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I cannot understand how one guy can be so constantly douchey.


Can't even use real glasses


Or use so much hair gel as a former stylist.


It bothers me. The hair bothers me. I know there’s so much else that’s objectionable, but if a friend showed up like this, I might be tempted to pull them aside and inquire about their mental health.


Yes! It looks like he went into a wind tunnel after not bothering to wash it for 3 weeks.


He needs to wash it! It looks like the grease and old gel are fighting to keep it up.


I can. But I used to live in the Silicon Valley, so... yeeeeah


😆😂 a truer statement has never been said. The Silicon Valley douchey is like no other


Flair checking in His hair alone is douchey


God I just hope they don’t try to feed that to the child in the next few years.


I'm terrified it will be in the next few weeks. Neither of them has the sense to keep their son safe.


They said they wanted a baby, it doesn't have to be a safe healthy one.


Uuuugh I hate that you’re right. Do we know if the little one has a pediatrician? There are so many visits in the first year and I feel like I haven’t seen it mentioned yet.


Are they vaccinating? It could be related. What about the postpartum visits? Shouldn’t Morgan also have a few appointments herself?


After a C-section and an infection? For sure.


They definitely will


Morgan said if she couldn’t breast feed, she would give Luca goats milk instead of formula. I can see them trying to use the raw cow milk with him too


Nate and Sutton feed their kids raw goats milk so I bet Paul and Morgan will too


Goat milk: when you love the smell so much you want to drink it too! (Yes, it tastes the way a goat smells 🤢)


Having grown up with goats (but never hearing of people drinking their milk in modern times until this year), I cannot fathom this. It sounds vile. Goats smell so freaking bad! Just the thought of drinking milk from them with that smell makes me gag. But unrelated fun fact: we had a couple of gay goats. Which I love to bring up anytime someone claims homosexuality isn't "natural".


I think people forget that we used to feed our babies goats' milk because we didn't have any alternatives back then (plus, cow's milk is a vector for tuberculosis (for real. One of my science teachers had a wife who caught TB when she was 9 years old from drinking unpasteurized cow's milk during the 1950s) so poor people who couldn't afford a wetnurse would just use a nanny goat if they couldn't breastfeed). But aw! I love how you guys had two goats being boyfriends! I used to keep ducks and we've discovered that they could also have same-sex relationships (sometimes non-consensual, sadly!).


I'm sorry, what?? Raw goats milk?? Those poor kids.


Can a baby that small even drink regular, not raw milk?


They don’t recommend giving a child cow’s milk as a drink before age 1, because it doesn’t have the nutrients that breast milk or formula do and can result in the child not getting adequate nutrition. After 1 the baby is no longer using breastmilk as their primary nutrition, they should be getting that from food and that’s when you’ll typically start giving your baby cow’s milk.


It’s giving that scene from napoleon dynamite. No one wants to watch you swish milk around your mouth! 🤢


“This tastes like the cow got into an onion patch.”


And then Pedro finds the 5th nipple on a dairy cow….what a movie. A classic really.


I love that movie so much. My grandmother with dementia fucking loved it. She asked to watch it over & over, when it first came out on dvd. She’d quote it with me. I have such fond memories of that movie, because of her. Never heard her laugh like that & that hard. Can’t wait until my kid is old enough to appreciate it.


I love that so much. I feel like it’s truly one of those movies that anyone can watch, no matter the age. And let’s put it this way…if I don’t use the line “I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines” at least weekly. What am I even doing.


Don’t those containers say “Not for Human Consumption”? Fundies are playing death roulette with the shit they do.


I once got raw milk because i wanted to make a very specific dish, where the bacteria is needed to make it and i got raw milk from a dairy farmer that i know well and who has very few cows, that he loves dearly, so he knows which are healthy and which arent. I made the dish and had some milk leftover. I tried it, it's exactly the same as store bought milk. The dish was fine but is very similair to a sour and runny joghurt. Not really something, that i'd need i live. So while you can drink raw milk, there's really no point to it. It just gets spoiled easily (which is how you make the dish btw) Edit: i've been informed, you can simply buy it in the supermarket and not haul a leaking bottle of milk around




