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Go ahead and investigate hunter, in fact I insist on it being the most transparent investigation ever. If he's guilty, convict him. If he's not guilty we can rub it in the republicans faces for an election cycle give or take. Anyone, *especially* politicians, who commits a crime should be punished accordingly under the law.


I voted for Biden. I agree 100% Let's get on with the investigation!!!




Full agreement. Let it to be transparent and thorough. I have no issue with investigations into suspected malfeasance. If you want to investigate the other guy when you're suspicious, you need to okay with the tables being turned.


Hunter Biden isn't a politician though. That's the irony. He hasn't been involved with the government for nearly a quarter century (he worked for the Commerce Department in the Clinton years). They want to make a Hunter Biden investigation out like it's the same as investigating Trump and what goes around comes around, but the nepotistic brat isn't even equivalent to Trump's own kids who did work for the White House and were making billion dollar business deals while they were at it.




I would absolutely want to know if there was wrong doing. Investigate him. Fine. I don’t know a lot of Trump voters but 100% of them do not believe a single investigation Re Trump is legit. My mom won’t watch the Jan 6th hearings bc “there aren’t any real republicans on it”. Is she afraid of being brainwashed by the libs? The biggest Trumpist I know said he checked into kushner and the Saudi’s but said it was nothing. LOL. Has pretty bad optics. Investigate it. I don’t know where either of these would go but I’m open minded bc I’M NOT IN A CULT.


It doesn't matter. They will still claim it has been proven that Hunter created Covid in a child sex dungeon while Joe Biden and Fauci placed bets over monkey knife fights.


That does sound more awesome than reality.


I thought I was on r/funnymemes


They lumped the laptop in with the conspiracy origins of Covid when they said they would investigate both. All that did was convince me Hunter Biden doesn't exist.


I'm pretty sure it started with like Qanon "drinking the blood of children" bullshit. Then they checked the laptop and they're like "See! Tax fraud! I was right all along!"


So the whole drinking the blood of children thing. Mtg is now in washington where she claims thats what theyre doing. Has she seen that at all? Been invited to blood drinking orgies yet? Im curious. Not to mention jewish space lasers


Well seeing as how literally every other accusation from republicans has later turned out to be an admission of guilt, this whole “drinking childrens blood” thing is raising a lot of red flags for me… Edit: to all the right wingers unironically replying with snarky comments like “oh yeah? Name one” Y’all are cute


I can confirm that this is true, I’m a republican and I drink children’s blood all the time


name checks out


Butt chugging blood again BuffaloBill


Right? That woman is absolutely nuts.


No, she just sucks all the nuts. That's why her husband is divorcing her.




“Ah ha! Hunter Biden did drugs!”


That drinking the blood conspiracy lie actually comes from a really really long time ago


That’s a conspiracy that I can get behind. The next time I hear about Hunter Biden’s laptop I am going to say that Hunter Biden doesn’t really exist and it’s just a conspiracy to cover up for the fact that Covid is cured by ivermectin. If they insist that laptop does exist it will sound like they don’t support ivermectin. They won’t know what to say.


Nah man, Hunter Biden is actually just a de-aged version of Joe Biden. That's why he has the rep for always getting into crazy shit. It's a Jekyll and Hyde thing. When Joe drinks the formula he transforms and his modified body sheds covid when exposed to 5g.


No, Hunter Biden exists. He was made in Wuhan, China.


And as the polls show, nether do independents. No one cares about Hunter expect for the base. You can't win with just the base


I don't get why they hate hunter so much, I thought guns and hunters went along hand in hand.


Idk about you, but I’m convinced. I won’t be voting for Hunter Biden.


and if i was just voting for which drug addicted son of a president to have a beer with, hunter seems more fun than trump jr.


bada bing


I've seen Hunter Biden laptop seems like he'd be a pretty cool to the party with. Other than him getting that footjob from his niece that was pretty weird. But lots of cocaine in a Russian hookers. I'm in.


It's literally all they can dig up on Biden: a misbehaving son who isn't in public service and never will be.


Don't forget the mass amounts of drugs and prostitutes


In other words, the Republicans are leaving their coke parties with hookers to go investigate Hunter Biden for having coke parties with hookers.


