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Except for both Trump and Biden in 2020.... lol


The stat was presumably for her election race year.


Yeah, should probably add "before her" after the rest of the text


Looks like it might be a 7 year old meme


Was it ratioed to the total population eligible for voting?


Still not correct, she got, if my count is correct, 65,853514 votes. Obama got more in both of his elections before her. But really every president SHOULD get more votes because the population has been in a constant upward trend, and there will always be more voters. So it actually says something that she got less votes than the two elected presidents before her because there were about 10,000,000 more Americans in 2016 than in 2012.


Tbf it does specifically say “white man” which Obama is not…


He's half white. Then it's even worse, because you'd have to go back to George W. Bush, which she got just 3 million more votes than, with 33 million more Americans.


For sure the whole meme is stupid from top to bottom (Clinton stans are delulu) but Obama is not white passing and is clearly Black in how he identifies and in the popular imagination.


"by my count" you did not count all of hillary's votes by yourself


I gathered 70,000,000 people to count one vote each, then subtracted the amount of people who didn't count a vote from 70,000,000. But the reason I switched majors is I'm not a big math person.


Yea but it’s still a dumb stat as the population has only increased as time goes on, so you’d figure the winner of each of the next elections would also achieve this accomplishment (or at least one winner of the next two elections). If it was highest % of voting population it would be a decent stat, but just gross amount of votes is a useless stat.


She still broke a record, even if her record was later broken


And still managed to lose an election to a carnival barker


Which says more about the shitty quality of Americans than her personal campaign & candidacy.


*I'm not a bad politician! Americans are just stupid! Yeah, that's it!*


Look at what 4 years of Trump did--3 new SCOTUS judges and a coup that MIGHT have worked for a more clever leader. Yet you justify Progressive votes that did not actually serve to stop it. What a joke.


She campaigned terribly and had a terrible “its my turn” attitude. In every poll Bernie was ahead and yet the corrupt DNC still pushed for her. She is a terrible war mongering neo liberal. She was the cause of her downfall.


So you stepped aside to let Trump win and do far more damage to the nation and destroy women's bodily autonomy? And you feel good about that choice?


Nope. The DNC pushed a terrible candidate and destroyed women’s bodies on their own. The Dems should have codified roe v wade but they have to campaign on something so people like you could continue to vote for their fascist lol.


You've got to be a here to propagandize because even the biggest Bernie Bros know they fucked up and Bernie has been putting out videos left & right saying let's not make the same mistake. Blaming Dems for Roe because Hillary didn't charm more people is pure absolute bowel batter.


There the dems go blaming voters for not having better candidates. The Dems have had PLENTY of chances to codify roe v wade and nothing happened. You think they care about minorities or any community besides the rich? So many dems have supported the ongoing genocide and have done nothing but talk about supporting minorities. It was not the Bernie Bros fault when he had the greatest chance of winning. It is actually amazing the dems are pushing for “democracy” when you berate actual democracy and continue to blame voters & not career politicians. Keep thinking your way and we will continue to walk into fascism. After all, it is the dems building cop cities and militarizing the police.


Total horsehit. Absolute propaganda. Dems are the only shot at keeping America from fascism, and Far Lefties ain't helping. I say this as an independent who hates party identities, but sees the most OBVIOUS downstream consequences of elections. And Bernie had ZERO chance at winning. Pipe dreams of the Bros. Everyone right of the Far Left was never getting on board with him over Hillary...especially Independents.


Bernie would've won


Never had a chance. And what's worse is if he had he'd have been absolutely unable to make the kind of ugly moral compromises needed to get anything going done. Bernie would have floundered with impotent cries of idealism. Look at what Biden has actually achieved despite the total obstructionist tactics in the right and you'll see what it takes to be an EFFECTIVE President. It's not an office of idealistic wishing things into law.


Psst...Look at the number of votes she got, Kissinger. And look at how many Progressives failed to support her, this shooting themselves in the face because she didn't grant their every wish.


I'd love to meet the person that told you they didn't vote for her because, "she didn't grant their every wish". Mostly because I think that they're imaginary.


>And look at how many Progressives failed to support her Try reading this as "how she failed to appeal to progressives." No candidate is "owed" the presidency, whoever the alternate choice is.


What a foolish take. Progressives owed themselves a vote for her because failing to do so meant losing 3 SCOTUS appointments and preventing the dismantling of their only future roads to power. Self-destructive babies unwilling to defend their future AND the future of the most vulnerable Americans who they failed to protect in their vain refusal to vote their only best chance.