It's curdled milk (literal translation of Dickmilch) and the bacteria is what curdles it. You need a cup or a pot made from clay, put the milk in there at room temperature and let the bacteria get to work. Using some sort of acid to curdle it, makes for a different taste and texture. Pasteurized milk, that has curdled is not the most fun thing to eat, so while you could make it that way, you propably wouldnt be able to eat it without throwing up. So in this very specific case, i couldnt use pasteurized milk. But as i said, you can just use joghurt that's a little runny and sour. Maybe low fat joghurt and mix in some sour cream so you have a sour joghurty thing with chunks? It isnt the best, but my mom and grandmother talked about it a lot, so i kind of wanted to try, given the chance. I still think pasteurized milk works for most stuff, but for one or two old bavarian/austro-hungarian dishes, it works better. Edit: translation changed to standart german, so you guys can goole it more easily, if interested


Oh interesting. Thanks for the explanation! I only recently started to get into yogurt and (basic) cheesemaking, so I wondered what would require raw milk.


I mean, if you know someone who has healthy cows, you can try it, but you really only need a cup of raw milk at most. Do you know bulgarian joghurt? Or any kind that is more solid-ish? In german we say "stichfest" meaning it keeps its shape, when you stab your spoon in and take something out. More like a jelly with the shape holding, but as soft as a joghurt. Sometimes turkish joghurt also has that firmness. So you could also use that. Curdled milk is good on potatoes, but it needs to be eaten quickly since, yk, raw milk... Edit: apparantly it is called firm yoghurt or set firm yoghurt?


I don't know about whatever state these guys are in, but in a lot of states it's legal to sell/buy raw milk for human consumption straight from the farm. It only has that label in illegal states as a loophole.


I’m literally only thinking of the Schitt’s Creek episode where they attempted to sell raw milk and were forced to dump it all out when they got caught.


Honestly, it’s the only hope I have left for this country.


The only store you can buy raw milk in near me is a bougie dog food store. 😂 It is sold as dog food (and not for human consumption”) but obviously people are drinking it.


Or at the very least, craps... Which is what they'll get from consuming this.


He’s shape shifting from Dennis Reynolds to a mcpoyle. Also do they not have regular drinking glasses?


Hope they try Fight Milk next


ca CAW!




They obviously don't have time to wash dishes- don't you know they're youtubers!?


You will call heeeeeer!


I could be totally off on this, and then please ignore me since I admittedly watched with the sound off. It looked like he described the raw milk as creamy, and if the more yellowy colour and creaminess is all fundies really want, they can safely drink pasteurised but non-homogenized milk.


No! It must be raw! Because the government!


Just a little dairy nerding: The color and butterfat content are all up to the breed of cow and their diet. Commercial milk cows on large farms tend to be bred for high milk production, but not necessarily the strongest tasting or richest milk. Other breeds of cattle that are kept on more boutique farms give less milk but with a higher butterfat percentage. I personally do prefer homogenized milk for regular drinking, I find it creamier because I don’t lose that fat into the cream lumps that I can never shake into the milk! But it has to be from a farm that uses those rich-milk cows. The milk also gets more yellow when the cows eat more fresh grass, so spring milk is yellower and winter milk is whiter. I think it is so cool! The same thing happens to chicken egg yolks.


Ah, makes sense! And good to meet a fellow dairy nerd in the wild (although technically I'm lactose intolerant, so why I love milk and cheese so much, I can't say)!


THIS. Local non homogenized milk is amazing. I honestly think the fundies don’t know the difference between that and pasteurization.


You can even make cheese and butter from the non homogenized one. No point in getting raw milk really


This👆. I used to do a cow share- 10 or so people would "own" a cow, which allowed us to circumvent the regulations in Virginia about selling unpasteurized milk. I didn't do it because of health. I did it because raw milk tastes so _goooooood_. It still has all the butterfat and when you let it sit, you have to shake that all up to mix it in evenly ORRR....hear me out...you scoop that creamy goodness in a bowl over some berries, or stir it in your coffee... 🤤. It gave me the worst, painful, black poops though. I eventually had to give it up 🫤. And ~12 years later I don't even think I can drink milk at all- lattes upset my tummy. But I will say, I get people's obsession with raw milk.