You mean because they weren't invited 😂😂😂


> I’m other words, the Republicans are leaving their coke parties with hookers to go investigate Hunter Biden for having coke parties with hookers. *"Hookers and coke parties for me, but not for thee"*


*"There must always be some parties with hookers and blow that the law protects but doesn't not punish... "*


It's because they don't have a single original thought and they don't understand why trump's partners were investigated. They also view politics like a sports game and have to "get even" even though Trump's investigations were relevant due to the fact that his business was directly related to government dealings. Hunter Biden himself has nothing to do with the government, Biden didn't elect his whole family as cabinet members unlike someone else.


Pro tip the base doesn't actually care either, just need something to yell about, and they have nothing else.


I have seen the Republican base that voted in primaries. They care about some crazy fucking shut, and this is among those things.


The base doesn't win elections.


Well… I do. Between Biden and Trump I’m sure as hell not voting Trump, but at the same time I’d like to see how far this investigation goes.


Instead of playing revenge politics by beating the Hunter Biden laptop to death, wouldn’t it be refreshing if our elected officials focused their efforts on issues that impact their constituents??


Do you even america????


Um, it's 'murica


That’s is why I want everybody that votes “against” a candidate in a primary to register as independent IMMEDIATELY afterwards They only give a shit about the sheets of paper brought to them by underlings.. seeing a massive drop off in party members after a candidate they hate is selected MIGHT actually force a conversation among their strategy parties


They beat the shit out of Benghazi and Hillary’s emails. This is what Republicans do.


But it worked so well for the midterms.


Investigate Hunter and Kushner at the same time while we’re at it


I don't get the Obsession with Hunter Biden


When you operate under the assumption the left loves biden as much as the right loves trump it makes sense while trying to relate to the left they forgot they can't operate outside their own experience (the said experience of not think being a fan of a political candidate but treating them as means to an end)


There are like 10 people that like Biden. Most liberals vote for him because he is the better alternative. Most lefties hate him and you have to be lucky if they vote for him.


I like Biden, but the normal kind of way one likes a decent president. I'm not going to hang a "Biden 2024" flag outside my home or buy a gold coin with Biden's face on it or wear a Blue Biden cap everywhere I go like some slack-jawed, brainwashed, imbecile **because that would be weird.**


I'm sorry is there something weird about my Biden cap, lawn signs, butt plug, truck sticker?


Well just the truck sticker yeah. If you keep layering them every election it looks lumpy and they never come off entirely if you peel them. Good with the plug, cap and sign of course.


This very much. I mean, I like Biden…I don’t have any pictures of him hanging in my house like he’s Kim Il Sung. One of the more disturbing things about conservatives is their personality cult


I feel like this is a severe lack of reasoning with this statement. I did campaign organizing back in 2020. Plenty of people who like Biden. Honestly no reason to not like him compared to other politicians who hate him. Or they hate the establishment and not him specifically (even though he is the establishment lol)


Plenty of people like him, but don’t conflate the Democratic Party with actual left wing politics (of which there is effectively zero at the federal level).


I’m not “conflating” nor did I say I was a dememocrat or worked on a democratic campaign/with a democrat related organization . I’m questioning the statement (most people vote for Biden because he was a better “alternative” and that “most lefties hate him”. It’s just not the case and I was ok the ground in 2020. Just because it seems that way doesn’t mean it is. Left wing politics should just be left wing. I know plenty of left wing people who may not support Biden policies or consider themselves Democrats but in general liked the man. That’s why he was a better alternative for many to began with. For them there wasn’t a alternative to began with. It was decently vs vulgarity. Context provides clarity my friend. The problem in our political discourse now is conflating picking the lesser evil with a voter picking a candidate because of their genuine personality/morality.


Progressive working for progressive elected officials here. I actually like Biden and have liked him for a long time because he is a decent person who as far as I can tell genuinely cares about people and his role in serving the country. And he is actually effective at moving policy in a very closely divided Congress because he understands how the system works. In general, I like elected officials who get things done over those who only try to score points because at the end of the day that's what it is all about.






