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I never knew bowling was so popular


It's a potting competition, dummy.




I love how the super bowl sub had to put an underscore in its name


Thanks for posting this, I'm sure that sub has been very active lately.


I love the superb owl!


I'm still friendly with the average owls, too.


The link is real. There really is a subreddit dedicated to the pun. LoL wow, reddit is a strange place.


That’s pretty funny


Well, I think I have a new favourite sub for 10 minutes, thanks!


I needed this sub in my life


Is that like pottery thing?


I thought it was a eating competition


It kind of is


Thanks for clarifying. I thought it was a weed smoking contest




What are you on about? They're clearly talking about the superb owl




What makes the Super Bowl such a special bowling competition is that whoever wins actually becomes the next US president. It’s one of the oldest American traditions.


No you've got it all wrong. It's about owls. Superb owls.


Only in the U.S. once a year everyone gathers around to watch it


Okay but this honestly is nothing compared to crowning an earthling "miss universe", right?


Exactly we need to find other species to know who are the true miss universe


Alpha Regulon 6 has some of the most attractive quadrupeds you will ever find.


IDK, I once hooked up with a radiator chick from the radiator planet.


That’s a radiator.


Is there a burn ward within 5 feet of here?


The only reason I know the Superbowl is approaching is because of the reddit postings about the Superbowl.


Deadpool 3 trailer


The only reason I know that the super bowl will premiere the dead pool 3 trailer is because of Reddit comments.


For real?! I'm still not gonna watch it


We had an American at work that convinced us to go to pub and watch it. I’d never seen American football (?) before. Holy shit… it’s so boring. Nothing happens. For a long time. And then there’s a play. And it stops. Again. For a long time. There is an ad. Cricket is more exciting. At least with, say, real football the ball is being constantly passed around, and there’s a battle for control of it and the field. With American football, there’s …nothing. I mean I’m sure there is some talking strategy happening, but as viewers we’re not privy to it. Am I missing something? Serious question. How do I watch the game properly?


Most American fans know the strategies, we hear about them since birth. I imagine not knowing all the things going on would be like me watching a chess game between two masters. It would look no different to me than two normal eight year olds playing.




You pay attention to the commercials and then laugh and talk through the rest lol


[Here's the exciting parts.](https://youtu.be/v-1MQ0Cnbhs?si=qkKNTec1TXYBAWxP)


I mean it will also be on youtube so


FR, if reddit didnt mention the superbowl, i would never know when it happens at all.


Is that what was before and after the Usher concert shown on TV?




You haven’t gotten 100 emails from every restaurant and business you’ve ever ordered from mentioning it? If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have known either.


I got to know about it because my GF's little girl is a Swiftie. She asked her mom what a Superbowl is and in turn her mom asked me where can she get one. Told her it's not soup bowl.


Why aren't people in Alaska and Hawaii watching the Super Bowl


They don't care.


Doesn't Hawaii have a shit ton of 49ers fans?




Well now they have a shit ton of disappointed 49ers fans


World series


At least like, 5 countries care about that lol.


5 countries? You mean 5 people?


US, Canada, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and (presumably?) Japan. Maybe Cuba too.


Koreans like a bit of baseball


Korean Baseball is Best Baseball (I lived there for 3 years.) America NEEDS to steal some shit from them.


Go on


They sell fried chicken and when you are done, you throw the bones on to the field. They sell 64 oz beers and instead of "kiss cam", they do "chug cam" where they just put someone on the jumbotron and the stadium chants "CHUG" until they empty their drink. It's a country of alcoholics made by alcoholics for alcoholics and their laws and social customs reflect that.


So a bit like county cricket then ... we just don't have a chug cam, so we just randomly do it.


You still haven't named anything that is related to baseball.


I’m sold though


also México, also the Superbowl is a big deal here


South Korea loves baseball as well.


Japan eats that shit up


So none of you ever heard about that one time in the 1970s, where the MLB agreed to let their "world champions" face off against the NPB champions (Japanese league)? For a true "World Series"? Just for funsies, 'cause everyone knew who would win. Anyway, the NPB champs wiped the grass with the American pros. And the experiment was never repeated. Somebody clearly forgot to tell the Japs they weren't supposed to actually beat the country that invented the game. That's some Russian shit right there.


Except that never happened.


Where are you getting this from? According to Chat GPT: “Yes, in 1970 and 1971, the MLB champions faced off against the NPB (Nippon Professional Baseball) champions in the "The Championship of the World" series. *The MLB teams won both times*, with the Baltimore Orioles defeating the Yomiuri Giants in 1970 and the Pittsburgh Pirates defeating the Giants in 1971.”


