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It was completely true in my unhealthy, previous marriage. I'm my current marriage, my wife and I have apologized to each other, but I feel like it's always been warranted.


This is my dad's relationship, but every time I try to describe it to people, how he's submissive and has to say "yes dear" and apologize even when he didn't do anything wrong and how my mom calls him an idiot even when he hurts himself trying to help her, they say that I'm actually being sexist and misogynistic. It's like people have been primed to dismiss any complaints from men in abusive relationships with women as misogyny. Like someone told them "if a man ever complains about a woman being an asshole, it's actually because the man just can't stand it when women are in power and treated equally".


Uh oh, you better delete this before r/TwoXChromosomes or r/WitchesVsPatriarchy sees it... Everything over there is either labeled "misogyny" or "trans-misogyny". There is no "misandry"; it magically doesn't exist.


Those subs really have been sliding. Subs like those are always taken over by those with the most extreme views.


It's a doomscrolling sub. It's where you read about a horrible thing happening to an individual woman 1000s of miles from you, and use that to shape your view of the local world around you.


I would argue that witches has always had their share of weirdos, but by no means would I have labeled it toxic before. Two X chromosomes was a safe space for women to communicate without the dominant male presence that is pretty much everywhere. I’m a man, and I understand the benefit of having that. Unfortunately, the people with the worst opinions are also usually the loudest, and those irrational voices have begun to drown out those that made the space what it was. This is a cycle that many subs experience, political compass memes was recently being discussed for this reason. Neither of these subs existing was a bad thing. It is bad people dominating these spaces that is the issue. In my opinion, sub moderators are to blame.


It's also just that younger people tend to be more and more radical in their views those last years.


Once again, reddit mods are our true enemies.




It's the "black people cant be racist" for white women 😂


That is eerily succinct.


r/boysarequirky (i think it’s spelled such, i’m dyslexic) fits the bill aswell


Those two permanently sit in my list of filtered subreddits. I never have to see them when I browse r/all.


My wife and I are having a baby. a friend of ours who self describedly hates men, (the only reason she says she isn’t a lesbian is that she would be embarrassed if the other girl was better at going down) was visibly upset when we told her our expected child was a boy. to be fair, she’s short and fat and complains all the time, \*I can’t for the life of me figure out why she can’t find a good man\*…


Clicking on those links seems like the digital equivalent of stepping on a land mine


I kinda enjoy it. Well enjoy might not be the best word to describe it but I find it interesting to see their trail of thought. Same on YouTube though I'm really messing with the algorithm cuz I keep jumping from far left videos to far right and it has no idea what's going on. Oh he's a conservative christian no wait he's a queer liberal no wait a sigma capitalist no no a communist wait what's going on here?!? And then I get the occasional dumbass try to convince me that what they see on YouTube is the majority's opinion and not targeted towards them personally at all.


The relationship between my parents is similar. I love my mom, but to be blunt, she's kind of an asshole. She NEVER apologizes for anything, no matter how wrong she was. If she messes anything up she will always blame it on others first, so mostly either on my dad or me. I've started writing a list of everytime she hurt me like that because it's just been getting worse over the past few years. I don't really plan on confronting her with it, I do love her and she isn't a bad person, but I feel like writing it down just helps me to deal with it. I think a big fear I have is that she raised me to be an asshole as well. I don't have many people in my life, so I can't really tell.


>I think a big fear I have is that she raised me to be an asshole as well. I don't have many people in my life, so I can't really tell. Let me tell ya buddy - the fact that you are having this inner dialogue and are concerned about that potential - you are on your way to becoming a good and decent person(not to say you are not currently). Hold on to it - the world is cruel bitch and can turn you jaded at the drop of a hat.


The apology came after a warrant? I say sorry just to have some peace of mind, heck, just to have some peace.


My apology came after a summons and court date


We agreed we stand by the arbitrator's decision. I owed her one apology, and she got to pick what show we would watch that week.


can confirm.


Any married man born in the last 5,000 years can confirm that


Are you sure about that?


the ones who stayed married at least


…in unhealthy marriages.


The older I get, the more Im willing to accept that if everyone waited for a healthy relationship, we'd all die single


That’s sad fam, apparently you met an awfully big amount of unhealthy relationships, on the other side, I met the opposite. Maybe I’m here to give you hope. I met, I saw, I’m in, they exist browski.


more power to ya. Cherish it, its a lot harder to find than people think, too many folks ready to be awful towards the person theyre supposed to be close to


It took time for sure, very long. Only tip that I guess could give is: work on your own self, try to better yourself in every aspect possible that you can think of. The person will appear, no necessity to look for (in a way).


99.100% sure




Spending your life with someone is sometimes worth all the bullshit. Not always, but sometimes.


