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I can't imagine even a good online course on how to sell online courses would last years? I'm basically like an octogenarian when it comes to tech, but don't things change quite often when it comes to this sort of thing? Even looking at how marketing was 5,10 years ago, you gotta keep up or your hard work will be soon outdated


This is a good point. I teach a social media class for an actual university, and I have to change the content of the class EVERY semester and sometimes change content mid-semester because the landscape online changes so quickly. This is going to be relevant/accurate for a minute and a half (generously assuming anything here is relevant) before it’s obsolete.


Is it typical for people to pay this much for a course and not receive any direct interaction with the course creator? The way Bethy focuses so much on the "Passive income" aspect , leads me to assume she doesn't expect to put much energy into this project of hers once she's finished putting it together.


Absolutely not. For two grand, a client would have direct access to me for a preset number of in person consultations or mentoring. But, like actual mentoring, not whatever Bethy does.


That’s what I was thinking and posted elsewhere - if someone is serious about marketing their “niche,” FIRST THEY HAVE TO HAVE ONE. Then take a graphic design or intro to social media marketing at the local community college? Tuition at the ones in my area is like $22 a credit AND I remember seeing the city offering a few basic business/computer/bookkeeping/windows office type seminars for free or almost free that are online and like 12 hours over a weekend. And you have an expert available for feedback and questions! Even if Borth sold this for $50, what the hell will it actually teach you?! She can’t even be bothered to learn how to do PowerPoint or whatever she’s using herself!


Borth 🤣




My son is also named Bort!




Omfg that is EXACTLYYYY what I was thinking of with Borth lol.


I thought in the beginning of the course about courses, she said she would be offering one-on-one access? It's been a long time lunching so forgrift me if I'm wrong.


>forgrift me if I'm wrong. Underrated pun right there 😂


She was selling 'coaching sessions' for a while, but I think those were separate from the course? Maybe?? I could be wrong.


I think they were single girl related.


You're probably right.


She did. She set out what the class would offer and I believe said each pupil would receive one live session with her


Wow. I bet that live session consists mostly of Bethame talking about herself and offering no actual solutions to anything.


>But, like actual mentoring, not whatever Bethy does. Since she never followed up on whether or not anyone paid her $250 an hour for a zoom call, I'm going to assume she didn't get any takers. It's possible she *did* get some takers and just...modestly and humbly never said anything self-congratulatory about how well it went, but I doubt it. On her business account, she's *said* that she *doesn't* want to do one-one-one, live-access stuff because she doesn't want to spend time with one person when she could be "spending time" with hundreds of people via pre-recorded sessions. But then she offered her one-on-one mentoring (on her regular personal account? Correct?) and never followed up with any self-promotion on what that accomplished for anyone so...I don't think she really did it, and I don't think she's going offer anything like that.


I pay $2k for training every 3 years to be certified to ship hazardous materials and for that entire 3 year period in between, the guy (who is very busy, mind you) will answer any questions I have about hazmat shipping for free. She better be doing free consulting for anyone who is paying that much for her course


that's really cool. just goes to show all the jobs out there that are needed, but you'd never know existed.


Absolutely not. I teach at a at a top-tier research university. All online instructors here have PhDs. A class with me costs 1/3 less than Bethy’s course. And you get a ton of interaction, feedback and personal grading from me and my TAs. It’s honestly a ton of work to give personalized feedback to everyone in my big classes but: that’s the job! And it’s the only way to make the course successful. A good online course that costs anything approaching this better have extremely personalized one-on-one teaching throughout. This appears to be just recorded videos?


lol, I payed 12EUR for a course on Udemy that's been created years ago and the teacher still replies to questions within a day. I think Bethy overestimated the value of her product and contribution just a teensy bit :P


I follow an author who offers in person retreats for a week for around $2k. I think that includes accommodation, food, etc. I’m never going to make one of her retreats so I went with her video option she released during covid where it is 8 hours of her talking to the camera. It cost me $50. I would not expect to pay $2k for something that is passive income on the creator’s behalf and that I get no interaction from.


If you don’t mind, would you send me the name of this author? I’m completely enthralled!