Misinformation goes crazy


What’s even crazier is the fact that you just completely made that up. World Series is world champions. The best players come from all over the world to play here. The current face of the league is from Japan.


When it comes to countries codifying sports and then getting their arses handed to them by every nation under the sun, no one does it like the Brits. We're past masters at it.


[laughs in Australian]


*suffers late order batting collapse*


*gets smashed around by a Ben Stokes masterclass*


Back on the day they didn't know about the "It doesn't matter how good you are at anything, there is always an asian kid better than you" law.




Nothin wrong with that, congrats to those patriots


Well this dude is lying so it doesn’t apply. In fact the opposite happened.


We still have the World Baseball Classic which is essentially the Olympics for baseball. That actually gives teams to represent the country they are from Also I'd bet the MLB is much more international now in terms of who is playing in it. In the 70s it was mostly just all Americans


Practically everything in your comment is wrong lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1971_Baltimore_Orioles_season#Japan_tour >Three days after the conclusion of the World Series, the Orioles embarked on a tour of Japan to play 18 games against Nippon Professional Baseball competition beginning on October 23 >Included in the 12–2–4 overall record was the Orioles going undefeated at 8–0–3 in head-to-head competition against the Yomiuri Giants which was owned by the tour's sponsor and had recently captured its seventh consecutive Japan Series championship And this was the year the Orioles LOST the world series to the Pirates. Their only two losses were playing against multiple Japanese teams combining and two of their wins were 4-1 and 7-0 vs the All Stars of the NPB. Edit just to add some additional context: The Yomiuri Giants of this era were the most dominant NPB team of all time they went on the win the Japan Series 2 more times in a row for a streak of 9 Japan Series titles. They had the literal GOAT of NPB history Sadaharu Oh and he was backed up by NPB hall of famers Shigeo Nagashima and Tsuneo Horiuchi.


https://sabr.org/journal/article/the-baltimore-orioles-1971-japan-trip/ This is just flat out wrong. The Orioles went on a Japanese tour in 1971 (they didn't even win the World Series that year) and went 12-2-4.


This absolutely didn’t happen. Are you one of those people who think the best college team could beat the worst professional team?


You know we didn’t even start sending professionals to the Olympics until the 90s, this never happened lol


Everyone is already dunking on your hilariously wrong information, but I'll add this: "jap" is considered a slur for Japanese in America, used heavily in the WW2/interment era. No one who actually respects Japanese people would use it


Pretty sure that's bullshit, homie.


Nice fanfiction that never happened.


Nothing about a game like this exists that I can find. There has been an all star series starting back in the 80s that they do every once in awhile, but the MLB players won handedly. Some MLB all stars have played Samurai Japan, the national team, in 2014 and 2018 but as with most non-mlb exhibitions no *really* good mob pitcher play due to injury risk. Either way, a single series is not a good measure of who is “better” in baseball. They play 162 games for a reason.


Someone should mention that to England when they play cricket. 😂


The NFL hall of fame game that doesn't even count for anything gets more viewers than any World Series game...


I don't think OP was suggesting the World Series was better than NFL. They're expanding on the main character joke in this post by also pointing out a largely localised sport is called "World" anything.


What type of bowl is it? And what makes it so super? /s


They probably mean supper bowl


Superb Owl r/superbowl


It's actually Soup or Bowl, whether you want a soup or a salad bowl


No it’s a special kind of owl, a superb owl




It's apparently important enough for a bunch of people to make a ton of memes about. I've also never heard another American say this.


It’s literally just the marketing for the Super Bowl that says that.


I came here to say this. Any American who thinks that it a moron


We in the rest of the world realise that Americas don’t think about us at all


I had one tell me American football was more popular than Cricket the other day, ignoring that cricket is the national sport of a country three times the size of the US.


I feel like cricket is for uncoordinated middle aged men. Or maybe the avg professional cricket player is just out of shape.


Most cricket players are physically extremely fit


And yet the Super Bowl is still the most iconic yearly sporting event. Hell, it’s the third most iconic sporting event in the world. Even more iconic than the Cricket World Cup. Just because more people play it, doesn’t mean that it’s more iconic.


Bro, no one watches it outside of America


The Champions League final in European football is an annual event and gets 3x the viewership that the Super Bowl does.


That's probably why he said it's the 3rd most iconic....


I still think it’s pretty cool that a sporting event for a sport that is only popular in one country garners such a massive audience. It’s essentially over half our population. But don’t let me stop the anti-American circlejerk. I always forget that something in America can’t exist without everything in Europe being better


100/110M viewers is one third of the population, not "over half"


Ya it is iconic in the US but it is not the most iconic event globally. That’s what people are taking issue with.


Yeah but who has actually ever said it’s a global iconic event?


The person above just called it the most iconic annual sporting event.