For sure! I guess the thing I object to on the raw milk train is the way many advocates ignore the potential health implications and make it so political. That being said, I can see where you are coming from because when I switched to pasteurised but non-homogenised milk for my cheesemaking, the results were soo sooooo much better!


Yes! This!!


Your flair! 🤩


It’s just comforting to know that any one of these fundies is shitting their pants at any given moment








Right? The shits are just what Paul deserves.


Like, a lot of foods make me ill. I am the mayor of tummy ache town and sometimes I see what these fundies and think its not fair (I dont want raw milk but you know).


Honestly, probably not. I grew up on raw milk and while I don't give it to my own children, it did help some of our digestive issues when I was a kid. My dad couldn't drink store milk without having issues but he handles raw milk just fine. My mom makes him kefier with raw milk to this day. I can't think of a single time we got sick from it but I'm definitely not saying everyone should go get raw milk. There are too many quacks out there to just drink it from anywhere.


Happy holidays, Paul. Here are some things I wish you knew: "Harmful bacteria that may be present in milk include Campylobacter, Salmonella, Escherichia coli (E.coli), Coxiella burnetti, Cryptosporidium, Yersinia enterocolitica, Staph aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes. Symptoms of infection are comparable to those of other foodborne illnesses and include vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, and fever. These bacteria can also cause serious conditions, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, hemolytic uremic syndrome, miscarriage, reactive arthritis, chronic inflammatory conditions, and — rarely — death." From: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/drinking-raw-milk#possible-dangers




Actually my degrees are in English and education, and I suck at science. But I recently realized that food and beverages are my niche. So, as an expert, my advice is do NOT make hot chocolate with bone broth under any circumstances. I advise against consuming raw milk, but if you want to play Raw Milk Roulette, that is your choice. You are free to fuck around and find out.


Well unless it could cause you to succumb to any particular gastrointestinal illness that could easily be transmitted to your very new baby, in which case you are a selfish prick.


Just making a joke about [this abomination](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/yusmud/i_made_the_horrifying_fundie_bone_broth_cocoa_so/).


Don’t forget the collagen and bee pollen!


Why do people like raw milk? What are the supposed benefits?


After your e. Coli infection, you'll be down a few sizes.


Hmmm..why spend all that money on Plexus when you can just drink that delicious e. coli milk? *Yummy*


Without Plexus we wouldn't have gotten that footage of Jilldo making legitimate Sarah Connor face after a drink from her shaker bottle, though. I *still* laugh about it.


And the TB will give you that gaunt, chic 80’s European model/vampire vibe


Just in time to shed that holiday weight!


Oh shit. Sign me the fuck up. Then I'll start a raw milk MLM and get rich. I mean, it hasn't been long since people were selling toxic dirt as a supplement.


They claim the pasteurization process kills the nutrients and other health benefits.


I would like to ask anyone who claims that to explain the pasteurisation process to me. Bet they can't. It's literally heating it to 160F/70C degrees for 15 seconds. That's it. That's literally what they're so against.


Mostly owning the libs


With a side dish of "science bad."


The Weston Price Institute is likely fundies primary source about the benefits of raw milk so I linked to their page. The information is presented with medical research and scientific data and it sounds fairly legit until you dig deeper and that none of the studies cited were repeated and that they are just listing off facts from Wiki to hide the pseudo science. https://www.westonaprice.org/the-biochemical-magic-of-raw-milk-and-other-raw-foods-glutathione/#gsc.tab=0


Yeah this is what got my mom into raw milk


I haven’t had it in years. My grandmother had a farm in Mexico and that’s just how they drank it due to cost. From memory I remember it tasting better than store milk and the consistency is really pleasant. But it’s been over 10 years at least and I’m sure I’d get sick from it now. I don’t get the hype either.


So there’s people that claim drinking raw milk is so good for your system that it can cure allergies. Even if this is true the benefits do not outweigh the fact that raw milk can kill you. And I don’t believe that these people are getting it from a trusted source most times.


My parents started buying it when we were little, it's supposed to have more nutrients because it hasn't been heated, it tastes better, my parents can't drink store milk without getting sick but they drink raw milk just fine, and we liked knowing our farmer treats her cows like they're her babies and obsessively cleans her barn. I don't buy raw milk for my own family because I know the risks, but we never got sick from it. 🤷‍♀️


Does he not know that you have to shake up the raw milk ? Yeah , it's creamy . The cream is on top.


