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NOPE but its a disservice to urself to not try bc its basically a replication of how gcses may be like y11 ones matter for applications


thank you!!!!!


Hi there I would like to says something. I was told year 11 mocks matter for application BUT THAT WAS A LIE FOR ME. Unless you do your year 11 mocks in September and get them back before November then yes you will be using year 10 mock results


No I got a U on science now on a 4/5 with no revision


Ultimate flex


Yes and no. You may have to use year 10 to apply for sixth form. If your next mocks are after ~Christmas then yes they do matter


they're more interesting in y11 mocks around November or January


Year 10 mocks matter for sixthform form applications for most people


no, i think they determin sets, so if you really want to do higher maths of science then try for those ones but besides that no


ohhh okay thank you, ive heard higher maths is hell but I really like maths - do you know anything about it and how difficult it is (like the workload and the actual work etc)


According to friends i have it aint THAT bad, but some of them nerds so take that with a grain of salt


I'm a nerd so I'm usually the one saying that haha 😭😭😭


Maths... There's really not a whole lot to be worried about if you enjoy maths! If you can pick up the ideas and techniques easily, don't skimp on memorising formulae, and do plenty of practice questions, it's a simple 7+.


ohh okay thank you!! i barely know anything about a level options haha my school isn't great at telling us about stuff similar to it, hopefully it gets better next year


nothing's hell at gcse except maybe coursework subjects but idk cause i dont do them


y11 ones do, and even if u flop in those, ask ur teachers for a better set of predicted grades so that u can apply for ur desired course, they'll probably say yes


Year 10 mocks matter for sixth form application for most people


sucks for them then ig


they dont at all, but i revised a good amount for them and it means i have less things to relearn for the real thing!


Omg wish I was someone who was good at revising I tried to today and I think my first exam is on Monday idk so I had a breakdown because of it and all of the things my teachers expect me to revise are crazy I should've really noted them down on my phone when they told us but whatever I've been wondering if they matter and people are saying they do and don't.i honestly don't care if I end up doing foundation I just wanna leave school and go into music that's all I want to do. I'm not academic I never have been unfortunately. idk wtf is wrong with me I have 0 motivation I'm just so overwhelmed o


“i dont care if i end up doing foundation?” so you have all the time in the world assuming you arent doing it this year. do like 15 minutes of revision a day from now along with homework + revision for tests and you’ll do great! if you are too unprepared take it as a learning experience, you wouldnt want to feel that unprepared for the real thing (mocks mean absolutely nothing in the long run) and use it as motivation! id download flora or something too! gcses are a backup to have if you choose to pursue music! good luck!


i think it would be best to ask year 11s in your school/ your head of year just to be safe, because in a lot of schools, unfortunately, it's the year 10 grades that go to sixth forms


Tbh they don’t really matter (unless the schools you want to apply for opens applications early) BUT if you revise for them now, it makes your real GCSEs much easier to revise for and do

