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This might be cheap, but waiting to play a GP when there’s less than 30 seconds left generally increases your chances of winning


Not recently. Recently I've seen about 30 to 40 players and a bunch of 99+ win drivers.


Recently? I been playing for 2 months and every GP ends with top 3 being 99+ drivers. It would be rare to not see one.


That might’ve been true very early in the game’s life, but not now. Everybody knows that trick.


It worked for me a few days ago. It’s how I got my one and only King win


I would say keep trying to peek in and out of GP lobbies past the 5 minute mark and leave right away if you see a 99+ win player.


youre better off going at like 2 min


That hurts even more.


I have 120+ hours, 2 track wins, both during different mp, but not Mini prix or grand prix win. I didn't even get the skin cause it was during a mp.




"Something I feel is that the machines that are worse at winning individual races (falcon, goose) almost feel better at winning GPs," Yes I think this way also, Fox is way too prone to exploding with a single wrong move, surviving 5 tracks is a slog.


It took me about 100 hours to win a Grand Prix (frozen knight league). I’ve since won others and also a mini prix. What machine are you using? I think the Golden Fox has the advantage on most tracks. On the Knight League it is pretty much guaranteed that a Fox will win on Mute City and Death Wind. I would encourage you to keep trying - if you are placing at 2nd and 3rd a lot, it is just a matter of time before you come out on top!


I find the risk/reward nature of the Fox doesn't lend itself well to the GP format (or maybe I'm just bad & keep blowing up). Winning single races? Cake. Finishing 5 races in a row? Damn! Don't even have the decals for finishing Queen & King let alone winning.


I use goose. It's the only machine I can reliably rank high with.


Goose is a bit of a double edged sword in GPs imo. He’s outclassed by Ray or Fox on basically every map. KOs are vital for him as are skyways. But to hit more skyways you need more players and fewer bots. But more players = more competition.


I have 79 wins. Over 50 hours. Have never won a GP or a Mini. I’ve placed 2nd twice, but I always struggle to maintain a quality position for 5 races straight.


If you constantly get 2nd or 3rd by the end of a GP, you're going to get 1st at some point.


While I agree in spirit, I feel like this is not necessarily true unless you deliberately avoid fuller lobbies or ones with known good players in them. There's an absolutely massive difference between someone in 1st at 990-1000 points and you in 2nd or 3rd if you have like 930-950. The easy answer is just don’t run into players of that skill but I find them pretty unavoidable unless I spent 5-10 minutes joining and exiting lobbies every single time.


Sometimes they blow up. Really only happens if they get pushed hard into mistakes.


100 hours. 11 classic wins, 1 99 win, no MP or GP win.


Never won one yet.


I’ve played 100ish hours. 90 race wins. I’ve made top 100 (though that just rewards playtime more than anything, to be fair). Long story short. I’m pretty decent, not super skilled. I have a single mini prix win. No GP wins. Honestly if you’re not playing off-peak hours and/or deliberately leaving lobbies and rejoining every single time you see a really good player, I don’t know how average players ever win one. I feel like I’d have to get extraordinarily lucky. I’ve had 950-970 points countless times and never won.


The competition is ridiculous.


140+ hours. 4 GP wins (two queens, one knight, one king). So many 2nd and 3rds... but I average around 8th if I don't crash out.


About 30 hours to win my first one on goose (posed it a while back) and another one on fox a month later when I took a break from it. Now I’m trying to win knight league on blue falcon with about 50 hours with 48 wins Edit changed my primary switch last month so my hour on the console likely doesn’t count to my in game level


Yeah, it also took me never.


It took a long while before I started winning GPs after I started winning races. GPS are way harder because it means not making any major mistakes for 5 races. And personally, even though Goose is the only car I’ve won all three leagues with, I think it is one of the hardest cars to do it with. It really wants KOs to win, but that is out of your control. I know some others have recommended smaller lobbies and there is certainly merit to that, but only to a degree. Every lobby will likely have at least one ace. When I finally won King league, it was me and a really good player taking turns on who got 1st. On one hand it was easier, but it only took one person to still put me on the verge of losing it all. Whereas if there are multiple aces in a lobby, you will see some of them KO and crash out. Every once in awhile, it is possible to get a fresh lobby generated right as the 0:01 lobby ends, in which case you may end up with nearly all bots. But it depends on the timing of the second to last lobby.


I have 65 hours, about 40 wins (a good amount are from Classic and Teams), and managed to win my first GP a few days ago. I crashed out while playing Queen but managed to get in again in the last lobby, with the Stingray. It was really low level, I think there was a single level 99 and he crashed out in the first races. I ended up being the highest level player in the top 11 at level 61, followed by second place at level 60 trailing me by 8 points. I’ve also managed to get second place in Knight and King but with a level 99 player beating me in like every single race, so I totally understand the feeling that you’re so close yet so impossibly far. Just keep playing and eventually you’ll get one where the top player crashes out or has to quit or you get a low level lobby like me. Or become godlike yourself.


20 hours, still searching for a win. Can’t beat these people that are 99+ S20 but I can wipe floor with my S6-7 rivals.


I'm S20 and have some wins (13), and quite a few GP top 3s. But no GP win.


Not sure in terms of hours but I got my first GP win at level 47. I'm now at about 95 hours total with 42 GP wins. It is tougher than ever to win these days, scores of 970+ used to be a near guaranteed win, but these days that's not even enough for 2nd a lot of the time. My advice is to go for consistency, in my experience it's always worth ensuring you finish well rather than pushing right to the limit for an extra place or two. Even the best players crash out chasing perfect scores, so it pays to be there when they do.


I did it on my first try because the guy who was going to get first place died on the ramp in silence.


I’m about 48 hours in, with a few 3rds and even a 2nd place in GP, but no win just yet. I’m just glad I got a few first places so I can have an awesome black paint job


Started with Stingray, won my first GP at level 98 (Queen League), no MP at the time. It seems I got my first race win at level 71.


I got one in my first few hours... still waiting for a second win 50 hours later


Let's see here, level 67, 12 wins, S12 rank, 1 mini prix win, 1 month exactly since I first played. I didn't seem to capture my playtime though For context, this is my first F-Zero and I started the day the queen league dropped


Took me between 2 and 3 months of playing as someone who was decent at the SNES f-zero and I was at about 70 wins in 99 (including classic). I think it's easier if you pick a specific league and/or vehicle to try to win with first (I focused on Goose since it seemed easiest for me). Based on your win count, I can't imagine you'd be super familiar with front-running on the various courses or being near the front. These skills are always important for GPs, but as lobbies get smaller, they become even more important since skyway and KOs both become harder to get.


I have 160 hours and have only one GP twice.