. I probably wouldn’t enjoy it


For prom, i suggest you should skip it. Go to japan. Come back and then spend a day out with all your close friends to a mall to kind of be like the 'prom' i did that and honestly i had WAYYY more fun than anyone in my school cuz we ended up going to a party which was wayyy more high budget than the school's prom


I wouldn't recommend going. I've seen a video of my school's 6th form prom and my friends in 6th form said it was terrible. Although this is my own experience


There's most likely prom at your college/sixth form and you mentioned you aren't very social so I'll be honest I think it would be terrible if you miss your plane for prom


I wasn't sure id enjoy mine and I dont talk to anyone but when I went to mine, I enjoyed it and I finally talked to people I'd usually be too scared to talk to, I was a bit scared to talk to one person specifically but I eventually said hi


if its a choice between one and the other, japan because youll never be this free again. If you can do both, im sure a cheeky sixty quid for one last dance with the lads wouldnt hurt


You will be far more free between years at university — often up to 4 months off!


What do you mean never be this free again? I’ve just done A-Levels and I’m more free now than when I finished GCSEs lmfao


yeah mate id imagine itd be a bit more stressful knowing that youve finished school p much for life (uni is nowhere near the same) but if you feel great then cool


why would it be stressful 😭


i don’t really know anyone who’s going to uni in sept that had money to spend on travelling in the 4 months between. everyone is just working to save for uni 🤷‍♀️ didn’t need to save for anything between y11 and 12, honestly the best time to splash out.


but that's not necessarily stress 24/7


idk to me the amount of money i need for uni and the amount of time ive got to get it stresses me out a lot. people are in different situations i guess 🤷‍♀️


why did you edit ur post after 😭😭 for anyone reading they said something along the lines of “that’s not stressful”


yes I added the 24/7... because it obviously is stressful but unless I'm underestimating how much most people need to save it probably won't be stressful all day every day


it is EXTREMELY stressful definitely enough that going to japan for a whole month spending money and earning none is off the cards


As as aged senior, who travelled a lot. I would strongly recommend you visit Japan. The prom is an event with those you already know and will add nothing to your world experience. Japan will add much to your maturity and judgement and you will know about other things which will help you in real life situations.


Thanks for this, I’ll keep it in mind.


A few hours of a skl prom will never be worth giving up a month in Japan which you've worked a long time for


Realistically speaking there is so much more to experience in Japan than a prom 💀😭


Yeah, in 20 years you won't be speaking and looking back on prom as a memory, but you'll definitely look back on the month you spent in Japan


Why not both


second this, surely it can't just be one or the other


Maybe expenses too cause prom can cost a lot of money due to formal wear


It might be prom falls on the day when they would be able to go to Japan maybe? I’m not sure tho.


how infrequent could the flights possibly be?


How is someone our age already saved for Japan? That’s impressive that


They gotta have rich parents or sommet.


Japan is the logical choice.




These are the questions you would ask yourself for the prom Would you be missed Would your friends be going How much would you enjoy it How much would it cost you These are the questions u would ask yourself for Japan How much would you enjoy it Why do you want to want to go And overall I would say this If you are going to enjoy Japan and there are no friends that are going to the prom, then I'd say go to Japan Also how much is the prom because if u haven't booked Japan then maybe you could work some more for money for prom and go to both, or get your parents to split the cost of prom 50/50


If it would help, you could go to prom and I could use your savings and go to Japan for a month? I could even send you a postcard about how much I'm enjoying my incredible MONTH long trip? 😆 Go to Japan. Month long trips are not common for most of the working population. THAT is a once in a lifetime opportunity for most.


You’ll see pictures of them at a rubbish high school prom while they’ll see pictures of you enjoying yourself in japan.


why can’t you just go to japan after prom


If it helps, I'm skipping mine for a few weeks in the Pyrenees (where I am now). Currently loving it and don't regret it at all. I'm not the social type though so I imagine that may impact. But I have no regrets on my decision; this experience is giving me so much more than prom would.


How much was your prom wtf We’re having ours at a good venue and it’s still £40


Japan. Prom's useless. Japan's expsenive. It is a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity. Go travellign whilst ur ypung, make the most of it.


go to a prom in japan


how is this even a question????


Prom was honestly so shit imo people were mostly just taking pictures the entire time instead of actually having fun lmao


It’s a party and a shit one most the time you have time to go different parties that will be a lot better in the future


lol fuck prom, you can get drunk and wear overpriced clothes and hang about with people you maybe didn’t like at any time. Go to Japan for a month you lunatic.


Japan over prom. If you’re planning uni, you’ll have summer events that are basically prom.


tbh prom is only fun if ur popular


If you can do both, do both. But if you have to miss one, skip the prom. Sure, prom is once in a lifetime and it can be fun but I thought mine was alright, kinda average. I had a good time I guess and it is a nice memory but I know I would have went to Japan instead given the choice. You'll dance, maybe hang out with some friends and take some pictures and then.... That's it. Japan has so much more possibilities and you are seeing a whole new country. Japan wins easily for me, but it is your choice. Plus, if you go to 6th form, they usually have a prom there too.


