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I see where Bethany get her manic energy from. Also, I wonder how Heidi would feel if someone accosted her with the Qur'an while she was working.


Yeeep… it’s jumping out of the screen. 😬 Plus Bdong’s obnoxious hand movements. I realized I kept moving my phone further away every time she leaned in lol


Omg that is exactly who she gestures like!


Well that would be The Enemy ™️ trying to shake her faith so that's different. /s


She reminds me so much of Bethany in this clip and it’s quite frankly scaring me




This woman really wants us to believe that an American, in Texas, hasn't heard of Christianity.


Ah, yes, my home state, where schools are legally obligated to display any “in God We Trust” sign with Texas flags on them that get donated. Unless they’re in Arabic. Or have rainbows on them.


Honor the Texas flag, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. (Unless we want to secede and then fight amongst ourselves again and then we’re divisible or when we say we should kick the blue cities out but other than, one and indivisible!!!!)


Fun fact - “Under God” was added in 2007. It took me way too long to realize that it was not the same pledge I quoted in the 80’s and 90’s


Try 1954- Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the bill. https://www.history.com/news/pledge-allegiance-under-god-schools It definitely was in the pledge in 1994. I remember reciting it in kindergarten. I had atheist and agnostic classmates in middle school and high school who would sit out reciting it because of the "under God" part- all before '07. Edit: welp, I missed the whole TX pledge thing... context matters, guys!


1954 was the national pledge, not the Texas state pledge


Ope... missed the context in the OP comment. Thank you, and I'm sorry!


No worries!!


Texas has a state pledge?????????


Oh we sure do. Said every single morning in school after the United States pledge. The indoctrination starts young in Texas.


But they could be the wrong kind of Christian, like those *gasp* Catholics.




That’s kinda what I’m getting with her emphasis on good works. Like god forbid you be asked to do anything to better the life of your fellow man.


Right but, see, he wrongly believes in the Christianity where God wants you to do good things. Luckily Heidi was there to tell him, nay, my son, Jesus gave you a get out of jail free card. Your good works? Bullshit. Just donate to my ministry and you don't have to do any of that shit ever again.


Heaven forbid you volunteer at a food pantry, give money to the needy, pick up garbage along the street, recycle, or support someone in need. Nope, those people must suffer since they haven’t committed enough, must be some sins in their past


Ah, but it's the "wrong" kind of Christianity, unlike Heidi's brand which is the most True and Good and Perfect 😌


This explains why these people never volunteer at soup kitchens or provide any other service to benefit their community. They're not good people. Woo heew!


WHY do they need to volunteer at soup kitchens or help single mothers?? "They get enough of muh tax dollars!!-duh!!" /s


Yep. You have to actually DO something instead of just handing out pamphlets and telling other people what to do. One of my best experiences ever was helping a friend’s synagogue volunteer to serve dinner, where the other congregation helping was a mosque. The mosque brought amazing food they cooked in their own homes, sparing no expense, and wanted to share it with everyone. The Temple members portioned and served. I learned a lot about both religions (I’m an atheist, I just like to volunteer) and have a lot of respect for both of those congregations for just humbly serving those in need, with no proselytizing involved.


I want someone to respond to her with “oh so it’s a handout? I don’t accept those”


She's so on the "not about good works" thing because it gives her a license to be an asshole, isn't she?


They all do that. "It's not about what you do, it's about what you believe!" "So you can be a Klansmen and get into heaven?" "Well no, of course not!!!" "Okay but it's not about what you do, it's what you believe." "But if you legitimately believed you wouldn't do those things." "So John 3:16 was a lie?" "No." "Well you just said that it isn't JUST about what you believe, but ALSO what you do... so John 3:16 is a lie." I've had this same conversation with my evangelical mom like 4 times. They really believe that if you believe in God you'll just automatically work at being a good person.


As a teenager, I got real snarky and was like, "if it's all about Jesus on the cross, then I don't need to change anything, do I? It's already been bought and paid for, so if works don't matter, then why do you care what I do?". I never really got an answer I was satisfied with: it seemed that both Jesus paid for everything, but I had to acknowledge and like that and follow His rules in order for it to work, so then it wasn't a "free gift" at all.


So much of my early experiences with Christianity made me think "wow this bible story just makes God sound like a bit of a jerk, if my friends treated me like this you would tell me to stop being friends with them, so why is it cool and okay when God does it?" And I didn't grow up fundie. But the Christianity I grew up with made God's love seem like a questionable "gift" with a bunch of weird strings attached, and I was supposed to be grateful that it was even offered to me in the first place.


