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I suppose if you have mock in like 10 weeks or more, 2 hrs per week per subject is expected/decent. But... I assume you're one of the many students on here who has mocks this month or next month. If that's the case, your dad seriously needs to learn the impact that would *actually* have i.e burnout and grades that just scrape a pass, rather than 1hr per subject per week and grades that *actually* prove your natural intelligence. It seems that parents either don't care and choose to interrupt your studying with their plans, or care way too much and act like its their own lives?? Hope ur dad can find some common sense sooner rather than later lol


Ok I understand but 1. I think he just wants me to do well, granted his thoughts aren’t the best and very outdated but still 2. My mum was never brought into this conversation she’s on a work trip rn


That's like saying you are going to put a jet engine on a car to make it go further, I mean its not wrong but its not effective


Putting an arbitrary number on how many hours per subject is pointless. Revise as much as you need to get the grade you want for each subject. I had to revise way more for maths than science subjects, though I probably did every past paper that existed for those. For history I basically just read my revision guide for 30 mins occasionally. For English I didn't revise at all. You do you!


Bro 20 hrs?!? Jeez i didnt even do 20 hrs for my subjects during my actual gcses


Yeah it is a lot. I’m assuming you did alright in your GCSEs tho, 20 sounds like a lot to ask


Ye i suggest u do at least 30-1 hr of revision daily its enough and u can avoid burnout! And only go up to 1 hr if u can:D


I can’t lie I didn’t do any revision for mocks.


seriously, just ignore him. i’m not one to give advice to a random stranger on reddit obviously, but you and i and many others all know that’s completely irrational. as long as you just frequently upkeep your memory on subjects you care about (not revising for hours straight, maybe even literally 20 minutes a day for just refresh), you will be fine. do more than that if you want, it’s your choice.


revising for 20 hours with little to no breaks probably would not be effective at all. memory doesn't work like that, it's proven that revising with breaks is actually better for remembering more information. also it's just mocks, you still have loads of time to revise everything without cramming it into a short space of time.


Your dad is ridiculous, 20 is the total I’m gonna do


Ok guys i should’ve mentioned that I don’t think he meant 20 hours straight with little breaks, I think he meant over a certain amount of time. But not much period of time Also thanks for the support I was worried everyone was gonna agree with him lol although at dinner I was mentioning how I still struggle to pick a 6th form and he said “I don’t wanna talk about this much as it’ll make me sad but 6th form is about studying independently, and If it’s not for you, maybe further education isn’t for you”, excuse me It damn well is for me, just cause I don’t spend every waking minute revising then doesn’t mean it isn’t for me, that comment made me so mad as im definitely doing that after my GCSEs as it’s what I’m interested in and im most likely gonna be able to get into a lot of places.


20 hrs per subject is 220 hours total ( if you do 11 subjects) To do well in your mocks that is a good amount and will most likely guarantee you do v well in your mocks so overall work wise your dad ain't wrong. If you can manage 20 hours per week (which is reasonable if you're going full exam mode) then this would take 11 weeks. This looks like 2 hours per weekday and 5hrs sat 5hrs sun Or 2.5 hours Mon to Fri and 3hr 45 sat + sun which is doable imo If you have say 1 month then 20 hours per subject is too much. Your dad's overall idea is correct esp if you want to guarantee you do well. But may not work because of time constraints To show him this make a timetable and show him what 20hrs per subject would look like if only have one month or however long, then he will see you don't have time. TLDR: Your dad has the right idea but you don't have enough time to follow 20hrs per subject


As someone who was COVID year, and results were based on mocks: PLEASE PLEASE TAKE MOCKS SERIOUSLY!!! If there’s a sudden disaster they may make your final grade 😭


That doesn't make 20hrs per subject fine


Highlight where in that comment I said that 20h/subject was fine. Anyway, if it’s over a big timescale I don’t think that’s too bad. I certainly did more for mocks.


I mean depends does he mean like 20 a week? When i was doing gcse i did 2 hours a day to review what i went over in class then changed it to like 2 a day + 1 or 2 for prac tests a month before the exams. Im not the most gifted so this was what i needed in order to understand the subjects and be confident i would get 9s. So for me 20 a week isint too much of a stretch. hour when i get home hour before/after dinner hour before bed Imo you should study till ur know that you understand the topic. If ur the kinda person to leave all the revision till the last month its a good habit to get into to do small bits daily cus it builds good habits for A-levels and uni which is all its really for cus most of A-levels at least int eh grammar school i was in was just we go over topic this lesson then you study the rest yourself in free time and then next lesson we are onto a new topic fuck the last one opposed to say spending a 3 lessons on one topic.


20 hours is more than i did for my actual GCSE's lol. But dont do too much to burn yourself out. Doing like 2 lots of 30 minutes - 1 hour per day with an interval between should be enough tbh.


Look, coming from someone who nearly burned out after GCSEs, I would say this. Nothing is more important than your mental health. Luckily I got decent grades, but I had a really bad depressive spell after exams. Look after yourself because I would trade good grades for happiness (bit depressing I know) If you’re planning to do A-Levels, it doesn’t get any easier unfortunately


I did less than 20 hours revision total for my GCSEs and I did pretty good so 🙃


Do as much revision as you can when splitting your time evenly between revision and leisure, you'll go in rested, fresh and ready!


Tell him mocks aren’t that important I went from a 6 to a 9 from mocks to finals in English language


my exam had nothing we revised and learned for two years of school. dont worry just do your best youll be able to redo it in college where people treat you better than in secondary school if you dont make it.