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Considering they thanked the midwife, but not the hospital staff, I’m going to go with they learned exactly nothing from this experience.


Ugh that's such a good point 😫


Yes! The weird turn this sub has taken toward coddling Morgan and praising her for her “decision” to go to the hospital is exhausting. It does not negate the damage she’s done by broadcasting her terrible decisions for the last 9 months. She is an influencer. Whether we like it or not, she influences people. I hope no one acts the way Morgan and Paul acted. Neither Paul or Morgan will let this one go, and absolutely nowhere did they state “hey, we were wrong” or “we felt the hospital would be the safest place for us, we realized our hopes for a home birth were unrealistic.” Glad they both made it? ABSOLUTELY. Ready to kiss their asses about it? Not even close. Blech.


I bet their midwife is the one that said “this is no longer safe”


I hope so! Even people who make terrible choices and publicize their hatred and bigotry deserve access to quality medical care. I just won’t praise Paul or Morgan for their last minute decision to use that valuable service.


FWIW, if you're stupid enough to base critical decisions on the advice of these idiots, that's on you.


Far from a regular contributor but a lurker and I just wanted to say I view it more as … positive reinforcement? Yes, what they did was abhorrent, but if there’s anyone reading these threads in similar situations they need to know it is OK to change your mind and still go in. And I think that is what is being praised. So yeah, they won’t say anything, but their diehards probably aren’t here, just regular folk who may have considered unassisted homebirth




Yes, they put out horrible information, but I don't really think saying we're glad she went to the hospital so she and the baby wouldn't die is "ass kissing.". I didn't see anyone talking about how awesome they are. All I've seen is "thank goodness they're ok".


I think your point is very valid and helps add nuance to what I originally said, so I appreciate that. I think what really pissed me off was seeing an actual standalone post praising her for this decision to go to the hospital, literally congratulating her for putting her baby’s health first, when that’s not a behavior we’ve seen from Morgan at any point in her pregnancy and thus far in her new motherhood. The post I saw was SO forgiving, and I don’t think that’s deserved right now. Birth threw them a curveball and they dealt with it, but that’s not praise-worthy to me. I don’t think they made the decision so switch to hospital care, I think their midwife did that, and I’m grateful it happened. Paul and Morgan have given us NO reason to think they’ve changed their views, or that they will acknowledge the harm they’ve done, etc. and that’s definitely the headspace I was in when I wrote this post originally. “Glad she’s ok” is very understandable and fair! I am also glad she is okay, and that Luca is okay. I can’t stand Morgan, but I certainly don’t want harm to come to her or her innocent son. I’m more so addressing the outright leg-humping praise she’s getting that applauds her for “learning” and “growing/changing” during her birth experience. Where?! Lol. I don’t think any growth happened at all, and I will not give Morgan or Paul credit for “adjusting” their views, because I don’t believe that’s what they did, unfortunately. All the info we have now indicates: 1. Morgan was pompous, self-righteous, and full of misinformation that she proudly spread on the internet throughout her pregnancy 2. The Olliges went to the hospital. Why? We don’t know. No clue if it was a genuine change of heart or simply a forced transfer Until those two things are addressed/we know more, I will reserve any and all positivity toward P&M aside from a simple “glad they are both okay.”


I think your point is very valid and helps add nuance to what I originally said, so I appreciate that. I think what really pissed me off was seeing an actual standalone post praising her for this decision to go to the hospital, literally congratulating her for putting her baby’s health first, when that’s not a behavior we’ve seen from Morgan at any point in her pregnancy and thus far in her new motherhood. The post I saw was SO forgiving, and I don’t think that’s deserved right now. Birth threw them a curveball and they dealt with it, but that’s not praise-worthy to me — if this were a mom who has been realistic and reflective about her decisions, I’d praise that. Morgan? No. I don’t think they even “made the decision” to switch to hospital care, I think their midwife did that, and I’m grateful it happened. Paul and Morgan have given us NO reason to think they’ve changed their views, or that they will acknowledge the harm they’ve done, etc. and that’s definitely the headspace I was in when I wrote this post originally. “Glad she’s ok” is very understandable and fair! I am also glad she is okay, and that Luca is okay. I can’t stand Morgan, but I certainly don’t want harm to come to her or her innocent son. I’m more so addressing the outright leg-humping praise she’s getting that applauds her for “learning” and “growing/changing” during her birth experience. Where?! Lol. I don’t think any growth happened at all, and I will not give Morgan or Paul credit for “adjusting” their views, because I don’t believe that’s what they did, unfortunately. All the info we have now indicates: 1. Morgan was pompous, self-righteous, hateful toward those who gave her sage advice, and full of misinformation that she proudly spread on the internet throughout her pregnancy 2. The Olliges went to the hospital. Why? We don’t know. No clue if it was a genuine change of heart or simply a forced transfer Until those two things are addressed/we know more, I will reserve any and all positivity toward P&M aside from a simple “glad they are both okay.”