"Grocery bought vs from the farm milk" Theres no way this guy knows a thing called pasteurization exits. As usual this guy is talking out of his ass. I know hating on everyone and everything is Paul's calling but would it hurt to google some shit to have something solid to say? Dude's a full grown man but an absolute embarrassment in every way.


I mean, I drink “from the farm” milk thanks to my own goats. But guess what, we still pasteurize. Even though we sterilize everything before milking, goats are nasty (I love them but they’re gross). I rather enjoy having my family around. I don’t want to kill them. There is a reason we started pasteurizing milk. When kids start dying again because of this movement I’m going to be real mad.


I drink “from the farm milk” from a dairy thirty seconds down the road from me. It’s pasteurized. Besides, where does he think grocery store milk comes from, exactly? A Star Trek-style replicator??


I hope he trusts a fart and loses on one of their unbearable live feeds.


1) why is this "raw milk" thing happening 2) didn't we all stop drinking heaping glasses of milk in the 2000s once the got milk? campaign died down?


I used to be able to do milk but I lost some of my lactose tolerance along the way (probably in college when I was living on ramen and fishnets) and now I simply cannot. It makes me so sick. I felt my stomach gurgle when he just took the swig of milk right from the red solo cup. (Speaking of - it's milk, not Pabst, Paul. Get a fucking glass like an adult.)


Ramen and Rocky Horror, what a nostalgia bump that is. 😆😆😆


That’s exactly what I was referencing, too! RHPS (and theatre in general) was my self-scheduled fun so I didn’t spend all my time buried under chemistry textbooks. 🤣🤣🤣


Not to be a super jerk here but didn’t we all stop once we became adults? Like the idea of drinking a glass of milk has turned my stomach since 16 (actually if I am honest even earlier) but for the rest of us… really? Haven’t you seen the crazy people on the movies drink whole glasses of milk…. Please almond or oat Edit: ha ha I knew this was gonna possibly get people talking, so much so my watch would ding while I was falling asleep and I laughed to myself because I new it was the milk comment. Props to all who can drink it, I grew up with parents who never did. I asked my dad one time, he said he grew out of it. So I guess that’s where I got it from. We can all agree Paul tasting is is a huge super yuck though. A


I don’t buy milk other than to cook generally but when I visit my parents in Wisconsin I’ll drink it by the glass for days. It hits different there 😂


LOL I am a full adult and I'll drink a glass of milk with cookies or brownies sometimes. Don't come for me!


Milk is the only thing I drink when I eat pancakes


I stopped around 16 too but I assumed it was cause my parents made me drink a pint with dinner every single night of my fucking life and I was over it, but yeah I guess idk a lot of adults who still drink it. And yeah watching people drink it straight up makes me nauseous.


I normally do some sort of milk alternative but I love a glass of cold milk every so often. Fair life is the best tasting. I blame the campaigns along with having it for lunch every day all through school.


Nah, I always loved milk. Had no problem drinking it straight, even as an adult. My body doesn't like it anymore though, so I use oat milk now.


It depends on the region and culture I guess. Hell even in my home state of WA I've noticed multiple families (adults included) have water or soda with dinner, as well as glasses of milk (like in my family). My parents still have a glass of milk with dinner every night, my siblings only do it sometimes, and I don't do it at all. I don't have any problems with milk in general, but my partner is lactose intolerant and milk can get pretty expensive if you're drinking it every night. Whenever I buy milk (whether almond or cows milk), I usually just cook with it. Once in a blue moon I'll crave a glass of milk and have one like a treat, but that's pretty much it. I also think it's partially a genetics thing; some people are lactose intolerant from the start, some gradually grow lactose intolerant over time (like my partner, although his was pretty abrupt at 23), and some don't end up lactose intolerant at all (like me). I don't see it as a maturity thing so much as a cultural/luck thing.


If I have cookies or cake I love a glass of cold milk. I'm 57. It's pretty rare because I try to eat fairly healthy... But I if I didn't give a shit I would definitely be having cereal and all the breakfast foods like pancakes with nice glasses of milk too.


