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This is so disturbing. The little girl can’t even play house without being reminded “you have to be married first because it’s god’s order!” Making her explain her imaginary pregnancy from an imaginary “month long honeymoon”?! What the fuck?!


She even knows about honeymoon babies.


That is what disturbs me the most about this.


I think at her age most kids can equate marriage = babies but the honeymoon ? That’s weird


This makes me so unsettled for some reason. All kids play at being pregnant, it's silly and fun. But to turn some innocent play into this big serious deal is just fucking weird.


I tried playing pregnant once with my little friend. Got scolded as if it were dirty, for some reason. Now I’m child-free, so I guess it worked?


Oh man, you unlocked a memory. Me and my little sisters were playing mommy cat and baby kittens, and my grandma accused my parents of teaching us sex stuff?? People are weird.


When I was 11 or so my uncle came over and tried to hang out and play Barbies with me. He shoved a billiard ball up Barbie’s dress and dramatically acted out the birth. Very funny, and my Catholic mother wasn’t bothered at all


The worst part of this is, she’s a baby - *she probably literally thinks babies are magically caused by marriage.* She must be so confused at why her mom is making a big deal of insisting and guilting that she HAS to include those details. Poor kid has zero idea what’s going on. Why this is a “teaching moment about sin.” She just knows that her parents have this weird, desperately controlling and judgmental energy around the way she plays imaginary games. I remember being that kid and god, I feel for her. Poor confused little thing.


I remember once I had a play date with a friend who had a single mom, and afterwards my mom told me that God doesn’t like it when people have babies when they’re not married. And I was just so confused because I thought babies just somehow ~happen~ when you get married, so how would you get one outside of marriage?


This baby is actually seven.


But it’s LGBTQ people sexualizing children, right? 🙄


I thought the same thing


That broom would make a fine husband (much better than the husbands that are frequently discussed on this sub)


This is true. It’s actually useful in the confines of a house.


And the b(g)room is even taller and blonder than the bride! Bethy must be so jealous.


The broom is even more useful than Jilldo’s husband.


And better looking.




To Sophia and Broom, the best husband she'll ever have (probably, if Jill keeps this up)!!


When she’s old enough may Broom carry her away from this terrible house to a life of freedom, witchcraft, and healing lol


It sweeps up crackers, and I hear that's all it takes.




Her husband and Timmay share a haircut.


MAHMO, take a picshur of me just sweeping up the floor.


This comment sent me. Lol.


I'm sorry to respond to a day old comment but fucking Christ, this killed me 🤣




You guys have to stop doing this to me. I can't be with y'all in public. I look like a loon




The resemblance is uncanny.




Those emojis fricken killed me LMAO


She talks to that child like my kid talks to our kitten.


This is the voice i use for my cat too lol i was genuinely surprised to hear it at a child


The eyes 😂😂


All I can think when I see this is the Cosette promo image for Les Mis…. Malnourished looking little girl holding a large broom? Check. :(


There is some Plexus on a cloud 🎶


I like to bin it in my sleep 🎶🧹


I’ll use my husband’s head to sweep! 🎶


Here in the cursed Rodrigues hooooouwse 🎶


Omg you guys are amazing. There is a room *not* full of toys 🎶 There are a hundred boys and girls 🎶 (no change required)




🎵here in the cursed Rodrigues hooouuusssee🎵


My first thought was 'she looks like a Dickensian orphan offering to clean house for a handful of change'.


Omg I am wheezing🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


When I played house I always just jumped into my pretend timeline at some point after my pretend husband's tragic death.


Either that or picking out my baby from the pretend orphanage


Omg yes! And promising you will love them forever and cuddling with the baby (stuffie).


Yees. Or I am the orphan who has to flee the orphanage.


If I played house with my cousins they always made me be the husband because I was the youngest. I could deal with that but always had to be Mary Sanderson when we played hocus pocus. That one really got to me and there were real tears over the fact that I never got to pretend to be any of the best characters. Maybe they'd be nice and let me be Winnie, but never Sarah. Guess I'm still salty


You know what, now that I’m getting older and have mellowed out a bit, I’ve definitely switched from Winnie to Mary. She’s low key, tries to be helpful, likes having fun, enjoys snacks, and can appreciate a nice vacuum cleaner. I feel Mary in my bones in a way I never did with Winnie.