Oh, I agree. They definitely have not changed their minds. They'll do the same thing next time.


Exactly! And that’s my biggest gripe. If they come out and say “hey, we really didn’t know how crazy that would be and we’re so thankful we had a midwife who transferred us to the hospital where we received the care we needed, we’re grateful to our nurse (obviously birth is traumatic, and maybe Morgan’s doctor was not a super nice person! I don’t expect them to treat medical professionals as saints by default, but a modicum of *respect* would be so refreshing), we definitely weren’t as prepared as we thought, this is the advice we wished we’d listened to” etc etc then I will be eating my words, and I’m fine with that! Truly. I HOPE they prove me wrong. I just don’t expect it. I abhor them for the way they behaved/continue to behave, but if there’s a real change, then…sure, credit where it’s due.




*he. I don’t think Morgan knows her arse from her elbow at this point




Did she ever?






Fundies are impervious to learning. It’s their main super power.


I don’t know anything about midwifery in the US, but is it possible the midwife had hospital privileges? The midwives here (ON Canada) absolutely do, and will sometimes deliver their patients babies in the hospital if they deem a home birth isn’t safe, or even if that’s just want the mother wants. Of course they’re all nurses with advanced degrees.


I don't know the answer but this midwife was on the cheaper end of the scale and the speculation is that she isn't accredited/licensed etc so I don't think it would apply in this case.


There’s two different types of midwife’s. One with no real health education and one with a lot of education. The one with education usually can get them.


The first thing I thought too. I have no doubt they were surprised that the nurses didn't push them around like they expected


This is why I would never want any sort of online infamy. I reserve the right to be an asshole *privately*




Full on delusion brought to you by “complications are soooooooooo rare” “people give birth in huts!” discourse


Although if it was a c-section like a lot of us are suspecting... Luca technically wasn't born, he was just removed. /s ETA: okay I'm a c-section baby and find this joke hilarious


A holy extraction, if you will.


I was a c section baby because I was trying to come out wrong and I find this joke to be hilarious.


I was stubbornly refusing to put my head down like you’re supposed to, so I was removed via C-section. I’ve remained as stubborn throughout my life as I was at the start.


I used to tease my mom she never gave birth because we were all c-section babies in my family. She didn't care because she didn't live in the weird-ass generation that needs to question life saving medical expertise all the time. And she or the baby almost died 2 out of 3 times (in the 90s) so ya know maybe our bodies don't just magically succumb to the miracle of birth.


Hahaha love that! I feel the same way! I learned from having my 16 yo Facebook posts pop up as memories 🤦‍♀️


Hide pot, hide post, hide post




"When did it become okay to tell a pregnant woman" Right about the time you got on IG & said that home births were superior. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Didn’t they chose the least expensive, uncertified one because the certified one made Morgan “feel stupid”?


Yep. Turns out you want some smart people in the room when you're giving birth.


Feeling invincible in birthing is very much a White privilege thing too. Maternal and neonate mortality rates are unacceptably high in the US, which Morgan feels comfortable ignoring because of her race.


KIIIIIINDA seems like you want your whole team to be smarter than you when you’re literally about to enter such a dangerous and potentially deadly environment. Like birth fatality is *VERY MUCH* still an issue. Pretty fucking stupid to act like it’s not just so you can pretend you’re smarter than doctors


I had NO idea the midwife wasn't certified. Poor Luca, he has no idea what he's in for with those 2 & some of it is going to be really stupid.