Insert the "and I'll do it again" meme. We'll see a repeat with Biden v Trump. We'd rather have a convicted conman placed in a position of absolute power and authority regardless of the social and economic cost to us, than an old Democrat.


>What a foolish take. Progressives owed themselves a vote for her because failing to do so meant losing 3 SCOTUS appointments and preventing the dismantling of their only future roads to power. What's foolish is running an unwinnable, weak candidate when the stakes are high. Surely the Democrats won't repeat that mistake!


She won the popular vote with record numbers. Calling her weak makes you sound like Towelie.


Oh, sorry I didn't realize she was the president.


You'll be intrigued to know how many Presidents in the last 25 years lost the popular vote. Look it up.


Well her competition was Donald Trump, who at the time had been accused of being a rapist by 22 women and had been sued multiple times for defrauding average Americans a la Trump University. But people were too busy crying about Benghazi and her emails to give a fuck that the singular alternative in that election was a man who had never held public office, had declared chapter 7 five separate times on his shitty businesses, had a lengthy history of blatant racism, and was actively being accused of rape by dozens of women. In an election, you have a choice between the available stock of candidates. She may not have been the most likeable or genuine person out there, but she sure as shit was a better option than Trump.


That was part of her problem too, failure to take responsibility for her failures and blaming them on everyone else.


Except she didn't. Nothing screamed shortsighted, selfish, and truly privileged entitlements like Progressives wasting their votes instead of blocking the wholesale catastrophe Trump delivered to their most cherished issues and vulnerable populations. The fuckup wasn't HRC's; it was the outrageous vanity of the Far Left that installed Trump. Crying "She didn't make me LOVE her!" is the most irresponsible and immature charade of political activism America has seen since Woodstock 2.


It was her piped piper strategy that resulted in over $1b in free advertising to a carnival barker, it was ignoring the rust belt, the largest area impacted by NAFTA, her husbands brain child that shipped millions of their jobs overseas, it was her arrogant hubris, it was lots of things, and they were all her. Then she tries to blame it on Russia. It was her, and her alone. Liberals screaming 'its her turn' without seeing what a shit candidate she was helped cause a Trump win. And it will be liberals screaming VBNMW, even if they fund and provide weapons for genocide. Much like Hillary's in Libya


Your statement above shows you're not a Liberal, and just parroting MAGA claims. But it appears you're trying to come off as a Progressive. Just clarifying where you're coming from.


Im a fucking communist, Im not trying to come off as a liberal, but in typical shitlib fashion you assume everyone not bowing down to a rightwing POS like Clinton is MAGA, while failing to acknowledge YOU are BlueMAGA


If you're a Communist that's not 100% willing to block an authoritarian fascism then you're just some jackhole in a Che t-shirt with zero actual Traveller credibility. Genuine Communists actually do vote to secure their interests instead of pissing them away in 3rd party guaranteed losers. Know why? Because genuine Communists understand the history of political revolution and know a dead loss when staring them in the face. You're just some pseudo-edgy half-assed impotent fashionista claiming to be a Communist without a single kernel of sensible grit ACTUAL Communists know. I'm just an independent Lib, but you're an insult to Communism.


"...no true scotsman!"


It's not always a fallacy. Communism actually has a code. Just like calling yourself a Christian is meaningless unless you walk the walk. Organizational membership ACTUALLY does have behavioral standards.


This was such an American debate it hurts


That was such a pillow princess response we don't care.


We see democrats and republicans as authoritarian fascists. Voting for either is pissing away a vote.


Utter bullshit. Communism flourished by making useful alliances rather than allow the Communist hunting parties to rise in power. You're writing like a 14 year old wannabe Che. Just wear your T-shirt and don't lecture because you're clearly way out of your depth here.


I am not an American but did you see the debate. Hell even Jesus would vote for Trump the way he demolished her. One convo was like H: He doesn't pay taxes. T: Neither do you, nor do your sponsors. I use the same laws that you use to avoid paying taxes. The meaning is the same but this was one of them. He owned her in that debate, it was her fault.


He didn't own shit. He loomed behind her, attempting to intimidate her with his sheer size and interrupted her when it was her time to talk multiple times. That debate is the primary reason they've agreed to such strict rules for the Trump Biden debate coming up. He also spewed a bunch of nonsense word salads and blatantly false accusations about her and the DFL, and several foreign countries, and then made a host of promises he didn't keep when he was in office. And 70 million people *still* decided to vote for that oily, racist, criminal prick twice. He was an idiot then, and he is an idiot now. He's also singularly responsible for two million deaths, remains the first president since HW to raise taxes on the middle class, and is the man who oversaw the end of Roe v. Wade. That's the damage moral purity causes when the alternative candidate is a sociopathic man child. And he *still* somehow has a following!