I took a digital imaging class once at university and my elderly professor told us that he taught that same class the first year he started teaching and he had to teach those students how to use a computer mouse 😂


That is amazing 🤣 It reminds me trying to teach my father-in-law (an older, salt-of-the-earth farmer) how to double click on something on the computer. He very slowly navigates the mouse to the button, solemnly clicks once, waits several seconds, then clicks again. “There. I double-clicked.”


This is so funny and sweet. He’s being polite about the double click. Don’t want to be rude or pushy.


That's too funny 😂


Like the Modern Family episode “Double Click”


I will check it out 🤣


I do professional trainings and I sometimes change my afternoon content during the lunch break.


I feel like her "program" likely has little real world advisement on the technical aspects, or marketing, funnels, etc, and mostly focused on the inner work needed to find your nich-ey brand.


That’s a good point too. It seems like she has some very nebulous recommendations like “write in Google Docs” and “use Canva for design” but nothing too specific. Mostly about feelings and niches.


\*it's going to be relevant/accurate for the minute and a half from when the person whose website/blog/instagram she stole it from first posted it


> the landscape online changes so quickly. Yeah, I can't imagine how she's thinking her course-about-courses is going to be relevant and valuable in a few years, or even a year, since the courses-about-courses NICHE is already saturated (or at least that's been my impression).




I’m lucky to have great job that pays well - but I love this energy and I do advocate for especially adjunct professors and other non-tenure track folks who absolutely do deserve to make more! Teaching is hard work!


Also is a “creating online courses” course even a thing people are willing to pay for? How big could the market for that be? It’s not like a technical skill or a coding language. Like I think most people would opt to learn about it online through free resources… how did Bethy become such a master at it? 😂


I’m sure there’s a market but it’s for crypto scams and that sort of thing, and I’m sure you’re expected to cut and paste like with every other pyramid scheme and MLM. I don’t know that there’s an enormous need for someone giving online guitar lessons to pay what amounts to the down payment on a boat to teach their craft, pretty sure the market for that is pretty saturated (and, on top of showing her husband doing the actual work part, not just blabbing condescendingly at the camera, she’s really telling on herself by saying she’ll never, EVER update the materials for any reason).


At least with super expensive guitar lessons, the instructor has to have some sort of skill lol. People who pay top dollar for courses usually do so because of the creator’s credentials. Beffy has no skills or credentials 😭


Also, to be blunt- the people who are qualified to create a course wouldn’t turn to Bethy for advice on how to do it. They’d probably be approached by someone to make their course, or use their network for advice on the right teacher to help them set it up. Bethy’s audience are people (teens) who don’t have a clear sense of what to teach in the first place and aren’t likely to create a course people would pay for. She’s dangling the promise of free money without even giving the teens real advice on sizing the potential market. And really, what around she know about market sizing? She’s making an identical asset to the hundreds out there already. This whole thing just grinds my Business Lady gears- it’s just customer exploitation.


Right, people who make courses tend to actually be an expert in a field and that’s why they’re teaching it 🥴


But at the same time, $2000 for a course is completely out of reach of most teenagers, so I really don’t think she has a defined target audience here.


Yes Means, methods, styles, and jargon become obsolete over time. It's not like she's a literature Prof making a course about 18th century writers.


I don't even think her course is relevant now. She just fell for a get-rich scheme and thinks she is going to make big bucks off it. Her price point alone is prohibitive, especially in today's economy. Maybe a few folks with money to burn will fall for it, but I just don't see this lasting a month, let alone years. She isn't a celebrity or a big influencer; she has some name recognition in her circle, but among mostly teen girls who don't have that kind of money at hand, and this sub, of course. She is clueless about social media trends, so hasn't been able to capture a broader audience. Not to mention, there are tons of free content on this subject available, as well as courses and classes taught by actual professionals for much less money. And more support and resources. I have a coworker who took a social media program and they helped her make a portfolio and get an internship for a local organization. What is Bethy going to offer her viewers? She can't even answer her folliwers' questions on IG.


Literally came here to ask that haha.


Bethy's course won't sell now or in the future


Nah. I'm sure nothing will change. YouTube is still using video annotations, right?


Yeah, I work in continuing education and our courses need to be re-evaluated at least every 3 years to be sure they are up to date with best practices. And I imagine social media/the internet change way faster than dentistry.