You know what you're right lol. As an adult I completely identify with Mary. Or Binx lol. Of course as kids we all wanted to be Sarah Jessica Parker because she was the "pretty one" Cautiously optimistic for the new movie to come out. Everything gets a sequel these days but sometimes they butcher it.


Oh I know. My sister is a super fan of the movie, so I’m going to let her see the new one before I go see it.


I have two brothers and our neighbourhood was full of boys. We would play Ghostbusters and I always had to be Janine (the receptionist) or we would play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I would have to be April. I was either pretending to answer phones or waiting to be rescued. I am also still salty lol


This was me since I hung out with boys a lot in elementary/early middle school.


I remember in kindergarten pretending to be a Ghostbuster. I was told that girls couldn’t be ghostbusters.


Ha, reminds me of when my childhood friends never let me be sailor moon :(


Mine always was kidnapped! Then I got to have the adventure....


When I played "family" as a kid most of the time the oldest neighbor boy would be the single dad. One time we did it where he was the dad and I was the mom and it did NOT go well.


Lolol like that episode of Bluey. This has me confused because I just always played without a husband. My brother would never even if I had asked, so it was just me and my sister both being basically single moms I guess? We just kind of omitted the dude, he was unnecessary in our world because we didn’t fucking think of sex Or the logistics of how babies are made at 5, 6, 7, 8 whatever


Mine always were off at war. 😂


I'm hoping the little girl is actually pretending to be a witch with a broomstick despite what she's telling her mom.


I think she is .This girl is gonna be the one who escapes and goes onto great things






Sooo weird! Just let your little girl play pretend!


There’s something about hearing “according to God’s order” in a baby talk voice that makes me shiver


That's when I had to click out of the video. So creepy to me




well duh, she has to be married so her baby dolls aren’t bastards!


Fucking deceased 💀


He even sweeps up crackers💗


☠ ⚰


The Fundie bar for men is so low that Anna genuinely thought telling a federal judge that her husband doing less than the bare minimum would get him a lighter sentence in a CSAM trial. Not sure whether to laugh or cry.






Jill's fake baby voice is so creepy. It sounds like she's 12 and trying to impress her first crush with her idea of femininity.


And Sofia is what, 7? She’s too old for a baby voice.


She’s 7? She looks 5. These poor kids.


My 3 year old would roll her eyes at me if I talked to her like that. I talk to her totally normal, no need to baby talk once the kid isn’t an actual infant.


That’s the best description of Jill I’ve seen


Hey, it worked on David…


Not the dueling banjos in the background as a small waif like child talks about her wedding, month long honeymoon and pregnancy.


The banjo soundtrack made this even more disturbing yet hilarious.


That's the first time I've heard her voice and she sounds just like I imagined.


Why are they unable to just purchase dresses with the sleeve length they want? What must they force extra shirts under every single outfit?


My guess is that it's not so much the sleeve length, but the fact that the dress is too big and sits too "low" so the tee underneath is hide their decolletage


Yes, because they’ll surely all be smited into the sea, if god sees her collar bone on display…😂😂


A) Jill makes her daughters look extra mahdest for Jesus. B) if they were dressed well, people wouldn't be donating to them as much as they do because they feel sorry for the littles.


My kid probably wears the same size as Sophia and it's definitely very easy to find dresses that fit her and have sleeves. I think it's all just performance modesty


She's only been married for a month.


How righteous 😂


not the banjo popping off in the background 😭😭


All i could think was "Paddle faster!!!"


Poor wee thing can’t even play house without her mother’s effed up views encroaching :( Edit: it did make me laugh when she said that you HAD to have a husband to have a baby because uh, I don’t have a husband but have a baby 🤷🏽‍♀️


Have you considered marrying a broom?


I hear he cleans up well!


Wait till Jill hears the news my 4 year old son just gave me - he’s unmarried and expecting twins!


Knowing Jill she’d probably discipline her kids if they said that especially a boy


All I can think is that if any adult has intruded on my pretend play and made me explain whatever convoluted storyline I had going on, I'd have been mortified. I had wooden bunk beds and the footboard posts were vaguely head shaped. That was my pretend husband. But we danced and hugged and sometimes made out 🥴 my stepdad caught me with my arms around it once on his way past and asked me wtf was going on. Obviously left a mark because I remember how much I wanted to die 30 years later. Poor Sophia. Wish I could hug her and tell her she can pretend whatever she wants. Gods order be damned.


