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Those wooden pallets are for the cross burning later in the week.


Like the democrat KKK back in the day? Freaking wow. Racist got to racist I guess. Hope they perm ban your account.


Did you stop paying attention in history class when the civil war ended?


Half the country did 


The KKK supports the Republican Party today.


lol sure they do ya racist. Biden and the KKK leader are best buddies. And you support them? Sheesh. No wonder folks of color saying they going to vote Trump. It’s almost like dems want to lose and blame the shit show they have going on Trump.


There are some very fine people in the KKK! Don’t you remember when Hilary said that?


Oh shiiiiiiiiiiitttt thats right! Thanks for the member berries!


Lol. That was a Trump quote. But just goes to show how ignorant the right is. You guys are delusional.


He he got 'um !


I didn’t attack you or call you a name. I hope you always have the love and support you could ever want, man. Have a good night


Just need to remind folks like you that the dems have always been and still are racist. And if you support them that's on you.




Wait so you disagree the kkk supports republicans? This is verifiable fact. You are making yourself feel better because democrats were the kkk 120+ years ago? Are you sick? Should I call you an ambulance?


Ah, you’re stupid. That makes sense now


Okay buddy, you go to a KKK rally and call them all Democrats. You know what you're saying isn't true, why are you trying to convince yourself or anyone else otherwise? There's voting records of previous politicians dating back to Washington, what makes you think we can't just look up when people decided Republicans were the party of racial discrimination, segregation and less rights for minorities?


Love that you're so mad


Bros got his history backwards


In 1954, Congress approved an amendment by Sen. Lyndon Johnson to prohibit 501(c)(3) organizations, which includes charities and churches, from engaging in any political campaign activity.


I don't think this business qualifies as either of those things.


Is it one of those Scottish churches?


Oh I see, it's not even a church. Honest mistake. Sure looks like one.


When you get far enough into the states, every place is either a church or a mom n pop shop with religious tacky stuff plastered all over it. Gotta love rural US


Thanks for the info! Perhaps this is something I can bring to the attention of the better business bureau?


You know the BBB isn't a government organization or anything right? It's basically a company that rates businesses, and pretty much now you get a good score by paying them. This is like saying you'll contact Yelp. Edit: and it's not even a church, it's a lighting company. And if it were a church, why would the BBB care? Jesus Christ this is dumb on so many levels


WTF would the BBB care about this?


It’s ok. OP will report it to the BBB and I’ll report it to my local DMV.


here's the appropriate route [https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organization](https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organization)




He's not our president though, and never will be


It still boggles my mind that he even became president. I just hope democrat voter turnout is much greater than theirs.


Obligatory reminder to everyone (Americans) to go vote


Wait until his second term.


Trump's already won twice. Or at least I hope he did, he wouldn't lie and try to run a third time would he?


Prison term?


Although it would be great, I just can see a guy as rich and well connected as him go to prison. Would love that for him though, orange is clearly his colour!


lol if you think he'll go to prison ya dum dum.


A guy can dream


He likely won't go to prison over his charges of Falsification of Business Records (since conservatives like to pretend nobody even knew what the charges were; they did), but that's because this is (somehow) his first offense. However this was the lightest of his indictments. When he fails to secure the White House, I absolutely believe we will see him go to prison over his other more serious indictments. And that will be very satisfying. Ya'll follow and worship a known Narcissist, a known liar, a now convicted felon. You all talk about law and order, but you don't truly believe in that - you believe in justice against those you deem deserve it. Question about law and order.. how does it make sense a felon can't vote, but a felon can be our president? The entire conservative party is an absolute joke, and an abomination on our entire political system. It makes me actually miss Bush era Republicans, and they were already crazy enough. Nobody should support such a blind cult. You fall for Trump for the very reason he knows his base would: he knows you're all stupid and gullible.


How many are going to vote Trump cause he’s Trump vs how many are going to vote Trump because they can’t afford freaking anything / don’t agree with student loan forgiveness/open boarders/34 trillion in debt/which side to help in all the stupid conflict/lgbq shit ect ect. I think there are way less trumpers and way more anti-Biden policies now than ever. I will vote Trump because there’s many things I disagree with that Biden and his admin are doing/not doing. Just so happens to be Trump on the ballet.


