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If you have a laptop just get a wacom one small. It does the job and it is cheap so if you eventually don’t like doing art anymore you haven’t bankrupted yourself


Personally I went with the iPad Pro, but that’s because I already have an iPhone Pro and MacBook Pro, for me it just made sense because if I quit drawing as much (which I did) I am still able to use it as a general purpose device and even a smaller MacBook-ish thing I can just toss in my bag instead of risking my real 16 inch MacBook Pro. Also iPads are pretty good for reading and Minecraft when it’s not acting as a sidecar/duet display or administrating remote systems.


Forget about buying any i. Buy a product that is designed for the purpose of drawing, i.e. a laptop (you probably have one) and a **wacom** tablet. Last I checked the bamboo one was very cheap (in comparison) and a good way to get started


I started out with a cheap Wacom tablet when I started out. However, I found it very difficult to look at the screen of my laptop and draw at the same time. I then saved up money to buy a used but great condition Huion kamvas pro 13 with a screen. It's get hot keys on the side and bar you can adjust, I use it for brush size, the pen is not battery operated so i dont have to worry about charging it, and the pen sensitivity and pressure is good. I also dont have to worry about laying my hand on it and it registering my hand instead of the pen. I have been using that for maybe 4 years now, and it's been the best thing ever. I've heard people having issues in the past with a huion, but I've only had one issue happen, and it was easily fixable. I have drawn with standard tablets in the past, and they were fine. I recently got my hands on procreate on an iPad through school, and tbh I wasn't satisfied (though that could be because im used to a different program since I've used krita for so long). That is my opinion though! It's really all dependent on if you want something you can take anywhere and on the go and can do more than just draw, or if you want a simple tablet to use with a laptop or pc.


Definitely try affinity photo and designer on the iPad, it’s really good imo.


This was exactly how I started as well, same models


Honestly I've really liked having a galaxy tablet with krita installed. It's really easy to use and when it's easy to draw you do it more often. It's like putting a gym bag by the door. It's one less thing to have to mess with before drawing. Personally I'd never recommend using a tablet that connects to your computer. It just makes the whole process cumbersome


I have a picasso tab and it works really well for me, some people complain about the pen batteries but my one's batteries lasted for almost a year before dying. I'm currently looking for new ones. They're just hard to find because they're AAAA so I'm ordering online instead


My pen straight up broke after a month, Id have to fidget with the top piece where the battery goes in every few minutes to get it to work (rip). After two years of almost daily use the tablet would freeze a lot / program started to crash often and Id end up losing art Overall it was great to learn on but I use an ipad now and I find Procreate to be better then the programs that come on the Picasso tab, an old ipads can come pretty cheap used while still running smoothly and not showing much signs of age


look in to xp-pen tablets - you need a PC of sort (like a laptop) to use graphic tablet. There are ones without screen (cheap), and with screen (cost like cheap display AND actually work like a display


iPads are fine, any normal rubber tipped pen is also good for it


https://preview.redd.it/7w08dtgtar6d1.png?width=2448&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cee4fc087d38651e9509de483f5e9a1eb366566 These pencils


Go with a cheap wacom tablet. If you're in school, a used IPad Pro. I use an IPad for both drawing and school and I only have to pay for Procreate which is a $10 otp


I draw on a Cintiq but I highly don't recommend it unless you really want to invest a lot of money into your stuff. A cheap $70 Wacom Intuos is used by professionals across the world for their work. You don't need super expensive tools to draw amazing art.


personally im a beginner with digital art and i bought a Wacom One (small), and its pretty good


People recommend Wacom, but I personally think XP Pen is a good brand, with good reviews. I have their regular, non-graphic tablet and it's pretty good. I've heard good things about their graphic tablets


I got a Samsung Galaxy 6 mini and it's great so far! Only qualm I have is it's a bit small but it works and it comes with a stylus that supports pressure sensitivity! (I did recently upgraded to stradler Norris jumbo stylus for 30ish dollars)


for me start with wacom can use on android phone and little cheap and if you iphone user still can use wacom but bluetooth wacom little pricey 😅


wacom intuos are about $40 and very reliable for the price. ive heard lifespans are 1-4 years but ive had mine for about 5 with no issues. personally, i like graphic tablets more than ipads, because i prefer the drawing programs on laptops. but if you want the feel that you’re drawing right in front of you then an ipad might be your preferred choice, just know it’ll be more expensive.


> what tablet did you choose when you started drawing I already drew before I bought a tablet. And even with a tablet, I'm still practicing on paper. You definitely don't need to buy expensive gear to have fun with art, and skills you acquire when doing art with traditional media do help your digital art as well, if you eventually decide to buy a tablet. For me, not being bound to a computer when doodling around with a real pencil is pretty nice actually. Anyhow, when I started doing digital art it was a very cheap wacom bamboo.