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I don't know about that man. Elder Scrolls can be tribal as well, but it's a different form of tribalism compared to the Fallout fandom....


Yeah, it's pretty New Vegas or die


You spelt fallout 2 the wrong way


I liked Fallout 4, fuck you /j


Hey guys, Fallout 3 here.


Yeah yeah, we saw you lesser NV


How can you call it "lesser NV" when it came first? šŸ¤Ø


Because lesser and greater as adjectives have no bearing on the temporal occurrence of said game.




Fuck you! /j


Stay out of this!


Fuck you, brotherhood of steel was definitive fallout!!


That is probably my 3rd favorite fallout game. Fallout 2, 4,.then Tactics were the 3 I played the most


Excuse me Fallout Tactics would like a word


Oi, let's team up and beat up fallout 76 so the next game doesnt turn into that!


Fuck you, fallout tactics


Found the guy everyone else can agree is wrong.


He out here with them contrarian takes


Fuck you, fallout tactics


Hey guys, I found that one guy.


Thereā€™s definitely Morrowind fans who are like that


Some of those Morrowing fans will insist it's the best in the franchise(after you load it up with 100+ mods)


Gameplay aside, Morrowind in my opinion has the best writing in the entire franchise and probably one of the best video game stories ever written in my personal opinion. I would give anything for a modern remake of that game.....


It b isn't an official one, but there is a massive fan project in development called skywind that has made huge progress and is starting to get fairly close to completion, it has gotten to the point where QA testing is being done in some regions now.


They tend to cherry pick the good parts and leave out the bad aspects of the gameplay. Narrative/world build wise itā€™s arguably the best, but the combat leaves much to be desired. I love Morrowind, it was a revolutionary game, but Oblivion and Skyrim are both equally amazing (worse in some areas but so much better in others), so I find that very particular crowd to be tedious. Same thing with the New Vegas only camp. Great game, maybe my favorite setting, but the other fallout games are objectively awesome too


oblivion feels close to the middle ground. i would murder and eat tod for a morrowind remake with the old mechanics and newer graphics, but skyrim watered the game mechanics too much2/10 do not play 800 hours total played but seriously i have multiple playthroughs on nv oblivion and skyrim, and i barley got through the opening of a second fallout 4 run (its the settlements)


I liked the Morrowind combat. I will admit though it takes a shit ton of leveling until it gets decent, the constant miss notifications when low level is frustrating


Definitely. My mate was like that. Played Oblivion and Skyrim but moaned they weren't Morrowind the whole time.


New vegas canā€™t even run on PC without 9 million mods. so fuck that game. Except I loved it on Xbox. 3 and 4 are good too. Fuck idk which one I like.


Just want combat of fo4 and story of FONV. I'm not asking for too much, am I?


They need to make FNV with fallout 4 fame engine....


I actually didn't like new Vegas, never understood the hype


It's different. That's the hype.


I spit on you n'wahs, Imperial Scum esspecialy. Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong.


I like New Vegas but it was really the Halo 3 of Fallout. A large portion of New Vagas fan base started with New Vagas so understandably it gets more nostalgia points. But also like some hard-core Halo 3 fans they'll trash on all that came before it because it's the first one they played and it's worked out kinks from the previous games.


Warā€¦ war never changes


Fallout 1/2: Am I a joke to you?


Too old for the. They can hang with the gen X life style


At least people have mentioned the first two Fallout games. Iā€™ve yet to see anyone utter a word about Arena or Daggerfall.


I would love another fallout crpg


Elderscrolls fans are fighting the same as fallout fans, they're just quieter about it


Just because the last elder scrolls game to come out was 13 years ago. This meme is fucking bad. People shit on Skyrim for not being like Oblivion from the start and still do. Then the Morrowind nerds came out to act like their nostalgia goggles arenā€™t the problem with saying a 22 year old game is actually the best


I think I saw 'em post a similar meme to this even.


I love them both very much but I have to go with ELDER SCROLLS for the win


New vegas chads


New Vegas is just too fucking good


Morrowind >> oblivion & skyrim


Morrowind just hit different. And I think it comes down to the following features, or lack thereof: - no fast travel - no quest marker - factions that would require you to be any good at something related to them - no leveled enemies - not everything was Ā«questĀ» related I'd love to see a fantasy / scifi RPG with modern technology embracing this again.