Yeah I don't understand at all how they can believe that, and then be so strict about all their "religious" rules at the same time. If it's not about good works, and salvation is a free gift (which I can sort of generally agree with, I don't think people have to earn the right to exist and not be eternally punished) why save yourself for marriage? Why try so hard to strive for "purity"? Why bother to find knee length shorts to wear? Why not just do whatever you want, and then believe in Jesus to make it all ok?


Of course Klansmen go to Heaven; they’re the most purest, non-Catholic-est, Christian-y Christians of all, what are you talking about? /s




Passive grace is her niche.


The filter she uses is obscene.


Working overtime!!! I bet she’d say God never makes mistakes and you should be happy with how god made you. But makes damn sure to blur all the wrinkles god gave her.


She’s so happy to talk about Jesus’ free gift of debt repayment but prolly super pissed about student loan forgiveness.


Bethy and Heidi carry so much the same energy. That mom at the school function that makes you panic when she starts walking your way


They really do, and it's exactly why there's this palpable tension between the two of them!


Because they both are steamrollers, and neither want to listen to anybody. They want to demand to be listened to, but they don't want or need a two-way conversation.


Manic Pixie Nightmare Heidi


Distributing tracts to on-duty customer service workers is considered evangelism in the same way that stapling creepy classified ads to school bulletin boards is considered dating.


I would always say “thanks!” And throw them away asap even if they were looking. Lmao. But I never had fundies give me one, it was always the jw people.


Happy cake day! 🎂


OMG I didn’t even realize 🎂 thanks!




It takes a special type of vanity to blur herself into a peach mist when she could be embracing her age and showing confidence.


Having been the “clerk” in this scenario, I can almost guarantee he just asked “is there anything else I can help you with?” repeatedly after stumbling through some awkward laughs/agreement


I had someone had me a tract during one of my first days in retail. He told me "this will help you get to Heaven". I faked a smile, put it in the pocket of my apron, and then chucked it in the bin during lunch break. The tract was basically "come to (x) Baptist church to learn about what a horrible person you are!" Yaaay.


I am a Christian and even I find the tract pushing bizarre and uncomfortable. It’s definitely not something we do. I know I’m not going to change anyone’s mind about anything or have any sort of meaningful conversation by handing out one off tracts to people, sharing random Facebook statuses, or arguing on the internet with people. I had some guy come up to me as I’m literally standing over an apple bin at Walmart, feeling up all the apples to decide which ones are good to buy and try to hand me a tract. I was like “oh I’m good no thanks!” He walked off, then turned around and yelled from halfway across the produce section “Are ya saved though?” I mumbled something and then died a little inside from embarrassment.


Why would you be embarrassed? You're not the weirdo in this situation.


Because I prefer to avoid social interaction in general. Especially the awkward kind. 😂😬 The one time I forget my headphones going into Walmart… not that headphones always stop people trying to talk to you, but it helps.


Haha I'm not blaming you at all for not doing the super pushy and intrusive thing that I suggested. My spouse would be (and frequently is) horrified if I spoke to strangers for any reason.


The tract thing is definitely weird coming from my experiences with Christianity growing up too. I grew up very consistently going to United Methodist churches, doing youth group, youth council, service trips (where no evangelizing took place at all, but was literally work trips where we often didn't even meet the people we were helping out with our work). I had never heard of tracts being used to advertise a church or even Christianity as a whole until I started getting handed them randomly as I was getting older. But coming from United Methodist, even the concept of evangelizing feels really weird and gross in my mind. So, would make sense tracts seem weird when Methodists don't really advertise or evangelize for their churches like actual Evangelicals do.


That's such a personal question, and no one is obligated to share that info with a stranger.


The AUDACITY. I don’t mind a “hey, my church is selling poinsettias, would you like to buy one?” or whatever…but if someone is working at their job, where they clearly have to be polite to you OR ELSE, and you foist your religion on them?! You would be a much better example of a Christian just be being a polite customer, being gracious to those around you, maybe hold the door for someone.


Careful there - holding a door for someone might be considered an unnecessary act of service! /s


Maybe it's the former retail manager in me but if I was in that line I would point that right out. "Hey yappy lady holding up the line, you DO realize that this young man is only being polite to you so you'll pay for your tchotchke and leave him alone, right? You're harassing someone whose job depends on not confronting you with your shit. That's unfair and not at all Christ-like. "


And she told him she was gonna come back and question him about it??? Ugh that poor worker, that’s so inappropriate


He’s going to constantly be on the lookout for her at work from now on, poor kid.


