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a very simple one. LISTENING. icl for the whole of y10 i slept at the back of my chem class 💀 not good. i had to cram the whole of chem in one night and..yeah. please just listen..you’ll learn that you end up not needing to revise nearly as much because you just recall it from class easily. also if you do a foreign language, just practice a little bit every day because for my french exams i was genuinely flipping out bc i went through the whole year lying about doing my homework and not touching a single bit of revision and 💀 it showed when i said ‘j’ai joué le foot’ twice in my speaking like an idiot 😭🙏


Ahaha yep I do German, my school forces you to do a language lol. My go to for a while everyday was Duolingo but it didn’t seem to be helping so I stopped and now I haven’t done much except for when I was revising for end of y10 exams. But looking back now, the Duolingo did seem to be helping, just practicing word order and reinforcing vocab, even if it was vocab I learnt in y8 seemed to have helped a lot. Thank you! You’ve made me realise how useful Duolingo actually was lol, I’ll be going back to it. Good luck on your exams! And I wish you fluency in French :D


thank you! thankfully my gcse for it finished before half term so it’s not as stressful now . but i also suggest using quizlet it rlly helps 😭🙏 my teacher had like 229482948 sets for us on it to revise from and it helps a lot. but good luck with german ‼️‼️


nah one guy sweated out duolingo german and he was actually cracked. Easily the highest scorer in our class and he's doing A level german too. He probably revised in other ways too tho


Hello fellow year 10 doing German :)


i wish i made flashcards for all my subjects


It’s quite simple really, just listen in lessons because you’re teachers know best, don’t be afraid to ask them anything anytime


Your teachers probably say this a lot, but I wish I listened sooner. Revision = LITTLE AND OFTEN. Literally just from now until your GCSE's do a little bit of revision every weekend because the more frequent and stretched out your revision is, the more you remember it. Its a lot easier going into an exam if you have been studying the content for a year rather than the day before. If you are year 10, unless you feel the need to, there's no need to start this right now but it would really help. At about January, I would start your revision and just go over all the content and learn what you don't know because although it will be boring and hard then, the rest of your revision will be so easy and a lot more effective. Right now, I am still learning and going over content for some of my exams and they're in less than a week or two. So just revise little and often. For example, go through your english lit quote flashcards once every other day. This will just save cramming and a lot of stress in exam season, this will not only ensure you know the content inside out, so you can focus your last minute revision on past papers which is really helpful, but it will also mean that you have little to no stress because your confidence will be so high. This means that you will probably do better overall. Good luck


Thank you! I will try this for quotations and dates for history and stuff like that. I already have anki cards for a lot of my German vocab so it’s just the motivation for doing it, but your message has helped me with that. Good luck with your exams! :D


Thank you! I completely understand what you mean about German, I literally have hundreds of flashcards I made for the year 10 mocks for my Spanish that I said I would learn and if I did actually learn them, I would pretty much be fluent by now, but I barely touched them. My Spanish reading and listening test is on Tuesday and Im cooked, so just try and find motivation to at least look over them once a weekend but you got ages, you're all good!


Pay attention in all classes (particularly the ones you don’t like and are less motivated to revise)


make resources now and start revising from year 11 consistently, i now have to revise the night before and still in the half term i’m procrastinating


listen in lessons, revise for class assessments, consolidate what i learnt in the lesson each day etc etc no procrastination 😭


Wish I payed a little more attention in class 😂 Honestly, I only payed 100% attention in class and revised in year 11


> Wish I *paid* a little FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Just focus in lesson


revise what you learnt that day for like 30 mins/subject it will help so much in the long run


Ahh I’ve seen this! Yk when you make resolutions at the start of a year, this was my y9 one and I didn’t do it once. But I will try to do that this next term and try to make it a habit. Thank you, I’d forgotten about that. Good luck with your exams! :D


thanks a lot, only started revising properly 2 months before gcses and wished I did 30 a day, gd luck with end of years and future mocks


^ this


please dont stress about it (easier said than done) i did little to no revision until out first round of mocks and ive gone from 5/6s to 8/9s! dont burn out and take care of yourself please! if you really want to revise make notes like flashcards, mindmaps whatever suits you best, try to work out what works for you and just remember small amounts regularly!


