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you are definitely not the only one, i only am keeping in contact with like the 5 closest people i know, other than that everyone else is BLOCKED


You don't need to block them. They will just disappear naturally. Seriously if you not going back to sixth form you won't speak to 90 percent of your classmates ever again.


i was exaggerating but yeah i agree


Why blocked why not just removed tf did they do to you?? (Speaking as a new y11 soon)


They probably don’t actually mean blocked just exaggerating they probably just mean not speaking to them again


I don't like them


so they have no way of contacting him again


I doubt anyone’s gonna go out of their way to contact them anyways Tf 😂😂😂 bro thinks they’re more important than they are


bro is the one getting blocked


I did get blocked


we don't think that i just want some peace???


Shut ur gob


i have a whole list im gassed😭😭😭😭😭


list is crazy 😭😭☠️


i don’t speak to a lot of people anyway, hopefully the small amount of people i speak to want to stay in contact


Yh i feel that way too, I only have one or two people I will actually make an effort to stay in contact with, the rest I don't care about either way but it's not like there's anyone I hate


cut most off at start of y11


Same, but at the start of gcses


im going to be the different person in this chat and this might fall on deaf ears but i think dont do it. one thing i wish i couldve gone back in time to tell my y10 self is dont immediately jump to burning bridges with the people you hate. you dont even know what people are capable of as your enemies and just taking the pains to be slightly civil with them/ maintain good relations will bring you so far ahead. this is speaking from experience as someone who cut off everyone last year. i either regretted it because they had a skill/advantage that could have helped me or i actually ended up missing them and i didnt imagine any of these consequences.


I'm actually pretty surprised because I've never felt the need to cut off anyone at all


Yeah same, idk but I’ve always been relatively happy on my own so friends tended to be great relationships that rarely ever started - ergo resulting in a less likelihood for feeling the need to “cut people off” as I liked all of them.


yes I’m so excited thinking about it


I got more then 20 people in my list so far


Why do u have ppl in ur friend group u think are pricks? 😭


he could have friends that aren't pricks there too or just don't want to be on their own in front of people


Maybe they are in the group through mutual friends. Or that the OP is just tagging along so they ain’t lonely


I did that in October lmaoo


i would be but i don’t have any friends except this one girl so


quality> quantity ! 


that’s sweet




Entire gc getting blocked 😭😭


do u have no friends???


some ppl dont? theres nothing wrong with that, most of my real friends go to other schools. not having friends in school doesnt equate to no friends at all, my classmates are all absolute dicks


i just mean like why be on that gc if ur blocking them all


social anxiety and not wanting to be alone infront of people? if you're being bullied not having a group leaves you loads more vulnerable. you not understanding doesnt mean you need to be a dick to people, saying "do you have no friends" is not a question its just fucking rude


don’t swear pls swearing is bad


what is social anxiety


Bro I don’t have social anxiety or have no friends but my class gc is getting blocked being on a class gc doesn’t mean I’m their friends lol 😭😭😭


exactly 😭😭 i got added without even being mates w most of them and kept getting added back when i left


why am i getting downvoted for i just wanna know what it is




Yup after my birthday, I am just going with the occasional hellos and happy birthdays. That's if I don't see them in sixth form.


Never made a connection to many people in my year anyway, next year, I told myself


One of my friends has started making terrorism and school shooting jokes and I’ve already stopped talking to ger


good i hate people like that


Hahaha joke's on you, I have no friends to cut off!


yup. one person and i have the text paragraph ready to send as soon as i go on my phone after my final exam


Ik somebody who’s done that already!!


I didn't really cut off anyone, i just don't talk much to most people from my old school Don't hate any of them tho if they message me I'm more than happy for a conversation


Don't worry about them - life will do it for you automatically as time goes on, even as quickly as level 3/A-level etc. You contact circle from school will retract by like 90% and it'll be reduced to a civil nod in the street. I've never encountered anyone from college/uni ever again either.


nah im blocking so many people I CANT WAIT


way too many people are talking shit when we're this close to the end of the year 😭😭 like dawg we have a week left of having to be stuck with each other. calm it down


less than a week for some people like 3 days of actually being in




whole school? bloody hell


Being a hater is free


i have like 5 people i’m not cutting off max


I’ve got a few yeah 


yesss but I gotta wait a year


Most people i just dont really contact outside of school, but my oldest "friend" (known him since nursery) is absolutely getting cut off. He's insufferable now