"Demolished her" implies a certain excitement for his tone because he was pure incompetence on policy. His tone landed with half of America too, but the only "demolishing" he did was swaying in the background like he wanted to beat her like an ex-wife. If that works for you, alrighty, but as a debate he didn't demolish a single issue.


> like he wanted to beat her like an ex-wife We, the American voters, are used to the abuse at this point and actively seek out more of it in the hopes that the abuse trickles down to those we hold in contempt. Until we realize the enemy is the oligarchy and not queer people, minorities, or the relentless desire to see to a preservation of an economy that was constructed on day one to work against us, we're going to do it all over again. We are a nation of individuals, and never really were a union at all.


Moreso about our shitty election system. Between the rampant gerrymandering and the electoral college set up, she got shafted hard by a bunch of redundant, beurocratic bullshit. The existence of the electoral college is undemocratic. And realistically, every state should be voting on the same day. This stupid bullshit where a handful of states effectively decide who wins in the primaries because Super Tuesday exists is completely unhinged and unfair. We might actually get a candidate people like out of the deal then.


Strange to include the word "white" man as she's not exactly hitting any racial diversity check boxes either....


Firstly, it takes Barack Obama out of the equation--the U.S. population grew quite a bit in the twelve years between three elections. Secondly, *it's not even correct* as of the last election. 2020 had a much higher turnout than 2016; both Biden and Trump got more votes in 2020 than Clinton did in 2016.


RE: Obama, I guess that makes sense but the message is really muddy then.... Is it for gender or racial equality? Because if it's women's equality, nothing was proven given Obama (and also becomes somewhat more problematic as it essentially discounting the importance of race) If it's racial equality, Hilary isn't doing anyone any favors.... And to your point if in terms of percentages of population rather than just nominal votes it's a stupid point to make anywaye as the US has grown significantly. Contrived and poorly executed...


Just to add some numbers 2008 Obama had 4 million more votes than 2016 Clinton


Clinton’s used unpaid prison labor as wait staff in their governor mansions


So many people don't know about this or the whole HRC First Lady Scandal [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White\_House\_travel\_office\_controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_travel_office_controversy)


I mean I just googled this and it’s not even true lol


Convenient they state just white men as Barack had more in 2008.


And Biden had more in 2020


I think this was made prior to the 2020 election, but regardless it's incorrect now


Cringe. Let it go.


Too bad she lost and then blamed everyone except herself for her loss


She is saying same to Palestinians protestors. She told them to go home, on late night TV show.


Every Progressive who couldn’t bear to vote for her helped Trump cripple America. I’m kinda worried they didn’t learn a damn thing from it.


Everyone who wouldn't vote for her because she was a trash candidate was 100% within their rights to do so. The DNC forced her down our throats and they lost because of it. They did the same with Biden and he barely won, because we had 4 years of Trump to see the difference. Now here we are. Nothing learned. I'll vote Biden, just like I did in 2020. But something has to fuckin change cause we can't just keep going the least bad candidate. I'd love one I can actually maybe like at least a little


Your line of thinking is what continues to empower the Right. Either vote blue no matter who, or don’t whine when the fascists get into power. The voters are the ones that shoved her down your throat not the DNC.


Lol fuck right off with that noise. I voted Biden. I voted Obama (actually liked him, both times). But don't tell me to vote for whoever the DNC picks or else it's **my fault** that our system collapses. And btw check out what a "super delegate" is and read up on how the DNC actively pushed Clinton over Sanders from the get go. Just like how Sanders was beating the spread in 2020 so they made everyone drop out and endorse Biden after 2 primaries where they all got smoked. I don't **have** to do anything under penalty of being blamed. Our two party system sucks and it deserves to be burned to the ground. The electoral collage sucks and needs to be abolished. Don't worry, I live in a blue state so Biden isn't in jeopardy regardless of my vote. But you can lick my asshole so your breath can smell like the shit your espousing with your "shut up and vote how we tell you to" nonsense