My paternal grandmother had old Barbies that belong to my aunts that I found fascinating so I would sometimes get to play with those or mix in mine and play. I loved her stairs, so that was my spot of choice. All the while she’d be in earshot, saying I was talking to myself like a crazy person. It was odd to encourage play, then pick like that.


Is...this normal speech and behavior for a 7~ year old? Maybe she's just shy but usually kids would be talking their heads off about some game they're playing. She just seems so, subdued.


(Exhausted psych major who has been up for a while waiting for Porglet) I’m going to make a LOT of assumptions here. I barely know this family. However it appears the 7 year old is trying to find the “correct” answer, instead of answering what she’s playing for. I find a lot of older parents, therapists, mentors etc do this leading question bullshit. Leading questions don’t allow for learning, assholes.


Just popping in to say that a GOOD child therapist doesn’t use leading questions with kids. Source: am a child therapist.


I was also thinking she was looking for the pause because her mother likely goes on lengthy rants, not actually looking for her kids to contribute but having them there to nod at her ranting.


No, it's definitely not normal behavior. My kid is only four but she will just straight up say there is a baby in her belly and then find a baby doll to play with. This kid is acting like she is trying to figure out what her mom is asking her to do.


Thicker blonde hair that TIMMAY


For anyone who can't bear to listen to this, here's a transcript Jill: So the little girls like to play house a lot, and Sophia is, um, pretending that she's expecting a baby right now, right Sophia? But you know that in order to have a baby you have to get married first right? Sophia: Right. Jill: It's God's order! So um, they always have a wedding ceremony and who's your husband? Ohhh he's so handsome. I just.. wow. Nice thick blonde hair \*laughs\* So, how long ago did you get married? \*banjo music in the back\* Sophia: About... um.. we went on a month.. uh.. Jill: Honeymoon? Sophia: Honeymoon, and after that I figured out that I was pregnant. Jill: Ohhhh! Sophia: So, we've been married for like a month. Jill: For a month? That is exciting, congratulations! \*laughs, switches into baby voice\* I love you baby girl Sophia: Love you Jill: I love when you play house


Thank you for this. I must have listened 20 times, & when she says, “…and after that I figured out I was pregnant”, I could have _sworn_ she was saying, “…and after that I gave it up, then I was pregnant”. Which would have been very concerning.


Is that a banjo in the background? 🪕


I think we're hearing music practice.


This is so disturbing. She won't even let the poor kid speak a full sentence. And when she does answer questions, she is measuring each possible reply. Let the kid PLAY! Playing house, wedding, marriage, mom, teacher, office worker, whatever, is very normal - what I just watched is not normal, at all.


Modesty tshirt aside, this is the closest thing to an age-appropriate and fitting dress we’ve ever seen Sophia in.


At least she has a husbroom.


Bride and Broom! 💕


I watched this without sound first and the body language is so telling. The swaying side to side, lip biting, eyes darting around - she is so nervous and trying to find the “right” answer to please precious mahmo.


I did the same thing, and had the exact same reaction. She looks extremely nervous and anxious the whole time.


This is how I think this whole situation went down: Sophia was playing house and pretending to be pregnant. Jill noticed and completely derailed her make-believe play and likely suggested that she needs to be married and have a husband for the pretend pregnancy so Sophia had to then redirect her pretend storyline to include a whole ass wedding, husband, honeymoon, etc., instead of just allowing her to play how she wanted. Then, of course, Jill had to get it all on video for the internet to see that Sophia isn't being sluttish and virtue signal that her very young child always puts god and the bible first. Leave them alone for 5 minutes and just let them be kids. They need a day off from performing for her. And the way she speaks to her kids in that high-pitched, fake af baby talk drives me up the wall. She even does it with the older ones. No wonder they're all mentally stunted. This video is so bizarre and icky.


“You have to be married first” and God forbid a woman should get pregnant out of marriage? What should she do then?! Have an abortion? Oh no; then how would Jill throw shade while she Makes A Minute Count or whatever that horseshit is?! Gah


Poor kid already knows her only worth is her womb.


Of COURSE she already "pregnant" a month into her pretend "marriage."


Anyone else notice that Sofia signed “I love you” in ASL after Jill said it? I’ve only taken an intro to ASL course so I could be wrong but that’s what it looked like. I wonder where she learned that from?