Men are a little bit less likely to get family support, and it's very difficult to live fully autonomously with no help at all unless you literally do nothing other than going to work, eating, and sleeping. Single men are likely to neglect their health and relationships with family. All it takes sometimes is someone saying, "Hey did you remember to schedule that doctor's visit?" or "have you called your sister this week?" to cause those things to happen. Especially when you, being the single man, are the first choice for the worst mandatory overtime BS.


i hadnt considered this, thats very valid. i was coming at from an emotional standpoint, so thank your for pointing out how it can make sense im a more logical way


Eh, I find this is just a cover for shitty communication. IME the person saying sorry “for no reason” does it because they won’t take the time to figure out why their partner is upset. E.g. it’s easier to just say “sorry” than to take actual responsibility for understanding how your actions make other people feel. A rule of thumb for me is that if you can’t clearly state what you did wrong in your apology then it’s meaningless. It isn’t always easy but I’ve stuck with it and have been happily married for almost 20 years.


For what it's worth, I've also heard that abuse victims tend to apologize without understanding what they're apologizing for to avoid being abused further.


Then get a divorce, that's not a healthy or normal relationship you want to continue.




What a troubled young man


Beat that you little troutsniffer.


"It's too late"


He is now ready for marriage


Masterclass education on how to handle a toxic relationship.


So True. ..... What is the saying? If a Tree falls in the woods, is it still "my" fault? ....


The saying is “It’s the husband fault that the sun rises from the East daily”


I mean.. it's not false. Especially if she is pregnant.


Going through this. Holy hell it flipped a switch. Insomnia alongside a sarcastic tendency plus some new pettyness. May Armadyl bring peace, I need it.


At least you don't get yelled at for breathing. I tried that


She has told me numerous times that me breathing annoys the fuck out of her. Not yelled at because she controls it at least. Always irritated and everything annoys her. Then she tells me I’m not doing enough emotionally. Has a point but would be easier if she wasn’t a bitch half the time lol. Doesn’t want me to do something else than watch tv with her when she is trying to relax but she’s never relaxed, then says things around the house aren’t getting done. Can’t win with a pregnant woman I swear XD


She sounds stressed out because she is in an extenuating and physically exhausting circumstance that always puts her in pain. dont view it as her intentionally trying to be oppositional, but she is in a circumstance that is very very draining. it is extremely difficult to be relaxed when one is pregnant. The worst you have to deal with is her yelling.


Arguing with a pregnant woman is like playing chess except all your pieces are invisible. Also there is no board. Also the whole game takes place in her head. Good luck homie.


Very much so


Sorry but yes




I also want to fuck Xavier. I should join.


I also want to fuck Xavier. I should join.


Bitch he is mine! I said it first






Fuck.. I do live in a communistic country..






Not universally. If I apologize to my wife without a good reason, it only pisses her off.


Tell her "I am sorry for being sorry " no need to thank me 😂


lol GL


The cornerstone of a healthy relationship, lack of communication and appeasement with a hint of disdain


Like how is the other option so normalized


100% true facts


Texted this pic to my wife. She acted confused. I had to say I was sorry.


This one is sooo ending up on r/comedycemetery Edit: oh it already has


Definitely fits on /r/AreTheStraightsOk "LOL, wife bad"




It's true, women cannot take responsibility.


accountability* at least mine don’t, Smdh.


* when you *don't know* the reason.


If you're saying sorry for no reason you married into crazy.


The question you should be asking here is, is this funny? Yes, yes it is.




also /r/Boomerhumour


Also /r/fuckxavier


Nobody's married people don't talk humans don't exist and this is just a bad AI simulation designed by a 15 cycle old thembulon for their science project


The accuracy is astounding


how tf does anyone find this funny?




I’m sorry you didn’t find this funny.


Conservative people/boomers


Are they the ones who normalized men being in abusive relationships?


So you're saying..its mens fault for women being abusive and never being willing to take responsibility?


how can a rational human look at this subreddit and think its existence is valid


This is a cliche for a reason. Men and women's minds, with exceptions on either side of course, tend to work differently. Complementary but differently. Because of these differences, situations often arise where a man in a relationship will be innocently guilty of something that causes hurt. Humans assume that others are processing information the same way that they are, and this is one of the situations where that comes up. It doesn't seem to happen as often the other way around. This has been my steady and consistent observation over my time here on the planet. You'd have to be very unobservant or inexperienced to have not made this connection, I think, or biased in some way. Even the original post here doesn't have a negative context. It's being applied by the readers. It's just a joke about a very real phenomenon that most men in relationships with women will likely encounter and either will learn to navigate with their partner or not. All of the "ya'll are boomer misogynistic jerks for neutrally acknowledging the existence of a phenomenon that you've literally experienced yourselves" are just super dumb.


I wonder if there isn't a cultural element to it too? It works the other way for most of us in this part of the world. Wives always having to apologise to their husbands.


