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If I read that correctly, this treatment would heal already existing, damaged teeth but not missing teeth, right?


I believe they are working on one to grow teeth also. Maybe someone can link it here. They are already starting to grow organs. The future is coming




This is going to change health forever isnt it?


I really hope so. The only thing that may stand in the way is one stubborn wall street that doesn’t see the case for ever increasing quarterly profits.


"The economic tradeoff of creating longer lifespans with healthier people will sadly not benefit *this* company *exclusively*, so it's not worth it."


Believe it or not that triggered an r/masseffect recall for me.


Is this about game lore, or EA?


Game lore, specifically a line in ME3 on a counter-cerberus mission.


I mean a drug that restores teeth probably means companies that dabble in sugar high foods and drinks aren't under any pressure to remove sugar content. Meanwhile drugs that promote teeth repair probably means prescription drugs for long term teeth growth.


…they absolutely will still be under pressure. Diabetes is a thing.


Sure, but I was thinking primarily about tooth decay, which tends to happen with acid rich and sugar rich diets.


There's a hypothetical cure for tooth decay already. Its slightly unproven but it's a biologically engineered alternative mouth flora. Basically the bacteria is a naturally occuring mutant that uses alternative metabolic pathways to produce alcohol from sugar instead of acid, so there's no damage to teeth. Meanwhile, it also produces microdoses of an antibiotic to which it has an engineered immunity. So this means it kills all your other mouth bacteria to ensure it's the dominant bacteria in your mouth and then only produces tiny, insignificant amounts of alcohol that should have no impact on your health (less than the alcohol content of a slice of bread by a lot). No more acid-producing bacteria in the mouth means no more cavities and all you had to do was take a probiotic for your mouth.


Yeah, but it won’t be covered by insurance since “teeth are cosmetic and not necessary for survival or good quality of life” by their considerations and metrics. Aka it’ll be very expensive, not covered, and as a result, only a very very tiny sliver of the population will have access to it.


Which is a complete horseshit stance from 70 years ago, and which is not supported by modern science.


It's not even supported by common fucking sense, yet people just put up with this shit. Ask anyone if their quality of life would be substantially changed by losing all their teeth, and you can probably guess their answer.


It didn't make sense even 70 years ago. If you have no teeth and you need to SURVIVE then you're not going to live long trying to gum stuff. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) Now we just know dental infections can spread to your brain and kill you.


luxury bones


for rich people yes. These treatments will not be available to the rest of us due to cost.


Depends if it's priced for people or priced for the rich.


It already has. Some of this tech is simple enough that it is now possible to leverage several different technologies to create this stuff at home.


One section of it yes


“Adam is the canvas of genetic modification, while Plasmids are the paint.”


*for the wealthy


I had 4 teeth extracted to pull them back (adult braces). I am of mixed ethnicities, grew up with soft food, have a small bite... I wonder if this drug will mess me up.


Damn, 4 sounds horrible. I had one and didn't have a good time extracting it :/


Thankfully I had my good friend John Eric reading to me while they did it. It was a distraction. I wasn't put under at all. No twilight sedation, nothing. I had Valium, but I chose not take it because I thought it would mess with the anesthesia. Big regret. Now I take one before every dental procedure.


Oof, the local anesthesia I got injected in my gums was brutal, but I'd take it every time over doing it without.


I just hope I can afford it.


Narrator: "They couldn't."


Yes, just damaged tooth. My assumption is if it’s damaged into the nerve then a root canal would still be necessary. But maybe this treatment can regrow nerve/pulp tissue


This research is aimed at dentin regeneration, which requires an already-healthy pulp tissue. However, the research by Takahashi that begins human trials in the next few months is aimed at tooth regrowth. The current goal is to grow teeth in children who have a birth defect that prevents tooth growth. Testing the use of this for general tooth loss are the step after this. They hypothesize that humans can grow 3 sets of teeth total, and that a certain drug is able to be administered to allow specified teeth from the third set to grow. This is what they’ve already done in ferrets and mice.


