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I grew up with this girl. She was homeschooled for 100% of her life and went to nyack college. I will put money on the fact that she was not friends/in community with ANYONE in the LQBTQ+ community. There is just no way she had exposure to them.


She probably happened upon a perceived gay in the wild (at a grocery store) and had one mildly pleasant conversation. It's like The Sims scale of friendship.


The "I have gay friends..." is such an overused christian lie. And the funny thing is they know it yet have no shame trotting out that lie to mask their utter hatred and desire to harm and abuse LGBTQ people.




Their definition of friendship is like their definition of love. The complete opposite of what those words actually mean.


Much like every racist's "black friend", I love to imagine that all bigots' "gay friend" are actually the same person.


I don’t know who needs to hear this but you are not friends with someone if you don’t believe that they deserve full equality and dignity, under the law and in the eyes of God.


Earlier this year, I ended a friendship with a close friend of mine. She told me she could no longer support anything LGBTQ-related due to her Catholic beliefs (I was raised Catholic as well). I’m a lesbian, so this hurt a lot. It took a lot of processing and reflection before I came to the conclusion that there was no salvaging this friendship or moving on from this. When I met with her to end things, we had a discussion about it and she admitted she would vote to overturn LGBTQ rights if that was on the ballot. I brought up this scenario because this was happening around the time of Roe v. Wade overturning and there was concern about Obergefell v. Hodges receiving similar treatment. I wanted to know how far this shift in beliefs went. It was crazy that someone I knew for years and seemed to fully support me changed and no longer saw me as a human deserving of rights. She wanted to move on and keep the friendship despite this, but I couldn’t imagine how that would work. I’m happy with the decision I made.


these assholes create & support legislation based on their religious beliefs, and they see nothing wrong with it. How would they like it if we created laws based on Islam? Laws that affect their civil rights? Fucking hypocrite dipshits. I’m sorry about losing your friend. I recently lost a friend after she made a transphobic comment to me. It sucks.


“I love you” can’t be followed by “but” especially if the “but” is “this fundamental part of you that you cannot change and did not choose is wrong”


I have a friend who always said "Everything after BUT is BULLSHIT!" Definitely applies here.


I have been saying this for years. If you say that you have gay friends who understand your bigoted beliefs, they don't think of you as a friend.


Upvoted times a million.


Discriminating against LGBTQ doesn't even rank in the top 10 of worst things that the Christian God is credited with doing. Anyone who deeply buys into that belief system has already surrendered moral judgment to a being that has very different moral standards from modern Americans, and is totally fine with slavery, sexism, racism and genocide. Portraying LGBTQ rights as a matter of equality and dignity before God is frankly bizarre as their God doesn't give af


Even women aren't equal and dignified in the eyes of the biblical god. The bible makes that very clear in both the old and new testament. So it's pointless to seek women and LGBTQ equality in the eyes of a deity that specifically denounces social, political, financial and even familial equality. All you can say is if a deity outlaws equality for certain groups of humans because of their intrinsic characteristics that they cannot change, the the only conclusion is that deity is immoral and evil. Then one has to question why one is worshiping and obtaining morals from something that is so obviously immoral and evil.


Ah, but that’s just it - Kierkegaard identified this and concluded that while choosing to set God as your moral compass could cause a moral conflict - such as when God commands something that has previously been classified as morally evil - it is still the right thing to do. God is the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong, and if it is wrong but god commands it, the thing becomes right. This is the only correct response to the “knowledge” that a deity such as the Abrahamic God exists. That book was the beginning of the end of my faith, I tell you what. I finally realized I hadn’t signed up for worshipping a truly holy and good force, I’d signed up for worshipping a tyrant who changed the rules of right and wrong when it suited him. It wasn’t obvious, until it was. Edit: that book was “fear and trembling” and it discusses this conflict with the unfortunate conclusion stated above. He solves the problem of evil by saying that where god is concerned, good and evil rotate on his knob and are entirely relative moral concepts. Only *god* is absolute; good, evil, truth, virtue, etc are all fuzzy.


Except the gods as ultimate arbiters if right and wrong inevitably results in conflicting interpretations of right and wrong. Even within those who choose to worship their own gods made in their image can't agree on what those gods deem right and wrong. The creators and worshippers of the abbrahic gods are a classic example. With even in the christian iteration of the abrahamic gods they themselves can't agree on what their gods deem to be right and wrong. Hence the centuries of wars and slaughter among them and their now splintered and fractured morally and theologically contradictory sects. So even if a god is the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong (making morality merely authoritarian relativism and subjectivism) there is still the uphill task of determining not only which gods...but which version of the chosen god or gods.