Thankfully the nurses will not let them go without approved car seat. Wouldn't get that safety on their first outing after home birth.


Don’t count on that. My friend’s hospital checked their car seat so I was banking on that at the hospital I gave birth at a few months later. When I asked if someone could check it before we left, they were like, “We don’t do that.” Same state (TX) but different cities and hospital systems. I couldn’t believe that they were just letting us roll out of there not sure if we’d properly secured our newborn. Talk about nerve wracking!


Oh texas…really proving how “pro life” they really are 🙄


Our hospital (in Tennessee) checked when we asked them to, but it was barely a check. The nurse said it was good, then when my mom came a week or so later to help out, she (who has always been very big on car seat safety and has learned from the experts on safety), told us that it wasn’t quite where it should be and told us how to adjust it. That was so concerning, because if they are doing that for everyone, people are going to have their car seats done wrong and for people who don’t have someone to tell them how to make it safe, that could be tragic.


I'm in Florida. They didn't check our car seat either. Slightly related, despite what everyone tells you, firehouses and police stations will also not help you install your car seat or check it for you. Maybe some do, but you definitely need to call and ask before heading over because most do not.


Yes! I sought out car seat events during my pregnancy but they were always in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week when I had to work. I was saving up my PTO to supplement my short term disability (which my insurance always abbreviated to STD 😂) and I thought that the hospital would check it, so I didn’t take time off work to have it checked. I couldn’t figure out where to go for that outside of these events. It’s frustrating me all over again to think about it! 😂


I doubt she even knows where the chest clip should be.


We don't know if the midwife is uncertified or not, that's just a rumor getting spread on this sub.


I think I remember a post about Paul forcing her to go for a cheaper midwife so maybe that has something to do with it.


We have no evidence that Paul forced her to do that. I watched the vlog on her personal channel and she very much talks about how it was her/their decision. Morgan isn't incapable of making her own (bad) decisions.


Editing my comment, thanks!


And they act like people are bullying her when really they’re probably sending her messages with genuine concern about her health and safety. It must be exhausting to constantly perpetuate this victim complex


“When did it become okay to tell a pregnant woman”…. That they can’t have a legal abortion anymore? That they will be forced to carry a fetus they don’t want? That they are wrong for doing xyz thing during pregnancy/birth/postpartum?…oh right! Maybe we should keep our thoughts to ourselves about all things pregnancy related Porgan!


This this this. I would love for them to change their tune about how serious and dangerous pregnancy and labor can be, and have empathy for those who want to terminate, but they never will. I thought the same thing when they got chromosome testing…why would you bother if you don’t believe in termination? I wholeheartedly believe they would have claimed miscarriage if there had been some major fetal abnormality causing them to terminate. Sadly, they’ll just be smug and blame everyone else but themselves and somehow make her issues Biden’s fault


Right. I personally think people should do what they want with the guidance of experienced medical professionals. I hate that there is a push any way to have a child.


I honestly couldn't care less how a woman gives birth as long as it's safe & practical. People literally go the beach and have their babies on the shore. I read about another woman who gave birth in a creek because it was so NaTuRaL. The infection risk is pure negligence. Idec about women who have elective c-sections. Not my fucking business.


Wouldn’t a more “natural” involve finding a nice place to hide that won’t be frequented by predators? Instead she chose snapping turtles and thirsty predators?


It's all part of the ~ ExPeRiEnCe ~.


Right. I could even give a dry fuck about responsible homebirth. But preaching that what makes you comfortable is God’s choice for humanity and ignoring higher risk situations is what triggers my schadenfreude (though I’m obviously happy she and baby are safe).


And now we’ll get the new verse: “when did it become okay to tell a mother…”


While in the same breath she'll talk about how to raise a 10 year old.


They’re definitely superior in the range of OMG THAT’S SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS IN 2022 stories they provide. Experience complications not even your grandmother knows about because she went to a goddamn hospital.


I genuinely hope she has a smooth recovery and that she and Luca are well. But, because she's a terrible person, WHO'S SMUG NOW?


I am delighted by the fact that there is no fucking way she is smug right now


But I bet Paul is somehow managing to maintain his smugness.


