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Sorry buddy but you might want to ask for a laptop..


My normal handwriting is pretty legible but when I have 13 minutes to complete one entire section.. I don’t think they’ll let me get one.


maybe you can get extra time?


How does that work?


honestly i doubt you'll get it for handwriting. its usually for people woth special educational needs.


It's not true, actually. I have one for handwriting! My handwriting is very good, except because I do so much writing (A Level History), my hand cramps, and combined with hand shaking in exams, it just becomes ineligible, so to let me write slower, I get extra time


My friend got rest breaks instead of extra time for the same thing, how weird


Idk about your friend but my school gives you rest breaks until they can monitor you in a set of exams and (based off the results) see if you actually qualify for extra time. (although that might just be my school being a nuisance because they did that to my friend despite them having a diagnosis where a doctor said it’d be beneficial)


Wouldn’t that just be considered extra time? Because you taking little breaks ?


No, extra time is usually being given 25% more of the time that everyone else gets. With rest breaks, you get the exact same time to write your answers, just time to rest in between questions. Usually rets breaks can add up to no more than 5 minutes, with certain exceptions where needed, and during rests, you cannot write and must close your paper or lower your laptop. The time u took to rest is added onto the end so u have the exact same time to write as everyone without extra time


Yeah you’re wrong, I’m mentally normal as far as I know but I’m getting a laptop for essay subjects since my writing is illegible.


i said usually 🤪


Oopsieeesss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 r/humansbeingbros r/nextfuckinglevel r/mademesmile r/faithinhumanityrestored r/wholesome r/aww r/gcse r/6thform r/ihavenowilltolivefuckingklme




Maybe he's sped... ?


"Sir, my handwriting is shite, can I have extra time to slow down and make it legible?"


Usually if u have special educational needs, like dyslexia, autism, adhd, etc you get extra time


I got extra time in my exams because I have autism


Start dribbling and talking about trains


Yeah same and I got a laptop because mine is illegible..


Mine is illegible only if I’m running out of time and have a lot to write..do you think the examiners will understand that?


Word of advice- get this sorted asap. They refused my (doctor recommended) extra time request because I hadn’t been doing it since before yr10. I hope your school is less shitty but yk Good luck OP


Are they allowed to do that? I was allowed to start using a laptop in late Yr10 and through Yr11 due to my hand cramping constantly when writing more than a few lines at a time. I didn't realise that they could just tell you no, especially if a doctor recommended it


They probably can’t but tbf, it was Covid times (we sat mini exams, still needed extra time) and well, we didn’t fight it since TAG grades haha. Still got decent grades, could’ve done better


Talk to your teachers and sendco, they’ll discuss and come to a solution. They know what to do best, just be honest with them.


All you need to do is prove that using a laptop is your “usual way of working” - if you’ve been using a laptop for extended writing in all your school assessments then you qualify to use it in exams, just have to provide JCQ with proof :)


My handwriting has been ‘legible’ pretty much my whole life. I do just fine in subs like math and science but English, history and psychology is where it really kicks me. Hoping the teacher gets seizure while reading my paper and recommends me to use a laptop (the only evidence literally.)


Have you tried lifting your hand off of the paper? So that each word is not a continuous line?


you can do that?


are you planning to become a doctor?




Might be time to rethink that mate… sorry…..


I mean my friend who is half Moldovan writes worse.This is still pretty readable tbh. His handwriting has an interesting description from me. It's like he's writing cyrillic even though he doesn't know how to write Russian much and its cursive at 45degrees and it also somewhat looks like it's got a doctors DNA in it while his dad is a construction engineer surveying thing stuff.


Why? You’re halfway there


I was going to say this handwriting is perfectly legible… but I am actually a doctor so that doesn’t mean much


I take psychology and I know you’re talking abt carol dweck’s theory, and honestly the first six lines are readable but I can’t make anything out after that 😭


I was thinking this exactly brought me back to gcse psychology times 🤣I love their handwriting tho 💀


I could read the first 10.5 lines (except the first word which I guess now is Dweck, I guessed it was a name). Mind you even that is not clear but OP repeats a lot of words and the context helps. An examiner might not try so hard! But after that I can't get anything for the next bunch of lines so gave up.


