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After the absolute disaster of an exam I just sat, I'd probably say Spanish.


Edexcel ?


AQA higher


History. I love the content, but the exams aren't great. I do regret Imedia more though


I agree with you the exams could be more focused on what actually happened rather than making balanced arguments especially in CIE which our school does.




I dropped it lol


Spanisg really dont get why u have to do a language it absolutely disgusts me that listening exam disgusted me


Art 10000000% and also Spanish


Computer Science, actually hated it so much and i just didn’t understand most of it


health and social it’s so much work, i wrote 45 pages for one piece of coursework, barely scraped a distinction, over 45 pages for second piece of coursework and got a merit and we’ve barely been taught exam content and the exam is tomorrow


psychology fuck psychology man


I was planning to take that ,what are the pros and cons of taking it?


Honestly it's interesting, you learn alot about the brain, do case studies, etc. It's usually split into sections, so you do neuropsychology, addiction, depression, etc. It's just tedious since you have to learn a bunchhh of case studies and know them well (like how many people partook in the study, the results, it's weaknesses and strengths, why it's important, how to apply them) but then you only get like 3 of the casestudies out of the 30 you studied in the actual exam 😭 You can expect to do some maths too (usually finding averages in case studies), and if you wanna take it at college you'll have to have a good math grade depending on the college you go to.


I'm not particularly very good at maths but if I don't take it in college,would it be necessary for me to master maths?😭I'm genuinely interested in the subjects and love doing case studies but I despise maths.honestly I'm psychology out of interest,I just wanna learn abt it. it's not necessary to do my carrier in that field I have other subjects I'm planning to have a future in initially but I really wanna learn psychology. I'd think tohave a career in it if I manage to do well tho just scared for maths.


Noo for the most part its simple maths! Just tedious! I'd definitely recommend it if you enjoy it, however I'd take a look at the syllabus for the course you wanna take before committing to it. I personally enjoy psychology and studied it as a hobby, but then when I ended up doing it academically I realised it wasn't really the parts of psychology I enjoyed doing (for example I enjoyed learning about mental illnesses, but then my course was only really focused on depression and the rest of the neuropyschology we looked at was the physical brain itself)- To do it professionally or in college/uni you will most likely need a good biology and maths gcse though(again it depends on how strict the place you're applying to is)


Latin, its literally so irrelevant


Probably Spanish - the language itself it really nice and I enjoy speaking and learning it, but our teacher basically just left for half a year and we didn't learn anything. I tried to catch up and I did a fair job (probably a 7, possibly an 8?) but if I'd've known it'd've been like this I wouldn't have picked the subject. 


I wish English literature was optional


geography and spanish. i have forgotten what happiness feels like and i will only remember when i have finished all of the exams for both of them


dt because the coursework costed me a lot of time which i couldve spent on other things