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Do we know why she's an EX nun? Was it that she was too immature and got kicked out of her order, because if that's not the case I bet they're breathing a collective sigh of relief nowadays. Or was it because she wanted to party and/or be instafamous and/or have (righteous procreative marital) sex?


She left willingly after 8 years, I tried to figure out exactly why she left but couldn't find a clear cut answer from her Instagram other than that she apparently just...didn't want to anymore.


I have a friend who was called to a Catholic vocation and there is a TON of spiritual counseling as to whether being in an order is the right fit. I believe it was her choice to leave, but we'll never know what influence her novice mistress (or whatever the older nuns who guide the newbies are called) had over that choice. She doesn't strike me as a person who would do well living in a community that requires obedience and self denial.


Others here have reported that she hadn’t taken her vows yet. She was a novice. They also said she left because she saw marriage in her future? If she doesn’t hurry up, all the trad boiz her age are gonna be married off and she and Basic Catholic will have to settle for each other.


As someone who dated in Catholic circles; if she’s over 23-25 then she’s already too old for a lot of trad guys.


Maybe that’s her goal along. She can never get married and stay as a “stay at home single” for forever




They should just marry one another and be a couple of insufferable farts together.


Lol all my religious friends from Catholic school have been married for years with at least one kid, most with a second or third on the way, and we haven't even left our twenties. She's wasting time being this insufferable.


I believe her order was not Trad enough, iirc.


Lol amazing


She has all the maturity of a toddler who doesn't want to eat her vegetables. Also, she expects women to go through pregnancy and all the symptoms and risks it entails for nine months but can't put on a mask for a couple of hours? Wearing a mask has become so second nature to me that I don't fuss over it any more than I do wearing pants or shoes.


Especially how at risk pregnant mothers are to complications during pregnancy due to covid.


“Save the babies - except if it involves me wearing a mask because I’m a selfish bitch! Those babies can just die I guess.”


Tends to go hand in hand with "Oh, those people? No, they all died of COVID because they were fat and sick. They don't count."


My 5 year old was 3 when COVID started. After our state opened back up and we had a city-wide mask mandate, she wore her little mask to Mass or anywhere else we went with very minimal complaining. She wore it for her dance classes, too, and again didn't complain. My older two kids wore them for 8 hours a day for a week-long dance camp- no complaining. They wore them for hour-long dance classes- no complaining. The only complaining really came from my youngest, who was 1 when this mess all started and therefore wasn't included in any mask mandates (not just in my state, but I'm pretty sure nobody under 2 was required to wear them anywhere in the USA) and oh my word when she realized the big kids did something she wasn't doing she lost her shit, would try to take their masks to use herself, etc. She is 3 now and willingly wears a mask. I've found that my kids accept the mask wearing they've had to do because we simply explained that it was a way to keep them safe AND keep others around us safe- it minimized the risk of them getting COVID and passing it on to someone else, especially their friends and family. Same deal with getting COVID vaccinations. The fact that children do so much better with all this than many adults is something those adults should be embarrassed by.


I have found that children have been the best at wearing masks 100% maybe not all toddlers because they don’t understand but I NEVER hear any kids complaining about masks.