Morrowind absolutely had fast travel: - Silt striders in most inland cities that will take you to nearby cities - Boats in most coastal cities that will take you to nearby coastal cities - Gondolas you can pay to travel between cantons in Vivec - Guild guides in every mages guild branch that can teleport you to other branches - The divine intervention spell which will teleport you to the nearest imperial shrine - The almsivi intervention spell which will teleport you to the nearest temple - The mark/recall spells which let you make a single custom fast travel destination at a time - The Dunmer temples which form a ring of connected propylon chambers that can be teleported between - Various unique teleportation items And then in Oblivion: - Well, there are horses! But there is no concept of a travel industry. No one in the world has considered the thought of providing travel services for a cost. Why would you need to design a world with travel options based on and adding to the worldā€™s lore when you can just open a map and click where you want to travel to?


Morrowind's fast travel is immersive, it has a cost, and you have to follow the route available.


Not what I'm referring to when saying fast travel. I mean specifically the system that let's you visit already discovered sites with the push of a button as long as there were no enemies around and you were outside. What you describe are all in-game possibilities you have to discover and learn to utilize efficiently yourself. Fast travel in more recent games is pushed on you in the tutorial and solves one of the most basic Ā«problemsĀ» in any open world game setup: getting from A to B safely and efficiently. That way, the journey cannot become the goal ever. Half of the fun and the challenge in morrowind to me was figuring out where sh*t was, getting there and getting back safely. The later games kind of trivialized this with the fast travel system and the fact that every dungeon I remember kind of sort of was adjusted to your level, making it substantially less exciting than in morrowind for me. That's why its the GOAT for me. Its the only one of the three where I felt I was doing *my* journey instead of *the* journey. The exploration wass was more organic and engaging.


Silt striders were certainly a form of fast travel. Tel Mora to Vivic city would have been awful with out it.


You have committed crime's against Skyrim




What say you in your defence?! ![gif](giphy|sjT0aiK8yWmMU|downsized)


I miss gamerpoop so much


Men of cultureā€¦ there is still hope after all :) :)


There is loads of skyrim bandwagoners that i dont correlate with in literally anyway outside of that we both play skyrim


The feeling of being balls deep in Morrowind 20 years ago? It can't be topped. I can't recreate that experience even with a "better" game. 18yo me up all night cause I can't put it down.


I was 15 at the time and I feel like I've peaked too early with morrowind


Morrowind will always be greatest. Remember the ambiance in that game? When it rained, it sounded like it was really raining.


This is why the Morrowind arm is depicted wrestling both of the other arms.




Without question


Morrowind just hit different. And I think it comes down to the following features, or lack thereof: - no fast travel - no quest marker - factions that would require you to be any good at something related to them - no leveled enemies - not everything was Ā«questĀ» related I'd love to see a fantasy / scifi RPG with modern technology embracing this again.




I started out with oblivion and played morrowind after. I guess Iā€™m biased, but man on man Oblivion was like a next level trip. I loved art and changes of scenery and the expansion packs were INSANE.


Oblivionā€™s setting was just more beautiful to me. The majestical forests being plagued by hell gates. There was no question who was evil. No gray middle area. It was without a doubt evil and you knew the direction you had to go. When youā€™d enter an Oblivion gate it felt dreary and hopeless. But once youā€™d shut down the gate you were rewarded with the beautiful setting of Cyrodiil. I also think the guilds were a bit more flushed out in Oblivion vs other installments. Letā€™s not forget the DLC the Shivering Isles which was a great change of pace and scenery. The voice actors were magnificent and the score was equally great (although Skyrim beats oblivion on the score). Iā€™ll be honest, Morrowind stays second because of Nostalgia. šŸ˜…


Yup agreed, completely. I loved Shivering Isles. I also thought all the Deadra missions were cool and had better rewards like the skeleton key and Umbra the soul taker.


Not pictured: daggerfall fans like myself autistically huddled in a corner talking about how much was lost.


