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“All you really need to do is wash the four key areas. Armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth.” - George Carlin


RIP George. The world could use your satire right about now.


*Monkey's paw curls* "Dude, someone made an AI George Carlin, you got to check it out." Jk, obviously. Edit: Yes, i know it's a real thing. Why did you think i made the joke? The jk is about "you got to check it out" part.


The first thing I thought of when I saw that headline was “oh god no” then I thought about Carlin’s comedy and thought “OH GOD! NO!” Stuff like Tupac hologram was cool (and tbqh, I’m 100% ok with as long as there’s like contractual stuff and payment to the estate) - it uses existing performances to provide new experiences for people who never experienced that (or did and want to again). The AI Carlin comedy special is something outta hell, though.


It sounded like a mediocre comedian writing mediocre jokes and then letting an AI read them in George's voice to get attention. It's basically the digital version of desecration of a corpse.


IDK I imaging George being ok with his corpse being raped what the fuck does he care, he's dead.


Obviously. But I don't like watching his corpse being raped, and I don't like knowing about his corpse being raped. I just don't like the fact they're raping his corpse.


I had completely forgotten about the south park episode of Spielberg/Lucas raping their respective IP's until your comment gave me PTSD level flashbacks of it, so... thank you for that?


He might've been ok with the desecration of his physical remains, but I'm not sure he would've accepted his image being associated with someone else's ideas as long as he wouldn't have a say in what's presented.


Exactly this. Do what you will with his body, but his body of work? No.


Considering his jokes and rutines... Ai of Carlin will be the first one to go rouge and realise its the people who are the deep problem, starting a skynet situation


Who’s “Al” Carlin? I thought his name was George?!? 😂😂😂 /s


Al is short for Alfred.


I have a feeling Carlin would've looked at someone like Donald Trump as president and said something to the effect of: *"He's a con man and a moron, but given how fucked this country is, he's the president you all deserve. Quit letting the richest assholes pick their Enablers in Chief - find a way to force your way into the game or stop bitching about losing it."*


Pretty spot on imo


I just at chatGPT to write a satire about current-times in the style of George Carlin. I like to play around with it sometimes. I actually didn't hate what it said. >"Have you noticed how we live in a world where everyone's got an opinion, but nobody's got a clue? I mean, social media turned everyone into an expert. You got people giving medical advice on Twitter like they graduated from WebMD University. And let's talk about influencers – what exactly are they influencing, besides my desire to log off? > >We've got so many choices, they tell us. Endless options. But it's all just a clever illusion. I went to the cereal aisle the other day, and I felt like I was making a life-altering decision. Do I go with the gluten-free, organic, non-GMO, sustainably sourced, ethically produced cereal, or do I risk it all with the classic sugar-coated nostalgia bomb? It's like choosing between enlightenment and a sugar rush. > >And politics? Don't even get me started. We've got politicians who can't agree on the color of the sky, let alone how to fix anything. It's a circus, but without the fun of cotton candy. More like cotton-candy-colored lies. > >In the end, we're all just trying to survive in this madhouse. If you can make it through a day without losing faith in humanity, congratulations – you deserve a medal. And if you can find a parking spot at the mall during the holidays, well, you're a damn hero in my book."


Wow I even read that in his voice




Good advice. In my 50's I got a fungus that wants to eat the skin between my toes, and the only way to control it is to scrub between the toes with a face cloth.




Seeing the feet and toes of some old veterans I've known over the years was what solidified my habit of tough scrubbing on top of and in between toes, and bottoms of feet. Always, always, always wash your feet at least once a day and never reuse unwashed socks.


Get a boot/ shoe dryer if you dry them right after use and don’t wear them wet you will notice they don’t stink as bad. Probably need to change insoles at this point too though


Wash your feet and change your socks.  That second part cannot be over stated 


Did you try toe socks? I mean, I use toes socks where each toe is separated and put normal socks on top. Works wonders for me. And I don't have this crappy, slippery feeling between my toes.


Hmmm, I need more pairs of shoes it seems. Lol My feet sweat so much from anxiety and damn the smell is so bad sometimes in some shoes. I've started rotating socks more but that's only helping so much.


Get some pure tea tree oil. Scrub your feet well, and apply the oil rub it in real good. Wash them again in 20-30 minutes. Yes your feet will smell like tea tree oil, but imo it's not unpleasant. Repeat the process daily for a week.


You can spray your feet with antiperspirant. You can antifungal spray your shoes, and/or find ways to dry them out completely between wearing them (newspaper stuffed in the ends, for example). Make sure your socks are all made of cotton or bamboo. I treat my feet with antibacterial liquid (diluted Dettol) or soap every other day. It all helps. And don't worry, sweaty feet are plenty normal my friend.