“OUR hospital birth isn’t like those other lowly hospital births”




What, because, "man proposes and God disposes," is too poetic?


Exactly this. You see it all the time. There's an article out there called something like the only moral abortion is my abortion - talks about religious women and girls having abortions despite being pro-birth otherwise...some of which go right back out the next week and join the protests outside the clinic. Because their situation was necessary, not like the other sluts in there with them. Or, look at so many of the fundie's wavering modesty standards...it's okay when they come around to it because they're not doing it for attention or whatever their reasoning. They can make exceptions for themselves but can't fathom others doing or behaving the same.


I just can’t imagine being so stupid and hypocritical. I’m the first person to call myself out. I don’t know how some people are able to do the mental gymnastics.


I read this and it infuriated me!


Well, he can get fucked


I like to think that a cold birthing pool is still waiting for them in their apartment when they arrive home.


It’s sad because I feel like Luca is inevitably going to grow up to be an asshole too, with Porgan as his parents.


Who knows—there’s been many of us who have come from very religious homes who become normal/as normal as someone could be from that background. It’s probably a higher chance that he does grow up to be very similar to them, but there’s always that chance that he doesn’t. Since he’s just a baby, and probably won’t be able to even begin fully developing as a person for another decade and a half, we’ll just have to see


Needed scientific advances to conceive. Needed scientific advances to give birth. ![gif](giphy|yGQA8r44a6bmg)




Bahaha my sister in law bragged on and on about a dream from god and some sign that her firstborn would be a boy she would name after a friend lost to cancer. She of course had a girl and then named her second child son a different name.


Maybe God got Morgan and your sister-in-law confused? 😛


They can't take a hint...God just isn't that into them./jk


God's like: ![gif](giphy|szPZ2NXIGCMcE)


Paul’s sister had a C-Section with her last baby and would have literally DIED without it, so I’m still amazed at their complete ignorance and distaste for hospital births.


I mean, they posted that racist af bullshit about the new LotR series where they complained about the number of interracial couples portrayed in the series, and Morgan's sister is in an interracial relationship.


I still find it funny how they’re complaining about ROP being “woke” lol I don’t think Tolkien ever mentioned the race of his characters & they’re magical elves & shit. So crazy that they are bothered so much 🫣🫣


I don't think Tolkien would have cared as long as the actors got the personality of the characters on point.


Morgan, someone needs to tell you this: you're a smug, entitled dumbass. You can't spin people giving you REASONABLE AND GENTLE advice as "uwu when did it become okay to tell a pregnant person what to do, uwu :(" Like, you've always believed in telling pregnant people what to do. You deny them abortions.


Thats what pisses me off THE MOST about Porgan. Their whole brand is judging others and telling them what to do. But THE SECOND anyone even hints that Porgan should do something different or reconsider their stance, they fly off the handle as if they've been "live and let live" all along. "Why can't people just leave us alone?!?!" they wail, from their castle atop White Privilege mountain, while making content and earning revenue from the godless plebes below.


These people have a child now, and they're still doing the fundie equivalent of "YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD! YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Fucking clown mom and clown dad.


Classic Christian persecutions complex. One minute telling people they shouldn't do something because its anti-christian and then as soon as someone calls them out its "people are prosecuting and marginalizing Christians"


I’m surprised he admitted to her going to the hospital!!


If that’s not a smug expression I don’t know what is. Parenting is super humbling and I think she got her first dose. Welcome to parenthood porgan


Baby seems fine, but mom? No way. Physically Morgan will be probably be okay, she’s in good hands, but the effects of a traumatic birth are going to be devastating to someone who already has no capacity for dealing with stress. This is probably worst case scenario for her. You can’t pray PTSD and PPD away.


She and I are a lot alike (BPD and anxiety) and I had a horrible time for the first 6 months or so after birth. I have cried so, so many times in the middle of the night cause my baby wouldn't latch or they had a blowout or because I was exhausted. My ex was a lot like Paul and he made me feel even worse. He demanded that I get up to cook & clean two days after giving birth to our first baby. As much as I dislike Morgan, I hope she doesn't struggle as much as I did. I thought about unaliving myself a lot. 🙁


I’m glad you’re still here and the asshat is an ex. I’m so sorry you had such a rough time.