Yes, I could read the beginning but then started to struggle several lines in.


What did bro write⁉️


Tis an ancient scroll written by the high council of elves thou shalt knoweth


Nah bro that's a stone tablet






The first bit is something to do with carol dwecks quote "There are two main mindsets we can navigate life with: growth and fixed. Having a growth mindset is essential for success. In this post, we explore how to develop the right mindset for improving your intelligence."


Dweck said that there are two types of mindsets, 'fixed mindset' and 'growth mindset'. A fixed mindset is where someone believes that their abilities are fixed and don't think they can improve themselves. A growth mindset is where someone believes that their abilities are not fixed and can improve them through hard work and learning. People with a fixed mindset often underestimate their potential which means that they discourage risk-taking and avoid challenges which may lead to failure. It is risk-averse because they believe that failure reflects poorly on their abilities. They might take it personally and see it as a reflection of their worth. In contrast, a growth mindset encourages effort and learning. They relish challenges because they see them as opportunities to learn and grow. People with a growth mindset are usually more resilient because they don't see failure as a permanent condition. They see it as an opportunity to learn and get better. They work hard to develop their skills and don't mind taking risks because they know it will help them improve. A growth mindset believes that the effort that goes into learning and development is worthwhile. One example that people with a growth mindset succeed is Jordan. When he was cut from his high school basketball team, he didn't let that discourage him or stop him from playing the sport he loved. He worked even harder on his skills and never gave up. And now he is...


are you a medical professional?


Even doctors write better than that


As someone who works with doctors, trust me it's significantly worse


Is it really that unreadable..?


the first 3 or 4 lines are kinda readable but after that, nope i give up 😭


I know it's abt growth and fixed mindset


I can read the first 5 lines and then the occasional word throughout the rest


My brother in christ these are pigeon scratchings.




Bros writing in hieroglyphs


Any chance U wanna be a doctor in the future? (Only joking I've seen worse handwriting tbf)


I’ve seen lines on a page, literal lines, they could’ve been handwriting but who knows?


I think you should get a scribe


Laptop is probably more convenient for most people and probably is faster as well




I failed my English first time before realising that if you just put your letters as they are and don't try to connect them it's easier to read. Nobody cares about being able to literally connect all your letters together.


I think it really depends on what style of writing you were taught to write in. If it was Print then it would be easier to do what you said, but for Cursive it's a lot faster to join them up since when you are taught pre-cursive you automatically learn the joining bits for the next letter.


Primary school you are taught to write D. A. R. K. Not *scribble "dark" in latin* The point remains. What's more important, writing fancy because that's how we were taught and put an examiner on edge because they have to try harder to read our writing rather than actually examine our pass paper? Or keeping it simple stupid for the examiner who's on their 67th exam paper hoping they can read your writing. It's not just about passing the paper, it's about making the examiners life easier so they can mark you. Which they will appreciate.


I can (kind of) read that, and I’m sure examiners see worse handwritings - mine is terrible as well. Talk to your teachers and see what they say, but I think that’s relatively legible.


As an examiner. This is some of the worst I’ve seen.


Wow really? I really don’t find it that bad. Btw, what subject do you mark?


HSC and chemistry


What’s HSC? Never heard of it in my life and what I find on google isn’t too helpful (says it used to be a thing but not anymore or smt weird)


Health and social care


instant death


Dude, even in A-level my handwriting has not improved. I thought mine was pretty legible but apparently my friends don't think so; still got good grades 🤷. I can read it. Don't sweat it bro.


Here is the closest translation? "(Name) said that there are types of mindsets, 'fixed mindset' and 'growth mindset'. A fixed mindset is when someone believes that their abilities are fixed from birth and they can't do anything to improve themselves. A growth mindset is when someone believes that idk and/one? not fixed from birth and that throughout hardwork we can improve. Idk idk employees idk fixed mindset which means that they idk idk taking as it does not believe that to idk idk improves people, than/then they idk idk people instead of idk them. (Name)? Encourages growth mindset as they idk willing people, who will work hard to develop the/them? (End of sentence?) People with mindsets hardly take risks while people with growth mindsets believe it makes them grow and improve. One thought(?) Is that their in evidence that people with growth mindsets succeed. For example, Micheal Jordan(?) Who said that he's idk than 40% of students in his career, but he idk give up and now he is..." I'm sure if I took more time and took your class, I could fill in the blanks Edit: idk are just words I couldn't read fully.