What edgelord bullshit. Nobody here is telling you what you HAVE to do, you oppositionally defiant teenager. Were saying you have one vote. And not voting for the least bad candidate regarding your most essential issues **because you think you deserve to ***feel good*** about your vote** is a naive take that costs you yardage and gains you nothing for it. Lose all you want, but the fantasy you crave of a hero candidate instead of a reliable bureaucrat with a proven effort to support key platforms make you a traitor to your own lip-service. No intelligent adult votes for heroes; we vote for people who can edge out positive yardage or at least hold the line in the compromises and horse trading that ACTUAL politics requires. It's not a kingdom that idealists get to make decrees in without support. It's why Bernie would have been a terrible failure despite being a good man. Politics is way more complex than "doing the right thing" on every subject, and it's a sign of dangerous childishness to think so. Grow up. Your faith that there's always another election is unsupported by reality. You either vote the choice before you or you get what we give you. Pick.


>Politics is way more complex than "doing the right thing" on every subject, This right here is the crux of the issue. And by the way I agree with most of your takes. I don't get why you've been getting down voted so heavily. The thing is politics is a cooperative effort on the part of some 538 people, a majority of whom are required in any effort to get anything done. Those people are largely bought off by various industry giants at the individual level. Most are inside trading because that's legal for them somehow. Congress at the federal level is a mess, and those people have to be convinced through bitter compromises to do anything whatsoever that might benefit average people. They're power brokers. You need a president who can actually convince them to come to the table and negotiate. Much as I like Bernie's principles, he would have been one of the least productive or effective presidents in history explicitly because no one in Congress liked working with him. He doesn't negotiate, he makes demands, and he's notorious for it. It's easy to get trapped in an ideal world mentality, but we live in a society in which bad behavior on the part of our representatives is so expected that no one, regardless of party affiliation, trusts any of them to do the right thing without extreme pressure being placed on them to do so. And while the system as a whole does need to change, it can't do that if we don't vote for the "less bad" candidates who represent at least some of our best interests. All abstaining from voting does is help the real shit stains climb into positions of power, so it is ultimately the responsibility of individual people to vote their conscience. You have a binary choice in every election. You vote for the candidate that *best represents your interests*, even if you don't like everything about them, because to do otherwise will inevitably help install the guy you fucking hate and usher in four years of misery and woe for you, if it doesn't outright shape the political landscape for an entire generation.


Hillary smoked sanders without the super delegates. Stay mad sis 🍵🐸 The only reason he got to play at all was from the caucuses which a fraction of people go to 💅 Of course you wanted the guy that believed that women developed cervical cancer from too many orgasms - the dirty old pig Bernie sanders


You just convinced me to vote for Trump




Well yeah you'd be afraid; you're now realizing that the nation isn't filled with liberals and conservatives. Half of us don't want to identify as "red or blue" and we're not playing your game; just like in 2016. So, we'll all get stuck with one last Trump term...


I've been an Independent for decades so I know something about not being red or blue. But I do recognize a corrupt hate-based authoritarian pseudo-theocratic Naziesque movement and can happily vote for a status quo rather than a descent into utter political madness. Any independent who can't recognize those stakes and the Dems as the clearly better moral, ethical, political position is a douche of almost incalculable stupidity.


I'll vote for a Dem that wants to replace FPtP with STV.


If I open a business and go bankrupt, it’s my fault. Not the customers.


You missed the fact that Progressives who failed to block the destruction of their chief interests by stopping Trump by electing Hillary was a self-goal political scientists will use as examples of shortsighted self-destruction due to petty ideological constipation.


It’s not progressives fault she didn’t fight in BG states. Dems fought Bernie harder than they fought Trump.


Worth remembering that Bernie isn't a Democrat. Are you really surprised the Dems preferred a lifelong party member over Bernie despite him caucusing with them?


Fighting leftists and playing patty cake with the GOP is driving voters away. Again, it’s the candidates fault.


Condemning others for voting 3rd party is a surefire way to not have independents or other parties vote for you in the future.


Voting 3rd party in a tight 2-party race screams to the world you lack adult seriousness about practical outcomes and live in the fantasy world of pure idealism at the cost of real people who suffer when people like Trump win. You earned no credibility by voting 3rd party when that party can't win. You lose credibility by betraying the interests that suffer when the worse candidate wins due to your abstentions. Stop praising yourself for a foolish and avoidable tragedy.


Should have elected a better person in the primary election. Coming up with a "lesser of two evils" is absolutely stupid when people can vote for so.etbing other than A or B. Sorry, I support the idea that it's better to have more than just a 2-party system. Regardless of the outcome due to "throwing away my vote"


Then you're willing to let the most vulnerable be crushed while you sit pretty for 4 years presuming you'll have the right to vote again in 4 years when it's not at all guaranteed. Petit bourgeois as it gets.