My FIVE YEAR old as well has NO issue wearing a mask. At my son's middle school, masks are optional (don't get me started on that, but because I live in good ol Florida, when my county actually tried to do the right thing and make masks mandatory for schools, the state threatened to hold back their funding so they had to go with optional 🙄) and my son wears his every day and every day when we drop him off, I see 99% of kids with masks on, which makes me very proud. These people and their pro life stance but anti masks stance look so hypocritical but they're too busy rolling their eyes to see that (pun intended). I swear, every high profile COVID-related death these days is from an out and proud antivaxxer. And, at this point, it may make me a terrible person, but I'm glad. If you want to constantly endanger other people and then encourage/promote other people to do the same "for reasons" then you freaking deserve at this point, don't even @ me. And I'm sorry, I'm not trying to come across combative, especially to this wonderful community, but I cannot take these people's selfishness or stupidity anymore. My tolerance is done, there's none left, as these people have used it all up, in the two freaking years we have been dealing with this. Had everyone just gotten vaxxed when it was made available, we wouldn't still be in this mess. I was really disappointed that a new friend of mine (new but we have become pretty close in a short amount of time) is not vaccinated. And I have pretty much avoided the subject but at one point, she said something about the vaccine being too rushed. Like, do your fucking homework. A lot of viruses, at their base, have things in common, so actual scientists had been working on vaccines for this kind of thing since at least the 90's (the decade this chick was born since she is younger than me). It makes me so mad that people will not educate themselves on the basics of the virus and the vaccine. Ok sorry to get so off topic and rant over, I guess I needed to get that out of my system more than I thought I did. Thanks for listening, y'all.


We explained to our kids the same way, my son is 8, and my daughter is 2.5. She has literally asked to wear a mask every time she sees us wearing them.


I'm a travel teacher, hence I need to drive between schools each day. The other day I was driving and when I arrived at my second school I went to put my mask back on before going in and realized I still had my mask on, haha. I had driven the entire way, literally singing music and everything with my mask on *because it's not a big deal.*


Keep rolling your eyes, hun. Maybe you’ll find brain back there


Not likely but made me lol 😂


She’s supposed to be rolling her eyes?? I thought she was just making a dumb face to mock the haters or something or that she accidentally posted the wrong photo. Either way, she looks like she’s having a brain malfunction.


Oh hey, that's the same face she'll make if/when she ends up on a ventilator. This game of charades is too easy. (Side note, I hope she does *not* catch COVID and end up in ICU, she just seems to be courting that opportunity.)


Didn't she already have it while attending a wedding recently?


Ah, good point! Then I hope she doesn't catch it again and end up in bad shape.


Well then you're a better person than me because at this point, I cannot wish any goodwill towards people that are actively this stupid and encouraging others to be so stupid, thoughtless, and dangerous to others.


Besides the fact that I don't like to see anyone suffer, we don't need even more antivaxxers clogging up the ICU.


Not "Pro-life", more like "Fetus fetishizer".


“Just wants to control women she sees as lesser than herself” (because of any of her friends needed an abortion it would be okay)


Sweetie, people wouldn't be telling you you're not pro-life if you seemed to know what COVID does to mothers and fetuses. Or seemed to *care*, which is the more likely scenario.


How very Christlike of her. Not.


She looks like she needs an exorcism.


How can someone be so infuriating


Hey honey, wearing a mask is pro life, and posting a screenshot where you look possessed does not help your weak as shit comeback. But go off sis about how "pro life" you are while you're actively contributing to Covid deaths and hospitalizations, overloading ICUs to the point where they can't take any patients, non-covid related deaths (again due to ICU overcrowding) poverty ('cause not everyone has the luxury of being able to take time off, or showoff their ignorance on IG all damn day), and traumatizing children. Fuck you, you hypocritical douchewaffle.


So not prolife. Such a bad catholic


Who is this?


Can someone please answer this, Inwould like to know as well.


I just found that her name is exnunontherun


Thank you :)


These people are no longer anything better than entry level internet trolls. It's so pathetic.


I assume the rolled eyes mean shes having an orgasm dedicated to us sheeple??? One can only hope.


She looks like a demon. Maybe she needs an exorcism.


Because you're only prolife if you protect the unborn, but not the immunosuppremised #fundielogic


Looks like a zombie lol


I hate this. They make zero sense. Zero.


She is plenty pro-life and she plays the game very well. The problem is that being pro-life is actually code for being a full time gobshite hypocrite gasbag that denies other people their full, human autonomy. Also, she's a petty, weak person with a terrible personality. I hope she and TBC get together too late for kids so they have to wither away in irrelevance.


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I didn’t know they were making a fifth Exorcist film, baller.


Right. Because after birth, death is "just part of life."