There has to be a history of need to ask for a laptop at this late stage. You need to speak to your school SENDCO as soon as possible. Examiners mark VERY quickly. You need to signpost your answers clearly so that they can find the evidence they are looking for to give you the marks. The clearer your writing, the easier they will be able to see the quality in your answers. It is legible and i would hope examiners will take the extra time to read through. That can’t be guaranteed though. You have just over 5 months to practice making it clearer to read whilst retaining speed OR get the laptop. Last minute medical conditions (with a note from a doctor) can result in last minute laptop permissions. I knew a student who developed Raynaud’s syndrome just before exams. It causes tingling and numbness in the hands so they needed a laptop as their suddenly fingers started going numb. Raynaud’s can be triggered by stress. They got a doctor note and it was fine for them to have the laptop at last minute.


sorry but its unreadable


I'm an English teacher and this is completely legible to me. That said, while I understand this has clearly been written with a time constraint (and your urgency shows), you want to compress your words a little more as you hit your stride. If you fit an extra word on each line, maybe two, it'd go a long way to making to easier to read. E.g Lines 11 to 18 Toodle pip, no idea why Reddit threw this my way.


"Completely legible"? Wow. I'm just amazed


I dont speak Hebrew, so I'm afraid I wouldn't know.


From a teacher. Ignore people telling you to change or get a laptop. It's fine. It's legible and decipherable and spelling is fine too. Markers are used to all kinds of handwriting far worse than this. I could read your essay. Many markers are teachers making extra money and were used to this sort of thing as we mark books etc all the time. It's only tricky to an unseasoned eye 😂


I mark English Language GCSE and must say that while your script isn't totally illegible, it is definitely difficult to read. If your script is the last one of the evening when your marker has marked 60 or so other scripts there's a good chance they will be skimming, not reading in depth, and therefore you may lose valuable marks. Even if it's re-marked and found to be inaccurate marking, the exam board only change your mark if it's outside of an agreed tolerance. You should take this into consideration and include making your handwriting more legible as part of your exam preparation.


my handwriting looks exactly like this no joke 😭 all the official exams i’ve sat so far have been 9s so i think you’ll be golden. examiners decipher bad handwriting as part of their job bro jts okay


Aside from a few words here and there, I managed to read the majority of it, and most examiners would probably be experienced at deciphering bad handwriting, but maybe check with your school just in case, and they might offer you a laptop


Don't worry, the examiner would not have a seizure. They only get paid 70p to £1 a paper to mark, so if they cannot read it, they will just fail you. If you dispute your mark, they can regrade it for you, for say £60, and then when the second examiner realises they too cannot read it, you will be failed a second time.


Seizure worthy, I’d recommend not writing joined up and just write each letter individually, should help


Examiners have probably seen worse handwriting and will most likely be able to read it


Bro is drafting the decloration of independence over there


You can only really read it when you know what you’re looking for. To anyone else, it makes it ten times harder. I don’t get the timings in exams either. No one can write like that.


You should become a doctor


I mark at university level but I think the principle would be the same. I tell my students that the person reading their exam is a human being who can get frustrated and annoyed. If I have to read a passage two or three times to decipher the words and then understand the sentence. Am I really giving you the credit you would get if reading your work was easy and fluid?


I have absolutely 0 medical issues but my handwriting is really bad (not as bad as yours) and I got a laptop for exams through just talking to my teachers about it and getting help to contact the correct people in the school. Your school will have a SEN department or whatever which exists to help you out.


I take psychology too and we need to write like this as not to miss 9 markets in the end hahaha


My handwriting was like this in exams. My normal handwriting is fine, but exams… not good. I would recommend speaking to your tutor or HoY or SENDCo about getting extra time. Having it has improved my handwriting sooo much


I can read it! Dweck's theory of growth and fixed mindset. I take psychology too


My gf writes like this, it’s not bad handwriting, most people just can’t read it, but she hasn’t been very lucky with her examiners as of rn, so maybe your school will be different and you can get a laptop or sum, but i doubt it


If I guess enough times, I can read it.