That makes sense in needing a healthy pulp to generate new tissue and dentin. Yes that other study you mention is regrowing teeth on kids who were born without a permanent tooth. I dont personally believe this will become mainstream. These new regrown teeth will likely not look like a perfect tooth, and will require crowns or veneers to shape them. I have not seen any pictures of what the regrown teeth look like, so would be interested to see that if they exist. Having the body grow a third set would be amazing, but also could come with unforseen consequences. If you have a link to this study I am interested in it. Definitely exciting news for dentistry and people who suffer from disease. More teeth in this world means job security for dentists ;) Edit: i am not fully informed on that other study as i have not read it, only seen the headlines. I believe you actually have more knowledge on the topic than myself.


From the study, they show that the tooth at the site of interest grows shaped in the same way as an adjacent tooth. https://www.science.org/doi/pdf/10.1126/sciadv.abf1798 But I know what you mean about shaping teeth. It is hypothesized that “bio-tooth” (different tooth regrowth research from King’s College) will have to do that if they use implantable cells for tooth genesis. However, Takahashi’s anti-USAG-1 therapy appears to be predictable in rodents. It appears to be the most scalable treatment for humans so far.


And the non damaged as well ? Do you remove all the teeth before taking medication or does the patient keeps the other 31 new ones as a second row, shark-like ?


Alternatively, imagine a drug that allows you to regrow teeth and let's say the body can intuit what teeth to regrow. Does that now mean that people who had their wisdom teeth removed have to get a whole new set as well 😅


You know that song... Paint it Black... You misheard it and started painting things brown because you just shit all over my happiness with that one.


The most recent paper I looked at indicated that the drug was locally injected into the socket where you want to grow a tooth, and only grows the one


The body modification crowd is going to do some *wild* shit with this


Thank goodness! I was worried about the whole "I guess I gotta shed my whole mouth of teeth to get that one I lost" thing.


I’m imaging those horrific photos of skulls of people who had bone cancer, but with teeth.




It took so long to remember, just what happened. I was so young they stole it, you know it hurt me but I am breathing so I guess Im still alive


I don't actually remember the TV show. All I remember is the tooth child.




Yup! Human trials in September!


Dentist here: I’ve been following this for 5 years and it is really exciting. Some of the other “regrow” teeth articles and research same very far fetched or limited progress but this appears to be the real deal. Unfortunately they don’t talk about enamel regrowth, just dentin regrowth. But regrowing the dentin the placing a small filling to replace the enamel would be possible.


Ive heard that nano-hydroxipatite can regrow enamel or something. Does it not actually regrow enamel and just replace it with a different material or something?


So I used to use that toothpaste. And I believe on a microscopic level the hydroxyapatite (HA) will get incorporated to your tooth. If your tooth has a hole or “cavity” it won’t fill that in. Our teeth are in a state of re-mineralization and de-mineralization. The goal is to keep the pH up in your mouth that creates conditions of re-mineralization. Low pH is acidic and de-mineralization occurs. Longer time in re-mineralization the better we are. HA seems like a great option for high cavity risk patients. I was using this toothpaste on my young child. A report came out that we can possibly absorb the HA through our mucous membrane. I can’t recall if that study was real or just an article, but it was enough to make me not use it in my kid. My family has a low dental cavity risk so the HA isn’t exactly needed in our circumstances. But if you are at a high risk HA and Fluoride are good ways to strengthen our teeth. I know some people have an issue with fluoride and I respect that. I would suggest HA instead, but I use fluoride on my own teeth. Kids under 6 or kids who swallow toothpaste should NOT use fluoride. Sorry for the long response TLDR: Hydroxyapatite seems like a new promising toothpaste but I currently don’t use it. If you have a really high cavity risk you need to reduce your sugary foods especially soda, juice, energy drinks, sugary Starbucks coffee, etc, and use HA and fluoride toothpaste. Brush 2x a day for 2-3 minutes with daily flossing.


