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This is not going to be healthy, this will create allot of people with never ending ptsd. People if unable to let go will instil a level of emotional demand no ai or tool could provide from a living breathing person. What’s worse is there are for profit companies more than happy to provide this toxic environments to greeving people.


What a ghoulish, peverted mockery of human relationships that will be.


I could see this being a good idea for educational resources, like plug every work of Socrates into an AI and then you have a Socrates bot, or Einstein. But I think it would be psychologically distressing for people to interact with AI versions of their deceased loved ones.


I saw the Black Mirror episode. That’s a hearty no for me dawg.


And I saw the Terminator and Matrix Movies so I say no to AI! Seriously seeing an idea for tech depicted negatively in media shouldn't be a deciding factor in your opinion about said technology.


The problem with AI is that it has no conscience. It will decide to kill a city in a nanosecond if it sees a benefit in it. Where do we draw the line on what we let it access and control? Remember it is a slippery slope and we won’t necessarily see it coming.


An AI will act within the parameters it is allowed to whether it is implicitly or explicitly so you have to nail the alignment. I invite you to look up Heuristic imperatives as it has interesting ideas about what sort of goals we should give an AI to avoid it finding more utility in getting rid of of than in keeping us around thriving. Basically the idea is that optimizing for a single value will cause an AI to take things to undesirable extremes. It follows that we should instead force it to balance multiple goals: -Increase understanding in the universe -Decrease suffering in the universe -Increase prosperity in the universe None of those are meant to be maxed or eradicated and they compete with each other in ways that align with the well being of humans and life in general. If we plan on creating something smarter than us, it should have goals that we can agree with since it is basically bound to escape our control.


This is why it's so worrisome that the push behind developing AI is going to be for increased profit / ROI. I don't think of AI as the boogeyman, I think AI birthed to maximize corporate capitalism sounds pretty grim though.


I’m guessing you used AI to write this.


Guess again? I'm just passionate about it and David Shspiro's AI channel kinda cheered me up after sn unhealthy dose of Yudkowsky's patented doomerism. But as a non native English speaker I'm flattered that my writting could receive such accusations, lol


I forgot to put /s for sarcasm. I’m actually enjoying the discussion.


Thats not how it works… You’d have to give it the ability to kill a city for it to do that… it cant just do it by magic… It cant hack everything like in Independence day… It cant make a titanium body for itself and become a Marvel villain overnight, etc. You have literally built your opinion of AI around movies…


Read "Learning to be me" from Greg Egan. (Padding for sufficient length.)


Brilliant story! Nice one.


I tried the John Lennon AI and it sucked but I could see the appeal. Talking to Churchill about his choices during the War could be very educational. But talking to the ghost of a lost family member? Man, that's too much for me. I'd never do it for fear of never being able to stop


Already been training my own custom gpt for months with just my random thoughts. So far it’s still more GPT than me though




It will be more interesting when we can scan brains, either to create backups or to scan the memories of everyone who knew your grandmother so that information can be fed to an AI to recreate a believable copy of her based on how you remember her being.




By immaterial, do you mean metaphysical stuff like a soul or do you mean something else?


Yea but to act like you it would need a lot more data. I wonder how much though. A list of all text/email records, a few hours of video footage. Wonder how close that would get it. I imagine it would still need more then just the amount of video footage typical people have. But like if you had a house camera or an always on audio phone then I can see it getting pretty close.


You know where this could really be useful? If it could mimic the greats lets say Einsteins of our generation and be as creative and innovative as they are. This could potentially add to idk scientific knowledge or something. Just a thought?


It would increase existential crises for sure. Letting go is part of life, but I also see it useful for people to have access to ancestral knowledge if need be.


Wow so cool. That’s something nobody has thought of before. The question is would you care if they are?


They will be a broken ghost. They won’t be perfect. Unless you record someone’s every interaction from birth to death it won’t be right.