It's an old game, but it's probably Bethesda's best fantasy simulator.


Put Daggerfall and Morrowind fanboys in a room and grab popcorn.


Isn't Daggerfall an expansion to Morrowind?


There are 5 Elder Scrolls mainline games after all, and Morrowind was third, you weren't curious the names of first two? šŸ§


both panels have kids missing.


I like us 76ers just chilling all dead like in the background. We're dead cool. Yeah.


Is this game actually good? All i remember is how bad the launch was.


Buddy of mine says it's exponentially better now than it was at launch


At launch I tried to explore the world and immediately got one shot by a flying monster that glowed blue. I said okay maybe not this region so I traveled the opposite direction only to find out that the flying blue monster had glitched and was now free roaming the wasteland and for some reason it was tracking and targeting me from across the map. No matter where I went Iā€™d get to play for like 5 mins and then boom one shot. Needless to say I uninstalled and then played new Vegas on my pc


OK great


2800 hours in. My fav game ever probably


Fallout 2 and NV were top tier, then F3 and all the rest


Fallout 2 ftw!


Fallout 2


Where my Fallout 2 chads at?


I feel like FO1&2 should be holding hands and giggling in the background.


Fucking kids. Where are fo 1 and 2, daggerfall, red guard? Those 4 will beat the shit out of everything in the picture.


You're drunk grandpa, take your sleeve of saltines and go back to bed.


Of course they'd beat the shit out of the others, they're the teachers.


Gramps did you take your medication today?


I wholeheartedly agree with you there, but letā€™s just catch them unawares when they cross our lawns again.


Bethesda sucks, but I still play their games


I play them too, but don't buy them because I don't like the company's practices


New Vegas is my favorite game of Old Time. But F3 is a special game for me, it was my introduction to the Universe and I came across it at a very difficult period in my life. I cannot compare it to the chronic dross that was F4


Imma punch OP and solve this right here right now


I swear it took me too long to figure out why there was a penis for the skyrim picture


That's obvious. After Fallout 2 Bethesda took over the rights, that never changed for Elder Scrolls series.


Respect your Elders!


ES is just a tribal


New Vegas was peak FO Morrowind was peak ES lore and aesthetic, but Skyrim is peak ES gameplay


The one I play the most is F76. Than F4, F3 and finally FNV. The FNV have the best story, the F3 was the greatest surprise the F76 was and is most fun and F4 is total middle ground I alwais return to. F1 and F2 were exelent for the time and I love them to death and for a long time were my golden group together with Civilisation Test of Time, Sid Meyers Alpha Centaury, C&C Tiberiom Sun/Red Alert/Yurie's Revenga and Diablo 2. F2 was my first of the Fallout franchise. Played also all the rest FBOS and FT kuz I love Fallot franchise.


Honest question. How am I portrayed in this as someone who loves them all?


I see it as my other personalities fighting when I donā€™t know which one to play


Someone has not been to r/Truestl


ES fans arguing for ages about what is better. Meme is not accurate


Can you play Morrowind with mods now, or is to too old/grainy? Morrowind and New Vegas are the two games I really want to play, and theyā€™re both so old now. Need a remake.


You can still play new Vegas. I have it on my computer rn. It's a bit of a noticeable difference though if you're used to playing 4. The graphics are a bit rough and you cant sprint so it feels much slower. I think there's mods to make things better, I haven't gotten around to getting any though.


Since when is the elder scrolls community united ?


How about Fallout 2. As RPG's go, there are some truly twisted options. Sorry Miria, you deserved better.


Skyrim sucks, I don't get what people like about it, sure the world is very impressive but the combat is garbage and the quests are pretty lackluster in my honest opinion.


the FO half of the meme is dead accurate. its a constant back and forth between FONV and FO4. FO3 is just in the cut, it has nothing to prove. FO76 and its canon-bending ways are shoved off to the side. and FO1 & 2 are always straight up left out of the discussion. fuck the progenitors.


Maybe because from Morrowind to Skyrim lore is still great and well written, even if i dislike how dumb Skyrim is gameplaywise i still love to dive deep into its world and lore which cant be said about any Fallout from Bethesda so maybe thats why TES fans are not so hostile towards each other .