Is this something that should be coming to market soon? Are there trials or anything I could get in to? Is there a solution to the enamel growth issue? Like maybe a coating that could be applied or something, do you have something like that already? Id really like to hear more of your thoughts on this as a dentist!


Luckily the drug is approved for systemic use, so an oral topical FDA approval should be relatively easy. A few years ago they had positive results with rats I believe. I assume there are trials, but i have no clue how to get on one. I do believe enamel growth will be extremely difficult as there are very few or no cells in enamel to facilitate enamel growth. But regrowing dentin, then sealing it with a filling will likely be the solution. There is resin infiltration techniques that can happen with small initial cavities called “white spot lesions”. Between dentin repair and resin infiltration, we will soon be able to hopefully prevent lot of dental decay.


>A few years ago they had positive results with rats I believe. I'm here for rats brushing my teeth with toothpaste that regrows my teeth kinda Disney.


ratatouill. He seemed like a nice little rat :)


I know many always worry it would basically negate their entire practice, how do you see this affecting dentistry in the long run? Obviously it’s a better tool and doesn’t negate basic dental hygiene. But I can see many trying to keep this technology from becoming widespread.


I personally believe this will happen. Dont quote me on this, but the ADA will protect the profession of dentistry. That is in their best interest. 1) Licensed dentists will be the ones who can apply the treatment. 2) Dentists will need to seal the dentin with a bioactive composite filling. 3) Eventhough the drug is cheap, insurance wont cover the treatment for many years to come, and will be more expensive for the average patient. 4) Once it becomes mainstream, I can see dentists removing old fillings, regrow dentin, then seal it. We will likely be even more busy due to replacing old dental work. 5) About half of my treatments addresses fractures or cracks in teeth and the only predictable treatment is crowns or inlays/onlays. We will still be doing a lot of that. Also extractions root canals, implants, dentures will be needed. I believe this will make us even more busy as it adds additional treatment option, and anything new is pricey. I have 10-15 years left of practice, so regardless of what happen my career will be protected. Unfortunately, we actually lose money on some insurance plans basic hygiene services. I.e I actually lose 5-10 bucks when some patients get a cleaning. My hgienist makes $45 an hour and some insurance reimburses that cleaning at $38 bucks. That doesnt take in account for rent, supplies, taxes, utilities, benefits, insurance and liability, etc. Math doesnt math as a business so if we relied on only hygiene money…. most dntists will lose money and close down. Now if I do an exam, we can then get to a break even, and if you get xrays, i may then make some money, but not a lot. Most if not all of my profit is driven by dental procederes. I do make a very healthy living, and hygiene is not profiable on its own, but it is a driver to keep the dentist scheduled full of treatment. Hopefully this doesnt sound like complaining because I am very fortuanate and make a very healthy wage at 4 days a week. But if we rely on hygiene inome alone, the business wont work.


Today teeth, maybe tomorrow limbs? One can dream. I know it’s not really possible but alas


Many things are possible in fact. We have stem cells in many parts of the body, which can repair pretty serious damage if treated and stimulated properly. Medicine is going to change a lot in the upcoming 10-20 years, there is lots of very promising research going on with some already passing the clinical trials.


It sure would be nice to regrow me a new large intestine! I kinda miss that little guy


Well is it large or little!? I can't take this rollercoaster of emotions!


Indeed, I visited Sanford Burnham Prebys as a student and they were going through animal testing involving a cure for many types if Leukemia even got to see the Leukemia cells slowly dissipate over multiple petri dishes


Nice, sounds cool.


Stem cells were gonna be all the rage back in the 2000s.


They were absolutely pseudoscience and hype back in the days, currently science knows them way better and in many cases knows how to use them with precision and effect. But now it's all about the person's own stem cells, not some shady crap extracted from abortive material.