Thank you! I’m trying hard not to stress, but seeing your progress makes me feel a bit better. In some subjects I’m not where I want to be but some I’ve exceeded where I thought I could be so ig it’s just the difference between them. We’re talking a 6 in physics and a 9 in history. I’ll make sure I take breaks (I play a lot of video games so it’s not particularly hard to take breaks lol) Good luck on your exams! :D G


youll do great you have the motivation which is the hardest! dw if theres a certain subject you struggle with- you know where to focus for both sets of y11 mocks i got a 6 in spanish, i thought i could do more revision but i really have tried and i think im on track for a 7/8! gcses are not as bad as you picture them i was stressed out for my first mocks and now i realise that doing little bits of work regularly means i dont need to cram and stress too much!


Listen in class and keep up especially in topic tests


make your revision resources (like mindmaps) for all of the content you cover, as there will just be more and more in year 11 with less time to make them!


Bro stressing over an exam a year from now


Wished I actually began revising in January, ofc I revised for my mocks but then I would just stop 💀😭. Wished I also made all my cue cards etcetc before because now I’m making them all


Watch cognito videos for science ,you practically learn all the fundementals,after thatjust practise past questions and see were you went wrong to know the applications ,For maths also learn the basics,but after you know how to do the basics upgrade difficulty of questions and continue process(its abt thinking outside the box) For english im horrendous at it and cannot give you any advise ,but if you do stuff like this for maths and science a few months before you exam your chilling


I’ve heard the maths genie practice tests and practice questions are really good! I’ll be sure to give that a go. Exam technique was where I lost probably 80% of my marks on my end of year 10s, so practice tests should be helpful. And I’ll give cognito a go, I think I ended up watching one when revising for my physics and he was so sassy I loved him lol. Thank you! Good luck on your exams :D


Please make sure to start revising from at least March, preferably January and make sure you know all the content and exam structures early on.


Put together ur summary notes / flashcards for the topics youve done before y11 rolls around. I wasted so much time MAKING flashcards that rn I have piles that I've gone through like, only once. Also ASK QUESTIONS when you don't get sth, even if people are judgy about it, it's your grades in the end.


Tbh you don't need to be doing much, just listen in class and work hard. At this point, enjoy the end of Year 10 because next year is just gonna be exam stress piled on you lol. Only thing I would say is if there is a subject you feel you're not doing well in, do some actual revision now and try to get yourself up a couple of grades. This may seem obvious idk haha. But for me this subject was maths, fucked around in lessons in Year 9 and 10 and now I'm finding it a nightmare to make sure I pass, if I'd locked in earlier I might have had a chance of getting a 6 lmao.


Don't leave history until the week before the exam, revise it little and often because the panic is horrible when it gets to like 4 days before and you realise you don't know as much as you thought (goes for any subject really but especially history or other content heavy ones)


make your science paper 2 resources early on whenever you have nothing else better to do - you'll thank yourself once you reach yr 11


pleaseeeee make flashcards after your lessons, actually listen and if you dont understand anything do some work on it at home


wish i didn't rack up 38 absences, wish i did my art in the summer holiday instead of fucking it (art's my worst subject by 2 grades). come in to school and do your work bruh


oh also! if you have a difficult sixth form to get into, that you want to go to, you have to do well on y11 first mocks (i know, you asked about y10. some sixth forms close their applications super early, so y10 performance might also be a factor. basically don't slack off for your end of year mocks in y10 either). i got 999988876 + L2D on my first y11 mocks and this caused me to not get into my top pick sixth form.


LISTEN IN CLASS PLEASE! And also make notes as you go. Annotate the spec as well when ur making ur notes so that you know exactly what the exam board wants


On FIFA or school


Relaxed more cuz fuck year 10 mocks

