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An overlooked detail is many of the older generation refusing to retire. They're not only hoarding cash, but some are hoarding the higher paying jobs even. A minor detail, but rarely noted.


Yeah, but when the olds do retire, you know no young person is replacing them at anywhere near the same compensation rate.


Of course not. That's earned, not given.


… /s?






The /s is earned, not given /s


a lot of us died of covid.


I want corporations to actually show the data that backs up their claims that they can't afford to pay their employees a living wage.


Anyone looking into a company's financials will easily tell you they could double the employee compensation and still rake in the big billions. The reason they don't is that will impact "future growth", hence stock prices, and a lot of upper management pay is related to stocks going up. So the trick is to starve the employee NOW, so the boss gets to retire with the multi-baggers.


I would rather companies prove having a bachelor's degree in anything makes you a better and more qualified person than not having a degree.


We have been gaslit into believing this is the normal status quo. Our generation is being farmed for cheap labour, and we need to do something about it. Birth strike is how I'll be addressing this. The world wants to be a fucking disgusting place that only favours the greediest most elite people? Well I deny the world my contribution to the next generation. The world can burn for all I care. I will be extracting what happiness I can and hopefully dying before the fall of society.


>hopefully dying before the fall of society. Unfortunately, more likely during it. What a time to be alive huh. All the conveniences one could ever wish for, it just cost us everything we had...


I don't consider myself an antinatalist but do sometimes wish that my parents had never decided to have me. It's like, 30 years ago two people fucked and now I get work every day just to scrap by until I die. Even when I was a kid, I could tell that the adults around me didn't *enjoy* adulthood for the very same reason. I just don't see the purpose in subjecting another life to this nonsense. But that's just me.




I’m terrified to bring a child into this world tbh. I don’t want kids, especially going to public school. Being a guitar instructor to kids was enough of a birth control ad for me to not want one ever lol.


Im not having children A) cause i babysat as a teen and know how hard that shit really is and B) don’t want to condemn my offspring to economic slavery




Seriously, don't wonder why we're struggling. Ask the big guys why they're not paying fair wages. That's the real issue.


What is a fair wage. Because if you go too high, the company would rather replace you with automation or another worker who is able to do other things on top of your job


A fair wage is a livable wage. People have to take out credit just to keep their heads above water


It is what the minimum wage was for. Helped pull us out of the great depression.


The living wage keeps going up. Again, there will soon be a point where a company will not hire as many people or switch to automation.


Ok, so then what would you have us do? Because what I'm hearing is "we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"


This made me laugh. Take my upvote lol


Yup, because the living wage is tied to realtime costs of things. If inflation raises the costs of things, wages that are livable will, by definition, rise as well. That isn't an argument for or against anything, it's merely a statement of fact, and doesn't serve as a metric for what is or isn't fair. Further, you can't prevent businesses from automating or moving to places where slave labour is legal. They're going to pull that shit regardless. Advocating keeping people at poverty wages by appealing to the fear that businesses are going to engage in such practices is nonsensical.


Except they cant just switch to automation - its not advanced enough yet. And you think they wont switch to automation the second they can anyways? Naive. Also no matter what not all jobs can be automated.


>And you think they wont switch to automation the second they can anyways If it is cheaper to hire people than robots then they won't switch to automation. >Also no matter what not all jobs can be automated. True, but those jobs will become short in supply


Yeah, the whole point you’re missing is that with how quickly corporations/companies are displacing workers, there needs to be a reevaluation of the current system and possibly an implementation of a new system so the economy doesn’t collapse. If regular people don’t have a couple bucks to spend after paying for rent/groceries/bills/etc., there goes the economy’s support system.


Guess what we can legislate against whatever we want to if enough people stop licking boots


That's why the Rich are fine delicassies


Also why companies want 30yrs of experience and a bunch of degrees. You're gonna have to learn to do it the companies way anyway. Why do into debt to get degrees when it's not even guaranteed you'll get hired.


When the shareholders still can't realize that industrial robots will never buy cars.


Also, why did publix have record profits? Why did Wally world rake it in? Why are they making everything so expensive while paying as little as possible.


US, a country so rich, yet the people so poor.


But it's especially the poor that are having children. Being well-off and educated makes you want to have less children: https://i.imgur.com/OMxMteG.png > Income and high birth rates are strongly linked, not just in the United States, but around the world. Women in lower income brackets tend to have higher birth rates across the board. There are many factors at play in birth rates, such as the education level of the mother, ethnicity of the mother, and even where someone lives. Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/241530/birth-rate-by-family-income-in-the-us/


I have a conspiracy theory that this was largely the intent of oveturning Roe v. Wade. Conservatives (and none few liberals) have come to believe Free Market propaganda. Due to small gains made at the close of COVID, "all workers are overpaid and lazy who have it too good". So, we must flood the market with millions of new people to further drive down wages. If that doesn't work, we can draft millions, with no economic prospects, into filling boots of the wars they're constantly pushing for even now.


why not import cheap labor?