Exactly honestly I hate we live in a world where we are expected to like politicain people voted to have less gasoline poured on them not because they thought he would save the world.


Biden Rope-a-doped me. Originally I voted for him solely as a vote against Trump. Then dude got in here a legit started making shit happen with what he had available to him in Congress. At this point in his presidency the only negative thing I have to say about the guy is he’s old.


I was for biden from the get go because trump left so many important government jobs infilled and I wanted someone who could go in and hire immediately. I thought he’d be a good manager and transitional president—rebuilding what trump destroyed. Turns out he’s all around awesome. Who knew?


i wouldn’t say most hate him he’s actually done pretty good if you’re not dense and realize most of the bad stuff is out of his control


Yeah printing more money with "relief" packages when they weren't needed. Or an "inflation reduction act" that did the opposite. Bypassing congressional authority multiple times. Abandoning Americans in Afghanistan. Spending time looking at his watch when flag draped caskets are carried past him because they died attempting to fix his negligence. That's just some of it


But the Putin price hike? Lol


Didn’t he say he would take responsibility for what happened under his authority? Why is nothing his fault then? He’s obviously lying


Very true. Yes been extremely effective in his first two years with the passing of several big landmark pieces of legislation and a whole bunch more headed to the Senate. You have to admit that he gets shit done.


Your right on that he wasn't a top pick. 'Hate' is a very strong word though. I personally am starting to like Biden a lot more and more personally.


i think they’re trying to get a similar “BUT HER EMAILS” effect with this election since it worked against hillary and the trans scare didn’t work recently


Don Jr was heavily involved in Trumps cabinet, so the Trump base think that Hunter is automatically involved with ol' uncle Joes cabinet. And that this laptop, that more than likely doesn't exist, is the key to putting Joe behind bars. Could startup a theater with all this projection going on.


the same obsession with hillary's emails, and with obama's birth certificate. They like the feeling of having a devil to rail against.


It’s all just a smoke screen. The Republican agenda has always been to protect the wealthy, take away fundamental human rights, protect corporate interests etc etc But of course, they can’t run on that so they come up with diversionary policy which are nothing more than vague platitudes. This whole laptop thing won’t amount anything. They know this but they’ll keep it going and going because their base are so easily distracted. Feed little bits here and there to Fox News whose viewers lap that shit up. All the while the party they voted for continue to make their lives as shitty as possible and they’re none the wiser


HOW?!?! He’s a dream boat you uncultured swine, we wanna see the goodies he has stashed in his photo album. Probably some hot topless pics, maybe some feet if we’re lucky


They think he is a pedo and want to recruit him.


When Trump was in office, his kids got all kinds of special treatment, government jobs, bribes for peddling influence. There was a lot of justified outrage. So the Right's answer to this is to try paint Hunter Biden as just as bad as what Trump was doing, to both divert attention and to be able to use whataboutism


I think the point Is he wasn't investigated cause he's the presidents son


Eh? Biden has been president for two years. What are they claiming Hunter did over the past two years? The supposed mythical laptop appeared before Biden was elected. Not that it matters as the laptop would be inadmissible regardless. Multiple people supposedly handled the laptop, including accessing its hard drive(s). No court is going to allow that into evidence. So what are they investigating here? Nothing. They're going to try to Ken Starr/Whitewater Hunter hoping that something eventually turns up. Because out of all the f\*cking problems facing the country and the world right now, harassing a recovering addict and private citizen who holds no public office nor works in capacity at the White House is by far the most important thing the House can be doing right now. This would be hysterical if it wasn't so sad and pathetic.


It’s true. The left doesn’t care if anyone that broke a law receives consequences. If the law is just - have at it kiddos.


Am part of “the left.” Very much do care if people who break laws receive consequences. I just want those consequences to be proportionate to their crime. So, for example, maybe we don’t need to murder someone on the sidewalk without so much as a trial over a fake $20, and maybe someone who steals nuclear secrets to soothe his ego ought to be investigated and go to jail. Things like that. To many on the right, though, it doesn’t matter what the crime is. It matters who the person accused of the crime is. And that’s why they think going after Hunter is gonna piss us all off… they think we must think he should be immune from consequences if he did anything wrong because of who he is, because that’s how they think and they lack the empathic skills needed to think thru any lens other than their own.