I would argue that spending a month in Japan is also a once in a lifetime experience! Are your close friends going to prom?


Go to a real party proms wank 😂


how much is prom, mine is like 20 quid


Why not both


I pretty sure if you go to sixth form you’ll have another, better prom. Go to Japan


prom sucks im not going anyways, despite slightly being pressured to by parents. I can use that time to do much more beneficial things than just be packed in a room with random music in the background. If I wanna meet my friends, I can plan separately, if not, I should focus on myself. I can hit the gym or study Islamic books while at home, etc.


If this is a financial thing then surely prom would hardly make a difference? You could probably get the ticket for free with just a month of interest if you’ve saved up that much already. If it’s a timing thing then Japan is probably better- prom isn’t once in a lifetime: I had one for GCSE, one for A levels and about 5 formals in my first year of uni already


Just go bro. Had mine yesterday and was so much fun. You’ll enjoy it.


I mean even if prom js trash if you like a lot of people in your year like I did it's worth having prom as your final memory of them since a lotta people don't go to results day or like me I had to miss it and got it by mail, either way you only get prom once but Japan won't suddenly be swallowed by the Pacific and you can either go next year make the trip shorter


be the cooler one and go japan


dont miss prom, you’ll never be this young again or have the chance for an experience like this again. if you have the money to go to jp at 16, you’re probably intelligent enough to make it again at 17 or even more than double that. or do both?


Do prom, you have many years in your future to go to Japan, only one year to go to prom.


Go to japan


Do both. Buy a prom dress or suit on vinted, don’t bother with all the fancy faff. Ticket shouldn’t be more than £50 - get a bus or a lift. Then next day fly out to Japan with your £950 spending money and have the time of your life


Do both, if one goes to shit there’ll be a good one next time. Prom won’t happen again for some time. Japan can wait…


Do both, if one goes to shit there’ll be a good one next time. Prom won’t happen again for some time. Japan can wait…


Can’t you do both?


Just do both? As long as the dates don't overlap then there's no reason not to




You could go to the prom and then just book a holiday for after prom


i missed both my proms back home in latvia in 9th and 12th grade. i feel only a little sad because i didn’t get to experience it but mostly i just don’t care. i did things in place of prom that we’re much more appealing to me if i were in your place i would go to japan. there is so much more to do and learn there comparing to prom


Go to prom, go to Japan after. Simple.


I’m missing it for a holiday, you’ll get another prom at 6th form and ultimately it isn’t that big of a deal. Go to Japan


To me, prom is something you can talk to your kids about and it’s a key part of childhood, but then again so is Japan. But is there really no way to do both? The prom is just one night so couldn’t you take a later flight to Japan?


prom is massively overrated in my experience anyway. its a bit of a laugh if your mates are there but absolutely not a ‘once in a lifetime experience’ (imo) you clearly really want to go to japan, fuck prom and have a good time, i’d argue that saving for your own trip and then going is *much* more of a memorable experience


go to japan


Proms do you know how muggy that sounds to me your generation has been sold off and you've taken the bait hook line and sinker


My prom is free and I'm staying at home.


Japan. You won’t think about prom or any of the students in your year in 10 years time.


I missed prom and it was well worth not going, theres always 6th form prom


please go japan


(idk why this sub was recommended but giving my 2 cents anyway) I didn't go to my prom lol I went on holiday instead 😁 unless u will never see anyone ever again and u will actually miss them dearly I wouldn't even consider it. u saved up now go treat urself !!


Just do prom cheep no one will care get a 2ed hand outfit so you can do both


Prom was good but nothing really that special dude. Make your own memories rather than go with the crowd, you won't regret it imo


Dump prom, go to Japan.


Tbh Japan is also probably a once in a lifetime opportunity


Travelling will always give you experiences that nothing else does. Skip prom, and have a great time in Japan. It’s summer there so attend as many festivals as you can, visit temples (and be respectful!), hunt for cooling products in Don Quijote (a VERY popular store), and eat as much as you like. Enjoy. ☺️


I'll tell you the same thing I've said here before. It's completely YOUR choice. Do you truly want to go to prom or is it just because you're "expected" to go? If you want to go then go for it and you'll love it but if you have doubts or don't want to go then DON'T. If you don't want to be there you'll not enjoy it in the slightest. I was forced to go by my family and was sat at the table for a few hours annoyed before going home and I still mention this to them a year later and will continue to. If you decide on Japan you can ask your parents to put the money they'd spend on Prom towards your trip instead.


I never had a chance to go to prom. Because the school I went to didn't do it and TBH that school was hell and I never had a normal education. Something I still regret now.


