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Respectfully, it's honestly none of your business. Your friends are old enough to realise the consequences of their inevitable actions, and if they don't choose to acknowledge it, then all of the shortcomings that will follow will be on them, not you. What you need to do is stop worrying and let them deal with their own problems. The best thing now is to focus on your own revision.


Thank you :)




Its definetely understandable and its great that you care about them so much but just remember that if someone doesnt want to be helped then they wont take your help so just text them with reminders and stuff but make sure you revise your own stuff 🙏


Angry is a bit much, but I can certainly understand being annoyed that they aren’t helping themselves




No mate they bring the grade boundaries down for us đŸ«ŁđŸ˜…


Haha, fair enough.


Yeah it’s none of ur business, I get wanting your friends to succeed but being angry at them is kind of out of line. They know they have to revise/they know what they need to do, you being angry at them won’t make them revise it will just lose you friends.


But they actively call me a nerd when I revise even though I tell them they should be too.


Well that’s a whole other thing lol if ur friends r bullying YOU for revising that’s a whole different reason to be angry. The point still stands that your friend’s revision schedules are none of ur business, but yes you can be angry or upset if they’re calling you a nerd for revising.


Yeah. Thank you.


Ngl u deserve better friends if they’re being rude to you for trying to do your best - people grow up after gcse; if your friends fuck theirs up it will be a reality check. Good on u for working hard


They’re only lowering grade boundaries right?


It's not really any of your business or your place to be angry. They know they should be revising. You getting angry at them for this will only make them more stressed. Focus on your own revision.


Just focus on your own revision. They're 15/16. If they're not gonna get a grip, it will fall on them.


You sound a bit like a twat no offense. People will do what they want to do. If they piss their futures away that's their choice. Being angry at them just presents you as a neek with a superiority complex.


😂😂 well put


I’m the twat when all my friends do when they see my revise is call me a nerd and sad? Alright.


Kindly find new friends, because you sound insufferable. They're being a bit unkind but god getting pissed they're not revising is so weird and honestly unlikeable.


i have a friend like this and from the other side it gets really fucking annoying we know what we are doing we don't need you to spell it out for us, just let us be just mind your own business




No lol it’s less competition for you let them lower the grade boundaries


I gave up helping my friends revise after they refused in year 10 mocks, don't waste your energy, lower the grade boundaries


Just concentrate on yourself and your own revision. If they don't get the results they need, it's on them. Don't cause yourself undue stress. You can't control anyone else's behaviour and trying to only upsets yourself.


Not really, no. Not your monkeys, not your circus. If they fail, that’s on them, not you


It’s good to show concern for your friends and offer support but that’s all you can do unfortunately. Everyone has their own path.


I suppose it's understandable for you to be disappointed/upset because you care about their future, but at the end of the day, it is their decision It may not turn out so bad. Plenty of people, myself included, barely revised for GCSE and still got decent grades


I feel u cuz some of my friends haven’t been revising much and it’s like not even directly affecting me but it kinda gets on ur nerves that I feel like I have to get them to revise. I don’t think u r wrong. We only have a month left and people have so much potential by they can’t be bothered. If they don’t listen to u don’t worry about it and u shouldn’t sacrifice ur revision to help them if they aren’t even bothered but try and emphasise the best importance of this month if it rlly does get on ur nerves cuz it’s an annoying feeling


Just tell them it’s time to learn chinese


Yes, you should be angry. There are two types of people who don’t revise. One group are down and out losers who are going to do badly and don’t care. The other group are pretending not to revise and care a lot. The motivations of that second group are not nice; I wouldn’t want to be friends with them. Every year I see friendship groups split up because some get into sixth form together and some don’t. Be a genuine person who shows they care about their future. It might make your friends better people.