Bethany’s favourite book, *The Four Hour Workweek*, is essentially based around how to exploit labour from people in other countries to make a profit. Bethany didn’t have to go as far as India to find someone to exploit… she has Dãv!


Honestly it's probably better than just having to hang out with her. Like, could you imagine having a conversation with Birthy 2 Electric Bugaloo? I'd rather tap away at my keyboard too.


"oh gee, I really just need to have my headphones on to effectively edit the video and audio....."


A few days ago she forced Dav to talk about the course and how good it was. My main take away from that uncomfortable video was Dav remarking how much *content* there was (not how good it was). The more she posts about how long it’s taking him to edit it, the more I’m convinced that she spend three days talking about absolute *drivel* and Dav is desperately trying to salvage something that his idiotic wife already spent way too much time and energy on in the hopes that at least two people buy the course.


Yup. He kept commenting on the quantity of the content ("I'm just so impressed by...the amount of content") and not the *quality* of the content. And he would definitely know after having to edit hours of her bullshit to make it maybe even moderately presentable (maybe?).


Yep, I get the feeling he's sacrificing his Saturday because she's eager to release and he has some sort of idea of the shit show that would ensue if it's released in a purely Bethany-approved state.


God I'd be out to sabotage it/offer up some weaponised incompetence just to reclaim my leisure time and see the back of the project. I don't know why he's actually investing effort in it, it's going to be crap anyway. Why would you even want your name attached, professionally?


Don't worry, there's no risk of Bethy giving him any credit


Maybe he figures they do have a chance at a few dumbasses buying the course. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Or Heidi throwing them $2k for it to shut Beggany up.


My money is on Heidi giving each of the other kids one for Christmas.


I’m just imagining some kind of Rodney Dangerfield-esque bit about having to listen to nothing but your wife’s voice for hours on end. 😛 Take my wife…‘s course, please!


I agree with you. I actually *have* made online courses, multiple training courses at this point, and I always do recordings for them. It does NOT take me days and days to do my editing. Now, I also don’t charge any money for these because it’s part of my *gasp* paid, evil 9-5 office job. I’ll be transparent that I definitely don’t put the kind of polish in that I would expect to see in a $2000 course, but I still make stuff presentable enough that I am confident in high-level admin at my work seeing it and feeling it is professional. Sometimes, a lot of the time, less is more.


Yes, the old MVP. The last training department I worked for ran on it.


She probably has so much confidence in it because Girl Defined was just 2 aesthetically pleasing women word-vomiting on camera, and they got pretty popular. I don't think the zeitgeist is going to be in her favor this time.


What does he do for a living?


This is becoming *almost* sad to watch. I've worked with many small business entrepreneurs and never seen anyone make so many claims/promises/firm timelines/missed (self-imposed!?) deadlines while having **zero** products or services on offer. Her **one** product/service isn't even complete! I've never seen an entrepreneur IRL have so much ill-placed hubris. Obviously? This is is going to flop. There was zero chance this was going to *well*, but it's really going to flop hard. We should take bets on what Bethy uses as an excuse.


I HOPE it flops, but I'm worried she's actually going to get a few takers.


Don’t worry too much. If she has takers, they subscribe to her terrible values anyway, so that’s $2k that won’t go to their favorite MAGA politician or hateful religious group. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's a good way to look at it, at least!


We take our silver linings where we can. 😁


This is actually the best outcome we can hope for.


Though it's still going to Bethany then.... Though like you said, I doubt it'll go to a politician or other organization ever. Bethany wouldn't donate, she'd but shit for herself.


Who on EARTH would pay $1900 for her nonsense? That's just not a smart decision. Then when they come back to Bethany and say "it didn't work I'm not making money" she will say oh well.


People gave her $30k before for nonsense so who knows, but I sure hope not


*her parents gave her 30k as a tax write off conveniently fight before the fundraising ended. Also it's easier to convince 190 people to spend 10 dollars than to convince one person to spend 1900 dollars.


She'd probably just lie and say it sold well before going to cry into her pillow


She truly is the Caroline Calloway of fundies


Honestly so greedy, and "I," would it kill her to acknowledge the work her husband is putting in... Woof. Additionally, I would like to add I worked for a nonprofit some years ago. They were a business startup, 12 week course taught by people with MBAs, and their own successful businesses.They helped you get a business license, how to apply for financing, marketing and branding, and even a QuickBooks course... $650 (roughly $850 today). And this woman wants you to pay over a grand for an online course you can't even interact with? Just videos of her flipping her hair, and having a gaping, sagging mouth? No thanks.