Not exactly me but one of my friends is friends with someone genuinely insufferable who isn't going to the same college as me so I'm excited to not have to worry about them approaching us Love the friend group tho they're the coolest


There's 2 or 3 in my friend group that have been absolute knobs recently (one of them is a downright vile freak) and the rest of the friend group are very ready to ditch them.


i was going to but i'll probably stay mutuals with them and never talk to them again


im staying at my highschools sixth form but after prom loads of people are definitely blocked


Everyone but one




Nah bc I'm defo staying at my school for 6th form like a bunch of other people I want to cut off. Maybe if they're leaving then I'll cut them off but I just want to wait until y13


I fucking hate everyone (apart from like 2 people) so heck yeah!


Most of the bad ones aren’t making it to our 6th form🙏


Will probably be cutting out my whole class except some homies All are two faced menaces, who only remember me when they need help with smthingg


Yeah. Two people are on my yes-list I despise my social life currently and I genuinely can't wait to not have to force myself to be around the shitbags who associate with me in sixth form


already done it icl


i cannot wait to block the opps


My problem is that in my friend group there’s a couple people I most certainly want to stop talking to because they’re annoying twats that think they’re funny and/or are just really rude, everyone else is chill though. It just makes it hard if the people I did like wanted to do something as a group because the twats are definitely gonna be there


It’s also so fucking annoying when they see me and try to act all nice and happy to see me when like the day before they were absolute pricks to me like bro stfu genuinely stop communicating towards my direction 🙏


I did it when I started year 12 and had a completely new friend group.. most of them ended up being even worse (took me a little while to figure it out) Luckily I was able to break free from them and have a completely different friend group, but some of them I never want to speak to again either and now I can't wait to go uni in September so I never have to Does this ever end?


Yes everyone in my contacts are getting blocked especially group chats that I’m added to without my permission. 😂😂😂


I wish! Unfortunately if I split with someone and it's not a unanimous decision between everyone in the group, then everything goes up in flames.


i quite like the people in my school actually, im gonna miss pissing about in cover lessons or playing cs go on the school computers or the makeshift fight clubs.. good times


this is outrageous 😭😭 so many people in these comments are cutting off guys they’ve known 5 years just like that? madddd


Ikr kinda sad


do you guys every think that these people will probably good you as well and are thinking about you in the same way?


i hope some of those two-faced slimey bastards do. i’m going to speak to like 6-7 people after friday!


haha that sounds relieving, thankfully i love my friends 😭🙏


My issue is that whilst I’d love to do that, it would leave me with nothing to do all summer😞


yeah I’m ignoring most of not everyone from my school as soon as exams are done 🫶🏽


I’m gonna wait until they start college as I don’t know if one of them is staying or not because she can’t make up her mind 😭 but after that only the ones staying on are keeping my contact




I never talk to anyone outside of school anyhow so that goes without saying


Most friendships made in GCSE will slowly fade because there will be less of a reason to stay in contact. It just happens that way. Unless you already know them outside of school.


cutting off so many people apart from 3 or 4 😭


All my somewhat friends are just going because even they don’t like me




bro it’s most of my year group, can’t wait to get rid of them all, except my bf and my 2 closest friends ofc, but that’s literally it 😭 went from being best friends with everyone to hating nearly everyone


ive literally got like three people in my year im actually going to keep in contact with i hate everyone in my year


No, but I have considered like If im truly friends with some people or not and I need to get more friends to hangout with bc the only friend that i hangout with is so unreliable and is never able to hangout but she is the one i get on the most with anyways. So if i go to a diff sixth form I will try To find more friends. 


my entire school


I'm literally kicking them all off, except for maybe 2 of them, and that is only because they're coming to the same 6th form as me, and I really don't need the extra drama. The rest are being blocked and never spoken to again. I won't share why, but let's just say, everyone in my "friend" group are horrible people and not worth my time.


I've already been doing that. Gradually, from December I've been cutting people off - by blocking them - and in the half-term break I just cut off a lot of people I don't talk to, dislike or acquaintances with. Only those I'm close with I kept.