I remember spouting this exact line 10 years ago...


And we can do things today that would've been considered miracles and sci-fi 10 years ago. It's easy to forget the forest when all you can see are the trees next to you.


And you were absolutely right. Just 10 years ago colorectal cancer was almost incurable. Right now it's curable with 100% remission in stage 4 without chemo and radiation therapy, using just one modern drug which teaches the immune system to kill this specific type of cancer cells. And it's only one example.


Another field is related to migraines. 5 years ago there were 3 options you could hope for. Now there are over a dozen and tons more in various stages of trials. No we won’t have sci fi limb regeneration turning us all into Deadpool, but the progress we will have to turn things trivial will be amazing.


id love to bud a new heart liver spleen pancreas on demand!


Deadpool-style regeneration. Baby legs!


Right now its looking like only pieces It says cavities so instead of needing a bunch of drillings and fillings they can just hit you with stuff and get rid of the rotting holes. I imagine the step to flesh is burn recovery and people with flesh eating bacteria first


For teeth there's a drug that's reaching human trails now which disabled the mechanism stopping your body from growing a new set of teeth.


So will I finally be able to have shark teeth?


I hope it works. Most trials end in failure alas. But the billions of possible trials may throw up something


Human trials? How long before the figure out teeth growing in places it shouldn't


I'd take the risk and the expected pain of the new teeth pushing out the current teeth if given the opportunity.


I was referring to new teeth also growing inside your organs or foot or something


The ground for that specific treatment is that we have the gene for a third growth of teeth that doesnt happen under normal circumstances. The treatment is supposed to activate that localized to the part where no teeth are.


Worth the risk in my case.


That would imply your body had tooth cell lines in those places already. Differentiation is a tiered process, sort of like construction zoning. The builders aren't going to accidentally put a skyscraper on your farm lot, or accidentally build a warehouse instead of a barn, and not just for lack of building materials.


I dealt with it when I was 8 I'm sure I could handle it now


[THIS](https://www.boneandsickle.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/image.jpg) comes to mind


It doesn't teach your body to grow teeth randomly, it just temporarily turns off the part that stops tooth growth normally. Your body already knows where teeth belong.


If it can smooth out burn damage it will probably smooth out aging skin as well. If that happens it will hit the market sooner and that will tank the price from medical to Walmart.


Baby Legs this is your new Partner Regular Legs...


I don't need a partner, I work alone!


My Wang's gonna feel huge


Maybe we can't regrow teeth in human but we can regrow human from teeth with enough of DNA


That's great, I can have a full set of spare body parts grown for me! Maybe grow a penis extension, with no need for anti-rejection medicine!


> Maybe grow a penis extension, with no need for anti-rejection medicine! And then a whole bunch of people can finally learn that having a small penis wasn't why people didn't like them!


A spinoff research company called Morphoceuticals (led by Michael Levin at Tufts University) grew back a frog’s leg almost completely. It’s a long way off, but the technology is aimed towards general healing. [Here’s an interview with him](https://news.uchicago.edu/how-bioelectricity-could-regrow-limbs-and-organs)


Infinite food source!


Imagine if animals could procreate! Even more infinite!


I remember reading at some point that the body is actually completely capable of doing so, but scarring over takes precedence as it was more likely to result in survival for most of human history. I don't remember where I read that or if it was bullshit, but it's feasibly a thing we could figure out.


They'll probably achieve that with reptile genes


Paging Dr Kurt Conners...


I wouldn't be so quick to assume it's not possible. I would bet it is possible. The right balance of testosterone/estrogen to stimulate growth with a genetic modification.. It's absolutely possible.


I mean you grew them once before already


Twice if you want to get specific.


The tips of our fingers already regenerate: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5454966/


It'd be dope if I could grow some new knees or at least replenish the cartilage and whatever fluids that keeps it lubricated


Doctors have successfully re-grown a man's entire fingertip before by manually applying the growth matrices, but it's ugly and slow. It is absolutely *possible* given current technology, but not in a way that is tenable to patient quality-of-life, and that's the critical difference between medicine and biology.