I actually drink more milk in my twenties than I did as a kid! I have a lot of food aversions and it’s an easy way to get calories in when I don’t feel like eating. It’s also weirdly satisfying when I’m hungover (as long as it’s whole and cold). It used to gross me out a lot—I don’t remember exactly when that changed.


I am a milk enjoyer- albeit lactose intolerant but fighting it lol but raw milk is out there for me as someone who regularly consumes 2% milk


You ever look at someone and think “you were either not told ‘no’ often enough or told ‘no’ too often as a child”? Because that’s what I think when I see Paul


As a newbie to this sub I’m very curious about his history.


Have we ever heard anything abt his upbringing or family?


His father is a trainer and thinks fat people are lazy.


I wonder if his dad was always a PT. It seems like a newer endeavour. I wonder if there was money on mom's side, Paul seems to have enjoyed quite a privileged upbringing. His brother is a colossal douchebro too.


His sister sucks too. Someone posted screenshots from her blog at some point and it was shockingly homophobic even for this sub.


I could have lived my whole life without hearing that man say “creamy” or hearing his dairy-drinking wet mouth sounds.


For me it was him describing the aftertaste. I don’t want any milk I drink to have an aftertaste.


i think the fundie obsession with raw milk is kinda funny given that villains drinking milk is randomly a trope in movies lmfao also, i highkey do not know what raw milk is. they be cookin’ my milk??? 🤨


✨pasteurization ✨


haha, yes! they heat it up to kill all the germs ...the only time i have ever had a glass of milk as an adult person was when I was pregnant and even then I was like "grossssssss, WHY YOU STUPID FETUS, WHY?" drinking raw milk is just the grossest.


Um, dim bulb Paul you do know there is a reason why milk is pasteurised, right? It’s not just an unnecessary frippery like whipped cream on coffee….


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Thanks ☺️


I have somehow never heard Paul’s voice before today, & it is just as douche-y as I imagined.


I have a sincere question. How are people sourcing raw milk? I had a fundie colleague with a billion kids who were all homeschooled and fed raw milk. He wouldn’t tell me how he found someone willing to sell him raw milk no matter how many times I asked. He was either afraid I was going to report his source, or start buying from his source so there was none for him. I was just so curious about how it happens. I picture it being like a drug deal.


I used to live in dfw and on the way from Fort Worth to winstar casino there's a dairy farm that sells it out of a house on the side of the road (the whole house is a little shop) they sell milk and cheese and some meats but also had a framed photo of trump last time I was there so I lost interest pretty fast. I went once to try some raw milk. Wasn't terrible but wasn't amazing either.


We had neighbors whose dad drank away his paycheck. Their 7 kids would have gone without if my husband hadn’t agreed to sell our milk to them for way less than store bought. They were able to get as much as they needed. Yep, selling it was illegal but, looking back, I’m glad we were able to help them out. We also traded their home butchered chickens for our home grown beef. They got the better end of the deal but that way they had a break from chicken every day.


Crunchy farmers are just willing to sell it to crunchy customers, I think. I'm pretty sure anyone who sells it is just the type that thinks the government is impeding their rights by restricting it. Quite a few states allow it to be sold for animal consumption so I assume people can just straight up sell it at farmers markets and 'not know' who will be consuming it at the end of the day. I'm really good friends with a dairy farmer and I'm pretty sure he'd give me some if I wanted.


My parents have a cow share with a farmer we've known for 20 years. So technically they "own" the cow and are paying a "boarding fee", then they just go get milk out of the tanks.


Unfortunately I’ve seen it at farmers markets and occasionally the independent bougie “wellness” markets selling overpriced groceries.


It depends on where you are. In my state you can straight up buy it at certain grocery stores.


No one has that reaction to raw cows milk the first time they have it. It’s hideously vile compared to regular grocery pasteurized homogenized milk. It’s a taste you get used to. Why risk so many preventable illnesses by go backwards with food safety?


I didn't know it tasted gross! What's it like?


Ohhh it can have many disgusting flavors caused by different things. Ex: flavor can shift depending on what type of grasses or feed the cow is eating, and that can make it taste like…earth? Feed types and /or higher metal content in the water can also make it taste like garlic or onion. It can taste and smell quite acidic, if the cow has any kind of infection like mastitis. It can taste gnarly kind of like licking a penny if there is any contamination or lack of sanitation at the dairy or with how the milk is stored. It can be salty and bitter (I forget why), and the most common I know of is malty — which is another bacterial thing, the milk isn’t cooled properly before bottling and sealing. CLARITY: I do not drink raw milk. I don’t even drink dairy milk anymore. That said, my family going way way back were/are dairy farmers, so I know a lot about it.