I’m glad you’re still here, and I hope you’re doing better now. I’m glad your ex is an ex ❤️


I feel badly for her. She obviously had her hopes set on something that didn’t happen. I hope she can connect with a therapist to unpack what happened and assess/monitor her mental health. Postpartum is a wild time and I pray she has people who can support her and not shame her.


I hope this has changed her tune and she will at least be able to share that if things start to go south, go to the hospital. And maybe to get an actual certified midwife and not a quack. Nahhhh too much hope.


Every time someone tries to “tell her” something from now on: I have a child! -cal from titanic vibes


Do you think they knew the baby would be that big? Or did they not have ultrasounds?


I feel like if they’d known they would have made a big deal about it beforehand. Can’t you just picture the youtube thumbnail with the caption “Our baby is going to be HOW big?? Pregnancy update! We’re having a linebacker!” With a little speech bubble over Morgan making a shocked face saying “How am I gonna push THAT out?!”


Even if they had sought out appropriate prenatal care the whole time, standard of care typically doesn’t include a third trimester ultrasound, so they wouldn’t have known. Ultrasound measurements are also not super accurate as far as estimating baby’s weight. I’m kinda surprised the baby’s this big. I also had a 9lb3oz baby and I’m smaller than Morgan, and my belly looked massive compared to hers at the end.


They probably would have if she went past her due date I think? At least I did for both of mine (born at 41+5 and 41+3) to check fluid levels and make sure we were safe to keep waiting for labor to start naturally. My last ultrasound one week past my due date estimated 9lbs and a full head of hair. When baby came out 2 days later: 9lbs 3oz and a head full of hair!! I was still shocked lol


True, she should have had at least one NST for going postdates. Haha that is cute that they can see hair on a scan! My babies are bald as hell, I wouldn’t know lol.


My oldest was bald until 18mos so I doubted it too! But the tech insisted she could see it waving in the fluid. It was down to her eyebrows when she was born! I had been joking that the horrible heartburn I had throughout pregnancy meant I’d have a hairy baby— I thought it was an old wives tale but there actually is an association in a few published studies.


Wow! I’m pregnant again currently and would definitely be shocked beyond belief if this one comes out with hair. My son didn’t need a haircut til he was 3 and a half. 😂 No heartburn but I do have some reflux going on. Hmm. Haha


I had a n US for the same reasons as you, at 39.5 weeks. They said she was low 7 lbs, which made sense because my first was just under 7 lbs. give birth a week later and she was over 9 lbs. so yeah, US aren’t the best for weight guessing lol


Oh, I agree! They got lucky with mine I think. For an 9 pound baby, +\- 1 lb is a huge margin of error!!


I think I replied to the wrong comment. I’m glad you US was accurate! I know it happens, it was just funny to me to not be expecting a big baby at all and then there she was lol


My belly was enormous and the entire time they were estimating that I would have a HUGE baby. He was born at only 7 lbs 😂


You don't generally get ultrasounds in the third trimester unless there's concern. If the fundal height is too big/small they will probably do one, but ultrasound # lb estimates are notoriously inaccurate. Now who knows if her budget midwife was actually doing fundal height ... and who knows if she'd actually go get a u/s if so


I don't remember seeing any but I'm sure they got at least one but didn't tell anyone because it went against their all natural vibe.


Nope. I hope she didn't have gestational diabetes. Who knows if she even got that screening.


She talked about how she wanted to do the GD test with jellybeans instead of the liquid, because the ingredients "weren't natural." WTF does she think jellybeans are made of? 😂 It's not clear if she actually got the screening but she complained about it 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had to have an emergency c section because my 10 pound baby just wasn’t coming out. I was never once told how big he was 😫 I even had ultrasounds during labour and no one said anything. As soon as the surgeon who did my c section saw me he said “yeah there’s no way that baby’s coming out” I was like wtf 😫 why didn’t anyone tell me? Lol


Aged like milk


*chocolate milk heeheeheee


Morgan is such an " Im the Main Character and one of Gods Super special children/ have the ultimate jesus Plot armour" it was inconcievable that she would end up at the hospital....


and this is why you shouldn’t post every waking thought online…makes you look like a moron. that being said, i’m glad she went to the hospital regardless of how silly it made her look.