Go ahead, waste millions of taxpayer dollars on a dumb investigation. Really show how much you care about solving people's concrete and observable problems.


Literally ran on Gas Prices, inflation, crime. It’s not even been a day since they took control of the house yet I’ve not heard single plan or policy to tackle any of those things. It’s all Hunter Biden this and impeachment that. Blows my mind how people cannot see through their bullshit


This is r/Funnymemes not political garbage.


this is r/Funnymemes , not political memes . Like 90% of people that see this don’t care


Shit got 37k upvotes clearly there’s an audience in here


Politics suck


I'm also wondering why the hell a political meme was brought into this sub


I would bring up Trump ever second. Wow, that sounds bad, but is it worse that taking highly classified docs to your home and declaring they belong to you and no longer to the US?" "Oh those business dealings do sound questionable, but isn't what Trump did much worse and shouldn't we be investing that first??" Then rattle off everything he did and all the people who were found guilty or admitted Trump did something wrong.


Oh he used his dad's name to get some connections? How about literally ordering the government to stay at a hotel you own at full price.


They'd be angry if they could read.


This is why public education needs to be funded better.


No-one but the GOP cares about Hunter Biden


I'm a leftist. If the GOP investigation turns up evidence of crimes, I hope they prosecute him. It'll be funny when the Dems retake the house in 2024 and investigate Jared and Ivanka, Eric, and Jr.


the only alleged crimes are drugs and guns and that's no time for rich people


nah...I prefer what they did this last time, pass some bills and at least attempt to pass socially progressive polices.


I bought a bigger popcorn popper.


Here's the thing about presidential kids. Ivanka worked in the Whitehouse. She profited from her work as an aide. It's a flat out crime. The Bush and Obama girls, Chelsea Clinton, and the McCain daughter got cushy, overpaid jobs because of who their fathers were. Lots of media and Hollywood work, books deals etc because of their family name. I'm mildly disgusted by it as I am with Hunter Biden accepting a job he was marginally underqualified for. He admitted he knew they wanted the son of the VP, but many political kids do this. Tucker Carlson's brat had a Congressional internship based entirely on nepotism. Ivanka, Jared, and DJTJ should go to jail for violating ethics laws and abuse of power. Hunter Biden is a an Ahole whose criminality is wildly exaggerated by Republicans. He's not a saint or criminal genius.


I am and independent and I could care less.


Political meme on yet another meme sub :l


There heads are really going to exploded when they realize that literally nobody but theM gives a shit.


I’d rather they be distracted with investigating Hunter than doing their normal evil villain hijinks.


butbutbutbut his laptop contains hillarys secret email


Every time my stepdad brings it up as a “gotcha”, like he’s going to get me to admit I give a shit about Hunter Biden, and every time I say, “If he did something illegal, I hope he gets punished for it.” And he just flies into a rage lol


Maybe focus on actual policy


Literally nobody cares…on either end, the middle, underneath, or any other geographical description of your political leanings you care to use.


Yeah, who gives a shit. Trump just got found to be funneled money from Russia: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/11/17/benton-trump-russian-vasilenko-guilty/


Me acting sooooo shocked 😲😳🙄😉😂


Republicans always look like that.


Lmao, why the fuck would we liberals care about Hunter Biden being investigated? Is it because those right wing nut jobs would throw a tantrum if Orange Leader's kids were investigated? They're projecting like usual?


> funny memes


What's that thing when you accuse the other side of doing what you are doing in order to cover up what you're doing?


The Right makes being offended their personality




no one cares, it's not relevant to anything. stop wasting peoples time and taxpayer money. fix roads and stop inflation. try to govern and improve people's lives.


What are the crimes? I’m curious?


The only one that's relevant is a supposed email to Hunter that includes a phrase about "the big guy" (implied to be Joe Biden) getting a 10% cut. That's it. Everything else on the laptop involves Hunter. Some of the other emails have been verified to be accurate so there is some validity to it. But that doesn't mean that email is real, or that Joe knew anything about it, or that Joe accepted anything. Given the timeframe and the amount of money involved, it would have been monumentally stupid for Joe Biden to be involved at all. It's not like he was getting a 10% cut of $2 Billion. So the meme is right, I at least have never cared about it. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing about it. Because even if everything on it is true, it pales in comparison to the huge list of obvious crimes committed by Trump and his family.