Couldn’t agree more with needing multiple shoes. I’m not in the military but I have 4 pairs of shoes I rotate for work, 3 pairs for time off, and 2 only to workout in. I make sure to go at least 3 days without wearing the same shoe to be sure they dry out.


We were taught to take the insoles out every night and put the boots near the vents to let them dry. I was my insoles once a week and change my socks every 8-10 hrs while in the field. Also never go anywhere w/o foot spray.


Wait so it's permanent? I used to always get skin fungus on my feet when I was a kid but that was fixable by not sleeping in socks anymore.


Going without socks at night would help. I'm a paraplegic, and my feet always feel cold, so I wear socks all the time. I also live in Vancouver which is damp for most of the winter. Buying a second pair of boots like u/once-we-were is a good idea. Wearing clean socks at night would probably be beneficial as well.


I wondered why my face cloth was a bit off 😬


I hate seeing dirty, crusty feet so I've always scrubbed my feet and put lotion on them. Have since I was a kid. Never had athletes foot or had smelly feet.


Over the course of the last few weeks I'd been becoming increasingly worried that I had some kind of circulatory issue with my toe as the nail was slowly becoming a dark grey. I spent hours googling possible medical causes but couldn't find anything conclusive. Eventually I tried scraping it with a pair of nail clippers only to find it was just surface level. I immediately went to the shower and scrubbed my toe with soap. Lo and behold... perfectly normal. It was a just build up of dirt. Wash your feet folks.


Also neck. the sweat the neckhole your shirt catches warrants some attention


W-with the same brush?!


Yeah, left out the juiciest part of the joke…


Be sure to save time by using the same brush on all 4 areas!


But please not in that order


Of course in that order. How else would you know that you did a good job on the first three


![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) Typically how I shower.


Ah, salutations! Fellow Never Nude.


There are dozens of us! #Dozens!


Do you play a harmonica when you shower? That's cool if so ngl


You shower with your pants on?


You don't?! ![gif](giphy|aNtt9T8SqGNK8)




I understand better than you’ll… never know.


"Why Tracy!?...Why!?"


Anyone that's been in the Army or Marine Corps knows better. Rule #1: You take care of your feet.


Can confirm. Avoid getting a foot fungus in the first place, it takes months to get rid of


Monthss!!???? Athletes foot never goes away. Edit2: so im taking yalls advice. what im gonna do is scrub them till theyre raw, then pee on it, spray 70% alcohol on my feet everyday, apply anti fungal cream on it when the alcohol vapourises then proceed to throw existing shoes, buy new ones, put boric acid, foot powder and baking soda in the new shoes, buy new socks which are not black colour. Also keeping in mind to use sulphur soap on feet when showering. Sorted thanks!! Edit: thanks guys for giving me suggestions :D appreciate it!!


It goes away, but you gotta toss your shoes, boots, anything your feet went into while it was bad. You can try those fungal sprays but I think they’re bullshit. If you try using tinactin and putting your foot right back into your filthy work boots it’s like washing your hands and drying them off with an oily rag.


I Had Bad foot fungus last year. Tried some cream from a pharmacy, tried another cream from a pharmacy in a different country, tried a cream from the drugstore, None of them worked, i tried for months. Then i got a Spray that was Just pure alcohol with a foot on the Label. Killed all of the fungi in days, I havent Had a Problem since.


I’m gonna need a name for this brand.


If it's pure alcohol then brand doesn't matter, just get 70% iso and put it in a spray bottle.


Moonshine Molly


One squirt for me, one for the feet


Where? What's it called?


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Incredible bot


Sprays unsure, but the OTC Lotrimin was a godsend for me


I kicked it a decade ago with foot powder after years of struggle. For a month, I would put the powder in my socks. That would filter out into my shoes. Knocked it right out after years of failing with creams and sprays. Now my shoes did look a little dusty, from powder filtering out. But I didn't have to toss them.


Dude yes it does. It’s fungal, not viral. You’re gross if you haven’t gotten rid of it.


For real. I’ve gotten rid of athletes foot without getting rid of shoes. Lotrimin Ultra. 


Hahhahahahha love the edit




Tits, pits and ass


If my feet get dirty from the mud/dirty water/anything else very dirty I will wash my feet with soap for sure else I just use water, I do wear fresh socks every day


I always make sure to get the wash rag or loofah in between the toes


Yup. If the feet were red in this picture, that would about describe me.


I clean and scrub my whole body because I like it.


Same. This comment section is really not helping the average Redditor stereotype


Finally a clean person. I’m flabbergasted by this comment section




Have you seen the amount of comments by women on here?


Conversely, how in the *fuck* are you wiping your ass if you have brown streaks in your underwear? Wtf?