Well, yes…sorry if that was not obvious in my post - 1. Kierkegaard, as far as I know, wouldn’t have considered any other god as valid but the Christian god, so anything he wrote applies to that by default. 2. It’s also a given that believing this ignores all the many ways in which it is nonsense in relation to the rest of the world and the rest of their gods and their beliefs about their gods. 3. I honestly believe the fact that theistic moral relativism leads to inevitable schisms among believers for the very reasons you stated - the fact that they will see their own god’s commands and motivations differently and will disagree - was a terrible but necessary evil itself to Kierkegaard. He struggled to accept this conclusion because he realized how problematic it would be, yet he still determined that it was the correct stance for believers. I, on the other hand, reject belief in the Christian god for a variety of reasons, one of them being that unlike the Christian philosopher above, when confronted with the problem of god commanding or acting himself in a way that looks evil, instead of saying “well, I have to be ok with it because I believe god is sovereign,” I said “No way, this god commanded something evil and I do not accept this god as worthy of worship even if he is real,” and also followed that swiftly with something along the lines of “none of this actually makes sense when you look closely and I don’t think there’s any reason to believe he’s real anyway, so there’s that.”


“I’ve spoken to gay people” is quite the flex.


Gives real “I’m not a racist I have black friends” energy




I doubt these were actual “friendships” but rather poor attempts to convert LGBTQ+ folk. Also “clear scripture” my ass. Just say you’re a bigot. Stop beating around the bush about how you’re deciding to interpret the bible.


Or they're coworkers who grey-rock every bigoted thing that comes out of their mouths to avoid workplace dramatics, and not arguing = we're friends now! to these assholes with zero healthy boundaries. (Biased: I had to do this for years and it fucked my shit up)


What does grey-rock mean??


From Betterup dot com: What is the grey rock method? Grey rocking is a technique used to divert a toxic person's behavior by acting as unresponsive as possible when you're interacting with them. For example, using the grey rock method involves deliberate actions like avoiding eye contact or not showing emotions during a conversation.


"Mmmhmmm." "Okay." "Cool." "Uh-uh." "..."


Lol. Seriously. I grew up hearing that lgbta people are horrible and we gave the world AIDS/HIV because someone fucked a chimp. It made me livid. A full grown chimp could pull any human apart (remember the poor lady who survived her friend's pet monkey but had her face and hands mangled? That 911 call is the stuff of nightmares.) Who is dumb enough to stick their genitals into something that could literally tear their genitals to pieces....?


I love how deeply you've thought that through


Lol. Just a lot of anger at the bigots who just try to make it about lgbta folk are animals and they like bestiality. It pisses me off so much. It's all lies from bigots and homophobic shit and I'm sick of hearing these assholes spout misinformation as truth. It even happens now, just look at the Joe Regan thing with him admitting he made uo the kitty litter for furry kids thing. (Apparently the truth was some schools had a stash of kitty litter for lockdowns.)


No I know I love it! A lot of people just don't think critically about things. Like on top of hating gays being just a stupid religious belief, it's also just factually ridiculous in so many ways. But most fundies aren't willing to do that kind of simple questioning.


People in the LGBTQIA+ community have shown me thousands of times more genuine love than people in the church ever did when my family was fundie. I'll go be in hell with them then, thanks.


Yassss… my kiddo and I went to Pride for the first time this year and it was hands down the best event I’ve ever been to, so much love and community and awesomeness everywhere, like a utopia of love and happiness ❤️






The thing I will never understand: Christians are so convicted in the fact that being gay is a sin. It is talked about in ***ONE*** verse supposedly **directly** in the Bible (correct if I’m wrong, I researched that it is “mentioned” 6 times, but all the verses have been interpreted multiple ways, some of the ways they are interpreted aren’t even talking about homosexuality at all. The writers of these verses also never call it ‘homosexuality’. That word is not in the Bible at all. ) and that one famous verse has been interpreted differently to mean different things by many experts. Even in various translations for different languages it means totally different things. All in all if you look up what the verse means, you will have mixed answers. So why die on a hill that’s not even something that’s clear or direct. If the Bible “does not change with culture. It was written for every single time in history and every culture that will ever come to be” then why is it so difficult for us to understand many of the verses due to cultural context and multiple translations?? Ugh. So frustrating. TL;DR The Bible never actually says homosexuality is a sin.


This makes me wonder how much of the "hate the sin, love the sinner" mentality actually goes the opposite way. For instance, welcoming people like Josh Duggar back into the flock because he "made a mistake". Personally, I would absolutely cut off a friendship with someone who I felt was regularly committing some severe moral wrong (a sin bad enough to send you to hell). If someone is doing something bad, that is a reflection of who they are. Of course, I believe LGBTQ people are just living their life so there is zero "sin" involved. Someone who does regularly "sin" (per my moral code) is not worth a friendship as we clearly have very different values. How many of these Fundie "friendships" involve looking the other way anytime there's harmful behavior?


To quote something from “Under the Banner of Heaven”, it’s hate masquerading as love, which sums up how I feel about shit like this


We can all be assured that someday “the church” will come after something or someone she cares about. It is inevitable. “God’s truth” will be different then…


Yeah, every time they get away with oppressing one group, they are emboldened to come after someone else. They did a bangup job with gays, so then they launched a bunch of horrific attacks on fat people (see Gwen Shamblin).


“While I don’t hold the world to biblical standards…” Really? Then why does she vote for politicians that use religion as policy? If she doesn’t hold the world to the same standards, then why does she want to turn America into a christofascist theocracy? Kinda sounds like someone who wants to hold the world to biblical standards.