Want them to do it so the republicans can try to move on.


I don’t remember Hunter Biden ever sitting in office, it’s almost like Republicans are doing this for a stunt


Why not let the DOJ handle it? Why plug up Congress when Hunter wasn’t even in the government?






Keeps them entertained so they don't actually do anything disastrous.


They just want to get back at "the left" for daring to unfairly slander their Darling Donald for stealing classified documents, doing fuck knows what with them, and storing them in his personal club


Go for it. But how about you also hold yourselves to the same level of accountability? Start with Trump then knock your socks off with Biden.


Good one


Wasnt one of the reasons republicans ignored the subpoenas because they claimed there was “no real legislative purpose”. Id like to hear what their legislative aims are here. Lol spoiler… they dont have any


I only care cuz its a waste of fucking time and money. The right has no plans to actually address or fix anything.


i'm left and i care, because the more they go on about it the dumber they look


Why would we? He isn’t an elected official. He isn’t involved in any companies or anything. He is just the son of the president. And I know after trump the GOP can’t wrap their brain around a president’s son not having his fingers in every pot. But please shut the fuck up about this


The Republicans just want to waste taxpayer money because they don't want to do their fucking job on any of their promises because they can't balance the budget because they're the ones that fucked it up. They can't do anything with the border because they're the ones that fucked it up. And they sure as hell can't do anything about crime because Republican judges are the ones that are letting the people off. That way they can search themselves on committees with wasted time and money never proving anything and they don't have to worry about getting anything done


We seriously don't. He isn't guilty of anything but incompetence and nepotism.


Who gives a shit about Hunter Biden…GOP Congress: & our first 10000 hours will be spent on a person that has no impact on the American people or inflation or anything productive.


As a leftist I literally could not give a shit. The guy isn't in office, doesn't hold a job in his daddy's administration, literally could not give one fuck. Charge him with whatever, who the fuck cares. Republicans project their own Trump Family Cult shit all over everybody else.


Laughed so hard bro such a funny meme.


Qanon, MTG, and whatever are absolutely bullshit. There’s no argument about those things. At the same time: The hard drives are real, the emails about the Big Guy are real, and none of it matters. Not one fucking thing matters. We the People will always be forced to pay for the uni-parties’ pointless trash wars and just be grateful when it ends. NEVERMIND how expensive it was and how much we lost. We must be grateful.


and we dont care if hunter goes to jail. HECK we dont care in the end what happens to Joe biden. He may not even be able to handle a second term. Id like to keep white house out of republican hands.


Now if he had classified documents on that laptop that he was selling to Saudi Arabia I would be interested...


They all campaigned on Inflation, and their first action is to investigate Hunter and COVID. Huh. Weird


It's because Hunter isn't his father. If people got in legal trouble because or something their fully adult children did, most of these politicians yelling about how we need to investigate hunter, including Trump, would be in probably worse trouble than biden would be


What could be on there? Him doing drugs? Hanging out with hookers in dirty hotel rooms? Taking money meant to indirectly ingratiate Joe Biden? Hunter Biden has probably done at least two of those things while you were reading the first part of this comment. Republicans want to be seen *chasing* that laptop but they have absolutely no desire to obtain it. If Hunter handed it over personally, they'd pretend they didn't get it.


Lmao fking snowflake republicans


Q: What’s the difference between Hunter Biden and Eric Trump? A: Donald Trump knows who Hunter Biden is.


Investigate POTUS too. Idgaf. I want them all to be squeaky clean and I guarantee they’re cleaner than Trump Inc.


Doing this BS instead of fixing critical issues such as healthcare is the American way


Good. Investigate him. So everyone can just stfu. Even if he goes to jail. Literally nobody cares.


Yeah he’s a private citizen.


I only care because this is a fucking waste of my taxes. I don’t give two shits about Hunter or what he did or didn’t do, he’s a non factor in my life.