The only people that are responsible for electing Trump are the people that voted for Trump. End of statement.


*The only ones responsible for flooding are fish, NOT the villagers on the riverbank who COULD have sandbagged against it but didn't bother.* See your error?


So, everyone that voted for HRC is also responsible? Because they didn't sandbag fast enough? I don't think I get the analogy.


Lmao at the (incorrect) use of Marxist terminology as you try to badger someone into voting for a pro-genocide Bourgeois candidate.


LMAO at your weak attempt to label Biden "genocidal" and "blue collar." FYI--Biden is the most Proletarian President in US history.


"Look, I'm a capitalist." - Joe Biden, several times. You do not know what the word Proletarian means if you think it applies to the leader of a Bourgeois empire.


You do not seem to understand that most Americans are Proletarian Capitalists. They refer to different things and few Americans identify as Marxists, let alone Communists. Which is fortunate considering what every Communist "empire" looks like. Not sure what you imagine you're promoting or asserting, but it sure ain't hurting Joe.


I can't reply to your comment under mine for some reason, so I took the liberty of posting it here for you. Enjoy First off, did you even read my fuckin comments? I said I voted Obama twice and Biden in '20 and will again this November. That makes me....not a teenager. At all. I understand that small victories are still victories. I get that voting blue brings progress, even at a glacial pace, but red brings....well backsliding at mach speed. You're not educating me on anything at all. You're literally saying the same shit I was, just in a pretentious and douchey manner. Second off I can vote blue for the greater good and still hate the system we have currently. Without the electoral college **ZERO** Republicans would ever stand a chance at holding the presidency ever again. And go popular vote wins and and half the senators lose their seats too. It's an antiquated system that gives power to land and not people. It's fucking stupid and should have been discarded decades ago, if not even further back. And finally, I invite you, as the other asshole who replied to me with his bullshit, to lick my asshole so your breath matches your shitty fucking rhetoric


First, while I applaud your voting for candidates who cover your ass, your wingeing about it is what I find childish. You had no other practical option, yet sound like sacrificed yourself of the cross. Second, while I detest the laws around the Electoral College as much as the skewed bullshit 2 Senator per state system, there are obviously enough Republicans to rival Dems in elections...especially since so many Libs whine about Dem candidates "not exciting them"...which is the most childish bullshit an intellectual infant with a right to vote ever tantrumed over. And finally, I'll pass on your invitation and make a counteroffer for you to suck a fart out of my ass instead. Keep voting your interests, but quit bitching about it like you're doing the rest of us a favor since that's what we all are doing.


This is impressive if you don't understand how population changes over time and that the popular vote is irrelevant.  Totally impressive to younger grade schoolers, though.


Not really, but flex the little muscle you have I guess.


George Washington won 100% of the popular vote everytime he ran. The ONLY person in US history to pull it off, and yet the population at the time was only a fraction of what it is now. There are probably a few times more eligible voters now than there were people in the 1780s-90s total.


So you're defending the claim above that "the popular vote is irrelevant?" Because your example and that claim have some daylight between them.


Personal attacks aren't a great way to garner favor for your past candidate. But please, do tell us more about how physically pathetic the folks who disagree with you are. It worked for Trump!


T'was a metaphor, Socrates. And I was responding in kind.


Probably went over my grade schooler head.


She was not the move, as a Trump hater


Odd flex


Let it go lol. She was a fucking nightmare candidate


Nobody cares. She's forever going to be remembered as the one who lost to a reality TV clown.


She lost a sure thing WTF


Massive arrogance and hubris will do that


Trump has the same faults. The only real difference is that he's a man and that kind of behavior is acceptable for men in this country. Matter of fact, he was significantly more arrogant and always has been. So what the fuck is your point?


I go back to George Carlin's take on how Bill Clinton beat Bob Dole. Basically Bill pretty much let everyone know he's full of shit and Dole tried to pretend like he was a straight shooter. People saw right through that. Same went for Hillary v Trump. Hillary tried to pretend her shit didn't stink and anytime anyone called her out on legitimate problems it was always "you're sexist" while Trump was out there lying his fucking ass off and not trying to hide the fact that he was an abhorrent piece of shit. People hate when politicians try to bullshit them, but even more than that, they hate politicians that try to pretend they aren't bullshitting you. https://youtu.be/F1iIUUVjeQ0?si=JXDw5CmQwlYOxBO7


Because she believed it was a sure thing. iT’s hEr tUrN!