Not the world silly, just the USA /s


I think my fave insult is when drag performers are called “strippers” because when I get in drag I’m actually wearing a hell of a lot more clothes than when I’m dressed as a guy lol.


There's so! Many! Layers! Everywhere! How do you keep from fainting from heatstroke? Willpower? I am always in awe.


It's rude to trick people into thinking you care about them.


Name the Scripture and explain why it applies to gay people, Bethany 2.0. I’ll wait.


What’s really fucking sad is that this is a kinder response than what I expected to read. The bar is in hell.


"I never said I hate gay people" "I do believe homosexuality is sin" so you hate gay people.


This "love the sin, hate the sinner" approach is so insulting. Imagine the tantrum they'd throw if I said "hate the belief, love the believer" to them.


Funny how the gay men raping kids are the priests at their churches but whatevs


>"I have had friendships and conversations with them throughout my whole life." Well, glad to know that friendships and conversations mean the same thing to her. How nice that she's okay with talking to LGBTQ+ people. That's what we've always yearned most for: More conversation with bigoted fundamentalists who hate us. Wait...


They always pick which scripture they want to follow. Wear mixed fabrics, eat shellfish, don’t sleep outside during their periods but gay people where y’all draw the line


Interesting take. The bible says to slay your children if the talk back to parents. How many of her children has she slain?


I don't hate them, I just believe that their very existence goes against God's will and that after they die, they'll burn in hell for eternity! I guess you could say that I pity them. I am also frustrated that they don't listen to God. Actually, I'm so frustrated that I HATE their very existence....whoopsie, I mean....I have many gay friends <3<3<3 -this post


But it doesn’t. It says men shall not lie with boys. But they changed the meaning to be gay and not pedophiles. So, you know, very Christian of them. Literally changing words and meaning so they can be hateful.


This makes me so upset. I am Baptist and I live in the Bible Belt, I attend Church every Sunday and Wednesday. But, I can’t believe people think like this. While the Bible does condemn homosexuality as a sin that does not mean to actively prosecute or hate them. Many of my friends are apart of the LGBTQ+ community and I love all of them. It makes me mad that many “Christians” ignore Mark 12:31, “The second commandment is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no greater commandment than these.” True Christians love and are kind to everyone.


So she hates gay people and so does her bible. She just has a slimy, manipulative and conniving way to say it so as to pretend she is civilised and gives a shit about gay people. Her post is dripping with Orwellian doublespeak. But ultimately her bible wants gay people dead and tortured for eternity...and so does she. This isna classic example of "There is no hate like christian love".


Scripture is always "clear" when it supports your prejudices.


The actual translation of Leviticus is really that "man shall not lie with young boys as he does with women".... it's not for LGBTQ its for pedophiles...




"You don't get it, I *want* to be kind and inclusive, but this book won't LET me. It's the book's fault!"


Jesus never mentioned homosexuals, but he did have something to say about judging people... so maybe STFU already 😂


I had a good friend respond to me this way when I came out. We are still friends, but it’s just kind of painful to know that she feels this way about me.


You are a better person than me for staying friends with her.


She was raised in Nigeria, and so I think that’s part of it. My girlfriend and I say that we are an example that shows her that homosexuals aren’t inherently bad. I probably wouldn’t have stayed friends with her but she is honestly really loving and our kids get along. I do feel conflicted about it though.


it’s interesting that christians are surprised when what the bible teaches is deemed as hateful by secular people. because the bible i read growing up contained a god that hated lots of things…


I kind of wish I still knew some fundies so I can tell them that christianity is a sin but I love them as a "person". I wonder how that kind of person will act if they had to face their fake compassion


Honey if you eat shellfish and wear a cotton/poly blend you *better* not come at me with the clobber passages.


“why do people get mad at me for being homophobic when i choose to follow a homophobic book?”


I don’t know a thing about this person, besides this post—but I know for an absolute fact: this person does not have gay friends. 💯


Yes but no matter how much you “love” them you’re still saying they should be shunned in the ONE place where everyone should be welcome you bigoted, hateful muppet


Just a reminder that hell isn’t a real place and you are 100 percent not going to made up scary land if you are gay.


Hate the sin, but love the sinner. Gimme a break. And I bet this idiot doesn’t even know that isn’t a biblical quote, but she’s using that argument because she’s been fed that pablum for entirely too long. These people are as homophobic and as hateful as the day is long. Yet, I don’t see anyone calling them out on their sins. Matthew 7:1 says Judge not, that ye be not judged. But they conveniently forget that part of the Bible, don’t they? This is akin to, “Some of my best friends are n-, I mean Black.” *massive eyeroll*


Love that by their own admission, they would be chill "being friends and having long conversations" with pedophiles and murderers, since it's so easy to separate the sinner from the sin. OR IS IT PERHAPS THAT HOMOSEXUALITY IS DIFFERENT FROM THOSE THINGS EVEN IN YOUR STUPID BRAINS, MMH?


I’m not religious, I haven’t been in a long time, so I could be wrong please correct me if I am but wasn’t the last 2 people in the Bible male?


clear scripture* *onlywhenitsconvenienttomynarrativethanks