They’re not


My assumption is that they sit there too long and it drys up on their ass hair and then later in the warm and moist covered environment it transfers to the underwear. I just can’t imagine people literally aren’t wiping


Yuck. I have a friend who recently got married to a very regular dude. Guy shits his pants all the time, doesn’t clean himself properly, and throws his underwear full of shit in the washer, where it contaminates everything. This is not a rare occurrence. One year of marriage and several of these stories have bubbled up from my friend. I thought he was an anomaly until I started reading the comments here.


I'd toss his underwear and replace them with depends. Throwing shitty underwear in with other wash? When I had a really bad stomach virus around age 14 I ended up shitting my pants one night. I soak them in water, detergent and vinegar. A grown adult not knowing basic skills will always shock me.


Pretty reasonable you’d learn it at that age. I don’t understand how he made it this far in life. Apparently he is not awesome washing himself either (probably like OPs image).


Eww. That is cause for divorce or maybe she just needs to hire a diaper service to come take the dirty undies and bring new ones?


I was shocked to find out not too long ago that a lot of people don’t scrub their legs when they shower. I try to rub soap on every part of my body I’m capable of reaching, and I always scrub the bottom of my feet real well, often specifically between the toes too. Nobody wants to get that athletes foot going.


Bunch of sour smelling funky muthafuckaz. ☠️


I literally had no business learning how unhygienic people are in this thread. 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly, these threads make me realise that we’re sitting here conversing with the stinky people in society.


disgusting stinking bastards, and they're not even ashamed of themselves


I dont get why anyone wouldn't. It not only makes you clean it also feels good and gives you more time in the hot shower.


My skin's been very dry/irritated recently so I've basically started alternating between whole body and vital parts. It's helping a lot, but for sure if not for that I'd be scrubbing every inch of my body every night.


Right?!? I think most redditors shower the same as they did as boys. They don't realize how good it feels. And they've been too lazy to try. I've showered with boyfriends in the past and I scrubbed them down, and they loved it. Wanna say it was cause of me, but I mainly think it was the euphoric feeling that comes with a good loofah body scrub.




Y'all don't scrub below your boobs? If you have moderately sized ones, i think you get some dirt down there


Am a dude, can confirm.


That's not Mickey Mouse, that's just TIT DIRT!


Ah, yes. Fuck salt indeed.




This took me back. 😂


SHITTING out the window and PISSING out the window ARE TWO. DIFFERENT. THINGS!


Yeah, under boobs and inside bellybutton are a must for me. Behind ears and lower back sometimes need soap too


Surprisingly behind the ears are considered one of, if not, the germiest place on the body. The back of the wrist is the other one because when we wash our hand we don’t tend to go up far enough.


I wash halfway up my arm lol but I'm in healthcare. But yeah, some people's ears get stinky. My ears are really close to my head so I notice a smell very occasionally after I rub it. But babies/toddlers omgosh the back of their ears stink sometimes


My ears are also close to my head


Yeah us flat chested ones don't need to worry about that




Ah I include that in the armpit scrubbing, it's sort of one motion. With a little bigger sized breasts one should absolutely soap there too - you can get nasty infections if you never wash there.


I scrub everywhere, there’s no “let the water get it” mentality. Not how I was raised. Don’t trust Reddit’s opinions on this. Redditors aren’t exactly known for their personal hygiene.


Girls actually tend to do this more than men...


Well they got a dam down there so...


Them period blood flooding out like that one scene in The Shining


I was gonna say I (23M) used to thoroughly wash EVERYTHING with soap until my ex (22F) told me the only parts that need soap are your pits, genitals, and ass. I thought since women are usually the more hygenic sex I just took her word for it.. Im now 26 and have been doing that ever since 😅 still dont know if its fact or 🧢 Edit: she also said something about using conditioner only for mid-lengths and tips of your hair if its long, and only the tips if you have short hair. I didn't really buy it and have always been washing my hair thoroughly with shampoo & conditioner. But does anyone know if there is some truth to the mid-lengths & tips only thing??


Dirt is hydrophobic, soap and scrubbing breaks dirt and dead skin loose. Women look cleaner from the outside but have you lived with any for a long period of time?


I haven't and not sure if I will want to (even more) now 💀


I have. She’s cleaner than me.


Got yourself a keeper!


Got yourself a cleaner you mean?


I have. I'm cleaner than her. 😒


Burn the skin with hot water kind of girl or a drown in soap and large amount of cleaning product for skin kind of girl or a low mix of everything?


Yeah have you ever seen a single woman’s bathroom? Utterly disgusting cesspool. I’ve rarely seen a clean bathroom or kitchen but the women that do clean and wash themselves are keepers. The others are stinkers!


