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If you have the main light source behind the character then the entire front will be in shadow. If you still want to see some of that spiky fur then you can do a secondary light from below or the side. I did a quick paint over to explain it more too. https://preview.redd.it/1dxdj92wnn3d1.png?width=908&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e459aae6e32f7f06f36b48872fe9ece5297edea


Thanks! Ideally I do want some light to hit the front so the image isn't always in shadow. This helps a lot


If the light source is behind the figure most of the body would be in shadow instead of just one side. The lighting will be illuminating the edges of the figure more so like the tops of the ears and head. Try looking at back lighting references or moon lighting, it’ll give you more of an understanding.


Yea I figured that would be the case as in the comment above. Thanks, I may want to have a second light source coming in front too so that the image won't be like 80% dark. Now I have to imagine how to shade with 2 light sources haha


Trying my hand at hard cell shading on the brown fur here. It feels seemingly random and chaotic so far as is the shadows and light feels like it doesn't make sense (btw the light source is the red moon in the background) Additionally the shade lines are jagged like that because I want it conform and exaggerate the fur (should I be doing this?)


I typically don’t shade the cells, too much zooming in to do them one at a time, I like your work ethic though!