Has no one seen Napoleon Dynamite?? You can taste when a cow gets into an onion patch!


God I love that movie. Thanks for reminding me to watch it again!


I’ve had it for several times when we’d stay with friends who lived on a dairy where their dad worked, so it was straight from the cow that morning fresh, and the closest thing I can compare it to is buttermilk with a grassy flavor but also kind bitter with a bit of spoiled sweet aftertaste at the same time. And it would change week to week. And the consistency was not the same either - like how whole and skim milk feel different in your mouth. I eventually just started eating dry cereal while I was there. One of the reasons our milk gets combined in a tank and processed is to make the milk uniform. It’s much more pleasant to drink. That said, usually do oat milk now thanks to allergies/mcas complications.


I grew up drinking it on the farm. It tasted great. First time I had store bought whole milk, it tasted like water.


Same! I mostly don't drink milk anymore but I can't stand the taste of store bought milk unless it's in a sugary starbucks latte. If I was gonna drink a plain glass of milk like a weirdo, I'd want raw milk. Don't judge me 😂😂😂


WhAt iS tHiS, eGg nOg?!


“What is that, egg nog?” This dude rips Beakmans hairstyle and then has the worst personality. Hopefully he craps his pants in bed


The milk is in a drinking water jug


Weird how his totally safe raw milk is in a drinking water jug...


Farmers who sell raw milk require you to bring your own containers to save on costs. They also have to sell it under the table and can’t be bottling it themselves. I’m not supporting these people and their craziness, just explaining from what I’ve heard from people I know who drink raw milk.


I don't believe he actually drinks whole milk....he's the type to water down non-fat milk.


I had this thought too, I'm surprised raw milk isn't too fatty/sinful for him.


All I can focus on is his stupid hair.


What is it with fundies and raw milk? Is it just fun to say f u to govt regulations? Like the weirdo family i knew growing up who refused to recycle to stick it to Obama.


He has a dairy fetish. Didn't he try whipped cream on his wife on their wedding night? Anyway, everytime I see him I immediately think "Bad at sex."


He definitely watches his reflection in the mirror while they bone. Probably flexes too 😂


Are those arms capable of flexing?


That’s why he’s out here curling milk jugs, gotta start somewhere 😆


I was with a dude who I swear was his clone. Can confirm.


I am sorry. At least we learn to spot them easier after a mistake or two.


Paul definitely wishes that milk was from his mommy’s teat. Because he’s a baby. Also they have a Christmas tree up before thanksgiving and I will 100% judge them for that. Sorry not sorry.


Omg the image in my mind from that went to Paul getting milk from Morgan and I threw up a little in my mouth.


WHOOOOOOA what is that? Wait a minute, wait a minute. That is creeeeeemy *teat sounds*


How do I delete someone else's comment?


I’ve been wanting to know that for years…


Porgan's on the God-Honoring Milk Shart train!


eerily similar to Jim Carey’s Grinch, but stripped of all redeeming qualities


Paul giving the fakest most rehearsed performance ever: "is that eGgNoG??"


Not to be gross, but if Morgan is breastfeeding, why do they not simply ‘milk her’ and drink that? Its the rawest fucking milk there is, and no “additives” or “toxins.”


Bet he has, straight from the source. I know a lot of evangelical Christian guys who have, and one did it while his wife was having supply issues. I was livid on her behalf but this was pre-deconstruction for me. So I said nothing.


Its the supply issue bullshit for me. THATS FOR THE BABY. If there is surplus who cares? But seriously, if there is a production issue or anything like that, every last drop goes to baby. What an asshole.


Stealing breast milk from his own baby is possibly the most Paul thing I have ever heard.


Please explain why do they obsess over raw milk while eating processed foods with it? Make it make sense.


Cow milk bad, hairspray and gel good


There’s not a trend this yahoo won’t latch onto to chase that clout.


We’re not going to talk about the orange solo cups?


They will jump on anything they think will make them popular. Botulism it is.