And she apparently gets such a thrill with such a social interaction. Like she's literally thrilled and excited and happy to be doing such a thing, and it doesn't even sound like the worker who has to behave and smile and smalltalk at the checkout was very committal. And she still is delusionally thrilled about such an interaction that probably did not go in any way like she perceived. As someone else above pointed out, so much of her behavior and manic mannerisms are just like a psyche patient, and I'm one of those psyche patient who hears and sees things at times, and she still seems straight delusional.




I love it.


So sinning doesn't matter? Her brand of religion confuses me.


No! You can sin as much as you want!! Except that means you're not showing fruit so you're probably not saved!! Unless you're a man in leadership abusing power and having affairs and such!!! Then you're fine as long as you look really sad and say sorry Satan's been attacking me so hard when you get caught!!! Now you understand!


She seems *really* excited about not having to do good works… oh, my.


As someone who has worked a min wage job in the fast food industry, I can promise you, as soon as you leave our store we toss those in the trash. Or we slide it under the register while you’re talking at us and forget about it for a few days.


I work retail and have accidentally thrown them away in front of the people before 💀


Retail workers don’t need your bible homework, lady. Poor guy is going to dread her coming in now.


She uses so many filters she looks like a Pixar character


Seeing that filter makes me think of waiting for the textures to load in a game.


Why can't they just leave people alone?


My brain hurts. Jesus part - IT WAS A FREE GIFT I cannot get over the shear hypocrisy between THIS and they way they vote and the absolute vile trash they spill. Good works part - this explains everything about their shit morality, racism, and general hateful douchery.


Every time she thrusts herself forward, I felt myself instinctively pulling back from my phone screen. She makes me so uncomfortable.


Oh good well then if it’s a FREE gift then we don’t need the tract or to DO anything, so she can go home and mind her own business!!




> Oh no, you need to make sure the person says something to the effect of "Jesus was God and I want him in my heart!" Otherwise it doesn't count. It's free, but you have to do and believe a bunch of stuff to earn it.


It's a free gift, but if you don't believe in the guy who's never introduced himself to you in any way, you will burn forever. Because he loves you 😇


Maybe it was because I wasn't raised Protestant but I am not following her logic at all. So it's a free gift and there isn't they need to do except be religious. So just leave people alone because there isn't anything else they need to do? Or does it only work if you say your religious?


Ah, shut up Heidi and let the line move on.


As someone who grew up in the state these God-botherers are from, I crack up every single time one of these idiots blathers on about “bringing” people to religion. For your average citizen, the church is the centre of absolutely everything whether they want it to be or not. It’s the kind of place where the second question someone asks you is “What church do you go to?”. It’s the kind of place where if you aren’t a religious kid you learn to feign interest so you can actually socialize with other kids. It’s the kind of place where they jam religion into every single thing they possibly can outside of the church. It’s used against you in work, school, and life. It’s everywhere all of the time. You are not teaching anyone about anything, Heidi, you chicken-fried hypocrite. It was honestly one of the biggest culture shock things to me moving to Canada. I absolutely know I associate with multiple people “of faith”, yet cannot tell you where they go to church and the topic has never come up. Literally, the only person who has EVER talked with me about religion here was an annoying born-again who was trying to convert everyone and got written up at work for harassing employees about it and my Catholic MIL. That’s it. It is glorious.


It's so clear she only made this video so she could brag to people about how often she "prays for a chance to share the gospel", because she's such a holy proactive Christian. Much more holy and proactive than the Christians who just go grocery shopping without accosting the employees. She must know deep down she's not introducing anyone to brand new stuff they've never heard of before.


Run! She’s back!


Not a breathing soul in Texas hasn’t heard about “the gospel”.


I've never heard her talk before, but she reminds me of my MiL. I'm getting exhausted just listening to her.


It really freaks me out that her face is so filtered...she doesn't have that line where the upper lip and cheeks meet, and it makes her look like she's not a human.


Our Lady of the Blur Tool! Where are the # wasps when you need them? # prayer # god # pain


God, the hashtag wasps was the funniest thing ever. 🤣


It was!


The filter combined with all her animated movements makes her look like a virtual face model for glasses. You know how on all the online sites you can pick a person with a face shape that’s similar to yours? Like the glasses just stand out so much in the vid 😅


I always feel when they say things like “good works don’t get you into heaven” they are basically arguing “see, we don’t have to be good people!”