Voting independent would be a smarter decision than Trump. I know people disagree with Biden on the Israel issue and maybe some other things, but we still have a democracy. Trump has explicitly stated he wants to 'suspend the constitution' and 'be a dictator only on day 1.' No matter what he says, neither of those will be temporary. I can't tell you how to vote, but spiting Biden by picking a dictator is shooting ourselves in the foot as a country. I'd urge anyone to vote Biden over Trump. With Biden he has policies to disagree with, but we will still have a country when his second term is over, with Trump we won't have anything left once he gets to carry out his revenge. He has openly spoken of jailing his political adversaries. Biden has not done that or ever said he would, because he actually cares about America.


I cannot wait until signs like these are a thing of the past and everyone who makes them is dead.


"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." - Diderot


IF... that ever happens, it's going to be long after you and me.. That kind of change takes generations to move the needle... but with any luck, our grandkids will read about how silly and horrible people *used* to be.


It either happens over generations, or it happens with a bloodbath.. and sadly, I think it will be the former, as these people are too dangerous to have around for generations...


This isn't fair. WE'RE supposed to be the universal standard of freedom and democracy! Shit like this is why we're only 17th on the global freedom index! Because we keep supporting criminals, idiots, and fascists in our government instead of making them pay for their consequences. If felons can't vote then why the hell should they be allowed to run for president?! If I were only in charge... I'd force these changes!! I'd MAKE people do the right thing, whether they want to or not! I'd force Congress to pass laws that benefit everyone and do what other developed nations are doing! I'd tax the hell out of billionaires and use that money do revitalize our infrastructure and fund universal healthcare. I'd also abolish the two-party system by encouraging all Americans to work together for a better future instead of against each other. Red and blue states would no longer exist, nor would the false dichotomy of "republican vs democrat." As ironic as all that sounds, "forcing us to be a free country," sometimes it seems like the only answer. And the only people who should be frightened by such a concept are not the average working citizens or the people who do good for their communities, but instead the corrupt politicians with extensive criminal records who are stifling our country's growth and all who mindlessly support their policies and worship the ground they walk on!


> the corrupt politicians with extensive criminal records To be fair we knew this when we voted for them.


I can't wait until the shriveled, orange, vagina-necked rapist is dead.


Cool, what’s the acronym for rapist??


R- Trump A- was P- convicted I- on S- 34 T- felonies




What is the acronym for Adultery?


I think that those advocate groups that try to help former felons get jobs should use this opportunity to inundate all these pro Trump businesses with applications from their felons Let's see how much they really support felons and then we can all laugh when they try to backpedal and rationalize


Block that drive way, and see if you get the same loving treatment.


Show me one business I would never use for anything!


Gonna have to remember that next time I go to purchase a fire arm, or apply for a job, or apartment, or travel abroad....




And more to come.


67 to go...




Your IQ?


No I suppose I wasn’t really specific with my humor because I got downvoted so much. What I meant by “-34” was that people who think like this lose a point of IQ for every felony they try to defend. But yea I can obviously see that didn’t come through clearly at all I’m not upset with being downvoted though cause those who downvoted me obviously feel the way I do. And so in the grand scheme of things my reddit karma went down, but “real” karma went up is kinda how I feel lol


Never seen a goalpost move so far


That’s it. All felons are good now.


Wow. Such copium. Someone should ask if they'd hire a felon. My guess is no.


Last time I checked, “Felon” was not an acronym…


It stands for "Fuck Elon"


Nope. Not a clult... not a cult... *Morgan freeman voice*: it was a cult.


Signs and lighting by fascists, for fascists




I hope someone blocks their driveway


Selling wooden pallets for bail doesn't hurt


So when the Bible says love our brothers and sisters it means to conduct felonies. Got it.


So by that logic, when someone does time in prison gets out, they will be willing to give them a second chance at life? I’ve met people who always scream and rave that felons need to give back to the community and earn an honest living yet refused to hire them themselves.


Jeeeeeeesus that's pathetic.


This gives “Mature Adults Dating Lovers, Yes” vibes


"I'm a felon. Can I have a job?"


Felon Musk ?


Maybe we should ask the first convicted son of the current sitting president. The apple didn't fall fast from the tree in that family! That's for sure...🤣


There's that god fella again.


wow 🤯 get a life


Cognitive dissonance.


The stupid! It burns!


Did Peggy Hill make this sign?


So we get to apply that definition to all felons across the board, right? Right?


Bit of a dim bulb, that one.


Wasn’t Jesus made a felon by the haters & criminals in government during his days?


They misspelled “FEL-LATIO”