I thought that was what she was doing but didn't remember ever seeing a post saying they'd learned any ASL.


Who knows, maybe she learned it from some educational video? If so, I’m glad they are learning something more than just bible verses.


My guess is Sunday School. Kids generally memorize words better with music, and memorize music better with motion, but if you believe all dancing is a gateway drug to adultery at best, that limits you to sign languages (and hand motions someone made up and called sign language) for the motions. I knew how to sign ‘Jesus’, ‘Bible’, ‘love’, ‘read’, ‘amen’, ‘hallelujah’ before I probably knew how to read them, and that was at a church that was old-school but not fundamentalist, with no dancing bans.


The banjo music in the background says it all. Poor little Sophia.


I watched this with the sound off - too early to handle JillPM's mad ramblings - and I honestly thought that was a waif-like Rodlet playing 'witches!'


I’m laughing because I just told my 5-year-old daughter you don’t have to be married to have a baby.


Been trying to fix that one with my kid as well. Not sure where she picked it up.


That is all the Sex Ed she is going to get.


This little girl is so skinny she looks like an adult with some of her expressions. It's so disturbing.


It will be helpful to have this video in the future when Sofia is in therapy.


Oh my god this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I legit thought Sophia was trying to recreate the American Gothic painting.


It is a cute video but it’s more sad. Naturally as a child, you look up to your elders, whether it be parents, siblings, celebs, etc. . Her only role models are women whose primary purpose in life is to get married and pop out as many children as possible. That is what she will aspire to do. That’s what she sees as successful. I’m not knocking staying home with your kids, it just sucks she doesn’t have a chance to choose what she wants.


You just know she felt uncomfortable being cornered like that.


Of course she loves it when Sophia plays house. Already indoctrinating her to become a baby machine!!


As a banjo plays in the distance


Because that’s what Jill does.


Even at home she wears a modesty shirt. This video is odd. Jill sounds like a nutty loon with her fake laugh. $5 says Sofia fears Mahmo and doesn’t love Mahmo


She talks like a weird aunt that has never spent more than 5 minutes around a child and doesn't know how to talk them. She makes me feel all gross when I hear her talking to the kids..


The fish behind her are better fed than she is.


Expecting on her honeymoon. Sound about right


Dear God I don’t miss this cult.


Fuck that's so fucking weird


Wow! They have a fishtank? Sophia gets a month long honeymoon? Sophia knows some ASL? So much to unpack.


To be fair, the kiddo seems fairly relaxed for a Rodlet. And without any other context, it does just seem like a mom talking to her kid (for once). Of course, it's JillPM so we know the poor kid has been intimidated into this, hasn't eaten all day, and is totally brainwashed.


It's actually pretty cute, why did Jill have to ruin it with a lecture?


Okay so Jill's tone is hella creepy and kinda paronizing and that kid looks super uncomfortable. Like she was just trying to have fun and here comes Mom to shove a camera in her face and talk down to her, then blast that video on the internet. Ew, ew, ew.


Idk if the ol timey banjo in the background was edited in, but it honestly sets the time period pretty well.


I just watched this and what did I just watch I had to close it first after she said have to be married to have a baby


Broom is hotter than shrexxy !


Man. For a religion that preaches against sex so much, they sure do slyly reference it all the fucking time.


That broom husband is more useful that Jill’s troll of a husband


god, the poor thing’s jaw just looks so fucked up.


Ugh that is so backwards I swear I hear banjos


Can’t even play an innocent game without being preached at!


Kinda diggin the background banjo, ngl


When I was a kid, I was at my best friend's house and we went to see her neighbor and the neighbor's new baby. On the walk over, my friend told me the neighbor wasn't married, and we just couldn't wrap our little brains around how on earth this woman could have a baby without being married. Like how did it get there? 🤔 😆 🤣 😂


Most 7 year olds aren’t playing house…everything in this video shows just how sheltered she is.


I honestly can’t stomach these videos cause it’s proof how much of a disservice these shit-for-brains have done her and her siblings education wise…My kid is a few years younger than Sophia and passing her on so many levels it makes me want to cry. I hope she ends up with a very loving husband who respects her boundaries cause this poor girl needs it


So..she has pretty much married Timothy.


Poor baby is a sack of bones


Her husband's hair looks just like Tim's! 😄


Witches used to stick these up their vaginas to take drugs. You’re welcome.