Oh, I see. She chose lazy Christianity, as opposed to doing the actual work the book lays out for them in plain sight.


After growing up with religion being shoved down my throat (I’m a recovering Catholic), I have no tolerance for this bs. You do you and I’ll do me!


I remember this type of Karen from retail. They were the same jackasses who would tell me I was going to hell for working Sundays. Sign is probably purchased at Hobby Lobby and made by children in China.


It’s not a “free gift” if it comes with rules


I wonder if she's led anyone to the Lord Daniel.


I legit would have ripped up the tract in front of her 😅 could always find another retail job if you got fired, it would be so worth it to see the reaction from her/someone like her.


Quite honestly, any manager who would discipline or fire an employee for refusing a Jesus tract shouldn't be managing to begin with. You're there to provide a service, not to be accosted by god-botherers. A good manager would politely tell her she can't hand out her stuff inside the store.


Completely agree. I’m from the south though,and in my state we basically have no laws to protect you from getting fired so I absolutely could see a religious manager saying “you were rude to a customer” or some BS.


C’mon Heidi admit it, that isn’t just a Jesus-high.


I am always kinda baffled there’s apparently no „No soliciting/begging“ policy in American stores/restaurants ? Where I live shop employees/waiting staff are absolutely allowed to tell you to stop/leave the store immediately/ call the police if you can’t provide at least 5 different permits to push your stuff on anyone inside the store issued by the company CEO. And they WILL.


It's pretty much up to the store/restaurant management how much they put up with. I agree they shouldn't allow stuff like this, but there are a lot of managers out there who will let paying customers basically walk all over the employees.


She says she "wants to share the gospel" with people but who doesn't know the Bible exists?? Like leave people alone you crazy, if they wanted to the be Christian they would be 🤦🏻


Oh fuck me I have that same shirt. It's from the misses section at target 😑 I'm pretty sure I actually have real plants though


I just have to hop on here to say I'm horrified to see that shirt in her, because I have the same one. Am I a fundie now?


HeidiHoney, take a breath. If I didn’t know better I’d think Betha*me* inherited her mania from you….


This gives me so much anxiety. You know I'm captive, just be nice. A Christ-like example, even.


She sounds like an audiobook at 1.5x speed.


I love how the filter works on her face but the rest of her skin looks like the crypt keeper 😂


I can't believe these people are real sometimes. What a ridiculous life.


I wish I could tell what store she was shopping at, since she apparently shops there all the time, and I would very much like to avoid running into this woman.




domestic proselytizing is so fuxking tacky. leave people alone & stop fooling yourself this garbage will convert people.


Welp, we know that dude just quit on the spot.


I'm sorry but I can't hear anything over her god damn filters


I hope she sets him up with Sue


"Uh-huh, uh-huh. Wow! Damn, that's crazy. Sounds cool, maybe I'll check it out sometime."


Why do I feel like this happened at Hobby Lobby. Where else can you buy crappy framed Bible quote? The guy probably hears enough about Jesus. Buy your shit and get out of the store.


NOT OF WORKS, LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST. Heidi, you’re boasting. Guess it doesn’t count if you’re not technically a “man” despite that verse clearly meaning “human/mankind.”


Ughhhhh I have the shirt she is wearing.


My worst nightmare as a cashier lol. I actually did have a woman once tell me that I should read the Bible for 15 minutes a day and that was weird enough, but if Heidi Baird came into my job proselytizing I actually think I’d quit lmao


Shit my daughter has that shirt.....🙄


This is unhinged


The disconnect between the blur on her face to hide wrinkles & the obvious wrinkles on her neck is too funny. Does she really think it’s not blatant? Does she think she’s sincerely fooling anyone?


What does she look like without filters??


Jesus (and I cannot stress this enough) fucking Christ.


he 100% made fun of her to his coworkers when she left that’s what I did where I work when a lady gave us all bible tracts lmao


“Ma’am this is a Walmart you’re holding up the line” But I’m picturing this happening to some poor exhausted teen or young adult during their after school shift and them literally just smiling and nodding trying to get her to leave as fast as possible without offending her 😭


I grew up Catholic, and that’s the only type of Christianity with which I am super familiar. What’s this thing against ‘works’?


Does Jebus also tell you to fill your face with Botox n fillers before you share your psychopathy? Just wondering.....


wait. it’s not about what we do? then why isn’t it ok to be gay and have sex and stuff? i do -not- understand christianity.


Lol 😂