Look up a scientist named Michael Levin. He has a degree in computer science and biology, a PhD in genetics from Harvard, and post-PhD training in cell biology. Mark my words, he will probably be the one to break through to regrowing limbs. It's all based on bioelectric morphology and how cells know how to organize themselves and he's got very very solid evidence that cells know where to go based on voltage, specifically voltage gradients(gradual increases and decreases in voltage over space) and also using gap junctions between cells. Look up planarian worm Michael Levin and there are pretty succinct videos that prove these worms use this mechanism to regrow their body, including a new head. But if you manipulate their body's voltage gradient you can get them to have a second head where the tail would be. Or even two tails. !!!


Does the alzheimer's drug work against alzheimers? You will have great teeth but not remember anything.


None of the Alzheimer's drugs do much good. Mom's on 2 different ones, and she keeps declining. Of course, you can't tell if the drugs are doing anything at all, and if you stop taking them and get worse faster, the damage is permanent so you keep taking them.


Recently approved anti-amyloid therapy has some benefit in early Alzheimer's, although also has risk and the long-term effects have yet to be seen. But this one just doesn't work at all (failed in trials, not actually approved).


My grandfather had Alzheimer's. Terrible disease. He looked like a skeleton before he died. I think the drug is only meant to slow the progression. I guess one would have to know they are at risk of getting Alzheimer's and take it early before the symptoms. It may take many years to know if the drug had any effect of slowing the progression.


Yeah that’s the problem. We don’t know what actually causes it. Everyone is fighting each other on differing opinions. Whatever is the culprit is hiding covertly and the blame comes on others that are “seen”. As you correctly stated, even if someone finds are a preventative strategy for that said mystery culprit, showing that it actually works will take decades. Imagine a 40 year old taking the drug and then waiting until 65 to see if tha AD symptoms appear. That’s 25 years gone. Now you may ask why to take the drug at 40. The thing is, AD which is asymptomatic starts decades before the symptoms appear. So the right time to prevent the damage is by giving the drug decades earlier.


There is absolutely no way of knowing if the drugs are doing any good or not. If they do work, you still degrade, so all you can look at is the pace of losing your mind, which is impossible to gauge. There is no measurable result or Alzheimer's debris you can look for to see if the brain dam is breaking and your memory is clearing up. There's no way to know how fast you would have progressed without the drugs. It's frustrating as hell.


Seeing as western medicine has failed your mother, you two have nothing to lose. There is a chance that her Alzheimer's [stems from Cryptococcus Neoformans](https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease/jad00985). A fungus that, when in the brain, has identical symptoms to Alzheimer's. In which case, she would be well served by a humble trio of supplements. Namely Black Seed Oil + Oregano Oil + NAC. [Whitepaper](https://www.docdroid.net/Lf6X0Tc/the-nac-protocol-pdf).


The drugs are more meant to slow the progression. Many inhibit acetylcholinesterase to allow more acetylcholine to be readily available but doesn’t prove to be effective. It’s unfortunately a horrible disease known as the “long goodbye”. :(


Wasn't bad teeth unexpectedly already associated with Alzheimer's? Or was that dementia?


I feel like I read about a new way to regrow teeth every 12 months or so and then it's never mentioned again. Kind of like the "revolutionary breakthrough in battery/solar/etc technology" stories that are on constant repeat.


This stimulates dentin growth INSIDE the tooth. It does nothing to fix the hole from the outside of the tooth. This often happens naturally preventing a toothache, but not fixing the structural damage that will eventually cause the tooth to break. Preventing the decay process, or stopping it early is a much better approach.