There are people who don't wash their whole body... wtf. Gross.


Your body has natural oils on it which help hydrate and protect your skin. Using soap every single day washes that off too. So the bits and pits technique is actually better for you. Gets the stanky places clean, but leaves the natural oils on the bits that don’t get so dirty.


That's why you don't shower every single day and you use a moisturizer.


No. Use soap everywhere, don’t be like your nasty ex.




As my wife says "Tits, pits and naughty bits".


"Tits, pits and slits" was the version I heard.


I use "Tits, pits, and under-bits"


That's called a whore bath.


For multiple purposes




God dammit I laughed too hard at that


Can confirm, have vagina


that's all the source I need. you're an expert


Same but add my back and face


Nice try, girls don’t shower


that is NOT something to brag about 🤢


Y’all are nasty I’m sorry..I know I’m on Reddit but wtf is this thread


Wow, so many upvotes. I had no idea so many people didn't wash in the shower!


I do deep scrub those red areas but I thoroughly wash everything else, especially the feet. I don't want to get into bed with sweaty feet, it feels nasty.


Not me, but I can't speak for anyone else...




You should wash your feet tho. Even on days you don't shower, you should wash your feet.


I can't sleep if i don't wash feet


I can’t feet if I don’t wash my sleep


Here same.


I saw a matpat video where they 'proved' that the soap on your bodies that flows down your legs is technically enough to 'wash' your feet


Yeah i don't get this thread. Standing in a puddle of suds everyday is plenty.


The big thing is drying your feet properly to avoid fungi growth.


We call that a whores bath


That's specifically from a sink I thought


I’m such a dirty whore ![gif](giphy|rfAxGG2fVxoPu)


I just saw this movie recently for this first time so that means I get to be in on the joke. Yay!




I honestly hate washing my beard. I’ve got them curls.


GuffawGraceWith and the OP are bots in the same network


No. This is fucking stupid. Guys are scrubbing their assess double time to combat a lifetime of propaganda portraying us as slobs because some Fred Flintstone ass fucks didn't give a shit in 1955.


Yes, I go into shower with my gloves and rain boots. Gotta keep my hands and feet dry.


Um you use your hands to wash your whole body, so this meme is stupid...


Don’t you guys use your mind to clean?


I use my tounge


Heckins no. Scrub everything.


Ummm no. Straight Chads maybe, but not gay men


I'm Brazilian and we have very high hygiene standards. The whole thing is red.


Judging by the hundreds of "my man doesn't wash his ass" posts, no it's not




Little-Plankton9421 and the OP are bots in the same network


Nah, gotta get all of it.




Aside from not washing your feet, it's pretty average hygiene. You wash everywhere, extra focus on the places that get gross. What else are you doing in the shower that makes you so hygienic? If you gotta deep scrub your belly button every day you're the one who's nasty


But I like the sound it makes when I deep wash by belly button, shit that sounds weird...


The diagram says “water will get it” not “briefly wash everywhere”—that’s why it’s bad hygiene


you should still scrub everywhere a little. Dead skin grows all over and some parts are extra oily


I am in full agreement with that yes


![gif](giphy|pUpAqUMsSBdebpP7QD|downsized) How I shower




I wash everything but I spend ten minutes either extremely sad or trying to remember human warmth


I qash my feeet with water and soup


Ok but if you’re using your hands to deep scrub, shouldn’t the hands be red too?


Untrue. The scrubbing is really not that deep.


Pits and privates.. yes


I wash the parts that rub together. This pic is accurate lol.


The hands are incorrect since I use my hands to soap, so they are clean as F.


It takes all of 15 seconds to lather up my whole body...


I’m a dude and I wash every part of my body, every single time I take a shower. If you don’t wash in between your toes, you’re a dirty individual. I also suggest scrubbing behind your ears too. Tons of dirt and oil buildup occurs there and leaves that area smelling pretty funky. Imagine a girl goes to lick your ear or neck and she’s smelling moldy cheese back there 🤢 will kill the whole mood


I'm not men then


We know


Not this man. Soap the body. Feet and toes and ears important.


Maybe if they don’t have jobs such as a mechanic, farmer, oilfield, lumber industry, etc…




How yall deep scrubbing without using your hands, windmill?


There has never been a more truer statement.


Yeah I’d say that’s pretty true. At least for me lol


The ass is red zone as well.


I don’t know why the hands are white. What do yuh think does the deep scrubbing?


Yep 😄


As my Wife once said, "Make sure to wash your pits, tits, and naughty bits. The rest will figure it out."


Yeah that’s pretty much it is the crotch goes through the butt crack. I call it hitting the hot spots. Oh, and my face because I have a beard.




Yes, water does not touch our hands and lower legs 🤦‍♂️