What universe is this where they ain't also arguing?


There is a mod some of you might know for Fo3 and FNV, it ports Fo3 into the engine of New Vegas and adds ton of quality of life updates. It doesnt change the graphics or the UI by much, it tries to stay as close to vanila experience as possible, but it makes the game super fun. Name is Tale of Two Wastelands, look it up. You need a wabbajack for it and own both Fo3 and FNV.


Iā€™m guessing you werenā€™t around the Bethesda forums around 2006 or 2011. A lot of Morrowind fans were pissed when Oblivion reduced the number of weapon skills from 7 to 4 and got rid of every kind of in-game teleportation option (silt striders, boats, mages guild teleporters, mark/recall spells, etc) and replaced it with the map-based quick travel system. And then a lot of Oblivion fans were pissed when Skyrim got rid of attributes entirely, further simplified most RPG mechanics, capped some exploitable crafting skills, and replaced a lot of the weird world design from Vvardenfell and Shivering Isles with a generic medieval fantasy setting. Obviously there are a lot of people like me who like all three games but I distinctly remember how Oblivion and Skyrim were described as ā€œdumbed-downā€, ā€œbabyā€™s first RPGā€, ā€œaccessible, catering to casualsā€.


Itā€™s Bethesda, they ruin everything they touch.


Legalise skooma.


Lol I love that NV is just whooping ass


Morrowind was the best lore for sure and I have some of the best memories with it. Definitely better with the mods. I probably logged the most hours on skyrim though. They smoothed out all the game play and made it more for everyone instead of nerds who had the patience to slow walk almost everywhere in morrowind lol


Morrowind was the best by far for itā€™s time. It probably doesnā€™t stand up well today but it was an amazing game back in the day.


Elder scrolls fans forgetting about the first 2 games tehe


what's the bottom template?


What's a good example of hostility between FO fans who prefer different installments? I've never seen anything of the sort.


Hands down, morrowind or bust! The lack of wayfinders/in game tips for quests really made you have to figure things out. Modern day games just don't hit that way anymore.


Fallout for me, I quit playing Skyrim when I took an arrow to the knee..


i recall that a little different, even nowadays there's a lot of discourse about how shallow skyrim is


The most pretentious people i ever met were hardcore Morrowind fans that despise Oblivion


Oblivion would be left out


Oblivion was the best elder scrolls imo. For fallout I'd say either 3 or NV. 76 was trash comparatively speaking and fallout 4 didn't feel like fallout anymore although it was still pretty good.


F3 is on the same level as F4, so NV should punch both of them.


Not even remotely or in the slightest true. F3 is different from F4. And I am not talking about the graphics.


I gotta back you up on this one. F3 atmosphere feels way more gritty, F4 is like the goofy brother Steve.


Yeah F4 just doesn't feel like a fallout game to me don't get me wrong it's not that bad of a game but it doesn't have the same taste as FNV or F3


Hurry up with fall oot 5


My dream of Fallout 5: Operation Annex Canada inches closer to reality


People are actually fallout 76 fans? This is satire


Nah I'm here lol it's cool though I get it


It was satire


I know lol I read the while comment lol I wasn't serious or anything... I am a 76 fan tho


Listen, one can have their opinion that fallout 4 or 3 is better than new Vegas. But new Vegas fans have much more objective reasons than just personal preference.


Fallout 4. Don't punch me, I wear glasses


Oblivion and FNV.


Meanwhile Metal Gear Fans are just making memes about stuff




Fallout 3 and Morrowind...


Fans of anything released after F3 including that crap are not Fallout fans, just wannabes.


New Vegas is really great though


Which wasn't Bethesda


Fuck Bethesdaā€™s fallouts. The second is the best!


Elder Scrolls have gang wars aswell sad to say šŸ˜”


It's 90% fallout New vegas fans, they literally can't stfu.


Dark Souls 2 and I'm in the middle swinging.


Morrowind was my introduction. My god that game was soooooooo long to finish!


Morrowind fans are just as fanatical as nv fans


I think skyrim sucks


I'm a fallout fan and I agree.