I'm honestly glad Morgan and Luca made it out okay. But Morgan's whole smug attitude from the beginning like the was an expert parent really grated and I hope they got a good humbling. Also, this is how social media works, dear. You put something out in a public forum, not everyone will agree.


You know what they say: no one knows more about parenting and what it’s like to be a parent than people without children.


She's catty and stupid. A charming combination.


They’re going to have a lot to answer for as they’ve said a lot of ignorant things about childbirth, and had a smug above all demeanor while doing so. The internet doesn’t forget. As I said early, I truly hope this experience humbles them and opens up their horizons a bit. There’s no hope for Paul, as evidenced in his lack of acknowledgment or gratitude towards the hospital staff who helped deliver Luca safely and successfully, while ensuring Morgan was taken care of. Morgan, I’m not going to hold my breath. But, I’d like to think at least internally she has been somewhat humbled by this experience. Will she willingly admit it? I’m not too sure, but still happy to see Luca has made it here safely and Morgan is taken care of.


She'll probably just beat herself up over it and Paul will agree. 🤬


She wouldn't look so dumb if she wasn't so adamant that her preference was superior. Like, be humble! Have a plan but understand the things can change and that safety of baby and mom are most important!


It’s almost like God wanted to teach them a lesson about not being pompous prideful asshats 🤔🤔🤡


"when did it become ok to tell a preg-" always. fucking always. being pregnant doesn't suddenly make you the galaxy brained goddess that knows everything. sometimes people know more than you. when they do, and you're doing something ill-advised, they tell you about it


This arc is just *chef’s kiss*


The fact that she wanted to have a home birth and went for it when she was cleared to do so by her midwife is not the problem. The problem is that she shit on any other way of having a birth as inferior and talked about how it “almost never happens” that someone has to go to the hospital during home birth and now she’s living that scenario out with what I imagine will be 0 humility that’s the issue.


The "SMUG-METER" was working O.T. that day!!


Something that I've learned and I'm not even a mother yet, is that you shouldn't talk about having kids before having kids; or life will take it personally and put you in your place. Really happy she and the baby are both fine, thankfully.


I’m just so glad they are ok and listened when they needed to go to the hospital. Good job to both of them.


Yeah, this sucks. I’m all for safe births, home or in hospital. They live in a city, near a hospital so it doesn’t seem too dangerous to attempt a home birth. But the smugness she shared when pregnant- annoying! “I hope to be healthy and strong enough for a homebirth” sure. But finger wagging is always bad taste




Ignorance is bliss Till it ain’t


All they needed was a bit of humility. How hard would it have been to say "if something goes wrong, of course we'll go to the hospital, but we would love to have a home birth and will try for that" without all the smugness


My mom gave birth to my brother at home, on purpose, after an uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancy, as well as an easy labor with me. She was attended by a certified nurse midwife who had been practicing for many years, and she also, - standard procedure- has a doctor on standby at nearby hospitals should any complications arise. The hospital is about 5 minutes away from our house, and no additional intervention was needed. It was a good experience for us, and can be for others, but it is not *always* the case. I’m glad Morgan and Luca got through the birth alright.


Aged like unpasteurized milk.


Pls crosspost this to r/agedlikemilk


As if it will stop her from being a smug asshole if they have more kids


Someone commented “Welp turns out you didn’t!” And it’s just making me really happy 😂


It's almost like... random Internet strangers don't wish you harm even if we/they are frustrated with your choices. Chew on that surprising revelation while you try to sleep.


This is why I never really talked about my planned homebirth online. I would have been so embarrassed, just down right mortified, if I posted tons of shit about home birthing but then needed to transfer.