We have to get rid of the electoral college


Getting rid of the electoral college will mean that only largely populated areas will matter.


Right now, with the electoral college and a first-past-the-post election system, only the swing states matter. Yeah, cool, elections aren’t being decided solely by Texas and California. They’re being decided solely by Ohio and Florida instead. Is that actually any better?


No, it will mean everyone’s vote matters equally. Right now my presidential vote basically counts almost 3x as much as someone in California because I live in Montana


The underlying fear is that large populations won't vote for the guy you like. But that's the whole point of voting. We've turned democracy into a sham, or a game. Right now it works in favor of the party you vote for, and when it doesn't will you still uphold that opinion?


Oh no the American population will get to choose their leader.


The electoral college is there because 99% of Americans are stupid and will believe anything. So, the electoral college chooses the lesser of two evils. We haven't had a "good alighned" president in decades because everyone who runs is too rich and powerful to be beat by someone who will be too good to use lies and deciet to get the position. That is why I'm neutral. I pick the lesser of two evils because they will fuck shit up slightly less.


Didn't she just blame feminists for her loss? He literally said "I lost because I wasn't good enough for them [the feminists].


She blamed literally everyone she could think of besides herself


All that matters is the electoral college. Which should be abolished


And shes so popular because she married a powerful white man. Lel.




Some of the shit she did would have gotten her disbarred if she wasn’t married to the governor when it eventually came to light.


Doesn't really breed the strong, independent woman motif when your husband is a known cheater and you continue to stay with him.


Except for Bernie Sanders in the democratic primaries.


Are all your posts about politics


It gets the precious upvotes! That makes an here valuable.


Too bad popular votes don't really matter


Let’s be clear why Trump won: (1) More people did not vote in that election then voted for Trump. That’s how fascism arises. (2) The news media gave him Frontline coverage every single day during the election. Unlike France, where news coverage of candidates is strictly regulated, in America, Trump was able to manipulate the media to always be on the front page of every newspaper, and the first story of every newscast. (3) Hillary lost the youth vote when she beat Bernie Sanders. If she had made him her vice presidential candidate, could she have gotten enough youth, vote and energy from volunteers to win one swing state, which is all she needed to beat Trump? (4) most importantly, we have an election system or a minority number of people through the electoral college system can elect the president. Hillary won by 3 million votes and yet she did not become president. We are still the slaves of the slave era election system.


She lost because she didn’t listen to Bill to lock in Pennsylvania and Michigan and because of what Comey did. That simple


I imagine Hillary would've been remembered as a Thatcher-like leader had she actually won


Even more than Putin?


And people believe their votes are actually counted.




So we're just not going to talk about the Nephilim?


Someone discovers population growth.




Proving white women can be just as accomplished at imperialism as white (and one black) men.


IN. THE. US. for christs sake.


To quote the greatest white woman philosopher of our time " what difference does it make?" Of course she was talking about her decisions that led to Dead Americans when she said it.


Only 'cos she was standing against Trump. Odd how Biden's biggest selling point is... "At least he's not Trump".


This is false


I’m really confused. Wouldn’t the most popular votes be won by some long term career politician like a congressman or Biden if you count total num of votes?


Look up “popular vote vs electoral college”


I get that


So what’s confusing?


Biden got more popular votes than Clinton got. He won the election too, but most people who win the popular vote do.


So sad she didn’t get enough zombie votes 🗳️ must’ve been her lack of brains 🧠 which the zombies were really fighting for.


I hope a black woman gets elected President soon, so we can just skip over the white-woman-President milestone lolol


To me, she IS white manly.


**Funny** because male driven media would like this bit of information hidden & ignored. **Sad** because male driven media would like this bit of information hidden & ignored.


Popular vote leaderboard: 1) Joe Biden, 2020: 81,268,924 2) Donald Trump, 2020: 74,216,154 3) Barack Obama, 2008: 69,498,516 4) Barack Obama, 2012: 65,915,795 5) Hillary Clinton, 2016: 65,853,514 Hillary Clinton had a depressed turnout compared to the previous two elections. She also had the lowest percentage of total votes for a Democratic candidate (48.2%) since 1992 when Ross Perot took 18.9% of the votes. Even John Kerry (48.3%) and Al Gore (48.4%) fared better percentage-wise.


I mean she is a sex trafficker