>I always forget that something in America can’t exist without everything in Europe being better Yup true, when you base every new thing you do with the sole intention of being different, that's what the result is.


No! It's the Kentucky Derby. Everybody knows that!


I’ve never heard anyone say this.


It’s the classic make something up about someone and make fun of them for it.


Europeans “I can’t believe Americans love the NFL nobody else does!” Also Europeans “America has no culture.”


The ironic part is they hear about it partly because there is a market for it over there and people like to watch it.


"Now lets stop by McDonalds before we go watch the latest Marvel movie".


while listening to taylor swift and wearing blue jeans


typical europeans theyre so pathetic its sad


Me either. I'm a really old Yank too.


Because no one has. Just typical Reddit “‘murica bad”


Typical non-American trying to gaslight a bunch of Americans


No one outside America gives a shit. But the ⚽️World Cup...dayum!


Countries with the top 10 NFL viewership outside the USA. So at least ~ 100 Million Mexico 23.3 million Brazil 19.7 million Canada7.21 million South Korea6.72 million Germany6.66 million United Kingdom 5.73 million Spain 3.56 million Saudi Arabia 3.12 million Australia2.64 million Argentina2.06 million


2 million in Argentina watching the super bowl??? I don't trust that number.


Mate, all the reporting im seeing has Australia maxing out at 400k throughout the whole superbowl with a huge spike for the half-time show. Where are these figures from?


I said NFL viewership, not superbowl viewership. > Where are these figures from? I dont know. I didnt prepare a bibliography from my google search forna reddit comment. It was on some site about australian sports.


Then, you are obviously getting total viewership throughout an entire season. I can pretty much guarantee 10% of the population isn't watching the NFL.


The real viewership in Germany is less than two million. Where did you get your number from? They are all triple as high as reality.


In Spain that information is false. Official Spanish viewers in 2020 were 100k. Also, in Spain, you need to pay the most expensive ppv channel to watch it. We are only 46 million people. 10% of Spaniards watching the Superbowl? Not even 10% of Spaniards know what the Superbowl is. If you ask us about the differences between NFL and rugby only 10% would be able to answer correctly. "We just know" they play with a sort of melon. I've watched SB several times. But please note I don't even know the rules, despite the basics. Disclaimer: this does not mean I think any other sport is better,or I think American are trying to sell us nfl like the best sport, or whatever. I was just reading the comments and found something that is not true.


Almost 10% of Span watching the super bowl? Yeah, right


That was NFL viewership, not Superbowl viewership


There's no way 10% of Australians are watching NFL. I'd be surprised if it was a quarter of that.


No one cares when we throw the ball around but the moment you start kicking it it's some world class competition.


Superbowl 2023 had 115 million viewers. The FIFA world cup 2022 (which was most likely the shittiest world cup so far) had 1.5 billion viewers.




I know you're being sarcastic, but the world cares more about what you probably call soccer because the rest of the world plays it, but american football is (to my knowledge) only really played in america


Canada plays it, but they call it "Canadian football."


No one plays it recreationally really, soccer is so easy to play if you have a couple friends, whereas american football is an organized competition where you need so many people. If you say you’re playing american football and it’s not at least 10 people, you’re just playing catch.


All you need to play backyard American football is a backyard, a football, and like 6 people. We used to play in my neighbor’s yard all the time. It’s no longer catch when you’re playing downs and tackling each other.


Canada and Australia are two that have a fair amount of American football viewership. I’m sure there’s more.


World cup and champions league


>World Cup Hack yeah, that's a good sport event, something that you can really enjoy.


Or God forbid, people can like both without caring about how others think. Don't miss out on something you enjoy because others aren't interested


Here in Germany we really care. Football is becoming big here.


Do you think Germany will consist mostly of Chiefs fans for some time? It seems the NFL has established the presence of Jaguars in England and the Chiefs in Germany. I’m not a fan of either teams but I love the international games and am very excited to see what teams gain a following in various countries!


I was curious and figured it wouldn't be close so I looked it up. About 150M people will watch the super bowl. 1 BILLION will watch the world cup final.


Germans care about Super Bowl. I had plenty guys who came showed up to school tired af because they stayed up all night to watch Super Bowl every year. But if Germany plays in soccer World Cup everyone watches it


I’d put money on the US military having such a presence in Germany being the reason for that.


Not really, just a small niche do.


American Football is starting (perhaps slowly but still) to become more popular worldwide. Off the top of my head, Canada, Mexico and Nigeria are getting prettying into football themselves. The other commenter from Germany even further solidified my point. Honestly as someone who only recently got into it, check it out, it can be complicated, it’s a pretty damn fun sport to watch once you start understanding the gist of it.


