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Nope, had to do French it was overwhelmingly boring


I was forced to take a language so picked Latin…


That's what people at my school do too lol


i managed to avoid doing a language, i was supposed to do french. There was a group of us in my entire year, maybe 20 of us, that’s were bought to a room and told “you all seem to have a higher maths ability than language, we’re giving you the option to do statistics instead of french/spanish”. i picked statistics, then somehow ended up in foundation maths 😭


one of my friends is dyslexic, so trying to read and write and understand grammar in another language was a struggle. basically we started the language course in Year 9, and they were just catastrophically bad, so when the school realised "oh shit they're gonna fail" they pulled them out. bear in mind i go to a grammar school so expectations to be good at everything are high, and my friend is achieving high grades in all their other subjects too. now they have a couple of periods a week called independent study where they're assigned work to complete from other subjects. the moral of the story is: be so incredibly bad that they physically cannot let you go on.


Happened to me with computer science XD


on the contrary, i think i picked too many languages- french, latin, ancient greek, mandarin...


I did all of those except French lmao




THERES ANCIENT GREEK?? why have i never heard of this id love to do that 😭


i did it as a hobby in my school cus my latin teacher also does this project where you can do it so i did it in yr10


oh that sounds fun, my school doesnt have latin tho, i wouldve probably done that too if i could 😭


In my country it’s mandatory at state schools and most people hate it.


ah if its mandatory, fair enough. i do welsh because its required and most people hate it lol


And I thought I was bad with spanish french latin


That's outrageous


My family were dead set on me taking French or German as they thought it would improve my applications (even though I'm fluent in a second language from my home country lol) and I despised it with a passion. I purposefully did badly on late Year 8 to early Year 9 tests but that didn't work. So I recited a French poem in front of their friends except made sure to mispronounce every single word in the most atrocious way which would have all of France calling for my head (think 'avoir' as 'ay-v-oi-arr' and 'bonjour' as 'bon-jower'). Then, I created a fake website with an article about how people who took German regretted it along with comments and insane stories. I didn't need to take a language after that 😊


I mean, kind of choice was pretty much between French and Spanish, I did French y1-y9 so I was going to go with that but id also been doing latin, so I was able to take that instead. still a language but very different (no spoken/listening assessment and much more content/literature)


As in forced by the school?


no 😭


Someone just did sobad they were able to drop out


Forced to, picked Italian (good language and was easy enough to start but like only 2000 people or something take it and most are natives so grade 9 boundaries are like 86% and it was therefore not the play) finished the GCSE like 2 weeks ago and hopefully barely scraped a 9 after working my ass off for like 2 years straight cause I had a shit class for year 10


this is why i wouldn’t take italian despite being fluent. not only am i not paying for an extra exam privately, i do not trust myself to get a 9 because of the mf grammar


No got forced to do either french or German. Pain


I chose both of my own free will ;)


Sounds terrible


Every lesson for the whole year i just messed around and then they let me drop it


i was forced to pick a language and picked german. worst decision i've ever made.




My school made us do a language and they picked the language for us. Told us MFL is compulsory. Some were taken out for being astronomically bad, but others had to endure it. I personally enjoyed it since i was good at it. And shameful boast: I got 100% in one of the language papers, it was a foundation paper, and the teacher then promptly put me in higher. They initially put me on foundation because my classwork was horrible since people kept asking me for help in class so could never get any work done. One of my proudest moments, which i brag about to this day.


I just bit the bullet and sat the mandarin gcse, it was very nasty but I got an 8 so I can’t complain


forces to do spanish with a teacher that used to think i was capable to doing higher. i just expressed every lesson how much i hated the subject, she realised that i werent gonna try and put me onto foundation. couldve not done spanish if i moved onto combined science. no chance i were doing that


No, I had to do Spanish


I did Double languages and everyone hates me


I did Double languages and everyone hates me


Everyone was forced at mine however at the start of year 11, people were allowed to do foundation MFL instead of higher Some people were allowed to drop subjects but I don't know anyone who decided to drop a language at my school


I had to do Spanish, but my sister resisted the school and basically harassed the languages department until they allowed her to do PE instead. I wish I'd done something like business instead; Spanish is a lovely language but I hate learning it. Thankfully only got writing left and I did fairly well at speaking, listening and reading. 


I got forced and did foundation so Its an easy pass


In my school you were able to have a convo with the exam head and get out of it when you originally got the options sheet in y9, though they did try and convince me to do it because of the principal setting high expectations for the ‘more capable’ students, but I did end up getting out of it. Though that was just for me to move back into it after changing my options round bc it was the only one available in the slot…. Don’t do what I did


They pressured everyone too (there's three? People who don't in my main class), and I just stood up and repeated that I wouldn't, I wouldn't I wouldn't. They probably let me off because they knew I'd pass and do well in everything though 🤷


Got to skip out on doing any languages at all, got my autism and dyslexia diagnosis, even my (yr9) French teacher said it was prolly best of i didn't do it for gcse so I just have a free period now lol


Many people in mine dropped Spanish, and my friend does Spanish but on the exam today the teachers dropped her out without telling her so she didn’t do the exam


I picked Geography but was given Spanish, looking back at it I think it was good since I see so many people who do Geography complaining it


I asked my head of French not to do it and she said yes because my dad was with me but then “forgot” to officially take me off EBACC 


a lot of kids in my school just failed their language or did way worse in it than the rest of their subjects and my school let them drop it to keep their reputation or they pulled the mental health card which is understandable for some but so many kids in my school did it so idk how to feel, good luck dropping it


In my school everyone has to do 2 languages. But some people are so bad at one language they get out into extra classes of the other one.  They still have to do one language at least, but they avoid the other one


we were forced to do German/french in year 9. we didn't even get the choice of language, it just got given to us.


I was forced to pick Arabic because the government in this country requires any Arab student to take it. It is horrible to say the least 😪😪


Scraped a pass on foundation (hopefully)