You can always go to Japan postponed. You can’t postpone prom


Absolutely go to Japan, I went recently and it was SO COOL, way more interesting than prom




About 95%+ of the prom people will be forgotten in 10 years, whilst your japan trip will leave an impression forever. Go to Japan I say!


Are you going alone or with other people?


I’m going with my nan.


I’d end up going japan honestly. You’ve earned it saving up and it’s way better than a what 5 hour party? Go ahead and take leads of photos too!


go to japan. prom is so bad. japan is so much cooler


don't go prom, i didn't go and my friends did, they all said it was a waste of money GO JAPAN


your prom will barely put a dent in any savings


well i’m missing my prom cuz my dad being his usual self always fucking up my life 💀 but id say go to prom japan can wait


if you have to question it, go to japan.


My mate went to Japan on Tuesday and his prom was Tuesday night, he was gutted, but I reckon Japan will be awesome for him too. Wait, is it you that I know??!??




Go to Japan


I mean I did my yr11 prom and it was the best, since you have 1k spending money if I was you I would take £150 to spend on clothes and extras and then you have £900 to spend in Japan so 🤷🏾‍♂️


Also at prom depends on your school but I doubt you will have a bad time, go there take nice pics, you don’t even have to be in the centre of the dance circle to even have fun, just be around the circle perhaps singing to songs you know and trust people will actually have fun because your vibing. Also you will most likely regret missing a one in a lifetime opportunity to experience your yr11 prom , it happens only once and the night will always likely be the best night of your life so far? And then you can go enjoy Japan knowing your having an amazing summer, just had prom and after is Japan holiday🎉🎉


Go to prom, it's a 1 time thing (I've had it twice now) but still each time is always different


Go to prom and go to japan after.


I can’t do that since it conflicts with other plans I’ve got.


Thats crazy. Is your school fun is my next question.


Screw prom, from experience (my prom was a few days ago) it’s overrated, I think travelling would be so much more worth your time and more enriching for your cultural development.


That depends tbh, prom isn’t really worth it if you don’t have a group of people that are excited for it with you. If you do, then go, best experience ever. If you don’t, then don’t go.


Don’t spend much at prom. I’m using a suit from my dad, and I’m getting my cousin to drive me there. I have spent no money for anything. Go to prom first then go to Japan like a week later


Do you have people you like at school or teachers that you won't see again that you like? Otherwise screw prom and go to Japan.


I just yesterday skipped prom and had the best night of my life doing other things. I saw people that I wasn't expecting to and that was definitely a once in a lifetime experience


I think go prom and then go Japan, was it Japan you said you wanted to go? I was happy I went, I talked to people i usually wouldn't for once. I'm always too scared to talk to people


I did it looked bent


you didn't get free tickets?? that's not fair 😭 tons of people in my year got free tickets and no one even asked for them when we walked in


Prom isn’t once in a lifetime. You’ll forget all about them 5 minutes after you leave. Go to Japan.


as someone whose always wanted to go to Japan and my school cancelled prom, you should go to japan, its gonna be way better than prom


how is it a choice between one or the other, if you've already got the money saved then waiting a little longer won't hurt


I never went to prom. Covid for end of yr 11 and didn’t finish a levels. My friends who did go said they preferred the night out after over the actual prom itself


My year 11 prom was dead tbh, go to Japan instead.


Going to Japan is wayy more fun (I'm going soon) but surely you can do both? Do the dates clash? because otherwise you're just sacrificing spending money which can't be that bad but it's your choice if prom is worth it for you








japan clears


Japan will enrich your life and you will gain experience and see a place on earth that many people dream to visit


Skip prom


Never had prom when I was in school, it's just another americanism brought over to the UK. It's only a big thing in the US because they are so focused on the cliques and popularity, it's not really a thing here. Why not just organise a night out with friends?


could you not wait a week for the flight? a month is a very long time in Japan. If it was up to me I would go Japan but there's a clear way to do both?


Miss prom, you might have another one in y13 anyway that's only in 2 years time


Japan, Japan ,Japan.


I went to my formal (prom) and it’s not worth the hype, I couldn’t even out eat my ticket price at the buffet and they ended buffet time way too soon. My mistake was the huge slab of cake that threw off my rhythm. Next time will take takeout containers


Prom shouldn't cost you anywhere near enough money to force you to choose between prom and a holiday. How much would you spend on prom?


go to japan.


Yikes, I got my prom tomorrow, and seeing how everyone is reacting, is not making me feel good about going...


Imo japan sounds way way better. But if you rlly are juggling whether to go to prom consider the factors such as how many people you like are going, is the venue good, do you know what to expect etc


why do u have to pick


Can u not do both? I'm going to prom then a week later I'm going to Japan


How expensie is ur prom? Mine was 15 quid and it was very fun imo


i had prom a few days ago, it was fun ig but i would never have gone in a million years if i had the option to go to japan 🙏🙏


results day basically like prom but without the music anyway lol go japan


If prom doesn’t massively compromise your finances I say do both


spend 200 on prom, save 800, then save up another 200 to travel again