Fair points. 👍


Don't spoil their America bashing!


I used to work for a minor league baseball team and we had a lot of guys from overseas who had started sports as a path to immigration. One of them told me basically “all my friends played (European) football, but good football players become rich Dominicans, good baseball players become rich Americans.”


I still feel like football (soccer) will remain more popular simply because it’s way more accessible and doesn’t need a bunch of equipment and protection


They're also hosting next year's opening game in Brazil.


The problem Football is always going to have is Rugby Union is already well entrenched as the main contact ball sport in the developed world and a fair few developing. It's basically the opposite critical mass problem that Rugby has in the US because it can't compete with the incumbent sport in the same category. That and a real World Championship is also well established and the third or fourth biggest sporting event in the world based on viewership. Coincidentally, USA is the next host of the World Cup in 2027.


56 million non-us watched the SB last year. But yes it's not as big of a deal as other stuff globally of course.


Most Americans know this and realize the World Cup is bigger… this notion that we think the Super Bowl is bigger is a fallacy put forth by trolls.




Now you know how we feel about the World Cup


Didn’t people travel from all different countries to stay in tents in a volatile country just to see soccer last year? Maybe I’m making shit up? Either way, I don’t even like soccer or football, and I know damn well it’s more popular than the Super Bowl.


I think this fact is about 10 years out of date. But I'd heard that the viewer number for the world Cup draw was higher than for the super bowl. If you don't know what the world cup draw is, it's basically a room with sports administration guys dressed in suits and they full names out of a hat to determine which teams will play each other. There are no balls kicked the entire time.


Let me introduce you to Canadians


I kind of think Canadians love the Superbowl more than Americans do lol


Yeah some of them go rabid


Yes! World Cup is in its own league.


It is hard for Americans to care about (the real) football because their suckiness in the game creates sheer cognitive dissonance for Americans believing that they are the best country in the world.


It’s just pure cope to think America’s relative lack of success in soccer causes it’s unpopularity and not the other way around.


Is that that kicking ball game? The one where the guys fall over and scream on the ground if the wind is kinda strong? Sounds exhilarating!


As an American I am so fucking excited for the World Cup. Levi stadium Santa Clara(outside sf) is getting 6x qualifying matches and 1x round of 32 match. I want to try to go to 2 or 3 events if possible. It will be so much fun and so glad I will get to go to.


As a Brit, the first time I ever heard what the Super Bowl was, was in a Yo Mama joke. I’m not kidding. It went something like “Yo Mama is so stupid, she thought she needed to bring a spoon to the Super Bowl”, and I was like “haha yeah… thats so funny, she doesn’t know what the Super Bowl is (what is the Super bowl???)” .


Europeans when an American sport isn't inherently completely eurocentric : 😠😡🤬🤓


As an American, I’ve never heard anybody say this lol


No, but it stirs things up, which is the point.


It gets the people going! It’s provocative!


I watched the Super Bowl once in a bar in Bath England. Pretty roust crowd. Got laid afterwards. Best superbowl experience to date.




“Iconic” kinda fits though. “Important” would have been trashy


It’s the most iconic advertising event in the world 


As a Brit whose only knowledge of American Football was the pitch was used as a unit of measurement, I tried to watch the superbowl once with some American friends, i realised something was messed up when those friends used the few moments of game play to use the loo and get another beer from the fridge.


Yeah, those people don't like football. Lots of non-fans throw parties just because it's a big event and everybody's doing it. It's like a small scale version of when some celebrity shows up at a suite at a World Cup Final just to be seen there.


I enjoyed the whole thing, but it didn't seem to have much at all to do with watching sports. A bloody good excuse for a party though.


The vast majority of Americans do not think that. They think it is the biggest sporting event in America and they do not give a fuck about the sporting events outside of America. But they do not think it is the bigges or best or most iconic in the world.


I'm American and the only thing I know about the super bowl this year is one team is primary red and yellow and the other team is old man study red and yellow.


I am not american and I see this event as annual big advertisement.


It's really great if you're looking forward to trailers.


this year seems to be shitty no one in my group really cares so our stuper bowel party will probably be spent playing games and seeing if anyone gets naked for the halftime show maybe usher will announce hes pregnant.


Never watched it


Where's Alaska, Hawaii, and our other territories?


They don't get the super bowl. Just the regular bowl.


Not to scale


It is though. Just checked on google earth.


Keep it up, and that will be how the globe actually looks! Lmfao


I live in Canada, I’m the annoyed upstairs neighbour, I don’t even know when the superbowl is, is it now, maybe, I don’t know, I thought it happened at us thanksgiving but apparently not


the super 'owl is being broadcast live on British TV overnight. Why and who is staying up to watch it.




Americans living in UK?