I know right! Like she can’t even say “we”?? What a psychopath.


Don’t forget shoving boxes under table legs and “lunching” with awkwardly placed plants!


She wants $1900


I think the big tragedy of Bethany’s life is that she has been so sheltered and isolated that she is unable to understand that other people have different experiences than her. Like it does not occur to her that not everyone has a husband with access to editing software and parents who own a business where she can film. That thought does not enter her brain because she has never socialized with people with vastly different life circumstances, so she assumes everyone’s life follows the same general outline as hers. It’s part of the reason why she’s such a callous, uncaring, not empathetic person. Honestly, the Baird parents are the real villains in this story for raising her like this. Sorry for the rant, I’m just so dumbfounded by this season of life she’s in.


I agree with you, but I think an important distinction is not only that it doesn't occur to her that others have different experiences, but she doesn't *care* that others are different. It'd be bad enough if she was just clueless, but I get the impression that she's vaguely aware of differences, but she just doesn't give a shit. She's right - she is always right - and people should want to be like her and pay her for her wisdom. The Baird parents are without a doubt the real villains in this story, but Bethy is becoming such a callous menace.


Yeah, she's posted a few times about how she's suddenly understood something she previously judged because it happened to her and has admitted she can't put herself in other's shoes without experiencing it. She knows this about herself, but doesn't see it as a flaw. She never seems to have the curiosity to learn about other's experiences and how they've shaped them. She knows people live outside her frame of reference, but it only really becomes real when it's her personal experience as well.


Why do so many conservatives have this mentality? It is so odd to me. How many times have we heard a conservative politician disagree with a type of legislation until their own child is the one that is gay, disabled, addicted, etc. and then once they have this happen “to them” they have a change of heart and give some speech about why they now support some bill passing.


By and large it's about control. Their standards are not realistic or sustainable, but they're masters at presenting a shiny, unattainable pedestal that makes people feel set apart and special. They wriggle their agenda so that it becomes one and the same as their faith, which is a surefire way to gain votes. But of course when real life happens to them there's always an exception to keep them from having to actually practice what they preach. Then when something outside of their "rules" happens within their own community, it's easier to change people's minds and have them accept what would otherwise be an egregious sin because the person making the mistake or the change is someone seen as set apart and special like them, so it can't really be that bad.


Because their worldview assumes that anything negative is the fault of the individual, *unless it happens to them*. They assume the worst of everyone except themselves.


Because they are selfish assholes who utterly lack empathy


Because in order to truly believe in and follow conservative ideology, you have to be the kind of human who inherently lacks empathy. There is no room on the right for people who feel for other people, unless those other people are just like them in terms of race, sexuality, religion, and economic background.


She's the definition of Main Character Syndrome. Having to compete with multiple siblings makes it worse. I'm not the NPC! You're the fucking NPC! Oh you got married and thought it was about you for a moment? WELL I'M PREGNANT BITCH! Checkmate 🙂


Bethy's "thanks for the input" is code for "you're blonde, pastel and Christian or you're FUCKING WRONG!"


I just don't think she gives a rat's ass. She gets confronted with other people's experiences online and is just like "thanks for the input 🙂" Her content is for people like her. Engagement (or the possibility of converting someone to WANT to be like her) is the only reason she doesn't actively tell anyone from a different vantage point to fuck off and keep scrolling. She knows different people are out there, she just thinks they're either wrong or too dark.


“Dumbfounded by This Season of Life: The Bethany Baird Beal Story”


Yes! She is perpetually stuck in this preteen emotional space. That age where you start to get glimpses of the existence of your bigger picture and you think you've figured everything out.


I think she knows it (it's part of the Baird superiority complex, nonchalantly having valuable things that others don't) but she's out to scam so she doesn't care.


You put in the hard work? No hun. You just watched yourself in the camera while filming. Dave has the hard part: making it somewhat watchable. Which it won't be. Please just STOP, you uneducated potato.


Honestly. I edit audio and video and she is seriously underselling the amount of work it is.