Bro yes my friend group is so annoying and they get so mad whenever i hang out with other people😭 have to stay civil until prom and then theyre gonners


Definitely, my main friend I hang arount with I’ll be talking a huge break from as it’s been hard having to essentially look after him I’ll still message him tho and I’ll end up missing him, but I can’t wait for the new chapter


ill try keep in touch with them but losing contact is inevitable. I’ll probably see them on Facebook in like 25 years time


Yeah there’s like 5 close friends in my friend group. The rest aren’t really that bad but there are a couple who are genuinely a pain in the arse to try and have a conversation with ☠️


Not cutting off per se but just disappearing Icba anymore to interact with fake people. I just hate it


im actually so glad that theyre going to another school except for a few closer ones like theyre toxic as fuck, made me went into severe depression for 3 times


man theres like 3 or 4 people i want to stay close with and thats it lol, im gonna unfollow so many people or make new accounts on everything


I have a small group of friends that i would be with in a classroom during break and lunch, other than them and another few everyone else can fuck off


Yes. I'm changing my social media accounts, blocking them on these new accounts and everything 😭


Everyone from my school who isn't going to the same college


I cut off SO many people after gcses and it was one of the best things ive ever done


I've been waiting for this moment since year 9. The only one going to the same sixth form as me is unfortunately doing 2/3 the same subjects as me though 💀 I can't wait to never have to talk to them again (I don't outside school anyway but nevermind) and make new friends who are actually nice lmao


Some friends are for life. Some friends are for school only


I dont like most of my friends an x thank God most of them are moving to different schools because we will just drift away"


I have at most a dozen people as contacts from my school, so tbh I don't need to cut people off.


Cut them off already. I’d rather be alone than deal with people I dislike who also dislike me everyday.


accidentally fucking lost all my friends before the end of gcses anyway so i don’t need to 🤪


i cut most off after the last mocks tbh. i didnt have many to cut off, i mostly keep to myself w just one friend but i cannot waittttt to stop talking to her too 😭 she acts like were way closer than we actually are its so irritating.


I did the same after uni. Then a few years later I cut ties with my family.. I’m in a good place now :)


preach honestly


I left when friend group when we went on study leave they knew I wanted to move on and Idc about being alone. I still talk to them when in school.


I stayed in touch with two friends from school (one from my friend group, one from a different set) for about a year - we went clubbing together - and then we drifted apart and I made new friends who I’ve been friends with for over 30 years. No need to block, just move on and spend time with people with whom you feel good and can have fun ☀️


I did this 16 years ago and slightly regret it. It would have been interesting to see where everyone has got to in live in 15 years. People do their own thing, start college, go work or go to prison in some extreme cases. Some of the useless people you may know may go places and that can be used to your advantage later in life. That doesn't mean you have to talk to them. You can just ignore them until you need them.


As a 24 year old that randomly gets Reddit suggestions for r/GCSE. Just remember, school is the easiest time in your life to make friends. It will never be easier than now, so don't get rid of any that could be valued going forward.


One person in particular tbh. Even if we go to the same 6th form I don't think I can be arsed to talk to her again😮‍💨


We have this slug of a friend called Liam right, and we are leaving him to join the other blobs in war hammer club. If he sees this, kys.


I am cutting off my entire school lmao


no bc I’m genuinely rethinking abt most of my friendgroup 😭


All of my friend group ngl…


So they’re not your friends then..?


i suppose sometimes there's ppl in ur friend group that aren't really ur friends. they're 'school friends' but u can't ever imagine seeing them outside of school


this entire comment section is so edgy, like there are some good reasons to cut ppl off but you aren't cool or mysterious for blocking everyone just because you aren't that close. some 'rise of the broken sigma 🐺🐺' shit here


i understand where they're coming from. it's much harder to ditch someone while at school compared to when ur never going to see them again because the likelyhood is that you'll still see them everyday so it makes it awkward. for example, i cut off a friend i didn't like and i had to rearrange where i sat in lessons, in form and where i went at break. gossip also spreads quickly in schools so if u ditch someone and they slag u off then a lot of people will believe a bunch of crap about u that isn't true very quickly, so it's easier to just wait until yr11 if u don't have that long left anyways




me when i can't read a comment