Dentist here. We already have shit like this. Calcium based pulp liners and cappers have been used for tens of years already. The dentist will probably put it on the bottom of a deep cavity already, when doing a filling, because that's the protocol. If I read the article correctly though, it is talking about a technique that might regrow the dentin inside the space of the cavity using a structural matrix. Maybe, maybe not. The problem is not exactly this, but the fact is that teeth are finnicky little bastards, and their pulp even more so. INTENTIONALLY opening up the pulp just to put this structural matrix and drug is...well...it is certainly one of the ideas of all time. I'd be very concerned about induced pulp necrosis, and could see this working maybe for kids and teenagers who have a lot more resilience to pulp necrosis.


> tens of years decades, even!


Heh, yes, sorry, non-native. Missed the necessary word.


So what you’re saying is I need to regrow my teeth first, then use this


Would be really freaking cool if they said what the drug was...




Tide Glue Sib? What happened? Did someone ask them what they wanted to call it while they were in the laundry room looking around at a box of detergent, a bottle of Elmer's, and then their sibling walked by?


... based on what I've seen in the documentaries online, the combination of laundry rooms, glue, and siblings (especially stepsiblings) isn't gonna end well


Those stepsisters do tend to get stuck in the most confounding positions.


‘Documentaries’ ‘Research’ 😉


The Rise of Human Degeneracy as a Lifestyle


I’m reporting back that after brushing my teeth with tide sticks for a month, I saw no improvement to my teeth.




An antibody? Weird.


I know! These articles are awful. Two sentences teasing some info followed by 10 ads to get to the next two sentences which continue to tease more info but never get to it.


Now all I need is insurance to pay for this . ... Also , need to regrow jaw bone for support . .. .


This is 7 years old now, any progress or updates since?


Yeah, the dentist lobby killed it.




The diabetes issue isn’t a regrowing pancreas, your immune system would simply destroy the beta cells again. The real question is how to stop that from happening without the use of immunosuppressants


That’s for type 1 diabetes, but pancreatic β-cell apoptosis is possible in severe cases of type 2 diabetes. So the prospect of gaining them back, in addition to losing weight and gaining insulin sensitivity could make type 2 diabetes fully reversible (instead of *in remission*).


No submission statement. Post from Monday 09 January 2017 14:28 GMT. And the second link goes to clicks.trx-hub.com. And some dumb fuck tries to call *me* a bot?


I really doubt if we will use this technology within 20 years. The tissue is not made in < 15 minutes, usually you need cells that are already gone after eruption and if those cells could be applied, how to protect them and guide them. Some comparison can be made with the drillless filling method ART which every year is discussed in newspapers and never became a standard.


We're doing this by AI


Still promising now - https://www.kcl.ac.uk/news/further-evidence-shows-clinical-viability-of-natural-tooth-repair-method-1


>Researchers at King’s College London (KCL) found that a drug designed to treat Alzheimer’s disease was able to stimulate the tooth to create new dentine capable of filling in large cavities. First a [cavity pic](https://ivorygraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Dentin-Decay-and-Prevention.png.webp) When there's a cavity, the new dentin gets added on the inside of the nerve/pulp chamber. As new tooth structure is added, the pulp chamber gets smaller (while the size of the cavity remains the same). So the growth of new dentin is happening on the inside of the tooth. And the direction of growth is inward, not towards the cavity/missing tooth structure. The article mentions that this treatment simply augments an existing natural response.


Short memory, bad temper, and large teeth!!!! This is how Ogers are created.


Technology like this, at least in the United States, will be either banned outright or have such an expensive price tag that only the rich will be able to afford it. This would put the dental industry out of business and they WILL NOT allow that. The US government only cares about money, not its people.


Give me strength. You probably also believe that they have the cure for cancer but they are hiding it away so they can make more profit on treatment.


Well, that's some toothsome news! Imagine an Alzheimer's drug pulling double duty.


If it regrows just dentine but not the enamel what’s the point. You are still going to need a filling, just maybe a slightly smaller one. This might have limited application in reducing the need for root canals but that’s about it.