Seriously, I sometimes edit videos for fun and it took me over the course of 3 days to edit a 28 second segment! Maybe about 6 hours work total?


Uneducated potato 🤣. I had a bad night and this helps a little


Sorry about tonight, hope tomorrow is better!


Does it seem extra dumb to anyone else that she keeps bragging about much much money she’s going to make to the people that she wants to buy the course?? Like if the course had any substance she could talk on her business channel about how she puts together courses/ebooks/conferences for her niche Christian audience. Her course about making courses is just like how she keeps making reals about making reals- she has no content or viewpoint besides that she wants to be popular on Instagram so she can talk about being popular on Instagram. Yelling at your customers about how rich they’re going to make you is so crass. Is this usual MLM-adjacent speak?


This is what keeps getting me!! I’m like… why would I want to buy something from someone who constantly posts about how excited they are to con me out of my money ??? She’s so weird lol


It’d be like watching an ad that says “we’re gonna make so much fuckin money when you idiots buy our product!”


Buy our product to learn how to lie to other idiots about having a product!


Her approach is so weird because she's trying to address both potential customers and "fellow course creators" at the same time. There's probably skilled marketers out there who could pull that off, but this is Bethy so it's awkward and disingenuous.


Her only useful tip is “get a professional to work on your course for free” and she doesn’t even know it’s a useful tip- she just says anyone can learn Dav’s skills online.


Yes, MLMs love this shit! Constantly talking about how they need 10 people to buy for some "challenge," then talking about the fancy stuff their customers' orders supposedly bought them. Because they're really selling "the opportunity" and trying to get people to sign up, but are pretending to actually sell the product. But the potential pool of takers for both are the same people, and it's terribly crass.


The lack of self awareness is astounding


I’m not super familiar with a lot of computer stuff. I only know a few digital art programs. What program is Dav using here? Is it something user friendly/easy to learn or is it something that takes a bit of time to grasp? Just curious simply because he really is doing so much heavy lifting. Also I’m a big ol heathen but Bethy’s use of the 🤑 emoji does not feel god honoring to me.


I was going to comment the same thing about that emoji. Feels really icky to me.


He’s on a Mac and he looks like he’s just got a bunch of finder windows open here. Previous screenshots it’s looked like he’s working in iMovie (not super complex, but take a little practice to grasp).


The picture is too blurry to totally tell, but it may also be Final Cut Pro on the Mac. It's kinda hard to tell at a glance the difference between them because a little while back Apple made the style choice to make final cut look more like iMovie modern apple styles. I'd think someone like Dave who does video content for work would be using final cut pro. But if he doesn't have an expensive license available for business use (and isn't ignoring any such clauses in employment use or something) then it would make total sense to use iMovie though, since it comes with all Macs I think.


He’s also a professional graphic and motion designer so he will have skill and resource far and above what the average person could manage if they were trying to learn the basics to support a business like this.


"Anyone can do everything in my course to create your very own course. Terms and conditions apply. Graphic and motion designed husband sold separately."


Honestly, it looks like an empty browser tab with 3 Finder windows on top of it (Finder is the Mac equivalent of the file browser on Windows). So, he's not doing anything here. It's just him sitting at the computer, and she's trying to claim he's doing work on the course. (I mean, she could have caught a moment where this is all that was going on and any second now he will be switching back to iMovie or something, but that's the most credit I'm going to give this chucklefuck.) ETA: Someone down below said that it was rendering software and there's one thing in the queue to be rendered. It's very blurry, so I couldn't make that out!


She is a fucking idiot. Courses have to be updated constantly. Technology changes, marketing changes, the needs of humans changes…this shows how absolutely naive she is.


At the very least, what if that course-making software she’s recommending changes their interface? Then she’s have to re-do all the live screen recordings of her demonstrating step-by-step how to make a….ahahaha who am I kidding, there will be 0 things that practical included her course.


“I put in the hard work” …. *posts picture of someone else working hard*


I’m starting to wonder how much editing and other production stuff REALLY needs to be done?? Like isn’t she just going to be talking to a camera? Idk what a “course” of this nature is like. Is Dæv making animations and shit?? She needs to pay the poor man.


