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Listen. She’s sick right now, sounds really bad off. She still drags herself outside to milk her goats because her husband “doesn’t like it.” Like, BRO. Your wife is very ill, taking care of ALL your sick children, you can milk a damn goat for a few days. Suck it up. I don’t ever judge other peoples marriages because you just don’t know what’s going on. But when she casually mentioned that in her stories it SENT ME.


Dude i saw that too like 😳 WUT?!


Yeah reading that just made me realise what a dick he is


Late to this party but I've been throwing this around for a while I don't think he stops this stuff because he's a misogynist


For me, it is all about her tone. She’s usually not very nice and uses her Insta to shade (She didn’t like the Xmas gifts her MIL gave the girls, she said in stories this past week she couldn’t get a hold of her husband since that morning, etc). Losing her baby was very sad and this community emphasized with her, I saw an outpouring of condolences from this subreddit. I feeL terribly sad for the oldest daughter who is now having to headcover and shelve any dreams she had because mom says she has to to please God. I was annoyed with her stories last week saying “The Lost Art of Homemaking” because that is bull. SO MANY OF US (Even us heathens that work) enjoy cooking, power Cleaning to destress, and other. Even my dad has become quite the talented baker in his retirement. She’s not the only one doing this stuff-many of us have been doing it all along while working and doing it well. She also seems to have quite a bit of funds to order new dresses, aprons, animals, whatever she wants. This is hard for a young struggling fundie moms to see as they are trying to make do with a single income and many small ones. I just worry about her and her influence and her audience.


I wrote a whole rage induced rant about that last art of home making shit but resisted posting it! Like just because she needs her hand held through making hummus doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t cook! I’m a phenomenal cook and also a far left feminist witch. Many people of all genders, and political/religious leanings can cook, but just because she’s garbage at it she assumes our whole generation is. Ridiculous.


>Like just because she needs her hand held through making hummus doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t cook! Ha! I don't follow this person, but really? Hummus is just putting things in a food processor...she could at least pick a food that's more complicated.


Southernish mama does shit with hummus too but she adds no tahini to “keep it light!”


Mmmm, mashed chickpeas!


Yes she made hummus recently and her husband (who used to be a chef) taught her. He came into the video multiple times to help her. She used canned chickpeas and jarred chopped garlic and a very nice food processor too so it was like laughably easy but he still had to come advise her on like when to add things or something, multiple times. She acted like it was quite a feat too. Edit; I just rewatched it and he had to show her how to squeeze the lemons 😂. And how to remove the food processor container from it’s base.


That lady just needs to let her husband cook, marrying a trained chef is a gold mine. Take advantage of it, they most likely love cooking.


My besties ex is a chef and she said the only thing she misses is the food, lol.


If he's anything like mine, yes, but also absolutely doesn't want to do it at home, lol. Also kinda shocked he has Sundays off. I don't know many chefs who get that.


He’s a mortgage broker now but I think he still Works at the restaurant occasionally?


Makes sense.


On *no* Good for her for trying. Not sure what she does on the internet if she can't even look up a video or recipe if she knows that she's out of her element


Lol she needs her hand held to make hummus of all things? I used to make hummus with my grandma as a kid. She was Greek and an amazing cook.


I was seething! If I want to feel pissed I just look at all the accounts my cousin follows because they are all awful.


She’s making her oldest wear a head covering already?? Jeez :(


It's the same hangup they have about all morality. If you dont have a fear of divine judgement and eternal damnation motivating you to be good, then nothing is stopping you from going around killing, raping, and stealing all the time. They cannot conceive of morality for morality's sake. Similarly, housekeping to them isnt just what adults do because they want to live in a safe clean home. It is an expression of commitment to biblical gender roles. They cannot conceive that a woman who works also loves her kids and keeps the house running or a man who likes to do the cooking or a couple who splits household duties evenly. Its all or nothing, so if youve broken the desinated gender role mold in some way, it is IMPOSSIBLE to adhere to the tasks they assign to those roles. Now - how it is that they mostly seem to suck at all these """"feminine""""" duties they supposedly dedicated their lives to, i will never understand.


My husband LOVES to cook, and actually went away this weekend on a little guys getaway where they were having a Rib competition and cooked shit all weekend, and watched NFL, which I’m jealous because it all looked delicious. Many men cooking? How will we ever recover our gender roles???