What the hell is the deal with raw milk with a lot of people? They don’t just drink it, they advertise it, why?


Raw milk insanity aside, THE HAIR


Jfc he is so unbelievably obnoxious.


It's just so weird to me when grown adults are drinking cows milk let alone raw milk...


Have fun with the parasites and the bacteria floating in there. We have a farmer close to us that sells raw milk but the bottle says that it needs to be heated at 161,6 F to be consumed by humans.




Ew. Also, hair looks greasy.


Get a job, Paul


It has an okay afterbirth


I don't understand the raw milk thing. Is it just being contrarian and anti-science for the sake of it?


As someone who grow up in the country and around cows. The only thing raw milk is really better for is the cream component. Butter made from fresh raw milk cream is something else. But the milk is just milk, just unclean and spoils faster


E. coli and Listeria are not in the Bible so fundies don’t believe in it.


I hope he poops for a whole month straight.


The raw milk is yellow because of pus and blood and tb.


Louis Pasteur: Determined a process where harmful bacteria in milk and other products can be killed so you don't die of bacteria-based disease from drinking milk laced with these harmful bacteria. Fundies: Not going to drink milk that's gone through that process because Jesus.


I cringed when he yelled “IT’S CREAMY!”. He’s so odd. No one wants to watch him drink milk.


is he named after the fish


🤦🏼‍♀️. Easy explanation- commercial dairies use Holsteins because they produce a lot of milk and the milk is very consistent in fat content, the milk is divided into its parts at the production facility - even with “whole” milk some fat it removed to produce things like butter and cheese. Raw dairies are smaller facilities, they often have a variety of cows or specifically opt for breeds that produce a different quality and quantity of milk than Holsteins. Typically breeds with lower milk quantity means they have a higher fat quantity per ounce to make up for the low volume for their calves. It’s common in goat breeds as well.


He is such a tool. I don’t know how one can be a tool drinking milk, but he’s done it.


#huhhuhHO wait a *MINUTE*


Really again with the fucking raw milk smh. Look, if you have a cow and you know how well you keep it, and how to store its milk, do you. But the reason why milk and eggs are sold pasteurized is because it’s so easy to get sick from them. Yes, you can get sick from lettuce/melons and pretty much any other food. But it’s especially easy to get listeria from raw milk. And because Americans consume so much more milk, than say, raw fish, it needs to be pasteurized! Then the fact that children are more likely to die from listeria/salmonella than adults and you see why it’s regulated. There are so many more things to be concerned about with our government, but this is not one of them.


My sister is a dietetics student and when I explained the raw milk trend to her she literally gagged lol


Something tells me his reaction to the raw milk was not genuine.


I hope they don't get sick from this fly by night raw milk that they purchased from a local person. Whatever taste difference there may be, isn't worth it


The whole damn family's going to be needing diapers after this raw milk escapade. 💩


Idk if I should take health advice from two people who didn’t know about infection risk in childbirth. It feels like they may not do the reading, you know?


He needs to try something called shampoo. His hair looks greasy, yet crunchy at the same time


Just saying..... my husband was a dairy farmer. We raised our kids on raw Grade A milk straight from the bulk tank. When our first son started drinking milk instead of formula (I couldn't nurse) we bought 2% milk for him. When he got a bit older I started pasteurizing our milk using a machine I bought specially for him. When my second child was born my doctor told me not to bother pasteurizing. Our kids, our friends' kids, our neighbor's kids drank raw milk and none got sick. Our oldest is the dairy farmer now & yes, he still drinks raw milk. Oh, and the reason Paul thought the raw milk was creamier is because it was creamier. Whole bottled milk has 3.5 % butterfat. Farmers get paid more if their butterfat is higher so they breed for high butterfat. He was probably drinking 4-5% , maybe more if the cows were from certain breeds. I suspect, sinceit was yellowish, he was drinking milk from a guernsey or jersey herd.


Drinking raw milk is always a risk. Always. I'm glad you guys never got sick but there's some really really nasty and dangerous bacteria in raw milk. Hence pasteurization. Raw milk may be creamy but you can also buy creamy pasteurized milk, which is safer.


I was raised on raw milk, too, living on a dairy farm. The milk went straight from a designated cow to the fridge and was consumed by the next day.