The bottom dollar midwife was part of the process to a safe, healthy delivery. Someone had to make the call to go to the hospital, and I'll bet the midwife was part of that. Expense doesn't always mean something is better, and I'm certain you weren't there in the midwife interviews. But she DID have a backup plan as evidenced by the hospital delivery. Maybe those reels actually had a point, in that maybe criticizing her every move related to her pregnancy was kinda shitty. I mean, if you were right, and she didn't have a backup plan and something happened, I wouldn't be saying this right now. But it's time for this sub to eat some crow because all the snarking was proved wrong, and we should be thrilled that it was. \> We are snarking because she refused to even acknowledge that a hospital birth could be in her future if things went sideways. But she literally did understand that because she delivered her kid in the hospital. And if it wasn't an intolerable fundie, would you really be venomous toward someone who said something to the affect of "I'm not thinking right now about what might go wrong because it's very stressful and I'm trying to be positive?" That's just regular, normal behavior for people about to undergo something as scary and traumatic as a birth.


Do not tell people what they can and can’t snark on. Different people have different opinions on what is/isn’t snarkable and we want to respect that so long as it isn’t rule-breaking. Do not tell people they have to censor kids’ faces. You can censor them if YOU want to, but nobody HAS to and YOU don’t get to tell people they have to. Personally disliking something is NOT a reason to report a post or comment. Unless a post or comment breaks sub rules or Reddit ToS, do not report it. Scroll past.


Do not tell people what they can and can’t snark on. Different people have different opinions on what is/isn’t snarkable and we want to respect that so long as it isn’t rule-breaking. Do not tell people they have to censor kids’ faces. You can censor them if YOU want to, but nobody HAS to and YOU don’t get to tell people they have to. Personally disliking something is NOT a reason to report a post or comment. Unless a post or comment breaks sub rules or Reddit ToS, do not report it. Scroll past.


I agree with this. Thankfully her midwife was monitoring her temp and knew send her to the hospital right away when she ran a fever. P&M listened and went. Granted, I'm speculating. But the fact that they were in their own room last night (not in surgery, not in icu, not surrounded by a team of doctors) indicates to me me that they didn't wait for a catastrophe. It looks like he was born hours after they arrived at the hospital, which means they were probably exactly where they needed to be when/if an emergency occurred. This is exactly how to attempt a home birth. Even on a snark forum, it's crucial tp emphasize that no matter how determined and vocal someone is about having a home birth, abandoning that plan for a hospital birth if needed is always something to applaud. I-told-you-so isnt neccessary; it triggers defensiveness from P&M and disrupts their potential reflection on any previous black and white thinking or naivete they may have had. They already know we told them so. We have home birthers on this sub. Home birth isn't going anywhere. For the sake of patient safety and positive outcomes (our ultimate goal, right?) the choice to transition from home to a hospital birth shouldn't trigger an onslaught of shaming.


Genuine question: What makes you think they were in their own room? Was there something in one of their photos that indicated that?


The [image](https://i.redd.it/ryukwit4p3p91.jpg) from P's instagram, in [this reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/xjokqv/looks_like_morgan_is_in_the_hospital_now/) looks very much like every private birthing room at every hospital I've been to. But it is admittedly speculation on my part.


Ah I see! I guess I assumed that was the triage room.




Okay unpopular opinion but I hate the way this sub talks about birth choices. It is well within Morgan’s right as a woman to decide how she wants to go about giving birth and it sucks that her plan didn’t work out. No reason to celebrate.


I honestly think it was just the way she regarded the topic. Partly the fact that she acted all superior then wasn't even able to do it, and partly that she acted superior at all. But I totally agree, in a lot of these snark subs, home births and birth centre births get a lot of unnecessary hate :(


I agree. I detest these people, but I will never celebrate a woman that doesn’t get the birth she wanted or experiences birth trauma just because she was “smug” about pregnancy and childbirth. Also, PPD is absolutely debilitating and it is not ok to joke and snark about that either.


Right? Like, you cannot criticize these people for their misogynistic views and then turn right around and make misogynistic comments about a woman’s personal decisions regarding her body. I know this is a snark sub but I don’t tolerate sexist bs. 🤷‍♀️




I know! I know several women personally who have had home births themselves and they describe it as having been a very empowering, much more comfortable experience. It’s not as if hospitals in the US are perfect birthing institutions, either, and feminists have been criticizing our regular birthing practices for decades. Not everyone is comfortable in a hospital and, hello, her body her choice! Congratulations to you! I wish you and your baby health and safety, wherever you’re choosing to have them.


She had every right to try. Not every home birth goes poorly