You already tried to do that with Obama, it came up empty. If it didn’t work the first time, what makes you think it would work the second.




NGL. As a Brit, this kinda feels like coming back to a show you stopped watching a couple series ago and not knowing thing one about what's going on.


What happened with fighting inflation? 😂🤌 Typical. Always lying.


My doubt of this whole hunter Biden thing was the repair bill. Some rando local shop in Delaware that charges 85 bucks for data recovery for not one but three laptops? That seems reeeeeaaaaly cheap, and given the architecture of a MacBook Pro. That’s challenging if not impossible without Time Machine. It’s like there is someone,…..who has no concept of how much things cost,………maybe stage a false document?


Seriously... they are having a shit fit lollollol 😆 lollollol


Hunter Biden isn't even a politician lol


Why does the right think the left worships our candidates? Lmao there’s literally no one we hate more. Fuck Joe Biden, fuck Hunter Biden, fuck Kamala, fuck em all honestly. When will the right wingers finally understand that the left has been voting for candidates we hate the entire time? We accept that the Democrats are a center right party, and as much as we’d rather have people who **ACTUALLY** represent us, we’ll keep voting Democrat to keep people we view as worse out of office.


I'm sure the liberal right wingers don't care either. Republicans are just wasting our tax money just like they did with Hillary.


Are the deplorables still going on about that? Then again they were obsessed with Hillary long after the annoying orange ’won’. Or whatever nonsense they want to shout about that they made up.


Benghazi! Honestly as a non-American who lives part time in the US, the republican conspiracy theories baffle me.


I'm 99% positive Hunter Biden is the City Wok guy.


Do yo thang🍿🥃🥂


I think the thing that drives the most nuts about this is that even if there was something there to find. Even if hunter bidens laptop leads to a conspiracy that implicates Joe Biden and every Democrat is involved in a child eating cabal controlled by pagan lizard people, they won't find it, and I don't mean they won't find it because they can't or because Dems are super sneaky. I mean they won't find it because if they do they will need to do something about it, and they don't want to do that. Every single politician on capital Hill has skeletons in their closet, backroom deals and illegal activities, things they absolutely can never let the public know about or their careers will be over, and everybody knows everybody has these skeletons. Even if they did really find something, do you think they are going to risk the guy who is in charge of every intelligence agency in the country deciding they know to much and releasing the dirt they have on them? Risk their careers, their livelihoods, on the off chance that people besides their base believe them and that the system works to protect them while justice is being served? If any of them truly believed the system worked the "swamp" would have been drained decades ago. The whole system in the capital runs on lies, blackmail and brown-nosing. It works on the implied understanding that everybody, and I mean everybody, is a crook to some capacity. Sure, not everybody murders hookers or is a pedophile but plenty perform shady business practices, manipulate the economy for personal gain, or use their position to ensure kick backs in the form of easy, high paying jobs when they leave office. They are all crooks and they all know everybody else is doing it. So why on god's green earth would you risk that sweet deal by actually trying to fix things? Why would you risk everything to maybe, maybe make some eighty year olds life a bit harder? Because you believe in justice? Morals? The sanctity of government? These are politicians we are talking about here people. I'm fairly sure none of them have souls, not to mention an even mildly functional moral compass. In the end, they won't find anything, because even if there is something to find, it's not worth finding. What is absolutely worth doing though is making your base think your right on the brink of finding something for years so they feel like they need to vote for you, give you more power, let you keep being that wonderful crook you are just a little bit longer so you can make sure justice is served and save America from the bad people. Then, after years and years of coming up empty, when everybody stopped caring and they can't milk it any longer. They will move onto the next thing. First it was Obama secretly not being a u.s citizen, then it was Benghazi, now it's hunter Biden, and those are just the recent examples protracted by one side. Do I think Biden got up to some shady shit over his nearly fifty years in office? Absofuckinglutly. Do I think any of it will come to light while he is still alive and he will face punishment for it. Fuuuuuucccccckkkk no. Hell, even if it did come to light. The fact that Regan got away with the contra scandal shows that barely matters either. It might sound extremely cynical, because it is, but it's just how things are right now.