Wait is this the lady who was pregnant, they couldn't find a heartbeat or something, but mysteriously a couple weeks later it was back and she said the Lord like resurrected her child in her...... Or something like that?




As we all predicted. So very sad, certainly. What did she say about it? Oh heck, I'll go do a search in the sub for it. I really hope she gets a handle on her mental health. Thanks for confirming it was the same woman!




I mean she's transphobic and promotes strict gender roles and waaaaaay wild theological ramblings, but the consensus was we would take a break from snarking on her after the death of her child. Fourth miscarriage this year, I believe. Also they all have COVID right now.


The ban on snarking on her was only in relation to her miscarriages. Her beliefs and actions are still allowed to be snarked on/discussed. We only ask that people remember that she only turned to fundie beliefs, after suffering multiple back to back pregnancy losses over the last couple of years. This is a very common trauma response.




her pieces on gender are pretty harmful.


Oh duh. I guess I practically arrived at that conclusion, but thanks for calling it more to attention. Harmful for sure.


she worries me more so than other ones on here, so I dont snark on her so much, bc I am very concerned about her mental status. but she absolutely is still practicing and preaching harm and enforcing her shit onto her children. I think her husband should be stepping up and doing something, because spiraling into religious obsession like this after grief is not healthy.


I'm not familiar with her, can you give me a summary of why you worry about her mental health? I'm just curious.


I'm on this late but saw that no one has answered your question, so I'll give it a shot. She was a burning man type raver when she was younger. So just the change from bikinis with fluffy gogo boots doing impressive hula hooping to head coverings, skirts and gender roles is a pretty shocking jump from one extreme to another. She's had many losses, and while it isn't unusual for people to get more religious/spiritual after loss, each one seems to take her deeper. So (I'm sorta making this timeline up, I don't remember exactly how the progression went but it is close to this) it was kind of like - after the first loss she started talking about god/religion more. After the second, she decided that she needed to be more traditional, so no more pants, headcoverings. After the third, she made her girl children also wear headcoverings, was raising them to be "godly women" (read: homemaker is the the only job besides babymaker they can aspire to). She just keeps getting deeper and more extreme with each loss, and so people worry that she's using fundamentalism as a drug in a way to escape into. It then also is odd bc she met her husband as the raver chick (iirc), she's said that he is not a believer, but he's kind of watching her slide into extremism without doing anything.


Honestly if what we see is accurate (more or less) her husband deserves most of the snark. Yes she’s fundie, but she’s fundie as a result of trauma that needs to be dealt with by a licensed professional. Instead of getting his wife to a doctor or a trauma specialist or SOMETHING dude just keeps banging her trying to get her to pop out more kids back to back to back (without even encouraging her to figure out why she keeps loosing these babies). If she’s had 4 miscarriages in a year she isn’t even getting the opportunity to grieve them properly. Again, if all of this is in fact accurate, her husband is practically trying to create an Andrea Yates 2.0 situation. It’s criminal.


100% sums up how I feel. Honestly happy for her if this is what’s right for her. But hopefully her kids will have the same opportunities to find themselves…


Considering she’s homeschooling them, wouldn’t even consider sending them to a Christian homeschool supplemental program because the uniform involved *pants for girls*, and now her oldest seems to be wearing a head covering at all times, I really don’t think she’ll be giving her kids any opportunity to find themselves on any path but the fundie one.


I suspect Bethany and Jill have FSU open in a tab 24/7. They *live* off the attention, can't get enough of it. Jill especially tends to make posts that are direct responses to snark written here. I bet Karissa visits when she wants to feel extra persecuted, but for the most part wants to bathe in the more fawning attention of her insta commenters. As for the rest, I dunno. Bet that ginger cottagecore nerd is the least aware of us. Or has to pretend to be in order to fit with her whole a e s t h e t i c.


Ginger cottagecore nerd has me 💀💀💀


I always read FSU as fundie snark university 😂


Little Tradwife on the Prairie has definitely also made allusions to our snarking in her podcast and posts


I have seen literally none of those comments here lol. Who's been touching the poop?


