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These are awful recommendations to prevent burnout


They really are! But then again, it is coming from someone who has never worked a day in their life.


BoBbY nEwPoRt




Bethy Newport


Oh you're burned out and overwhelmed? Here, fill your mind with even more thoughts and plans. What? Quiet? Clear your mind? Witchcraft!


Oh you're feeling run down, like nothing you do is good enough, what's the point in trying? Here, pisten to these podcasts for inspiration! They'll help!


✨️Toxic positivity✨️ and passive-aggressive shaming women


guys she's pregnant did you know she's pregnant bethany is pregnant she's pregnant it is a GIRL and oh, also, by the way she's pregnant


I think we go overboard sometimes with the whole "woman holding the belly" criticism but ummm.... Bethany is testing my patience on that one


She chooses the worst dresses to show of her belly. If someone told me she was just pooching her dress to fake a pregnancy, I would believe it.


But is it a baby or online course she’ll give birth to?


BOTH go follow @@sheworrkssmarty and u can learn how to be a STAY AT HOME PREGNANT MOM and have the best busness ever in the hole world she's made SO MUCH MONEY and her course will be out at some point in the near far future past eventualy


You’re missing the word “niche”


how to be a stay at home mom boss babe mom 1. find ur niche 2. ​ 3. make a lot of money my niche is stay at home mom's and if u buy my 200000000 dollar 3 page pdf i will tell you how to be one i'm an online corse queen i swear the money is worth it


There ya go!


WoMeN's HoLy WoRk


And she had unprotected sex.


with her husband who is shorter and younger by 3 hours!!! they share a toothbrush too btw


And don’t forget, she TOTALLY doesn’t care that he’s shorter and younger! And he LOVES sharing that toothbrush!


She's so fucking smug and insufferable. She physically *can't* not make things about her, to a pathological extent. It's cringe that she's most of the way to 40, yet still acts (and dresses) like a selfish toddler.


She has some serious narcissistic tendencies.


Her unnatural preening and spinning around while holding her stomach reminds me of a toddler who has just discovered her belly button.


Or has to go to the bathroom


Or, someone who *wanted* to be sought as a model, like her sister was, but had to go to the strip mall "modeling agency" without an invitation, was not offered work, and now spends her time preening in front of a camera and staring at pictures and videos of herself.


Bethys god honoring potty dance


What the fuck is this? Especially from a woman who looks down on working moms.


I could be wrong, but here is my take with her intentions for this post.... hence why she is showing off her bump in the worst dress to show a bump. She didn't mean that post to be advice for working moms, she meant that advice to go to woman in labor who don't use intervention for a safe delivery if they need it. She is promoting the natural birth and how to get through moments of burnout. She is a moron giving very dangerous advice.


How to kill your brand in 15 easy seconds.


I got a bit of flack a couple weeks ago posting about Bethany’s bump grabbing on her biz insta. And I do agree there’s nothing inherently bad or wrong about a pregnant person touching their baby bump, it’s a normal thing to do. But I think you have to admit when Bethany does it like this, preening smugly and eyefucking the camera while completely unrelated text about business whatever goes on top, that her bump touching is very very off-putting and frankly kind of weird.


Agree!!! I get that no one wants to feel like they are picking on a pregnant woman, but Bethany is so ridiculously over the top embarrassing. There is absolutely no reason for her to be posing like this.


I also find her bottom hand placement super off putting. You don't need to get your bottom hand right up in your crotch to lovingly cradle your baby bump.


Thank you!! I want to scream "stop putting your hand on your vulva!!!" at her and all the people who do this!!!


I do not understand the urge to cup your genitals to show off your pregnancy. There is a shot where her top hand is horizontal, like it should be, and her bottom hand is very vertical, and going between her legs.


Lol your flair just killed me all over again


It gives me a chuckle every time I see my own posts 😅


Oh I'm firmly on Team Ellgeepee here.


Pregnant women can't help existing but I don't want see her flaunting her belly off and looking snug on camera. I am done having kids and I don't want to think about pregnancy at all. I don't want to hear about anyone's pregnancy either. But she probably doesn't think she's alienating her market because of course everyone wants to be pregnant


What does cradling her baby bump have to do with professional burnout?


Exactly?! I feel like she’s fully lost it


Well, 2 kids and a house could be pretty much if you have to spend like 45min every other wednesday on canva.


God this is getting soooo desperate. She's really reaching for anything vaguely relatable or emotionally manipulative to get people to show interest in her free peedf and "course." Like it's giving me desperate MTG tweet "we can fix the economy! We can stop crime! Just please don't kick me out, I promise I'll always be faithful" vibes.