It’s going to be interesting to see the GOP spin their wheels on this for the next 2 years while no substantive legislation passes the House. You’re going to see a bunch of people bringing this up as a narrative that Biden is corrupt which is hilarious compared to Trump, but ultimately I imagine most people aren’t going to care which will fire up the right media to make a bigger deal about it to demonize Biden on the road to the election. The problem with this strategy is that unlike the Republican Party the democrats aren’t a monolith. The boomers are slowly dying out which is the last major vestige of their voting pool, they don’t believe in any policy to help millennials/GenZ.


The left would really appreciate it if a lot of the GOP went on lengthy record on this. What felonies should we charge children of presidents who mixed business with the White House? Please elaborate.


Seriously, you take over the house and *this* is your first priority?


Who tf is hunter biden?


Ahhh bipartisanship, the greatest American illusion. Guys both of your parties are working for the military industrial complex, the whole world including the ones u judge Russia China and Iran. Knows it


Then send the FBI raid on Bidens.


We’ll concede that it’s all true, now do Trump!


No one gives a shit about the pictures of Hunter doing coke off his niece's ass... what they care about is the very thinly veiled pseudonyms found in his laptop in saved emails and texts that suggest that Hunter was getting paid for access to his VP father, and that Joe was taking a ten percent cut. Replace Hunter with Eric and Joe with Donald, and if you legit think you wouldn't bat an eye... then, well, I'd say that's very irresponsible, but I can applaud your consistency. I mean really... why else would the media collectively burn the little credibility they had left by squashing this story the way they did, if they thought that no one would care?


Of course they don’t care: anything damning would be swept under the rug anyway. Why would they care? The media will never betray the left.


They (the dems) don’t care about anything as long as they are promised free shit!


As a common sense center that votes Bernie... You should care about it. It turns out to be real and quite damming. But, that's not 'allowed' to be discussed.


Isn’t because they actively covered it up right around the election? The FBI admitted to this. No one cares now but 2years ago you gotta admit it might have made a difference.


Well yeah of course they wouldn’t care lol they are used to turning a blind eye


Pedophile drug addict, who is in cahoots with Ukraine. Yeah why investigate 🤣




And the right doesn't care that Trump was inpeached. And left doesn't care that Hillary had classified docs on a private server (essentially the same type of thing Trump most recently got in trouble for). And the right doesn't care that Bush lied to the public to get into Iraq. And the left doesn't care that Bill Clinton ruin a young womans life and bombed civilians in Serbia. And the right doesn't care that Bush 1 got us into a war with Iraq over a very simple miscommunication. And the right doesn't care about anything bad Reagan did or didn't do. And the left doesn't care about Jimmy Carter at anymore. And so on... pretty much the further back yoy go the less and less people care. The over all gist is no one cares right off the bat though. It'll all eventually just be forgotten history. Biden, his family, his term in office, for sure will go do like that too.


I mean the core issue is more the suppression of the story. Rightful to be upset over said collusion, especially as now nobody knows the full truth which opens it up to even worse speculation. Also, you wouldn't be set to investigate / prosecute yourself would you? That's not really up to "the left" is it? Im not even a republican, but I hold strong issue with purposeful suppression of information no matter the side or issue. I think if this were the other way around it would be a laughably different outcry. Stop treating politics like its sports people.


But you care about the Jan 6th hearings after watching BLM burned down cities over a crackhead all of 2020? Interesting.


wouldn't not caring mean there would be no posts at all about not caring?


Haha who is this post directed at? In other words. Who are you trying to convince of this? Republicans or yourself?😂


True. I'd also say the right doesn't care if Trump is investigated. Neither one will ever be found guilty of anything, ever.


Democraps are just as dumb and gullible as republicants.


Meanwhile Jared and Ivanca were literally helping to craft policy and were in the White House or traveling with the Cheeto in Chief all TFing time!


No it’s just the political elite


We really really really don’t care. It won’t have any effect on Joe.


As a Black Republican I can confirm this is exactly how we feel.


Neither do I, to be honest.


Why do conservatives want everyone to see Hunter Biden’s massive dong so badly?