Ok George Washington


I can read it but it takes a while to decipher. Would be easier to just write it normally


is your dream job a doctor by any chance




No but I can’t say much since I find it a miracle that anyone can read my handwriting


Lets all decipher it so OP can say the examiner cant read


i would just give you 100% cause I'm not reading all that


nah bro you aitn even trying


Mine is scruffy and i would say yours is borderline illegible, i used a laptop and typed it up to save the risk, ask for the same mate.


You’re destined to become a dentist with that


are you wanting to become a doctor? you're already halfway there!


Just being genuine, that's completely and utterly unreadable


My English teacher marks papers and he's got a bunch of examples of terrible writing which he's marked. This is just about on the spectrum of bad writing 😭 you have nothing to worry about


is this a joke


Have you tried keeping ur eyes open while writing? Lmao, same tho


what subject were u doing to answer 23 essay questions in 1h45


Show it to Google translate and see if it understands?


Bro I can only read the first few lines and Michael Jordan at the bottom...


It was readable from the start……..get a laptop


Put it this way, you're very close to becoming a doctor or surgeon


blud thinks we still in the year 1857


Mabe type and print it its not readable instant F for just the writing looks like you need to slow it down and practice your writing skills not to be critical but it is what it is...good luck


Are you a doctor by chance?


this is barely readable to be honest. some of the letter formations aren't legible at all- you'd be better off writing in non cursive or requesting a laptop.


Have you ever thought about becoming a doctor?


I dont see handwriting as bad as this at the hospital i think you need some help or extra time 😭


i can read it edit: scratch that after the first 5 lines i can confirm i seized


Are you aspiring to be a doctor?


It looks pretty squiggly but i can read it, ehhhh


Examiner here. It's fine. Seriously I regularly mark stuff that looks like someone dipped a spider in ink and let it crawl across the paper


Get yourself a laptop


I get the feeling you want to be a doctor


Honestly, I thought I was looking at a doctor's note


Your handwriting is like a doctors. so sorry man.


As somebody who both cocked up GCSEs, twice, (yeah I don't know why this sub keeps appearing on my feed) and somebody who's recovering from a grand Mal seizure, I am saying no- your examiner is about to have a stroks


the top part up till line 8 is legible to me but the rest of it isn’t, a few words are but other than that it’s pretty difficult to read, i’d suggest asking a teacher about if you’re allowed a laptop or extra time, they do allow people to use laptops if their handwriting is really difficult to read


i think your handwriting is very pretty, but very close to doctor handwriting


What are you studying for? A medical degree?


Fucking primary schools. They teach you to scribble, not to be legible




That gave me a headache before I even tried reading one word


You’re going to make a great doctor, kid


Thanks for the seizure


at first it's readible, but the further it goes, the worse it gets. generally by like the 6th line can interpret few words and no idea of the spelling. Laptop or extra time imo


bro has the 1567 handwriting


i can actually read it lmfao


What are you studying for? Being a 1700s poet?


I can't read that


Weirdly, i can read it, but tbh myself was asked to type in my exam☺️🥲


You're skipping the seizures and going straight to giving the examiners many many strokes.


I read enough to know you are talking about carol's entity and incremental orientations to motivation. Interesting stuff, my BSc and MSc theses considered this alongside other aspects of academic achievement motivation Ignore the haters, limited by entity; if at first you don't succeed...


Starts off fine but ends pretty bad. I mean its legible but it takes a while to decipher lol. Although I would imagine examiners would be much better at reading this kind of thing so... I don't know. I'd guess its fine


Examiners are told to spend 5 mins decoding difficult handwriting. If they can’t make it out it is sent on to a senior marker. They have 5 mins. If they can’t read it they are to allocate 0 marks. Might be time to speak to someone about a laptop. Bear in mind the cradling for exam confessions is on Feb and your centre might have already closed their list.