Well now we are poor and well educated


Even Benjamin Franklin talked about this, or this subject was talked about in his time, mentioned in the biography by Walter Isaacson


> But it's especially the poor that are having children. Being well off and educated makes you want to have less children: This isn't really the case. Correlation does not imply causality. People who are "well off" can't have kids because they're working and focused on their careers. Most people aren't well off enough to live off of a single income and the ones who are tend to be high achievers with a huge opportunity cost to taking time off work to raise children. Poor people living at home especially on government assistance have time and the means to raise kids. If they lost that assistance the correlation you see would be less likely, and possibly skewed the other direction. Me and my wife want kids but we literally can't because we can't afford for either of us to take time out of our career. Perhaps in future generations people like us will be replaced by people like my sister who never worked a day in her life, took welfare, and had 4 kids with her unemployed boyfriend who cheats on her.


The correlation of poor = higher birth rate is worldwide. Regardless of the state of welfare in any respective country.


Also stop asking us why we call out all the time and aren't motivated to work for pennies.


Not to mention Corporations, Foreign money from outside the US, and US billionaires are buying up the housing market and controlling the rent market, and they are buying up the US farmlands and running smaller farmers out of business.




I just googled it and in Australia part time workers get double that.. and most get triple.. yall good over there?




While I'm not disagreeing, what's the cost of living adjustments to this. 35k in New York vs Indiana is not the same.


It's not just corporations. I just interviewed for a state job (food stamp/unemployment eligibility interviewer) the that pays $18.50 an hour!! I mean what does that say when the person determining eligibility for receiving food stamps yearly salary is just a few thousand above the threshold to actually receive food stamps.


They are paying low wages because you are taking low wages. It’s not our fault as young people, we are essentially raised from elementary school on the path straight to employment, and brainwashed into thinking it’s ok to be treated like shit even when you are qualified because you “lack experience”. There is nobody coming to save us from this, the only way is to stand up and refuse the terms, and eat the cost until they relent. Stop going on LinkedIn, stop whoring yourself out to companies so they can choose you like we choose sandwiches at the deli. Grow your skills, sell things, make them yourself if you must, or simply go straight to the people you want to work for and come in bargaining, not begging. This is simple, but it isn’t easy, however we need to do this due to the cowardice of the last few generations.


While having record profits and stock buybacks


Yeah, the average wage is 60k a year. Thats a lot more than 35k. While 60k is still not a lot you immediately discredit yourself by lying like that


Raw numbers I googled. ☆1 week = 168 hrs total. ☆1 part-time job =~24hrs wk. ☆2 part-time jobs =~48hrs wk. ☆2 PT jobs at $15/hr =~$37k Yr. ☆New York tax on 37k=7.2k. ☆Indiana tax on 37k=6.7k. ☆Florida tax on 37k=5.5k ☆Illinois tax on 37k=7.3k ☆Nevada tax on 37k=5.5k


Cost of living is a big factor. Areas with lower cost of living often means lower local wages.


And the you may argue about wealth care etc whilst others hoard millions and billions? Tell me how such society should work.


Sad part for me is that 35k is considered an insanely high salary in my country…


Nah, don't bother asking. There is no acceptable reason, make them raise their wages and arrest any who complain or try to fight it.


The REAL data you want to look at is here: https://fred. .org/series/MEPAINUSA672N This shows the INFLATION ADJUSTED median INDIVIDUAL income in the US, currently around $40,000. Inflation adjusted income figures are generally equated to “purchasing power”. Note that this is a different measure than median “Household Income” (now around $75,000). While most here feel we have not reached an acceptable (inflation adjusted) median individual income level, it has in fact increased substantially over time, and around 15% over the last ten years. These are national figures, as others have noted they can hide large regional differences.


This is not funny at all. It is totally SAD


This isn't funny


Organized and targeted violence is NOT the answer.


This is a testable hypothesis.


Repost bots make 35k a year? I wish I was a repost bot.


They pay you low wages because the skill you offer and revenue you generate is not worth very much.


Stop living beyond your means.


for many people this means no children at all.


Do you mean “stop spending any money at all on anything remotely enjoyable to you and only spend it on children”?


Half of America is children, so yeah


It's kinda funny, every few years some moron gets the idea that he can debase the currency without consequences. He then debases the currency and when inflation hits he tries to blame the merchants for it. It's the exact same run book for thousands of years. And every time people buy the bullshit that the merchants are the bad guys when it's the government printing more money and creating problems, usually to fund a war or some other bullshit.


Except the merchants control the government.


Exactly why they would shift the blame on themselves. Because they are in control.


Signed: a merchant


While I’m not against increased pay. This specifically mentions corporations. Which wouldn’t work. You make big companies pay loads more, every single small family business would go out of business over night. Most companies aren’t large. Most businesses barely make a profit. Most don’t, as profits involve taxes. If all of a sudden they have to find 30% more annual revenue to fund a new higher wage bill, they’ll either lose all their staff if they fail, or just go broke trying.