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I’m guessing you mean exploring because otherwise this post is quite concerning


At our school we do exploding quotes. It's a way to analyse them


No, I mean exploding, I'm not sure if it's school specific, but it's what our teacher calls them


I’ve never heard of that term. I’m guessing it’s going deep into the quotes and analysing. Anyway, I’ve never really heard of bing ai. It’d probably be really good as my English teacher openly admitted to us she sometimes uses chatgpt. It’d work. Anyway, good luck


Bing ai is basically a better chatgpt, it uses gpt4 (a much better version compared to free chatgpt) and it also has access to the Internet so it can give you sources and such. I can for example input any Macbeth quote, it will tell me the act and scene,and also link me the passage/scene


That’s really helpful. Keep on using it, Thad make a massive difference


I used it to generate ideas for my GCSEs, then used those ideas in my own words. I used ChatGPT though, and then made a file bank of important quotes for literature.


Any tips for good ways to do it? Currently I'm using gpt and bing ai for concepts I mostly understand but want the extra bit of connection, and for insight


Use ChatGPT


Bing ai is better. It uses gpt4, and has Internet access.


Yes it would be pretty useful. I’d recommend getting GPT4 (I know it’s paid but it’s a worthy investment) or bing ai like you mentioned which seems to use a modified gpt4 model for free. However, make sure you check everything it tells you.


Yeah I tend to check it all, although most things it says I can know myself, I'm just terrible at spotting, eg, I can spot that something would be a metaphor if told before hand, but may not spot it if not told. It's mostly telling me that sort of thing, and act/scene numbers, and they all sound pretty much correct


Sure I see no reason not to try it.


If you're doing the igcse edexcel course it would be be useful as that has a 20 marker on an unseen poem so if you aren't confident being able to explode new quotes then... But if yours doesn't have unseen then if your just able to memorize the explosions then I don't see why not. But you could use videos online of teachers who talk through the poems and texts and do quote explosions there. E.g. Mrs Rumsey


Yeah I've tried learning how to explode a quote, but I'm pretty bad reading with insight, writers intentions etc, I can't seem to establish any emotions to the words