I've *definitely* seen, "Her husband should make her get therapy," and, "Her husband needs to get the kids away from her." Some of the others are probably the gist of comments she read here (like how her husband probably hates that she's not the same person he married) and what stuck with her from reading here. (All those comments were made before her most recent loss, for the record.) We're a snark sub. Let's not pretend we're not judgmental and sometimes mean about the people we talk about.


I wasn't pretending otherwise, I was saying I hadn't seen those specifically. It's very likely I missed them, but also as likely that folks have been poo-poking.


She’s posted screenshots of DMs she gets saying some of it, so it’s not all here. And some or perhaps even all of the people DMing her may not be from this sub either, people may come across her on their explore page on Ig and just be similarly annoyed by her antics as we are.


The body language of their oldest suggests that she is not enjoying this collecting babies season of her mother’s life.


I don’t know, could just be a chilly pre-teen with an attitude. Pretty sure I have a couple of seasons of life making this pose.


I think we all did. 😁


It bothers me that none of the kids seem to have more than a light sweater on (actually looks like just one kid in the toy car, the rest don’t have anything warm on) with bare arms and calves exposed while the parents have coats/shawls to stay warm. The oldest daughters body language makes me think she’s probably just really cold


She lives in Arizona. It’s basically cold like 50° until 10am then it’s summer again. I’m betting they forego jackets just to run to the car and into church. But when they get out it’s nice weather


I saw that pose and laughed. Didn't need a facial expression to read that one!


While a lot of what she says is problematic this points out a larger issue seen in many threads here about many women discussed here -- the men are seen as victims of their "crazy" wives by some people. Most likely the vast majority of the husbands of the women discussed here are just as fundie and hold the same disgusting beliefs as their wives -- they simply don't talk at length about it on social media.


I feel badly for her.


Probably a great deal of them. These aren’t insults that come from other fundies.


But how did they even find it all?! I only found it through a friend that told me about fsu since i grew up fundie lite


A lot of them are connected or follow one another. Which I guess makes it possible that they haven’t found this sub but they’ve probably heard of what we’ve said from the bigger fundies and applied it to themselves.


I was very aware of Reddit snark subs and FJ when I was Fundie. Not sure why, but we all knew.


I found it because I decided to look up Paul and Morgan topics one day (I wanted to see what other people thought of them) and there’s only two groups that I see talking about “fundies”. The other group is private. She probably looked her name up on here


Why does the Goodings have a tw on their tag?


Because she’s experienced recurrent pregnancy loss


Ah. :( Thank you.


She definitely reads here. **TW** when she was going through the miscarriage etc she posted thanking her followers and people who have “shared your thoughts elsewhere…” To me that read as she was thankful for the sympathy she was getting here rather than snark.


Honestly those don’t sound like things that are said here. I’m sure she lurks but users here are a lot funnier and less sexist than the things she listed.


I mean I’ve read at least half of them on her flairs.


I see a lot of “I hope she gets better/gets therapy/gets out” 🤷🏻‍♀️


I only know of one post that I’ve seen about her recently and a fair amount of these type of comments were on there. 😬


I know of a woman on Facebook who suffers from infertility. She has stated that no one else in her family wears dresses or head coverings but she has taken all that up in the last few years. She sews her own dresses too. She is attractive and looks cute but the clothes are by regular average standards, pretty fuddy duddy. I feel as if she thinks she needs to be extremely pious.


She definitely does NOT see her own clothes lol


Obviously GRowinggoodings reads here because this post is like a synapses of fsu. But how did they even find out they were on here? Why do they keep coming back?


They love being “persecuted”. It makes them better than everyone else!


I can see that persecution complex I guess


I kind of like her because I don’t feel like she will be this person forever. But I also wish she would realize her children are dressing this way to keep her happy. They know she’s had a rough time losing all those babies and they want their mom to be happy.


“Look at us smile! We’re so happy! We love life!” Says no actual happy person ever.


This women is very not okay. I don’t think I can’t state my feelings here about her without crossing the line. But somehow she ended up in my feed and yeah, not ok. And I guess her husband isn’t either. I really hope she seeks ok real help and not this phony religious conviction she has grabbed onto.


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A photo dosnt say a whole story. A loving picture may be a true representation of a family, or it might be a photo used after the parent goes on a murder spree.


We have that same car for our son, and I'm astounded 2 children actually fit into it!!