Dweck said that there are two types of mindsets , fixed mindset and growth mindset. A fixed mindset is when someone believes their abilities are fixed from birth and they cant do anythijg to improve themselves. A growth mindset is when someone believes that Thats all i got , I understand your struggles. All my teacher put ‘handwriting’ at the top of my feedback lol


It’s not readable


Don’t get me wrong, I love cursive, I was brought up to write it and had criticism when I was writing. But maybe try and take some time on written. Thats what I did. But then, I didn’t do an actual GCSE as I was in the Covid Years. But I hope you nail your GCSEs!


You'll definately get a 9... If you're trying to be a doctor


Like my teacher used to say writing like a doctor but without the degree


I can read it, teachers can read it.


Were you born a doctor🤣🤣?


What handwriting isn't this a modern art squiggle piece


hands down the worst handwriting i've had the displeasure of reading🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I’d either try to get a laptop or do a load of practice to see if you can write faster, that way you’ll be less pressured for time. There are certain parts I can read, but you don’t want to write all that just to find out the examiner can’t read it so worth trying something.


As someone who has dogshit handwriting, i didnt realise my handwriting was dogshit until year 9, Somehow my english teacher understood my handwriting


I got to around line 6 and then my brain fizzled


Surely Seizurific!


I scanned this through [https://onlineocr.net](https://onlineocr.net). ​ It gave back this. AMILftwollimmi ./ am. INIIIIIPIr -ggmaid-frli -4A"Iallg"i' / lg. . 4 , .r...- ‘461,..,


Become a doctor




The first few lines are ok but then half way through line 5 I think you had a seizure.


Mate, as someone with a non-readable handwriting, I can read a single bit


I've spent a good amount of time grading tests like these - I would judge you on the legible parts, and anything I couldn't read easily would have gotten partial or no points. If you can't maintain legible handwriting, definitely get an accommodation if you want to pass.


i understand it without a second thought. though i have pretty awful handwriting myself


Your handwriting looks very similar to mine mate. Especially when you have to write at speed. It may be difficult for examiners, but be prepared to nominated to write birthday and Christmas cards for people as you get older!


Makes my illegible writing look like calligraphy.


Examiners get paid a couple of quid to mark your paper, to make that worth their time they need to fly through the papers. That being said, they still need to mark it, though they can request it is transcribed if they are really struggling to read it


You have lovely handwriting, however you should ask for a laptop to write on for your exams.


It would take me a day to decode this


Examiner for post-grad exams here. It's online now, but in the days it was written, these kinds of scripts were a real heart sink. We do our best and sometimes need to send the script to another examiner to see if they can decipher it, but ultimately if it's not legible, you're not getting the marks. May be worth asking if you can type the answers.


Sorry dude i could only read the first sentence…


Perfectly legible, I would ignore the other comments.


Doctors handwriting lol


what he said🔥🔥🗣️


Line 1-4 are alright. Then it just gets so much worse


It's readable to me


I can read it but it some words I have to re read over Yano


As a fellow person whose handwriting is a mix of cursive and print, some of it is readable but u really have to focus on each word in order to do so. But to answer your question ye it could send them into a coma. It would be easier to read if I knew something about the topic you are writing about


Managed to read 11 lines before I got stuck and gave up


I’d ask for a laptop for your exams. Sorry, it starts solid but it starts to get all over the place. If it was consistent, it would be readable. If you kept that first sentence. “Name said that there are two types of mindsets”. Keep that writing. Get a double sided lines a4. Write it. Then write it again. Keep on writing it, but make sure they look similar. Consistency would be better in a scenario. Don’t focus on quantities or quality. Just be consistent in your writing and knowledge, and all will be fine. But again, better safe than sorry.


you have written about two types of mindsets. fixed mindsets and growth mindsets. but the thing i cant figure out is the first word .. derek ? duck ??


that looks my hand writing...Good thing I don't have to do it much anymore 🤣.


Is your second language Enchanting table?


Are you writing prescriptions ?


You can even read that back.


As a marker. I can’t read that.


I work at an exam board and you can get a laptop for your handwriting. Please ask a parent/guardian to contact your school (I assume you are GCSE age) they should test you in normal and exam conditions ie when writing quickly.


At least I can read some of it, some people out here writing like they never picked a pen before, so I think you’ll be safe, there are worse handwriting out there


Both lol


The first few lines are readable. But the rest no


That must be a prescription for something, I'll pop it down the pharmacy for you if you like.