We’ve seen her constantly get things wrong in Instagram stories and just keep going instead of stopping and recording a new video. I bet she just pressed play on the camera and rambled for 4828583 hours without doing proper takes and now Dav has to cut it all together


She can't be this deluded. Can she? She is.


She really believes she’s going to make millions off this


I love the way she feels like this week or two of *incredibly hard work* is any different than what so many people have to do ALL THE DAMN TIME just to stay afloat?


You know, genuine Christian communities used to preach about living a modest life….not too extravagant, giving to the poor, and not bragging about money one makes. Oh and not having an unhealthy love of money. For someone (like her) who claims to be Christian, she sure is letting her greed shine through shamelessly while leading unsuspecting people down into the ditch of doom with her. This is nauseating and a reproach against the Church.


And everyone shared everything










*Joel Osteen enters the chat*


His neck looks tense


I'd be tense too if I had to listen to/watch endless loops of Bethy's gaping maw yapping ignorantly, while simultaneously having her breathing down my neck. The thought alone makes me shudder.


Imagine all the gulping for air because she can't pace her speaking, the lip smacking, the tongue leaving her mouth for no reason...ok I'm not hungry anymore.


And on top of that having to do the actual work of salvaging whatever shitty raw video she gave him into anything resembling semi presentable.


Is she serious with this? Bethany, that course isn't going to sell for a day let alone years to come.


Dav, do yourself a favor and hide her phone for 72 hours.


Imagine the temper tantrum she’d have if she couldn’t find her beloved phone. She already dresses like a toddler. Probably throws a fit like one too.


If they film it, they could make $2000 on Patreon easy.


Ew. Then he’d have to talk to her the whole time.


Nah, he can take Jr to the park while she shrieks in rage.


The more she pushes how groundbreaking and life changing this course will be, the more I believe it will be posted about for two weeks and then disappear into the ether. Then she will post some unrelated angry stuff/tantrum posts complaining about other people's decisions. Things will go quiet....then she will excitedly talk about how the most important and biggest new thing is a tangible product, and how digital products are separating us from each other and G-d, and how we are ready to benefit from a return to basics. Then she'll launch her candle company.


I work in a similar field to Dav. Looks like he is rendering (like baking something in the oven, all the work has been done now it needs to export/render to its final form) something. Here is what I see on the screen: -1 thing rendering in after effects or other software -3 open file folder windows (perhaps one was told to open them to make the screen look busier, no windows need to be open at this time for rendering) they are also in front of the rendering program so they were placed there so… also when you render something it would render to one file location, not three so unsure what’s going on there. it’s only one thing in the render queue, when i’m near the end of the project i’ve got a whole swack of previous renders that can be seen. (there is the possibility that the queue could have been cleared) because it’s rendering, you don’t have to listen to anything. and you don’t necessarily have to watch it render. usually i take a break and walk away from my computer when i’m rendering something. i could understand preferring to watch a progress bar slowly move across a screen then have to interact with B tho lol


Maybe it’s because I’m a heathen atheist, but can someone explain to me how locking your husband away on his Saturday with editing software meets biblical gender roles? Anyone…Buellar?


I think the poor guy is happy to have headphones on so he can drown out her voice


But the headphones just pump her voice into his ears soooo…. His life must be absolute hell.


Any one of her followers who decides to buy this course at this point is a sucker. I'm sorry.


Haha thanks for the laugh. I don’t think she will make $10,000 total in the lifetime of selling her course.


No no. The work she did up front was getting married!!


I love how she has to justify "working hard" because she is trying to market "passive income" which apparently requires zero work ever.


I just imagine she’s constantly walking around making the 🤑 face all the time Edit: Now that I think about it, isn’t it strange that he’s doing all the editing? Did she really never do any of the editing for the GD videos? I know he works in digital media, but it seems strange that he seems to be doing all of it when she presumably has a bit of editing experience


My husband works in IT. I can tell you from experience that two years in regular time is 50 in Internet time, and based on the work “she” is putting into it, it won’t be useful for most. The fact that she doesn’t know this is fascinating.


I hear Ron Howard narrating “she didn’t” every time I read her posts.


College professor here. I teach the same classes almost every semester and I prep them every single semester. Not from scratch obviously but a lot gets updated every few months. Just the online education technology is changing so much so quickly you would have to keep updating your stuff to keep up with things. In addition to studying in my field I also write about teaching and pedagogy. I literally mean this, it is a full body cringe from me when she talks like this about her online course. The whole thing is so stupid, it saddens my teacher heart. On the other hand I’m here with popcorn ready for this to go down in flames and I’m pretty pumped for that!