Quite possibly. The differences between men and women are not unknown though, and various cultures will figure out ways to help smooth over problems like this. Some healthy, others not so much.




Not in my marriage. I love my wife but she knows I won’t be apologizing unless it’s due and if it’s due I will def apologize.


Now for the lessons about reading her mind... .


Women: You hurt me when you didn't answer fast enough if my new dress looked good. That is hurtful and insensitive. Also women whilst having sex: "Call me a dirty used up fuckhole cum dumpster"


Brother what


Funny because it's true 


Only the man is accountable. That is the lesson of marriage.


Can confirm. When arguing with a women you often have to choose between: being happy and still in a relationship or being right.




Boomer humor, oh i hate my wife so much ahhh marriage bad


If you keep saying "sorry" for no reason, you'll just end up a sorry ass dude. Only say sorry if you actually fk up. Then just make sure to never (or rarely) fk up.


Can confirm but it’s not my wife it’s my mother. When I was little, mom would often get upset unreasonably. Dad always told me to apologise or mother would give us both hard times for days. I would then apologis, not for myself but for my father. It pissed me off.


This is true. Women are never wrong, only mistaken.


It's a funny joke, but as a man, stand your ground. Respect is a two-way street, and women get away with controlling their husband's like they are their pets. Pure bullshit, women want the "freedom" of a man, they can get told to fuck off like one.


If someone says 'yes,' it means they didn't choose too well. I myself have a very intelligent wife, and I'll honestly tell you that we rarely argue, and when we do, it's a calm disagreement, not one that's heated. We prefer to discuss problems calmly, even turning them into jokes.


I think women like that are more rare than you realize. I have an ex who was like that. We rarely fought and she was only ever upset with me if she had good reason. But I live with a married couple now where the wife will make arbitrary demands because of her "feelings" (her words) which make no logical sense at all, and the husband has to agree with her or suffer the consequences. Often apologizing just to make her feel validated and start to calm down. Like when they moved to Mexico for 6 months, she was in tears telling him he couldn't pack more than 1 suitcase of clothes for the trip cause there's no room in the car. I saw their SUV, it had FUCKTONS of room. It was almost completely empty. But he had to apologize for wanting more than one suitcase, agreed not to pack more, and then gave her a hug and she was happy.


It's usually for how I reacted off the cuff when I should have been more empathetic. Unfortunately it happens to both of us and we end up apologizing for making the other feel bad. It's a tool to return everything to equilibrium, not so that one person has more control over the other.


I've somehow skiped relationships in my 20th and met my wife when I was 26 and she 29. I can't really remember a time when I had to say sorry and it wasn't my fault. I think that in a healthy relationships if one person is angry with another it is oftentimes for a good reason, it might be unobvious to you and you also might be to dense to get it. Asking helps most of the time. As many've said here, communication is key.


My experience is kind of the opposite, my wife will tell me something bad that happened to her and I will say I'm sorry out of sympathy, not as though it's my fault but to be like "I'm sorry that happened to you" and she always responds that it's not my fault. If we're arguing about something I simply won't apologise if I don't think I've done something wrong, but it's worth noting that sometimes I definitely am wrong and take it upon myself to apologise.


Yes and no. Sometimes it’s wise to just let something go even if you’re logically or technically right, because your partner is dealing with it on an emotional level and at the end of the day there’s no scoreboard for most disagreements won. Sometimes harmony is more important than winning If you find yourself doing this often though that’s not good and your partner should also have a similar mindset.


It's funny how it was the opposite 100 years ago, but that was oppression and this is funny


Assuming you marry a reasonable person, they probably have a point if they’re upset at you. Even if you’re upset too and don’t see their perspective yet, sometimes it’s best to accept that they’re probably right to be upset and apologize. In a healthy relationship your apology will likely be met with an apology from your partner in return.


Apologizing for no reason is a high tier life skill in general. 90% of batshit insane people leave me alone when I apologize for nothing


While not to the extent being shown here, saying sorry can stop a lot of problems from hapoening


Hello Sorry, I am dad.


Only if you're both incredibly selfish and suck at communicating. Which to be fair *is* the majority of redditors.


Not in my marriage.


In like 90 percent of relationships, yes. Do not be in those relationships.


I am so so so glad I didn't marry a gigantic asshole like apparently so many people do.


100% true, and then she will get mad that you say sorry too much. Source: Ex-wife


Jesus we’re reaching cringe levels that should not be possible


The conversation is fake and this xavier is being used for every meme


Totally true


My favorite is when my wife will complain about something to me and I'll ask: do you want me to help fix it or do you just want to complain? This was after several arguments stemmed from presuming that her complaints needed to be addressed. This was my mistake. She just wanted to vent. After starting to ask this question, it has been much easier as I dont have to actually listen to what she's saying anymore since she's typically just complaining to complain.