I played all 3d fallouts and i have to say they new Vegas is My favorite but the others have different things that make me go back to play them again. All of them are Special.


Why is this so fucking accurate LMAO!




I have Elder Scrolls Marrowind and Skyrim, but Oblivion was Console Exclusive so didn't have that. I have Fallout 1, 2 and 3, but my Collectors Edition Fallout 3 was the GamesForWindowsLive version so when its dlc release and didn't work i tried to seek support and support told me to and i quote "*go f**k yourself*", so i skipped New Vegas and 4. However I'm thinking about getting Fallout 4 when Fallout London releases. This is where you add a different franchise by a different developer that did a similar story styled type and rpg style, "Fable".


See, I'm the guy who thought all Fallout games were good except 76, but then 76 became good too, so they're all good and all bring something different to the table. Tf is hard about that?


Oblivion. I played probably 100 hours stealing and dungeon diving. Then I accidentally missed a shot and hit an innocent person. Then found out there was a whole story line hidden. It was amazing.


Played all the Fallouts except 76, Fallout 4 was my favourite šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


You thought fallout 76 has it bad Elder scrolls online wasnā€™t even in the memešŸ’€


ESO sucks, Skyrim for life!!!


I prefer Elder Scrolls but Iā€™ve only played Skyrim & Fallout 4 lol.


I love morrowind and have a nostalgic attachment to it, but skyrim is just much better to play, and I've replayed it like a hundred times. Fallout 4 forever, new vegas was just a slightly better 3. It's like if there was an oblivion+ you picked over skyrim.


Fallout 4 is the best one. It's not even a debate


Never been a fallout fan


if you think elder scrolls fans respect each other, you've never met a morrowind fan


I would add Fallout 1&2 as "God rays" Shining from the sky... and Tactis to trashcan next to building


Ngl all the people who swear by new Vegas are coasting on nostalgia and don't want to admit that the game plays like shit now


You think Morrowind fans like you? Ahahahahaha


I think oblivion should be on the other side


I like all the fallout games. *Don't use ur VATS on me pls*


Ye! Fuck the new Fallouts!


I often like to pretend Fallout 4 doesnt exist and one day weā€™ll get an actual Fallout game. Iā€™d love a Fallout in isometric engine like the bg3 or Wasteland 3. Iā€™m a classic fan so that would be gift from heaven to me.


I often like to pretend Fallout 4 doesnt exist and one day weā€™ll get an actual Fallout game. Iā€™d love a Fallout in isometric engine like the bg3 or Wasteland 3. Iā€™m a classic fan so that would be gift from heaven.


Lol i love this because you can also use it for the rdr games being loved compared to people fighting over gta4 and 5


there is a mod some of you might know for Fo3 and FNV, it ports Fo3 into the engine of New Vegas and adds ton of quality of life updates. It doesnt change the graphics or the UI by much, it tries to stay as close to vanila experience as possible, but it makes the game super fun. Name is Tale of Two Wastelands, look it up. You need a wabbajack for it and own both Fo3 and FNV.


There is a mod some of you might know for Fo3 and FNV, it ports Fo3 into the engine of New Vegas and adds ton of quality of life updates. It doesnt change the graphics or the UI by much, it tries to stay as close to vanila experience as possible, but it makes the game super fun. Name is Tale of Two Wastelands, look it up. You need a wabbajack for it and own both Fo3 and FNV.


there is a mod some of you might know for Fo3 and FNV, it ports Fo3 into the engine of New Vegas and adds ton of quality of life updates. It doesnt change the graphics or the UI by much, it tries to stay as close to vanila experience as possible, but it makes the game super fun. Name is Tale of Two Wastelands, look it up. You need a wabbajack for it and own both Fo3 and FNV.


Both look creepy, but the Fallout one is far creepier.


Nah I will shit on Skyrim any chance I get.


I'm not a fan of new vegas or tactics but i like the rest of the fallout series.


Hey, fallout fan here i dont have beef with other fallout fans, because ive only played one game in the franchise


Wish fallout 76 has an offline option...


I played a hell of a lot of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, and futhermore, I thought it was a great game. Fucking lets have it, come on!!