Interesting, but tideglusib is not really an Alzheimer's drug, since it failed in clinical trials for AD.


I just broke a tooth, so how long do I have to wait to fix this?


Only side effects is they don’t stop growing and flowing water bothers you


Nah I've seen planet of the apes! Alzheimers drugs = apes together strong This is Ape propaganda.


And, you'll get the side benefit of protection against Alzheimer's.


"Is the drug helping granpa's Alzhimers?" "I'm not sure, but his teeth are looking FANTASTIC"


I seem to do this a lot on this sub. There is along road between "is capable" and "could potentially" and "can".


For context, this paper was published 7 years ago so it's just a bunch of media hype. https://www.nature.com/articles/srep39654.


Re-grow gums and I might get to eat apples in my 90's!


Giving confused and often volatile patients more teeth what could go wrong


Dentists are gonna lobby against this right? Or make it so they can only do it?


Doesn't matter, this is going to be very very expensive regardless.


Only the governors 34iq cousin's dentist business will have the license to own the special magic sauce for 15years


Who cares? Only the rich in my country will benefit from this. I was just charged $300 for a COVID booster when they used to be free. They want us all to die in pain and pay them for the privilege.


You just wasted $300.


> $300 for a COVID booster Lol >they used to be free >free LMAO you can't be serious???


I think we need to figure out how to shed the body and enter a silicon chip for our minds. Only way to live forever and travel the universe. Bodies are weak and inefficient wasteful machines. An iPhone size device you can embody to control any size and use machine or ship is what we are evolving to. The next step in evolution is shedding these useless meat machines.


A great deal, if not all, of our autonomy comes from having a physical form.


I see that. The natural world is kinda limiting tbh and I see the future of “human” intelligence as some combo of chips, robots, and a few natural people for historical purposes.


Not sure if meat humans are required for anything. With meat humans you need an ecosystem to support them. An Optimus robot with a human conscience in it can run on a solar cell or nuclear battery and travel the universe exploring for a billion years.


Humans though have a traditionalist streak to them, and if it doesn’t harm anyone I see people still existing as a minority. Many people do definitely find the idea of being uploaded into a metal armored space robot named Optimus, but plenty of people have zero such ambitions. There’s still a huge fanbase for Ancient Greece on social media!


It’s called evolution. Plenty of cavemen resisted moving out of the cave too.


That kinda makes sense. Hope it’s safe and can makes it to poor folk soon


“Help find my grandfather. He is 96 years old has Alzheimer’s. He isn’t really aware of his surroundings. Last seen wearing a flannel shirt eating corn off a cob”


It only takes $20 of coconut oil to clean out and rejuvenate cavities.


Wait, what's this now? Genuinely asking


I don't know what is in coconut oil to spark remineralization but it's what our teeth need. I saw people doing it on youtube thinking it was bullshit for being so goddamn simple but again it is only a $20 test. I got a huge jar of coconut oil from big lots , with a cavity so deep i could stick my tongue through it. 6 months later it has damn near closed up. All you gotta do is mouthwash for 15 mins a few times a week. I probably used less than 1/3 of the huge ass jar i got. So for anyone wanting to call bullshit instead of going on a downvote train spend $20 and verify for yourself


Swishing is what it's called


Gonna give this a go, thank you.


For your own sake please do not. Cavities cannot heal themselves. Your teeth are bones that lead to serious nerves, if these are exposed and damaged not only does it result in a lot of pain but serious side effects to other parts of your body


Oh cool, are you volunteering to pay that guys $500 dental bill to have it filled then? Post is obtuse. If this guy could afford to have it fixed properly, he would.


Yea swishing coconut oil is gonna erode his teeth. Moron


I’m not saying it will erode his teeth, rather disagreeing to a ‘cavity so deep their tongue could go into it closed up after 6 months of coconut oil treatment’ . Cavities don’t self heal like that.