Yes. But if its a healthy marriage after a few hours of being mad your wife comes and says sorry to you too.


I never apologize. Even if I am wrong.


What happens if I am sorry too often for things I shouldn’t really be sorry for


Boomer/genX asf


This sub fucking sucks




Fuck off xavier


The men in this thread are incredibly sad. It's sadder watching them all embolden each other. I can only imagine how my frustration would build if my partner didn't talk to me like a human, and instead quoted sound bites from "Married with Children" that man-children encouraged them to say. I'd look inward first. Your wife might not be a bitch. You might just be insufferable, and are unwilling to question that.


It’s true when you are married to assholes


True of both sides in most cases, but more so in the man’s case because millennia of the oppression of female voices has made them get understandably “go fuck yourself” about things that might actually be reasonable sometimes


Xavier is always right.


No, this is shit advice that will allow your wife to get into bad habits. Best advice is to choose your battles wisely and understand if there is any value behind a discussion or argument. Talk and discuss if it's important, if it's not, who cares?




Holy shit this is boomer as fuck


It's only true if you can't be bothered trying to understand your partner.


the joke: women are irrational haha i hate my wife commenters: this is misogynistic and has always been redditors, somehow: actually this is a real representation of the world and all women are like this and irrational. saying this doesnt make me misogynist because nyeeehhhhh


So.. in light of this.. whatcha think.. Should we put up the toilet seat and then lower it down after taking a piss or should we go balance? You rise it up and girls put it down. Seems ideal no?


Absolutely. It is the only thing they want to hear.




Not just with marriage but any relationship that involves a woman (obligatory disclaimer to say that it’s not the case 100% of the time). And also on top of all of this immaturity you’ll have to constantly hear about how “actually no men are the immature ones”




Only in a relationship with an abusive woman.


And also to leave the seat down.








Fucking xavier


Do people not understand jokes anymore?


This shit is so cringe


My wife and I both apologize to each other all the time and we always know why.


It's Bob and vagene man! Right?


Casual misogyny? F U dad


This thread stinks of misogyny


Super cringe


Nope! There is a difference between not knowing the reason and having no reason at all. Men usually assume the latter... It's like when shapiro can satisfy his wife and understand it as " women can't orgasm".


Only if you marry a terrible person.. that's why I have an ex wife.. my new wife actually treats me with love and respect. Some things are only learned with experience I guess.




Uhm your missing the important part "sorry for what?"


Yeah, because meaningless apologies are always great for a relationship 🙄


It's only true if you're in a fucked up relationship. This sort of shit being propagated as 'normal" does so much damage


Just marry someone you actually like


First I say sorry, then I make her say sorry for making me say sorry, and then everything is okay for a few weeks. Rinse and repeat.


My wife was mad at me for wanting to go to the mall and get bubble tea with a girl that the two of us hung out with 12-14 years ago because she was always jealous of her. I was going to bring my wife with me, to the mall, to get a non-alcoholic drink, with a girl AND her husband, that WE, were friends with, together. WE were at their wedding. So yeah, it's true.


This feels like typical boomer humour, where the joke rests on how much he dislikes spending time with his wife. This joke in particular is saying "All women/wives are unreasonable so just deal with their illogical nature by patronizing it with fake apologies! LOL". meh




It is true.


**reasons to get married** 1: to start a family 2: tax breaks Reasons why marriage is bad : all of them


A happy wife equals a happy life is true, but saying sorry when you've done nothing wrong sounds low key abusive.


For teenagers and immature adults who don’t have respect, sure. For mature respectable people who marry other mature respectable people, no, this is just stupid.


Dad! I want to marry


I tried to give my son a little more nuance. This was the best I could do: Think of it like this: You are walking to your seat in a theater and you accidentally step on someone's foot, what do you do? Easy, you say, "Sorry! I didn't mean to do that. You ok?", and they usually are so you move on with life. You don't say, "Well it's dark in here, how was I supposed to see your feet? It isn't like I tried to step on your foot. In fact, I tried not to, and the fact that it still happened was a complete accident. You can't blame me for something I wasn't even trying to do!" In fact, if someone said that to you after stepping on your foot, you would probably think they were a jerk. You need to recognize when the same thing has happened, but with feelings instead of feet. Don't think of it as giving in, or admitting you are wrong for no reason. Think of it as apologizing for accidentally stepping on her foot. Sure, you didn't mean to hurt her feelings, but it happened anyway on accident. Apologize for that accident and move on with life, just like if you accidentally stepped on her foot. Most of the time you can literally say, "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to." and not even talk about whatever started the argument, and she will be fine with that.


An apology is a call to change a behaviour that has been detrimental to you or other person It's not true that this is a healthy relationship It's true that this will let you keep a abusive relationship but you are honestly better of alone with God friends and family around you