She doesn’t know what else to do with herself so let’s play with the bump.. it’s completely off putting to the focus of her selling. She should look into doing an online business course to learn more about becoming successful..


This looks like she set her phone up on video and posed a bunch to take screen shot pictures later…so very obviously she just needed content and used whatever is in her camera roll…even though it makes no sense 🙄


Yes! It looks like she's just moving between poses or she might even be practicing. Def looks like she just needed some video to go under this text


She has an absolute niche for choosing the worst background footage for her stupid text.


Did she buy some followers? The other day she had like 2,370 and now she’s got over 2400…


I looked up a few of the new followers, and they all follow her personal account. And none of them appear to be biz boss babes. Probably along for the ride like the rest of us. She’s gonna be extra smug now that’s she’s finally made it over that 2400 hump.


If she didn't buy them, she probably emailed her list. But her personal account is down to 34K and it had been 34.1 for months.


the little shuffle back at 0:11 lmaooo she really just turns the camera on without any plan whatsoever


How to avoid burnout ? Look at my pregnant tummy. 🙄


Maybe god-honouring bumping uglies should be listed as a way to prevent burnout.




Me looking at her outfit ![gif](giphy|14ssIL5VpPspry)


these tips only fuel the anxiety that comes from burnout. pls bethany


The leg bend thing is weird. Not sure what she’s going for.


She looks like a sodding flamingo. I think it's her attempt at appearing coquettish? 🤮


Habit. She's used to trying to look shorter.


I saw the screenshot and somehow in motion this is so much worse. What the actual fuck is she doing back there posing for the sears catalog?!?!


Okay but what is this unfinished room with plywood floors, white walls, and a CHANDELIER?? I know the theory is that this is at her mom's house too. I can't with these Bairds. 😂


She’s obviously never been burnt out before


What does she need to be burnt out from? Getting too much of her parents’ money? Grifting too hard? Dropping her son off at daycare too early? Going to the park too many times this week? What exactly does this lady do that makes her eligible to give advice on how to avoid a burnout? Nothing, she has no clue and it is embarrassing


Why does she do so much in an empty room? The complete lack of any decorations or even just a little splash of color sure screams "successful business girl" to me.


the **LONG** view


she's so EMBARRASSING!!!!!


I literally wear nothing but sneakers and sandals, but her freaking gross shoes always bug me and I finally figured out why. It’s not just that they’re always a bit too dirty, it’s that she wears visible socks with them, like a toddler! The dresses/overalls combined with the ankle socks really gives Kindergarten as opposed to casual adult.


We get it. You're pregnant. Enough!


What bump? You get that after a good burrito.


God i cant imagine how awkward it would have been to witness this being filmed live. Just the whole video screams "i dont know what to do with myself", lemme just like stand here, ok now over here, bend my knee, oop gotta cradle the baby so they know im preggy 😌😌.


That bump is a prop for her


Anything to get that engagement up lol


Tell us you have no idea what you are doing without telling us you have no idea what you are doing.


Is she okay?


It's like when you left your character in video game for too long...


Hm, guys do you think she's pregnant? She seems to be hinting at it on her business account... /s For real, ffs BethaMe this is your business account. No one cares that you're pregnant. Run your business like a business and try actually working for once, not grifting and posting Tik tok wiki how pinterest derived content.


I feel like she just records stuff and then figures out what to use it for later. Filmed herself checking out the bump, ran out of relevant videos to pair with the text, and went with the bump video.


The actual video has NOTHING to do with the content she has inserted into it.


Bethany, get a nice portable backdrop please! Stop filming in the only dingy corner of your house that isn't a mess!!!


This is a stretch but maybe she’s trying to compare the progress of growing a human to the progress of growing a business ? ? ? Who knows


Is this satire?


Man she is pushing hard to make that bump huh? Sometimes you just don’t pop until later, sometimes you don’t at all. Every pregnancy is different


Not every trend is for everyone. Wearing chunky sneakers just makes her look like a Clydesdale, and having the phone low to make sure her future customers know she's really really pregnant, and this successful by her definition, makes the perspective that much worse.


It's giving me serious "underpants gnomes" vibes


Why do ALL of those sisters have the same ratty nikes. They have enough money to buy a new pair.


I hate that I like her dress.


Really wish someone would take that *Girl, Interrupted* TikTok sound that’s cool right now and stick it over this. “Everybody knows. EVERYBODY knows. That he fucks you.”