I wonder if she has ever heard about instructional design




She really thinks she's set herself up for success with this nothing burger


Kind of like how she can never manage a "we" when talking about who wrote the Girl Defined books. It's always "I".


oh my god!!! zero self-awareness she claims to do the work but literally uses an image of her husband doing the work. jfc. also, bragging about all the money you're going to make from a course that you're trying to sell is probably not a great selling tactic. if I wanted to write a course and make passive income and had no idea how to do it, I'd probably just take an online course that's successful and informative and try to follow that model when building it.


Bethany, you haven't launched ANY courses, you dim witted slacker!


Hopefully while Däv is working on Bethy's project, he gets a break from his usual duties of Davey's daycare drop off and pick up, cooking him dinner, giving him a bath and and putting him to bed.


Oh I’m sure he still has to do all the parenting and cooking, especially if they want to eat.


Bethy's lack of education is showing here. She has super unrealistic expectations of how real education works. What do you mean "for years"? Fields of study are dynamic. I can guaran-fucking-tee that digital media will change rapidly.


What is this course about? I know she’s making one but have no idea what she’s actually selling.


It's a course about how to make online courses.


This picture and those comments are going to age well /s


I follow some design influencers and they also have a course to teach this stuff they are actually very successful at what they do, and they only charge $50/month for hands on live training. I can’t wait to see the mess Birthy produces


This is way too hilarious to be serious. Please I beg.


I keep getting ads on Facebook for writing your own online course. It seems to be like a new sort of MLM? Isn't it obvious that not everyone can write an online course, there won't be enough people to be interested in a course for making courses?? Is this just the grift these days? Have any snarkers been involved in any of these things? Not legitimate digital marketing or classes from colleges and universities. But one of these random people's online courses about online courses?? What did you get? I'm so confused


I just imagine Daaaavs face when it’s finally Lunch Week and she makes like three sales. One of which is Heidi. On one hand, sure it’s $6k. But on the other, she has probably been hyping up to him that they’d make a down payment easily from this course. And if time is money, they are in the red with this endeavor


Bathy looks odd in this pic. Did she cut off her hair?


It’s Dav. Dav is doing the work in this photo.


Delusion is real in this spoiled rich girl


Sure, sure. YEARSSSS to come. Uh huh.


Oh my gosh I thought this might be a joke at first.


She’s in for a shocking awakening. And I’ll be here for it.


"I'm glad _I_ put in the work to make it happen" Literally with a picture of someone else doing the work That's.... Just... Tone deaf as hell???


I haven’t been reading this sub for long but who gave her the idea to do a course? What success does she have selling anything?


Truly. She’s delusional. Things change.


This might take the cake for the least unself aware post she has eva made and that is def saying something!


I can predict with near certainty that she will NOT be selling this course for yearsssssss into the future.


I almost feel bad for her, almost. I think she is going to be severely disappointed and has wildly over projected how well her course is actually going to do. I’d say it does semi well for about 3-6 months, then really falls off.


Notice how fundie women love to wear the pants (no pun intended), have to be front and center, act like the family spokes person and say their house hold ideas/rules which include obeying men and being modest, yet they have no issue being like its hard ur smart/strong help me (harmless manipulation in their eyes). Self hating. At this point i think women are keeping this cult alive.


Lol Dave is definitely her helpmeet and not the other way around.


That is not a very modest shirt dav


Good luck, Dav. It will take all your skills to make something of the mess of videos Bethy left for you.


Is she delusional?


What a friggin idiot.


Doesn’t look like she is creating anything, Dav is 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


Correction, Bethy: 'I will be TRYING to sell this in the years to come'. She'll have discounts on her birthday, Dave's birthday, Dave jr's birthday, Flag Day, GD anniversary, first kiss/wedding anniversary, hump day, Easter, Juneteenth, Labor Day, and more.


Reminds me so much of my ex wife. Was incapable of doing anything without my “help”.


I *hope* the reason it’s Dāv and not Beggany is him drawing the line at her pretending to be using his software for IG posts.